• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 690 Views, 30 Comments

Dragon's Rest - Megaskullmon

It's been a month since, my Journey came to an end. I'm still here with Lyra but...are we truly alone? Or are we waiting for the next shoe to drop?

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Chapter Twelve: September never ends

September 11th recording

Another month has passed what happened the days I never talked about? Well, Savannah and I talked about the connection we had back during that storm. We agreed to court each other we kiss. But we don’t allow it to get in the way and fully go into it till everything is ready and set up for Dragon’s rest.

Well it was oddly peaceful we start to search the bases for food and we found more MRE's and then we collected more rainwater. Our extra pony that I have learned was one of the rich ponies that did do what our bat friend said and we sent him on his way. He wasn't upset about it but he did say these words to us.

"When I find more of the rich of this town we will come back and force you to give it to us." That time I didn't know how he would do it later it wasn't a pleasant time for us. I feel that I should have stopped him as my bat friend told me to do. But I have no violent bone in my body and she was pretty angry at me for the last few days. There is more to this it is September 11th and this might be the only time I can do this.

I went on my own to the air force base and to the other bases days after we cleaned them out. I had flowers and knew that this day would still be in the hearts and minds of many. Even though some of the world is missing and some of the world that returns will remember this but the future will not. It's not a good thing that most won't remember but if we can stop the hate that rose so long ago maybe it would be a good thing.

All I did I didn't even speak and with music that our Dj was doing it made me feel I had to. She played a good song. A song that I loved. It sadly fits what happens to us and what happens on this day. Because all things are gone and we worked for all our lives. Nothing is left but if we remember what we brought for us then we need to remember what happens and this is away.

I had no right to salute but Savannah who was a former stood by me I wasn't alone she and I just came the others stayed behind. Because we wanted to get ready for winter. But the two of us I felt I needed to get this off my mind and keep myself from the fact I know that when the future does come we will never remember if we remember it will be an entirely new land. A new world has opened up but do we forget the old world and forget the pain that happens?

if we forget what happened in the past we know that the future will start becoming we dislike and the idea of disliking the future is never going to be easy for all of us. if we allowed ourselves to become human again in the words of humans we allow ourselves to have revenge. The reason I did this is that we allowed that pony to leave. To those that see the future recordings, you will understand why and it's why I did this part. I at first didn't want to because I felt it would be a bad idea. Because those who listen might not even be in this state. Those who understand might not even be here. How can we let them know what happen here? But I am getting ahead of myself.

I lowered a set of flowers I wish I could have done more. The fact that this was a day of the hardship of pain of even those that died. That we had another time like this. But instead of dying the world just vanished it is hard to argue with the fact that many that still live that have returned that would care about this. We have so much we have to do that it's hard to look back on the past. It's been 14 years since the day it happens.

"Malla I know you feel strongly about this but are you sure anyone is going to be around to care?" Savannah looked at me and I looked down at the flowers and I gave a weak smile. I know I am going to outlive her I am sure I know I am going to outlive anyone I see. Anyone I love I know deep in my heart deep in my soul that I will watch the world change and I will allow it to change without me when the time comes. I will do what a dragon does and get more and more of my hoard and allow the world to change.

"Well think of it this way Savannah most of us that have returned know what happen that day. In fact, you were even there. Do you think it's wise not to try to honor those that lost their lives that day granted it’s not many months after an event that made the entire world vanish."

Savannah didn't even argue with me she just had a gentle smile on her face. "All this from the dragon that seemed so angry so hateful of the world around her. I see more of you every day Malla and I am starting to understand more what Lyra sees in you. I do understand what you're saying. Maybe you're right even though we changed we are still human in our hearts and minds. if the future is going to be a good one we have to try to remember."

I gave a nod and we left no more words I took one back and then all I saw was if the future that is born would care. Maybe they will maybe they won't. Maybe this will be used to show how evil it was or maybe no one will even remember. Maybe it is a good thing maybe it is not. How am I to judge really? We shall move along with the world as the world is moving on without the human race.

Granted there is some returning already but is it enough to change the course of history? I can't be the one to tell you but we all know deep down I wish I could. I am sure many have this idea in their heart that can change the world one soul at a time.

Life is not going to be easy in the next few months. Winter is coming soon and things are bound to happen. Well eh, it’s how life is things happen things go crazy and then we all danced and sing about it like crazy people with beer.

Recording ends.