• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 690 Views, 30 Comments

Dragon's Rest - Megaskullmon

It's been a month since, my Journey came to an end. I'm still here with Lyra but...are we truly alone? Or are we waiting for the next shoe to drop?

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Chapter Eleven: Springfield

August 27th recording

At the request of Savannah I went from Journals to recordings now she said it's only temporary and told me to write in the journal when we get back.

It's been a slow time getting everything up and running. Mostly I allowed the others to do what they wanted. Lyra helped our new friend with brews she showed him what she learned back in her world. I have been wanting to get out and we have found a couple of cows that we placed in a pen. Wanda and George took it upon themselves to milk them but it was a slow-moving time. I wasn't sure what to think really I had kept to myself most of these days writing in my journal and watching Toby enjoy the new folks.

Our other friend slowly started to make a recovery. He refused to give his name though our resident bat mare doesn't trust him. I don't blame her but right now this is all we can do. I know it's not easy to trust someone you don't really know but that's how this is going to work for a while. Any way to make it easier for me Savannah wanted to talk to me. So I felt since we haven't searched the small town of Springfield smack dabbed in the middle of Battle Creek I thought maybe we should.

We walked to the town on foot hoof or whatever. Since we didn't wish to use more gas and Savannah felt it was a good time to now talk. I haven't talked to her privately for a while since she has been very busy and I know if I tried she would have told me now is not a good time. The roads where very silent I never knew how odd it was not to smell gas or the fumes or smell the cooking of food.

We saw some animals but they stayed very clear of us. I am sure I was pretty scary looking at them and I am sure they didn't wish to deal with me at this very moment. On the way to the town, the first place Savannah wanted to check is a brewery

"So what makes you think anyone would be at this brewery?" Of course, Savannah laughed I didn't understand why she was laughing maybe I said something funny of course she and I have been getting closer nothing really crazy of course just the two of us becoming closer friends. I have been helping her through some of her issues with sleeping and the fact every time she closes her eyes she sees everything she did in Iraq. After what she went through there I don't blame her for having issues.

"Malla think about it hon. If I knew the world had ended my first thing would have been to go to the brewery and get drunk. It's how some would cope and how I would have coped if I haven't met you guys. I would have drunk myself to the end of nothing." I nodded. The last time I have been in this town was before I moved to the east coast. It's been years since I have been here and I don't remember a lot of this small town. But so much changed over the years. I saw a sign for the Kellogg community credit union. I had forgotten they had a union here. Maybe I could convince her to check that place out next.

"Hey, Savannah if we don't find anything at the Brewery could we." I was cut off by the talkie

"Hey are you two okay there is a nasty storm brewing that Jenny has been keeping an eye on. She said it looks like Tornado weather you two better be careful."

I sighed lifting up the talkie making static noise.

" I am sorry..." Static "George but.." Static. "You're breaking up." George sighed.

"Savannah can you please stay safe?"

Savannah lifted up her hoof to a headset she had found and somehow made with her mouth. "Yes, we will stay safe. Make sure that the store is sealed and that the cows won't get spooked if they get spooked they won't produce the best milk. We will stay here in Springfield for awhile. So please stay safe."

Tornadoes the worst thing about being part of this state. The fact that Michigan is part of Tornado ally. Oh, I feel so bad about the ones that returned in those areas. I bet the storms have been very bad around those areas. It's something I felt maybe that it will help some get-together and well become one.

"We are almost there Malla now I can tell you never drank in your life. Maybe I can teach you." I looked down at the Zebra who just looked up to me as we walked. I had no idea or why she wanted me to drink.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?"

Savannah chuckled. "Hmm if I wanted to do that I would have done it already Malla and then you would have woke up feeling wonderful she winked at me with a bat of her eyes. I groaned covering my red-scaled cheeks with my wings. I can't believe she just did that. I am getting so tired of all these teasing mares trying to get me to do something I would hate.

"You're joking right?"

Savannah smirked. "Maybe maybe not Malla. I have a lot of ideas in my head. Heh heh." I just stared down at her like she was insane. Of course, we finally made it into the town. I found it odd how different this little town was. When I lived here this town was the place I was brought to when I went to church and since every time I went to church I went through this town and it was an amazing little town and how the town just was its own little thing. I do wish to understand the idea of it.

"Alright since we are almost there Savannah we need to check the rest of the town. See if any showed back up." Savannah stopped a moment turning to look at the sky. It wasn't good the wind slowly started to pick up. I looked back at myself and saw what it was. A cloud that looked very creepy I felt for the moment it might be wise to ignore it. Savannah and I picking up the pace to get into the brewery.

"Savannah I remember the bank has an old Tornado bunker in it. we should try to at least get there before the storm gets too bad." Savannah looked up to me I could tell that she had a great deal of fear in her eyes. It's something I never thought of myself the fact that we are in a town after an event. Now alerts no ability to see if the storm is going to get worse. So many times we took all this for granted. For now, I think it's wise for the two of us to get inside as quickly as we can.

The door was unlocked since it had power locks that would only work if the power was on. I tried to pry the door open it was hard but I finally was able to do it and my zebra friend walked inside it was hard but I was able to close the doors back up opening the door up on the inside and walking in. I could smell everything I doubt the drinks here would have lasted without them being cold. I lost track of Savannah and I looked around.

"Savannah?!" I looked around yelling her name I was worried that she got hurt in here then when i turned a corner I saw her. She had found a way to open a bottle of whatever this beer was and drank it down. I sighed I didn't bring her here so she could just drink and drink. " Savannah we came here to search not to get drunk."

She didn't listen to me she opened another drinking it. I walked to her but she didn't even look at me. I could tell she didn't want me to see her like this. She has been so strong but I am seeing someone I haven't seen yet. She just drank I wanted to grab it but I was worried it would cause more of an issue.

"Malla..." She was speaking in a very mournful voice. "I don't wish you to see me like this. I act strong I act like I know the best thing. But...I have been looking so forward to this. To just lose it drink and become nothing of the world again. I look back what I did I killed I hurt I even did things so awful I can't tell you or I could now. Since there is no longer a world for us to go back to. The world is now dead and all we are is these creatures. All I am is just a murder a creature that should have never returned. I don't deserve a second chance."

I sighed I knew it she was in a depression and it was all because of the war. I don't know how to help but I know drinking wasn't the best thing to do. I grabbed the beer from her pulled her away from it looking into her eyes and smiled. She looked into mine. I could see the sadness deep in them. I wanted to tell her it was alright but how can I do that when I had a knot lodged in my throat. She is so beautiful I just wanted to lower myself and kiss her. I gulped feeling that knot leave me for a time.

"Savannah you don't need to drink to feel better talk to me, my friend. I am sure I can help you feel better myself." She just stared at me. I looked at her She reached up grabbing my face with her hoof pulling me down to her level. Our faces got closer and closer. I was going to kiss her I could feel that rush of red filling my face. Then a large bolt of lighting sounded outside and woke us up before we kissed.

"Quick let’s get to the bank Malla. I don't remember there being anything here to protect us from storms. I gave a nod and we headed over outside.

Into the storm

We made it outside of the brewery the storm was getting worse the wind blowing hard causing trees to fly around us and to show that we made it out just in time. I could see the Tornado not far from us. It made the wind blow hard and it was coming towards this way fast. Savannah was having trouble running and not being blown down. So I lifted her up and carried her to the bank it was a few walks down the road.

I looked back seeing that the tornado left our home alone and the rest of the area. It landed farther away and was still coming fast. I heard something come towards me I quickly turned seeing a car being thrown my way. It landed right beside me I hold Savannah tightly I don't know at this moment if I would make it. Would this be the end of me opening my eyes I finally saw myself in front of the door to the bank? I set Savannah down and looking for a way to open the door. These doors down have powered locks. All I could think of was breaking in. I lifted Savannah again and using my wings as shields I rushed into the door breaking and shattering it through feeling glass imbed in my wings. I didn't care as blood slowly drained from the wounds. I had to find the storm bunker that was in here. Of course, Savannah knew where it was I set her down.

"This way Malla it is going to be a tight squeeze for you." We found the way in and after we did the building started to shake and we could hear metal ripping above it was so dark. But it was all I could do to not be scared. I used to be scared of things like this. But after the event, I can't.

"Malla where are you?" I looked for Savannah and I found a flashlight that looked to still be working I turned it on and she was fine. "Come here Malla." I nodded and when I did she put her hoof on my face. "We got distracted I wanted to do something." I felt again our faces getting closer ignoring the sounds outside and our lips connected I felt my face getting so red. I had no idea what to think.

Some would think more then a kiss happen between us but we didn’t want to rush and who would want to do something like that when a building is about to cave in around us. Talk about an insane mood killer.

Basement a day later the 28th

I woke up my body felt heavy for some reason. I had my body above Savannah I don't remember much of what happened I do know something happened between us that night. It made me feel wonderful but why was my body so heavy? Slowly lifted up my head and I finally noticed why. A shelf was on me and I slowly removed it from my body. Looking in a bag I had strapped to one of my legs opening it up and bringing out the satellite phone and called the others.

"Oh, excuse me we seem to have someone calling us. This is the DJ of Dragon's Rest how can we help you?"

"Hello... Savannah and I are trapped under the bank in Springfield so if anyone can come and get us it would be great."

"OH! Lyra and George are already out looking for you. I will let them know where you are." I nodded

"Thank you." I hang up the phone putting it back into the bag. Grabbing the flashlight I was able to save turning it on to check for wounds on Savannah. I found nothing on her and maybe I felt getting over her in the night was the only way to protect her. I could smell something that really got to me though. Looking over to see the sewers backed. I looked around more and noticed many things.

Inside the safe, I could see that someone tried to rob it. Looking down to the ground I saw some dried blood looking to a gun on the floor. I am wondering if there were an officer and a thief that got into a shoot out and then the event happen. Looking outside I saw there were like three cop cars I didn't even care to notice them before. I sighed looking into the bank vault again. Feeling the instincts taking over and I started to go on a stealing spree. I opened up the little boxes that held the money in it.

"Malla what are you doing?" I turned seeing Savannah and I had a lot of money stuffed in the bag strapped to my leg. I didn't know what to say but I didn't wish to lie to her. I had to just say what is going on I can't lie to the one I just ahem got within away.

I sighed "My instincts are telling me to hoard as much as I can. I am trying to control it but I can't stop it." Savannah sighed shaking her head. I could tell she wasn't happy with me but she gave me a soft smile.

"Come over here Malla." I nodded sitting down in front of her feeling her hoof on my cheek and she pulled me into another kiss. Our kiss in my mind lasted longer then It was then I didn't even notice the other two coming and they finally saw us.

George whistled and Lyra giggled. "It's about time you two."

I broke the kiss and my face turned bright red, "Um no I am just....giving her CPR."

"Right... Malla right. " George laughed. "But it's good to..." He sniffs the air heading to the basement. Then came out a few seconds later whispering in Lyra's ear. Lyra's cheeks turned bright red and laughed.

"Soo Malla what did you two do?" Lyra smirked.

Savannah chuckled. " All we did was kiss and we talked about going further but that is way down the line. It’s not wise to rush things and during a storm like that. Yeah no, thank you.

"So George likes the smell of sewers eh?" I smirked

"Wait that is what I am smelling huh. It doesn't smell like that at all. But anyway how did the kiss go hmm?"

"Not telling you old man. It was just a kiss now let’s get going and get things ready for winter if we can. I am a bit worried about the cows.” The other two left and it was just Lyra and I. Oh wonderful

I sighed looking to Lyra who had a smirk on her face. "What?"

"Oh, nothing my dear dragon friend finally is happy is that bad?" She smiled at me. I sighed softly shaking my head. I wasn't sure what to think but I felt maybe we should keep searching the rest of the town before we fully head back. Lyra could see that look in my eyes she sighed shaking her head. "Russell Russell you finally find someone to make you happy. But all I see is you have plans to ransack this entire small town. We haven't even searched all of Battle Creek yet."

"Is the car here?" Lyra nodded. "Do you have the checklist still?" Lyra brought it out of her magic bag nodding. "Alright come on." We went to the car. I wanted to make sure everything was here. "Alright, Lyra get ready. Ten gas cans that can be used to fill up the siphon with it"

"Check all here even that." She checked it off.

"A cooler for all the can food and MRE's we find here"


"We don't need to worry about Dog food right now. Let’s see there should be can openers back home. Now, what else do you feel would be useful?"

I looked back to Lyra she was thinking and I know that she wasn't going to be thinking long but we needed to find heaters that didn't need to run on power I am sure some of this house we will go into might have a good heater. I have a feeling that we have enough heaters but it might be best since it's not far to winter and winter hits hard here and it's not always pleasant

"Oh Malla I had Wanda talk to Luna she is helping her fly since you need good weather and she can control the weather. That is the type of magic they have. It can help her grow the food and before you ask how she talked to her. She was asleep she is going to be doing it a few times to help her."

"Get in the car we can talk about it while we ransack some homes."

We drove off and we mostly went to houses we could find we would leave the bases around here for later since there are many bases since Battle Creek had many of them. I felt it wouldn't be wise just to waltz in there it would be hard to make sure we don't find anything that wouldn't be good. Every home we went to we got gas from the cars and looked through the food there was a farmers market. Knowing that though it wouldn't have been much food there but each place we stopped we saw many dead pets. It wasn't a pleasant sight.

We stayed silent the rest of the way just getting gas canned food and whatever else we could. The back was full of canned goods and MRE's when we finally started to head back. We had found some music for our DJ bat to use and I am sure she would love what we found. Lyra pushed the breaks down with her magic. Kept it down I knew it she wanted to talk.

"What is up Lyra I know when you do this you have something on your mind." I didn't even look at her I knew whatever she wanted to talk about it wasn't going to be something I wanted to hear. She had the knack for pissing me off and I knew that every time she did she was right. I didn't want her to be right have some pride after all. To keep myself calm I found jewels and took a claw full eating them.

"You know full well what is on my mind Malla. Luna told you I am going to have to leave soon. You barley have talked to me you haven't even looked at me. The only time I am able to talk to you is when you want something done. Then when you take a chance to leave you to take it. Now tell me why won't you talk to me why won't you give me the time of day?"

I stayed calm taking a deep breath. I didn't even answer back I didn't want to answer back she knew full well that If I did I would insult her. I care so much about her she is like a sister to me now but she has a family and friends in that world she is from. She even has a wife.

"Malla why won't you talk to me?!" She used her magic to grab my face and force me to look in her eyes. She was hurting I could tell she was in pain for the fact I didn't even take the time to talk to her and just avoided her. I wanted to be truthful to her I wanted to tell her the truth but again my pride got to me I said nothing.

She pulled away starting to cry and sob. She just stayed by herself all we been through together. Me starving her almost causing her to die because of that. I have been treating her so badly and then not realizing that she was in it for the long hall. I really care about her. I grabbed her and pulled her close to me stroking her mane letting her cry in my scales.

"Lyra I'm so sorry."I had tears forming my eyes. I didn't want to lose my only friend that helped me along this journey. That kept me in line that kept me from losing my mind. The one I did so much harm to but she stayed by my side even though I could have hurt her.

"No, you aren't sorry... It's your stupid... dragon pride." She sobbed hard it started to make me cry and I just held her close I couldn’t any longer keep myself from crying. I needed to talk to her I needed to break this sound of silence. I needed to be there for her and she needed to leave.

"Yes, I am..." I softly shook my head the tears still fell sniffing. Lyra looked up at me with her bloodshot eyes. This wasn't the first time she cried. I just looked down at her the mare that didn't put up with my crap gave it back to me in kind. She did so much to even tell me off she cussed me out when I did something she felt was wrong. I had to break this ice.

"Look Lyra I haven't been myself as of late. My mind is falling apart and I am trying to be a leader of this community. I am sure I won't be the best leader. Lord knows at how many times I have failed at that. You look at me like a friend Lyra not like someone that treated you so badly. I know I am going to fail I know I am going.." Before I could go on she took her hoof and slapped me hard enough that is made my face turn and hit the door. I looked back as I rubbed my cheek. She was seething and angry.

"Stop putting yourself down!!" She was upset I have never seen her so upset before. "You will not fail you will not fall apart you have those like Savannah that care about you. You will only fail if you keep telling yourself that you will fail. You can't allow yourself to listen to those words in your mind you will fail. So now you will be a great leader you just need to allow your mind to heal."

I sighed nodding closing my eyes. We needed to return but I had those thoughts in my head and I knew these thoughts would be what it would take me to know.

"I promise you Lyra I will do what I can."

"Well let’s return." I nodded and she took her magic off the peddle and way went on our way to the rest of the world around us is very unknown but we don't know the fact is coming along the way.