• Published 29th Jan 2018
  • 5,061 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Hood - MorpheustheDream

Having had enough with Gotham and it's seemingly endless criminal underworld, Jason Todd, or as he's known amongst most as the Red Hood, decides to find his own city to protect. Even if it's a small one, he'll do whatever he can to protect it.

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Chapter 2

Nearing Midnight, and the only people who are out at this time of night in Canterlot, or anyone anywhere to be honest, is either doing shady things, or they're on their way to work. Right now, we see Rarity Belle closing down the Carousel Boutique for the weekend. Being head designer and partial owner of the shop, she's tasked with making sure everything is turned off completely, and is locked up until the next day.

We now see Rarity turn away from the shop, and make her way home for the night to get some shut eye. She would need all she can get from all of the work that would be sure to come in the next couple of days. Rarity was walking through the center of Canterlot, where a monument to the city's founder, a woman named Faust, was. She has just passed by the monument, when she was roughly grabbed by a person from the shadowy depths of a nearby alley and pulled into it. She dropped her purse, when she was shoved up against the wall.

"If you wanna leave here unscathed pretty girl, then give me everything you have on you. Now." That was the voice of a grown man, which had Rarity fearing for her life.

The past couple of years have been bad for the city of Canterlot, as there was rumors of a mafia-like organization coming into power. And those rumors were seen as true months after they first popped up when those who spoke against the mafia were kidnapped, and were never seen again, except for a select few. What was found, or what remained made everyone fearful to go out at night where people were most vulnerable whenever one was out alone.

"O-Okay, just let me get my purse and I'll give you everything, okay?" She said with a frightened look in her eyes. The man before her nodded his head, and kicked the purse over to her, and let go of Rarity to aim his weapon up at her, in case she made any sudden movements. As Rarity was digging through her purse for her wallet, she jumped at the sound of a gunshot, fearing she was hit. Only to find out that she was experiencing no pain.

When she looked up, she saw the man holding his right hand with blood pouring out of a bullet wound, and his pistol down on the ground. She then looked up to see a person with a dark grey leather jacket with a tan bulletproof vest with a red bat on it, and cargo pants of the same color. He also wore black combat boots, and red and black fingerless gloves. And finally, the person had a blood red mask covering his entire face.

"I always did have a hatred towards criminals who go after young people. Especially kids." The man in the red mask dropped down onto the ground, as he aimed a pistol right at the criminal in front of Rarity.

The thug growled a bit and said "I don't care if you dislike what happens here. Just know that Sombra won't hesitate to have you be put out of your misery." The man stepped out of the shadows, and further towards the man holding his hand. Seeing who was in front of him, the thug's eyes widened and backed away. "Another Bat? Shit..." Rarity looked on in silence, heavily wondering if the man in the red mask would turn his gun on her once the thug was dealt with.

The man in the mask chuckled a bit, and said "Yeah, I'm part of Batman's little group. But you see, when push comes to shove, I can do things he's not willing to do. And right now, I'm feeling a little nice. I won't end your life here, but I will make you hurt like hell." After he said that, he pulled out a second pistol, and fired the whole clip into the thug, hitting him hard in several areas, and knocking him out with a final punch to the head.

As the thug fell to the ground, the man put his guns away and turned to Rarity, and helped her up off of the ground. "Sorry you had to see all of that."

Rarity calmed herself down to the point where she could speak clearly. "I-It's no problem darling. I suppose I should thank you for saving me."

The man nodded his head, then said "Thanks aren't necessary." He pulled out a spare pistol he had attached to his leg, and pulled out a clip with it as well, and handed it to Rarity. "Should any other criminal try and harm you, shoot them with this. It has rubber bullets, so you don't have to worry about killing anyone. And when you get home, just throw it away."

Rarity took the weapon hesitantly along with the pistol clip, then put it away inside her purse. "I suppose I could use it to protect myself. But may I have your name, so I can properly thank you?"

The man smiled underneath his mask, and said "The names Red Hood."

She smiled, glad to have a name to the man who saved her. "Well, Red Hood. If you're willing too, perhaps you could stay here in Canterlot to help make it a better place? Heavens know we need all the help we can get."

The Red Hood looked down at the unconscious thug, and then back at Rarity. "That's what I plan on doing. And do stay out of trouble, ma'am. Wouldn't want you to become a damsel in distress for me to save now, would we?"

Rarity laughed happily, then smiled and said "No, we wouldn't." The Red Hood nodded his head again, and walked back towards the wall in front of them as sirens were heard in the distance.

"Well then, have a safe trip home." And with that, the Red Hood fired a grappling hook onto the rooftop's edge, and flew up and out of sight.