• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 690 Views, 30 Comments

Dragon's Rest - Megaskullmon

It's been a month since, my Journey came to an end. I'm still here with Lyra but...are we truly alone? Or are we waiting for the next shoe to drop?

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Chapter Two: The story of a man named George.

My story you ask? Why would you ask the story of a simple old man? Well not so simple anymore. Anyway, my life started pretty normal. I was born in 1959, I grew up in a pretty heavy conservative family you could say. But I wanted to be a drug tester. Of course to become one I had to do good in school. I didn't have many friends. I focused only on school. Being born in Kalamazoo you would think it would be harder to get a good job there. Well around when I grew up it was. But first I focused on my schooling. But even so, schooling never came easy. We would ignore first grade to second grade and so on. But the best grade's for me were close to 6th

But I made sure I got what I could. During my schooling, I ignored the world around me. I didn't learn about music or even cared about it. I wished to be a drug tester. I wanted to help make the medicines that would save the sick. Of course, I had to go through medical school. But first I needed to learn the skills through normal schools. Of course, when I got into 6th grade I started feeling that I didn't need to work hard enough to become what I wished. In the other grade's I was a model student. I got amazing grades Close to almost all A's in math and the others. But what I struggled with was history.

But of course, I felt I didn't need it. Of course, this being the 60's I didn't sign up for the army. I didn't wish to be part of that. With me, I wanted to protect life not end it. But of course, most of my friends didn't get very lucky. But thanks to one issue I had. I had very awful mental attacks. The attacks happen from stress but I was able to control it after some work. But it still became harder for me.

But using this health issue made me want to help make the world of Medicine a better place. But of course, I didn't understand at the time there is a lot to this. I was young and didn't know how some of the politics and money went into making things like this. It was a dream of mine to become someone that could help everyone. Then nam happen the movement of make love not war happens. I fell into it.

I made friends and started doing things I never would have when I first started. Of course, this was the 60's. Around this time people only wished to party and do drugs. So I had become a hippie wishing to just party, do drugs, and well destroy my life. I went to Woodstock so we could be cool man. But instead, I destroyed my life. I did all the drugs I could make my issue worse.

I even did most stupid Donkey doo to yell make love, not war. So I did that I made love with many women. I'm sure I have some children out there from this moment in my life. So I was very stupid in this matter. It got to the point. That I had to go through a lot of fixing in my life. It's not going to be pleasant for me to say the least. But I do hope that someday I will be able to fix my life as I said to myself.

So I tried my best to clean my life but of course, I was Just forced back in by my friends. Love and peace dude was the way. I was like this for a few months. I got very sick the last few time's from all the drugs. I was even kicked out of school because of what happened. Of course, I didn't tell my parents I always sneaked out trying to make it look like I was at school.

Then when my grades started coming in it was all D's and F's. Then it said that in a note I was removed from school for using drugs. So My family of course looked down on me when I came home and they saw how my grades fell and my mother being the nice woman that she is.

" George D Morgan you have almost failed in everything. Do you wish to amount to anything?!" She screamed like a mad woman. Of course, being the smooth man I was I had a retort.

" But dude I'm amounting to so much. I'm going against the man mom. To bring back the army from the war." Of course, my mother didn't take kindly to how I worded it so she slapped me across the face hard that I fell to the floor. I just lay there for a few hours thinking of my life. Stroking my face.

She was right I wasn't amounting to anything I failed in my task. So I broke it off with my friends. They said I sold out. But I said I need to get on with my life. So what I did I cleaned myself up gave myself a haircut and cut my beard. I removed all the piercings I got. I tried to get back into school but the issue was I had to do 6th grade all over again.

So I buckled down again while the world around me fell apart. So I had to wait a year before I could start again. So when I got there the love craze was still going. But I had to move on I had to become better become smarter. But not worker harder work smarter. A year went by after I worked in the 6th grade. I passed it all but history with A's.

But I still had effects of my time with drugs. I couldn't do much because of that. It affected my ability to breathe correctly. It would take time but I got over it. With again a little help. I finally made it to 7th grade. I got to the point I made no friends at all. People just ignored me. They felt I wasn't worth being around. I had to get into college sooner or later. So I sighed up for Michigan medical college. A college that was located in the area that would be my first job.

Who knows really if it was fate. But where I ended up when I got out of school was the Upjohn's medical school that was also a pharmacy. Now only the best of the best get to stay here. So again. I had to work hard to get through here. I made no friends. Well, I did meet my wife of course. We did marry had a few children but I don't talk about that time of my life. So I ignore it.

My wife being the ahem children might be listening to this recording. Female dog. That she was refused to wait for me till I got through medical school. So she took the kids and found some idiot with so much money and well I had no idea what happened to her after that. This happen in the middle of the 80s. I finally got out of school around 1987.

When I did though I was given a job in Upjohn as my dream job a drug tester. Of course, I had to test on rats first. To see how the drugs affected them. Now I didn't care for this part of the job but it was needed. I even worked on dogs. But what got me upset is that each time we had to cut them open. It got hard to do so. We had to do that to see how it affected them.

So it was one way we had to work and harder to understand it. But I had my dream job. I even would have it when Upjohn merged with Pharmica Upjohn. I was a model worker who came to work and worked hard. Yes, my life sounds like a boar. A model worker a model student.

But I was a crappy husband. Work went great. I got to test in many different creatures even horses on how some drugs affected them. Then Pfizer bought them out. They didn't need me anymore. I worked there from 1987 to 2002. It was an experience but after that, it was hard to find a job.

So I did the next best thing. I went to the hospital they just gave me the job of being a driver for the ambulance. My partner was a sweet young mother named Wanda. We became close fast friends. I was there for all the time she had to break down and all the time she was hurting. I loved her family. Her husband Tony a great man. He treated her like a jewel.

But he did warn me about her family. Her family was what you call out there. They didn't like the fact that she married him. So they try every time to break her. But her mother loved Tony it was her father and brothers. We were in the ambulance one day she was sobbing a bit.

" Wanda....You have to stop allowing them to get to you. I know they don't like the fact you had a child out of wedlock but things happen. You can't always control it. Sex is a normal thing in life." I parked in front of Walmart in Lansing. Making sure the radio was on. So we could be told about something.

"Now are they going to come into your house again and try to kill Tony again?" But before she could answer there was a call.

" We have a man down in the street near the Walmart in Lansing please come in." Wanda took the radio.

" We are coming. Do you know what it was?"

" Yes many stab wounds."

We head down the street and we see something that Wanda feared. I got out quickly with her in a pool of his blood was her husband Tony. Handcuffed was her father and bother's. Wanda ran to him sobbing her eye's out. he was alive for the moment but he was slowly passing away.

I could keep myself from losing it any longer. I went to Wanda's father the cops didn't stop me at the moment.

" All this because she had a child out of wedlock? You went this far to kill him because he got her pregnant before they got married? Are you three that stupid?!"

Of course, her father tried to talk back to me. " In the name of the lord." Oh great, I thought he was a bible thumper using the lord god to prove his point so I did the next best thing. I balled my fist and punched him right in the fact. Of course, again the cops didn't stop me.

" Oh the Lord told me to do that..." I spat out at him. "Good luck with ever talking to your daughter again." Slowly going to Wanda who tried everything to keep her husband alive. I slowly put my hands on her shoulder. Pulling her away looking to some firefighters.

" Might be best to another group of paramedics. I don't think she may be able to handle this." The Firefighter's just nodded. I calmly took Wanda to the Coffee shop not far from us. We were well known there so the tender being a nice in her middle 40's Mexican women and her Italton husband saw it all.

She rushed up to Hug Wanda pulling her to the back other's knew her too. This town is where she grew up and found love.

" Mario!!" The women called out. " Give George and Wanda some of the best!!"

" Of course my love!!" he shouted back and started yelling the kitchen at his workers " She just lost her husband today boys make it the best she ever had."

I sat while Grettie held the crying Wanda. I just sat on the other side of the booth. It broke her. We spent a lot of time in that coffee shop because every time we came down here it broke her.

But she had enough she moved into Battle creek like I did this was 2015 April 1st. it went well she did remarry before April 1st. But she never saw her brothers or father again. They were tried for murder and put in prison for life. On the early morning around midnight of May 23rd, we were called to a drug overdose of a woman. It was a simple routine for us. Just pick them up and go.

We were just passing the Meijer’s with her when the world changed in a flash. I was a dog creature looking beside me Wanda was a light blue mare. We saw a lizard trying to stop us.

After we got introduced to her and what happened to us and the one in the back. I and Wanda got back in the ambulance and drove to the hospital

" Huh.." I said while I was driving it was pretty easy still for me. " I may get used to this body. I no longer feel the remnants of my sickness or the after-effects of the drugs I took in the 60's"

Wanda was silent but she did look over to me and smiled. Well, it was our time to do what we needed so we drove to the Hospital.

I wish I could go into more of what happened. But Malla only wishes the stories of how we met. One of the Founders of Dragons rests over and out….”Beam me up, Scotty.” I yelled. The recording ends with a click.