• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 690 Views, 30 Comments

Dragon's Rest - Megaskullmon

It's been a month since, my Journey came to an end. I'm still here with Lyra but...are we truly alone? Or are we waiting for the next shoe to drop?

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Chapter Eight: University search

It's now August 26th

Standing on top of the roof of one of the schools. Just watching the world go by hearing no cars no planes overhead. All I could see is nature. I don’t know why it felt so much better to me than hearing all kinds of sounds. Looking over the side see if the truck was still there. I had no idea why I was searching if it was still there. But I wasn’t the only one away from our home.

George took a new large truck we found and he will be going around some businesses and stores. I am tasked to go to the schools and find what we can. Lyra and Savannah are searching the airport.

We have talkies so we could keep in touch. I looked down at the car below I didn't find much yet I just went right to the roof. I heard the voices on the talkies. They wanted us to call in every 30 mins. It was my turn.

"Malla?" I heard on the talkie.

I lifted it speaking into it.

"I am here on top of western Michigan university college. I haven't searched for anything yet. Have any of you found anything?"

"George and Wanda found batteries. Lyra and I found uniforms we could use for later. But we are mostly looking for first-aid canned food that would last forever. I don't wish to use anything we have now. But I feel that you need to look through these schools Malla. I know it's hard for you I know you feel you might be alone."

"I am fine Savannah. I have been listening to Jenny she is telling those on the outside that we are searching for them. I feel it's a lost cause Savannah if we can't find a way to get the power back on. We will never find any new souls unless. Savannah. Send a message to Jenny to tell her this. Tell anyone who is listening to go to Woodland park nature preserve."

"Alright, Malla I will tell her."

I turned the battery-powered radio I had with me to listen to Jenny. I closed my eyes a bit as the music she had on ended. Her voice came over the radio.

"I have been given new instructions from our dragon leader. To those who are listening go to Woodland park nature preserve. They will be setting up a few tents there and one of us will be there now and then. So if you wish to be found go there. I am very sorry my friends I wish I could be of more help. But I sadly can't be with how this new world is. Now for more music for those that wish to be happy."

She started to play more Beatles music. I didn't know what to think but I did know I needed to look through the school. I looked down at the streets below. I had to do this I had to fly. I stood over the edge closing my eyes tightly for a moment and taking a deep breath. I lifted my talkie to my mouth holding the radio with my tail.

"I am going to try flying. If I don't answer back It means I crashed and I need you to come and get me."

"What?!" George yelled out. "Malla don't you could get badly hurt!!"

"I need to feel good about myself George I need to prove to everyone around me I am not a joke. I need to show that I can be strong for you guys I need to be strong. I can't just keep sitting in the background sobbing and crying. I need to be the leader you need me to be."

"Malla we don't laugh at you Lyra stop her." Yelled Savannah.

"Go ahead, Russell." I blinked hearing Lyra say my name again. "Russell the sweet kind dragon I met with such a soft heart. Please do what you feel you must. We can't stop you from proving yourself proving your worth my friend. Prove yourself and fly."

"Why didn't you stop her Lyra?!" Wanda sounded pretty upset in the talkie.

"We can't" Savannah interrupted Lyra before she could speak. "Lyra is right Malla needs this. She needs this more than she needs us right now. Malla is a creature that has instincts that are harder for us to understand than most. She wants to prove herself she wants to be there and strong for all of us. I don't feel bad for her for wanting that. But if she does get hurt it's her fault. We will be there to pick her up."

I stood over the edge hearing Luna's words in my mind again. 'Spread your wings take a deep breath and then when you jump you flap slowly. Make sure those muscles work. You won't fly easily at first. It takes time my friend. Now jump!"

I jumped off the edge opening my eyes and spreading my wings out further the wind helped me glide a bit I flapped my wings I could feel myself flying. Well falling with style most would say. I slowly made my way to the ground and well I crashed with a thump but I didn't get hurt nor did the talkie my phone and the radio. Of course, I got to say it did hurt my pride but did fly well fell with style. But it still felt like I flew.

"Well, I didn't fly that well," I said in the talkie. "I dropped to the ground with style."

Lyra laughed. "At least you didn't get hurt. Now do what you asked us to do and do your job Malla. We already found so much stuff. We found some heaters that will be useful for your private homes that will be built in the store."

I sighed. "Alright, I will see what I can find here. I do hope I can find something. Because it's a school what would be in a school?"

"Drugs?" Savannah pointed out. "Eh, how my school was."

I didn't wish to answer that but It would be my second time here. I had to get find a way to get on the roof somehow. I had a feeling maybe it's best to check every room to find things for a young one that would but that would mean going to a school for younger children. Still, maybe I would find something that would be worth it. Going back inside I was in the hall of the school. I could see nothing but lockers and many classes. It was a big place I have a feeling I would be here awhile.

The first class I found was art I spoke in the talkie. "Should we worry about looking for crafts and such for young little ones that come back?"

"I don't know really. I do feel if little ones do come back we have enough toys and such for them in the store. But if you want to then we should have you go from all the schools Malla even have you go to Delton and go to the school there." I blinked I heard the name Delton Kelloggs schools I closed my eyes and laughed softly in the talkie

"What's so funny?" George asked.

"I went to that school Savannah just said. It was an alright school I do hope I could find anything there. For now, though I think mostly what I will find in this school is memories of..." I went silent as I went into one of the classrooms I saw sleeping bags and blankets. Looking at it school sleepover for history class.

"Malla?" Lyra softly asked. "Everything okay?"

"These kids...when they return they will have no parents. No parents are to come and pick them up. How is this fair... to them? How is it." I took deep breaths trying to ignore the pain I felt in my brain. I couldn't control the feelings of depression and despair added to the dragon's anger. It made it harder for me to feel that I could do anything. I wanted to scream I wanted to roar in anger. Before any of that could happen I heard Lyra's Lyre playing softly on the talkie. I felt myself relaxing.

"Thank you, Lyra. Malla do you need us to come?" Wanda asked worriedly.

"No, I am fine. I am going to leave this room with a note for all the kids that come back." Noticing the chalkboard closing my eyes and sighing. I erased what was on there. Lifting the chalk and starting to wonder what I say to a bunch of kids. Slowly started to write on the chalkboard. 'You may have noticed that you changed into something that is not human. Don't worry you aren't alone. I used to be human as well but now I am a dragon. I know it's hard to swallow very hard to swallow. Whoever returns are ready for hardships but if you go to Woodland park nature preserve. You will find what you need there.'

I put the chalk back down looking at the class. So many missing children. I thought of Starla and it made me feel even worse. A young one so young changed. I do hope she and Chris are doing alright. I felt better after that. I didn't think there would be anything in this class that I would need. Maybe get to the metal shop to grab all the tools we might need.

"There ain't many things in a school that we could use. No heaters we could take but I am sure Of course this is a school for older children."

"I am sure you could find something Malla. Maybe go to the metal shop and see if you could find something there. Along with if they would have any canned food we could use." Savannah added.

I finally found my way to the metal shop. They sure had a lot of tools here that we could use. I found a large giant toolbox opening it up and checked what could be used. I didn't understand what a lot of these would be for. Lifting the box over my back using my wings to hold it. Of course, it was pretty heavy.

"Okay I got all the tools I will take them to the car and then go check the Cafeteria."

"Is it wise to have more tools?" Lyra asked.

"Oddly yes it is Lyra it's pretty easy to ruin tools trying to do what we need to do. Did you count the nails in that tool chest Malla?" Wanda asked.

"No I didn't but I am sure there is enough to build our little homes. I will head to the other schools after and will try to find what I can find with food. But then I will return to the." I finally get outside to the car placing the tool chest in the trailer. I looked at the other things I have gotten most of it is tools and canned food. This is not the first place I have been to I broke into an auto part shop and found most other things I feel we needed. It was Savannah that asked me to go into the schools next. So I felt maybe finding other places to go to. Maybe I should check the airport I doubt it would be wise to be together just in case.

"No one has found any issues they need a large dragon to help take care of?"

"Well, George and I are just looking through the doctor’s offices and hospitals for other doctors or meds and such. I doubt it would be wise if we could use your Malla. Since well if we find anyone they would be pretty scared of you. No offense to you of course."

I sighed nodding. I knew I would feel bad again. I am a large fire-breathing lizard known to eat and kidnap maidens to destroy knights in shining armor. Just the thought of it started to affect my mind again. They want to understand the want to be something else. Why did fate have to be so cruel to me? Why me why this why that? Anger started to fill me I didn't want to be around anyone right now. All I could think of was to close it and lose my mind. I couldn't think of it anymore. I had to yell I had to roar I had to release the anger.

I was in the halls close to the cafeteria I stood on my back feet in anger about to roar in anger. I had to fight it I felt my mind fighting my anger and my instincts. Instead of roaring I rushed to the lockers and started smashing myself into them crushing most of them with my large body. My talkie was still on and they heard me.

"M..." I couldn't hear them from the anger I felt after a while I broke the line of one set of lockers feeling my anger subside. Why did I get so angry? I moved away from the lockers looking away my eyes had tears streaming down it dropping to the floor. I didn't want to make a scene but I just did. With all the smashing I did I felt that I wouldn't be able to be looked at the same way again. The idea of it is all I can think of but that's the issue in the long run.

"Malla are you okay?" I heard Wanda's voice she sounded very worried. I groaned a bit My mind finally regained itself I looked at what I did. The lockers were destroyed and all the stuff that was in them was smashed. Why would some of this stuff even be in here?

"I am fine sorry about that the instincts of being female from Male are odd. I have these wants and needs that I haven't been able to fulfill and the idea of being a dragon's instincts hit me even more. I wish I could counter this but it's harder the most think it is."

Savannah chuckled.

"I see so you're in heat then?"

I sighed blushing deep red.

"Yes, I am that's why I wished to go alone so you didn't have to smell me. Lyra had to smell me on our trip. I am hoping that sooner or later I will beat it. I wish I could find a male dragon to enjoy my time with I doubt that would be wise to do. I could get eggs and I doubt we are ready for younglings."

"I think it's a bit too soon for younglings Malla we aren't even ready to take most of us. That's why I am asking us all to do these hunts in the city. Then we will be going to the other cities. I want to make sure to clean up what we can. Because if we don't we could lose our chance to find something that would be worth it." Savannah tried to say but all I could hear was my instincts screaming.

"Sorry, what did you say Savannah? My instincts are screaming at me to ease my burden but I will be fine. I will find a good pond and take a bath in it. I have no idea what I will do if there is no male around. I am sure I will find way's to fight this heat and then move on to being your leader and making you my founders of Dragons rest. But I doubt it's fully ready."

"Well I will have to leave myself so I won't be one of the founders, my dear friend. I will leave a recording behind so the ponies or folks you meet along the way will know who I am and why you stayed calm and I was able to make you happy long enough not to lose it, my dear friend."

"You two sounded like you had. relations." George blurted out.

"I AM MARRIED!!" Lyra yelled. "I am married to a wonderful mare that puts up with me. I mean I was there for her as a friend and a sister. I didn't do any of that with her how dare you think that I am not a floozy."

I laughed loudly.

"Be happy you're not near her George or she would give you what for. She did the same to me when I called her some pretty nasty things when we met. So be careful when you get back she is extremely loyal to this Bon Bon and it's amazing and cute that she is in love with her it makes me smile. I wish I could have that at the moment."

The others laugh so did George.

"Well, you can't blame me for thinking that can you? You two act like you have been together in that way many times."

I chuckled.

"Well before the end we did start sleeping in the same beds so I could keep her warm since I felt safer near her. I was getting more and more unsure about this change and losing more and more about myself. It started making me wonder if I would be able to handle being like this and I know I can't but I am trying."

Savannah sighed in the talkie.

"You have done better than most would my dear friend. You would have been able to help the rest of us get used to the fact that most of us would be lost without you. I would still be wondering if folks remember what I did during the wars George and Wanda would have crashed if you weren't there to stop us from crashing."

"Well, you did crash into me after all." I laughed. "It's amazing didn't feel anything but of course someday I might I doubt my scaled body could protect me from everything,"

"Wait Malla Jenny is talking to someone on the radio."

I blinked turning on my radio.

"Go ahead and speak sir."

The voice sighed. "I'm Dr. Ted Flake. I'm here alone."

"Do you remember what part of the state you're in?"

"I'm in Muskegon Hospital I was here late helping a lady give birth. Then a flash happens I ended up looking like a Minotaur. I.. the hospital is empty I wanted to try to leave myself. I can't find my keys I could try to find another one of the cars take my cell phone and meet any of you along the way. Thankfully I already had a Satellite phone and battery-powered radio here so I could learn."

I picked up my phone and called Jenny.

"I'm sorry to butt in Jenny tell him to go to Grand Rapids and tell him to meet me at John Ball zoo." I hang up the phone.

"Well, we can help you. If you could gather what you can from that hospital."

"I recommend that non of or even me used human medicine anymore. I will bring what I can in the food I could go stop at my place and get whatever else. If needed canned food."

"Of course now I warn you the one coming to see you is not a pony. She is a dragon."

Ted went silent for a moment.

"I should accept the fact of what we are. I won't be leaving the town for a while though. So tell your friend to come and get me. It might be a day or two before I call you back."

"Of course thank you for calling. I know it's going to be hard for you we are all here. If you need to keep in contact I will allow you to pick the music that we play."

Ted chuckled. "Do you have any Megadeth on you?"

"Oh, a man after my own heart."

"Thank you. Now I am going to listen while I do some searching."

"Take care to those who might be out there we know we are looking. A founding is about to start. It hasn't started yet it might not for a time. But we are all waiting. We will build that camp when we can. Now for our music. It will all Megadeth today."

The song started playing I sighed closing my eyes it's been so long since I heard this music. I could hear Lyra on the other side of the Talkie.

"This music sounds like it's so full of hate for the world." I never could get Lyra into the classics it kind of made me chuckle at how she acts like a mother from the 80s and 90s.

"I am on my last search then heading back home." I softly said in the talkie while I listened to music. I didn't know how to feel or what to think at the moment. The music just numbed my brain. It felt wonderful to me. I am very thankful I had a bag with me. I found a bunch of canned food I didn't wish to look at the names since well it's Cafeteria food and these canned foods could last forever. Now it's time to head home.

I walked out of the University placing the bag in the car. I sat there awhile closing my eyes turning off the music leaning back and thinking back on everything. I turned off the talkie and kept my Satellite phone on. So if they needed me they could get ahold of me. I remember that room of those poor kids that will wake up knowing they don't have any parents anymore at the moment.

I didn't need to lose my temper right now I am extremely relaxed. I didn't know how to feel though. Maybe someday I will learn again why this happens. It's getting silly that every time I think of why this happens, I will get even angrier when I learn the full truth. I hope Lyra is gone when we do learn. I don't want her to get hurt.

I felt sleep wanting to take me again for some reason. I slowly closed my eyes feeling sleep take me.