• Published 29th Jan 2018
  • 5,053 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Hood - MorpheustheDream

Having had enough with Gotham and it's seemingly endless criminal underworld, Jason Todd, or as he's known amongst most as the Red Hood, decides to find his own city to protect. Even if it's a small one, he'll do whatever he can to protect it.

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Chapter 12


After the day it's been, both around the city and at Crystal Prep Academy what with the update on all of those missing people. To think that one of them was Shining's grandfather was a little surreal. Then again, a lot of people were affected by the news in some way. One thing I knew for certain though was that I would be there for him no matter what happened.

Shining did mention to me that he would likely be busy most of the day handing out the news to those affected, so he would be home long after I did. Which leads me to figuring out what I should make for us, or if we'll head out to eat when he does come home.

Several minutes later, I drove up into the driveway of our home. Is was a two-story house which was painted dark blue, with several bushes alongside the front, and a tree that stood at 15 feet tall. Pur house was in one of the nicer housing additions in the city of Canterlot. It was close enough to Twilight and Night's home where they could visit whenever they wanted, and it was a rather short drive for me and Shining to get to work respectively.

We had also been renovating the house as of recently as well, as I was pregnant at the moment with a baby girl. The baby bump was quite far along, as I was expected to deliver her in about 2 more months.

I remember when me and Shining broke the news to his parents. They were both so ecstatic, especially his mother as she proclaimed that she could finally have grandchildren she would be able to spoil. And Twilight Sparkle was happy to hear that she would be getting a younger cousin.

Entering the house after grabbing the mail, I took off my shoes and changed out of my work attire into something a little more relaxing and casual. As I changed into a white t-shirt and a pair of bright pink pajama bottoms, I started to go over what we had recieved in the mail.

Most of it was junk mail, business trying to get us to buy their products amongst other things. We had also recieved the Canterlot Star, the city's main newspaper. Mostly recalling what the other news stations had been talking about all day, amongst several other things happening in the city. Browsing through that, I saw that Canterlot High would be having their annual Winter Ball next month. I smiled a bit, planning on asking Celestia and Luna if they needed any help planning it, since I would be put on maternal leave to help deal with my pregnancy. It also made me wonder if Twilight had found anyone she would be going to the dance with, if she was going that is.

Putting the newspaper onto the coffee table in front of me, I grabbed the unmarked envelope that was with the rest of our mail. As I opened it up, the first thing that I saw was a rather large amount of cash, wrapped up and stuffed into the side of the envelope. Pulling it out, I began to realize that there was somewhere around several hundred dollars in my hands.

I frowned in slight concern, and pulled out the rest of the contents. There were several photographs, varying to single to group photos. I became somewhat scared when I saw the images were of me, my cousins Celestia and Luna, as well as photographs of my step-family. "What the hell?" I muttered to myself, fear slowly rising as I read the letter which was the last thing in the envelope.

Dear Captain Armor, if you are reading this, then you already know whats going on. We've tried several times to try and get through to you, but it never seems to work. Either with you never recieving these, or you are far too stubborn to accept it.

But this will be the last time we try to bring you in alongside the rest of the Canterlot Police. You'll find the usual deposit of cash, which, should you accept, will be followed by a bi-weekly deposit to help sate your needs. Also as a way to help entice you further, accepting this will guarantee the safety of you, your blood and extended family. Because if you refuse this time, well, let's just say it'll be quite unfortunate if there were to be an accident involving them.

Think of your younger sister, Twilight Sparkle. Such a vast amount of potential to grow older and help the world out in her own way. With her smarts, maybe she can help cure diseases. Maybe she'll develop some life-saving treatments to help those who need it. It would be a waste after all, if someone like hers were to be cut short. And let's not forget your wonderful wife and future child. Think of them when you make your decision.

You have until this weekend to give us an answer. And we'll know if you'll accept it or not.

As my hands began shaking, I stopped the letter onto the table and grabbed my phone, panickly trying to call Shining and tell him what's in front of me. I begged for him to pick up, and he eventually did after the third ring. "Hey sweetie. Do you need something?"

"Shiny, I need you here with me. How quickly can you come home?" I asked him, fear clearly evident in my voice. He could tell from over the phone, as his tone became serious and concerned.

"I can come home now if you need me too. Just have to call in and all that, but why do you ask?"

"Because I think someone is trying to bribe you. There's money from an envelope, and images of me and the others in our family as well. T-They also threatened me and your family too, including our unborn daughter." I could hear him swear from the speaker, as well as him rushing into his car. A few minutes later after staying on the phone with him, he finally got the go ahead to come home and told me he was on his way. Before he hung up, he told me that he had to talk to someone before he arrived home. He promised it wouldn't take long and that he was on his way now.

When I finally ended the call, I leaned back against the couch and wrapped myself up with a blanket as if it would help keep me safe as I waited for Shining to arrive.


I was back home after finally having gone back to school. Dick had gone back to Bludhaven earlier this morning after I arrived back home. I was still somewhat sore after yesterday, but it didn't really bother me as I focused on the assignments and homework I missed over the past couple of days.

Currently I was working on the history of the Europe, more specifically how it was as a whole affected by the first World War when my phone began to go off. I checked my normal one, only to see that it wasn't ringing. I then checked the one that was connected to my helmet which was sitting in the basement, alongside the rest of my equipment I had down there.

Picking it up and seeing that Captain Armor was calling, I answered the phone without fear of him knowing my real voice as this phone was modifying it to sound like how I would with the helmet on. As for how he got the number, I gave it to him so he would be able to get into contact with me better. "What do you need Captain?"

"I know this doesn't concern you, but from now on I'm not gonna be able to help you out with the case against Sombra. Well, not as much as I used to." He told me, and when I asked him why, he responded simply, "Because I'm being bribed, and this time I have to accept it. Normally I would say no, but they are threatening my family."

Ah, so that's why he had to stop. He kept on explaining that he wants to keep them safe, and how he would otherwise keep helping me when I interrupted him. "Then stop." That caught him off guard, as he asked me to repeat what I said. "Stop helping me then. Take the bribe, and keep your family safe. Besides, if everything goes according to plan, then you and everyone else inside the Police Department will be free to help me take down Sombra and his allies soon enough."

There was silence on the line for a few seconds, before he replied back to me. "Thank you for understanding Red Hood. And I hope whatever you have planned goes well." After that, the line went dead as he ended the call. I put the phone away, and went back to work on the assignments when I heard the front door open and close.

I lifted my head up and saw the red and yellow hair of Sunset entering the front room, as she took her boots off and dropping her back next to them. "Hey Sunset, how have you been?" The surprise on her face as she quickly turned her head to face me caused a small laugh to escape from me.

"Jason! Don't scare me like that." She closed the distance and wrapped me in a hug, visibly expressing her happiness to have me back. "And to answer your question, I've been doing great. Just got back a few minutes ago after giving Zatanna and Artemis a tour of my old home."

"Wait, as in the heroes Zatanna and Artemis? Why would you need to show them your old home?" I asked, raising my eyebrow as well. I knew exactly why, but I acted as if I didn't know that way she wouldn't be suspicious of me.

"Well, I suppose I can tell you since we've been friends for a while now." She sat down and turned to face me as I sat beside her. "I'm not exactly human."

"What, so your an alien like Martian Manhunter or something?" She laughed a bit, and shook her head in response.

"Not quite like that. You see, I'm from a different world, and the portal connecting the two places is at the base of the statue in front of Canterlot High." She explained to me, which made me fully curious as to what she looked like on the other side of the portal.

"Okay, so what's your true form? An animal of some sorts, like a bird?" She shook her head, and told me what she really was. "No, I'm actually a pony on the other side. A unicorn to be exact."

A small horse, and a creature that most people consider to be a myth. "So... your actually supposed to be about half as tall as you are right now?" The nod she gave me helped reinforce the image forming in my head of Sunset as a tiny unicorn. "Nah, nothing as cute as that could ever possibly exist."

"W-wha? But it's true! Heck, there's almost a pony version of everyone in this city over in Equestria, maybe even a version of you over there too!" As she spoke, it finally dawned on her that I inadvertently called her cute, causing her face to turn several shades of red. "Wait, did you just call me cute?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. What's it to you Pony Girl?" And I just found a new nickname for Sunset, right next to me calling her Sunny every now and then. I could also hear her audibly groan when I called her Pony Girl, as she tried to hide her face in embarrasment. I chuckled and messed with her hair, before she finally answered my question I gave to her.

"It's because I've rarely been called cute, amongst other things along those lines."

"Well, you are in my opinion. Now, what do you say you help me out with this stuff, and we'll go hang out for the rest of the day?"

Author's Note:

What's this? Another chapter this quickly? :pinkiegasp: Yes, it is.

Also, when I figured out I could work on chapters on my phone as well as my laptop was a moment of pure joy. Now I can work on my stories almost anywhere.