• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 690 Views, 30 Comments

Dragon's Rest - Megaskullmon

It's been a month since, my Journey came to an end. I'm still here with Lyra but...are we truly alone? Or are we waiting for the next shoe to drop?

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Intro: Welcome to Dragon's Rest

life always gives you a second chance. It's called tomorrow.
For a community. Needs to rebuild. To find and become Founders of new earth.

"Greetings I am Malla. I used to be human like you. I went on a journey from Buffalo, Wyoming to Battle Creek, Michigan. I wasn't alone though. I had a pony from another universe on the trip with me. I met another human known as Chris, a baby known as Starla and another known as Colgate. I welcome you here to Dragon's Rest."

At the moment Lyra is checking around the Battle Creek area. I gave her a map so she could try to find someone to become a leader. But it's getting harder for her to do so since we haven't been able to find anyone since we got here. It's starting to really bother her. She took her bags with her and said she would be fine.

I clicked the recording button again, having it playback to me. A sigh escaped my lips. I was sitting in the middle of the parking lot working this, I had found a lifetime supply of Dog food for Toby. Since he was around marking every thing that he has been for the past month. So i felt like doing the recording again.

" Greetings, I am Malla. I used to be human just like you, but I too have since lost my human body. Back during may 23rd something happen to us. I wish I could understand it myself. But I can't. But I have been trying to make due. Before i go, let me leave you with a few words of wisdom. I may no longer be human, but i have yet to stop being Human." I hit the replay to listen to my own words. I started to wonder when did I become such a poetic person? Is it having this happen to me or… My thoughts were cut off by a sound.

Behind me, i hear the crunching of leaves, the blair of an emergency siren, and the roar of a vehicle’s engine. Turning around quickly, I saw a large Ambulance coming right for me. I looked around the world felt like it was slowing down. Maybe it was my new dragon senses. I was hoping to find a way to stop them. All I could think of at the time, I was standing in of the emergency vehicle with the intent on being like Superman, or the Hulk.

I have a big feeling this is going to hurt. It crashed right into me causing me to slide along with it slowly. Then I realized I couldn't do this. But I did slow them down some. ‘Maybe they will find a way to stop,’ I thought as I jumped out of the way. I did slow it down some thanks to my large body mass...oww. I will feel that later. At least it had finally stopped.

I ran to the doors opening them up. I saw a strange dog like creature and a pony with wings. They couldn't walk so well when they got out. I leaned down to get to the height of the poor creature.

" Miss?" The mare opened her large eyes staring at me screaming.

Another voice spoke out, sounding more deeper, more male, from the cabin.

" Wanda? Are you okay?!" The dog creature walked, or at least tried to, over before he stopped. Then he just stood there, staring at me.

" Don't worry, it's alright.." I said. " I used to be human like you. Until I took an arrow to the Knee! I'm Malla now but I was known as Russell former male turned female dragon. Don't wish to go into it."

The mare chuckled before she spoke up in a soft gentle voice. "Ah, so a Mighty Dragon has been brought down by the lands of Skyrim? What has the world come to? Alas, without Alduin, i fear thy Thu’um no more! I'm Wanda...that's George. Wh...what day is it? I remember it was May 23rd 2:00 at night."

I sighed, I tried to keep up the humor, but it’s hard with those who recently have returned.

" It's now August 1st, 2015." The two looked at me with very scared eyes.

" My kids! My husband!!" Wanda yelled, trying to get to her hooves.

" I am sure they are not back either. Did you have anyone else with you?" I asked. George thought a moment before nodding.

" We did, a drug overdose. She was close to death. We had to strap her down, but she is an Iraq war vet."

I blinked they tried to save someone who had a drug overdose? George was kind of enough to unlock the back for me. I opened the doors, seeing in the back a zebra mare strapped to a stretcher. My eyes focused on the beauty of the creature. I don’t know why, but had a feeling I wanted to get close to her. Then she opened her mouth.

" Let me go now and I promise I won't kill you..." I sighed. ‘This is going to be a long day.’ Slowly, I went inside.

" Don't worry I am not going to hurt you. I am Malla." The zebra just stared at me. She had an angry sneer.

" I don't care who you are. Explain what happen now....I was human close to death and now I am healthy and ten times younger than I was." I sighed looking to the other two who are trying to walk then back to the beautiful mare. Now that I knew what she was like. I would have to be careful.

" I will tell you what i know. On May 23rd, the known world ended. But not by fire, radiation, or Natural disaster. But with the entire world population vanishing. I was turned into this. I met a pony from another universe, but she didn't tell me much. However, she did help me get here. But then I also met another like me named Chris who was turned into a mare. A baby foal that used to be human. Then another named Colgate."

" What's the date now?" The Zebra asked.

" August 1st."

The Zebra didn't cry or get upset. " Hmm...that means no one is alive to know the sin's I caused. What i did in the war, I'm Savannah. Let me go and I will be at your debt miss Malla."

I undone the bonds that kept her down. Of course I wasn’t expecting what she did next. She sat up quickly and with her hard hooves. Smacked my nose and both cheeks on my face. Then using the hooves to grab my face and toss me out on my back. Even though she had trouble walking she got out and smirked

" You're too slow... I shall teach you to defend yourself." She said with a smirk.I sighed rubbing my sore nose and my face after she used those hooves on me. I was going to think to myself I am either in love or scared to death.

" Well I will show you around. But let me teach you how to walk."

Now, like with me, it took them awhile. George got the hang of it pretty quick. Being this dog-like creature. Savannah got the hang of it as well. Wanda took her longer but she was able to do it.

" Now from my guess, you're a Pegasus Wanda. I have no idea what you are George. Also I know you are a Zebra Savannah. Anyway welcome to Dragon's Rest." The three looked at the large store and Savannah chuckled.

" I take it you must need to get power going again?" Looking to Savannah, I nodded. " That should be very simple." Savannah just simply walked into the store but before she did she leaned down to pet Toby, smiling at him. Then she just simply went inside. After a few moments, i looked back at the others. I just raised an eyebrow, wondering if they had any similar surprises.

" Well George and I are paramedics. That's all we would be good for now if we head back to the hospital. Now before George became a paramedic, he used to be a Drug tester and worked at Pharmacia & Upjohn. He has forgotten more about medicine then you and I could ever learn. So he could take my blood, your’s and Savannah's to see how medicines affect our new cells " George nodded.

" But to do that, we need to collect medical equipment from the hospital" He looked at the Ambulance, "Well Wanda ready to ride off again?" Wanda looked to her friend. A smile formed on her face and nodded. She looked back to me, waving her hoof and getting back into the very vehicle they arrived here in. Looking back at the recorder that somehow survived the entire thing, I picked it up and began to record.

" This is Malla, I'm here with three other former humans. Please know that you aren't alone. Come see us at the Meijer's and bring your skills." I looked at the other tape recorders i had nearby, I knew had more to record and it would take time. But for the moment? Things are looking up.

Listening to the recording again getting a bit of a sigh. This is getting tiring. I will try one more time on the first. " This is Malla, I have made a hub for survivors of the end. May 23rd the world ended not with fire or a bomb. But just simply lives vanishing. Some woke up on that day some seem to have lost many months. Us Michiganders have to stick together. Come and be welcomed at Dragon's rest or what is known as the Meijer’s located near the Kelloggs airfield.”

Listening to it back, I nodded, happy with how it turned out. Then redoing the same message again on another recording sighing this was going to get on my nerves but it needed to be done. One more move to finally being ready.