• Published 29th Jan 2018
  • 5,061 Views, 79 Comments

The Red Hood - MorpheustheDream

Having had enough with Gotham and it's seemingly endless criminal underworld, Jason Todd, or as he's known amongst most as the Red Hood, decides to find his own city to protect. Even if it's a small one, he'll do whatever he can to protect it.

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Chapter 13


Thursday night, 7:00 pm. Three days since I 'returned from Gotham' and two days since Sunny returned from Equestria as she called it. Ever since she came back we've gotten rather close, well, closer than usual. Something tells me that she is slowly but surely falling for me, what with the extra attention she gives me when we're alone, the time she likes to snuggle up against me when we're relaxing at home, as well as a few other things. It could mean a multitude of things, but I try not to dwell on things like that right now. For all I know, she could be dealing with something that only effects other ponies like her.

Donning my fully repaired helmet and my usual leather jacket, combat boots and body armor as I patrolled the city of Canterlot, I went over every possible situation that may happen in my head when Sombra was finally taken down. Starting from how it begins, all the way to how it'll end. Knowing that Sombra is a meta-human did throw a wrench into things, but since I know of a way to deactivate it for a short time it'll take some time to modify some of my weapons to be able to harm him.

As for Tirek, there's nothing really special about him. From what I've seen and read up about him, he's nothing but pure muscle, and only listens to Sombra. If I can catch Barbara at the right time, she might be able to hack into Tirek's phone, allowing me to send messages to him as if I were Sombra myself. I'll have to make a mental note to contact her about that soon.

The biggest issue in my plans would be Chrysalis. With her being part of the city's government, it'll be difficult to connect her with anything involving Sombra. At most from what I can sort through the data and information I got from Sombra's computer, she's mostly involved when it comes to his financial dealings and information in the city. Right now, all that could be charged against her would be funding money to Sombra illegaly. But thankfully we have someone inside her own gang, the Changelings. If what Thorax says is to be believed, Chrysalis is very protective of those in her group.

Maybe I could have Tirek go after one of her changelings, sow some distrust between them. Of course, alerting the police to the potential attack that would come to have them arrested. Worst case scenario, they don't get their in time and I'm indirectly responsible for the death of someone. Best case scenario, Chrysalis leaves Sombra after learning of the attempted murder of one of her Changelings.

If that were to happen, it would make my job much easier when I finally took Sombra down. Speaking of Sombra, I've thought of several ways to beat him should I ever face him again in combat. Having taken note of his meta-human ability and how it reacted when I electrocuted him, I have some weapons in the basement of my house I've been working on. One of my spare knifes has been modified to allow me to have electricity flow through the metal. I also have a pair of pistols that I'm currently working on that'll let me use them as a normal firearm, as well as a need for a taser should I need it. Like on Sombra, for example.

I was taken out of my musings when I heard a cry for help below me. I stopped moving and peeked over the roof to see what was going on, when I saw a group of around four to five people surrounding a wounded man who had blue hair, and a teenage girl with pink hair. I couldn't get a good look at their faces from this angle, so I silently made my way down to them. Noting that the man was holding his gut as blood formed around his hand told me he was shot. Likely by one of the people in front of him. Even still, he was standing in front of the girl as if he was still trying to protect her.

"Cry for help all you want, no one's coming to help you. Your best shot is Red Hood, and he's likely across town dealing with some other punks." Said what I can assume to be the leader of the group. He had dark brown hair and dark blue skin, wearing a completely black pair of pants, gray sports shoes and a white t-shirt.

"Now we'll ask one last time. Give us everything you have, and you and pretty boy over there can leave without getting harmed more." And with that sentence, along with how the group was closing in on the two, I knew I had to intervene before anything else happened.

So I dropped down from my perch, landing in between them as the thugs stepped back, startled at my sudden appearance. Using that to my advantage I grabbed the closest thugs arm, and pulled him towards me before slamming my fist straight into the front of his face. The impact caused him to bend backwards into the air as a mixture of saliva and blood flew out of his face as he landed on the ground next to me, not moving as he laid their unconscious, the gun he was carrying before sat beside him.

The remaining thugs shook off their shock, and charged at me all at once. A smart decision on their part, but not one that would help them in the slightest. The first one to reach me swung a wild right hook towards me, which was one I easily ducked under and retaliated with a kick to the back of his leg causing him to stumble a few feet away. The next two to reach me tried to attack me at once, the one on my left going for my head, and the other trying to attack my chest with a pipe he had picked up off the ground. Leaning back to avoid the punch coming towards my head, I then kicked the other thug in the knee, pulling the pipe out of his hands and swinging it against the non-kneeling thug in front of me as a loud crack is heard, making him fall to the ground hard from the impact as he held his head in pain. I then swung the pipe back to the one I took it from while he was standing up again, hitting him in the chest as the wind was knocked out of him from the impact as I knocked him out too with a well placed fist into the side of his head. The one I kicked back a few feet ran back at me again, only I dodged to the side of his punch, placing the pipe against the back of his elbow and pushing it backwards until I heard a snap and his arm bending back the wrong way. As he cried out in pain, I knocked him off his feet, landing on his back as I smashed my fist against his face rendering him unconscious.

And all that was left was one final thug. Seeing the damage I did to his friends, he faltered in his soon to be attack, looked at his downed friends then back at me before turning tail and running out of the alley. He didn't get far, as I threw the pipe with perfect accuracy towards him. After hearing a thud come from him as he dropped down down to the ground with the pipe a foot or so ahead of him quickly after, I quickly turned around and saw the man who was shot sitting against the side of the building, as the girl was trying to help stop the bleeding.

And since I could getter a better look at them, I recognized the girl as Fluttershy quite easily now, especially since I see and speak to her at Canterlot High, plus with her being in Sunset's circle of friends. And the guy was Flash Sentry, someone I don't talk to much but see around Canterlot High quite a bit.

Quickly heading over to the two of them, I send out an APB throughout Canterlot City's emergency departments, only for the police and the paramedics. "Come on Shy, I'll be fine." I overhear Flash tell Fluttershy as I kneel next to them. I see her glance at me, before reverting her attention back to the bullet wound he received.

"That may be so, but you need medical attention quickly." She tells him, holding her hands against the spot where the blood was escaping from.

"No need to worry about that. The police and an ambulance are on their way to help out. From what I can see, the wound won't be fatal, and it's avoided anything that'll likely cause permanent damage." I tell the both of them, to which I can tell Fluttershy loosened her shoulders after hearing she won't be losing her friend. Flash let out a small chuckle before quickly returning to a groan of pain.

"See, I told you I'd be fine. Nothing to worry about." He told Fluttershy, keeping his eyes on her as they kept talking to make sure he stayed awake. Noting that I was no longer needed alongside the sounds of sirems getting closer, I fired my grappling hook up towards the building leaving the alley way.

As I got onto the roof, I overheard chatter on police communications thanks to my small back door into their system.

"All units please advise. We have reports of a robbery in progress at Sugarcube Corner. Suspect is reported to be armed and dangerous."

Well crime never sleeps as they say. And it looks like I know where I'm going next.


The damage Red Hood did to me was insignificant. The damage he did to my office was nothing more of an annoyance. The damage he's done to everything I have created though, is unforgivable. Ever since he's arrived in this city, he's done nothing but be a troublemaker to me and my businesses. And what's worse is that I've recieved word of their being a traitor amongst those I have under my employ. If it were one of my own, I would know about it rather quickly. Which means it's one of Chrysalis' pathetic Changelings.

During times like these, I have no need for traitors. I never had time for them. Those who did betray me always ended up dead. And this new one would as well. Whether by my own hand or someone else's.

As I stand in my office overlooking the city of Canterlot, my bloos red eyes wander about the city skyline, wondering where exactly Red Hood is right now. Knowing how him and the rest of the heroes of this world are, likely stopping whatever crimes are happening, which will likely end up involving one of my black market operations.

But what the Red Hood doesn't know is that I finally know who he is. Chrysalis came through and gave me the list I asked for. If you could call it a list, that is. It only had one name on it, alongside the rest of his file that was placed on my desk. By the end of tomorrow, all of Canterlot will know who it's vigilante is.