• Published 20th Oct 2018
  • 690 Views, 30 Comments

Dragon's Rest - Megaskullmon

It's been a month since, my Journey came to an end. I'm still here with Lyra but...are we truly alone? Or are we waiting for the next shoe to drop?

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Chapter Sixteen: A griffins life story

Hello there from what I have been told. I will be recording my life story. So those that ever come to this place will learn about us. I am Randell D Monker. I work as security in this lovely place called Dragon’s Rest. With the help of Malla and the others, it’s not as hard as many think it would be.

It keeps my mind off what I have lost. So I have been told by Ted this will help me get over more of my problems. My problems are normal for most people that have returned wherever we all went. I will never understand it either.

How to start all this hmm. Oh I know I was born in 1969 Life as you could say was pretty insane. I had to deal with a father that got drunk so many times and would harm my mother. I even had to deal with him going after me.

Then my life started to get better when I got older. Mother divorced him and we left our home in Florida and lived in Detroit. I was pretty young. I remember what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wanted to be a police officer. Say what you will about them even though some do go too far out there. Some do better than most. I even told my mother this.

“An officer Randell? I may not be fond of the police myself. Even though I will argue with you and tell you I want you to live the life I want you to live. All I want to do is raise you right and see you grow up happy.”

She was an amazing mother but I did see her point of view.

“Granted mother, I am just 10 years old right now. I am sure maybe when I get older I will change my mind. I feel I could help children that went through what I did with dad. Maybe I could help them through the pain.”

I was hopeful. As some would say I was too unsure of how real life was. I didn’t watch the news. Mother didn’t enjoy it when I tried to watch the news. She just told me little bits of what went on. She wanted her son to not fear what was happening in the world around this time.

I grew up hearing about the world in schools. I had no fear about it because my mother told me. That life will always find a way to move on. Things may get bad but life always moves on. I fell in love with my future wife. Of course, at this time I didn’t know that yet. I was in the lunchroom with my friends and they were talking about the world.

“The cold war is worse than it could ever be.”

Most of my friends could talk about the cold war. It was mostly all that folks talked about a lot because many of them fear what could happen. I tried to chime in of course.

“Life will find a way to get better for them and us. We can’t just allow fear to control how we live. That would be an awful way of living. We could just let our lives move on as normal. I know things could break down at any moment. It’s best to just move on.”

I got the attacks everyone got back in the day that acted like this.

“You want the Soviets to win. You have no idea how the real world works!!”

My friend screams at me and this is the middle of the lunchroom at school. Thankfully the teachers did their best to make sure I wouldn’t get lynched this way back during the day. If you dare even talk about peace or Russia in a good light. You would get hated or considered the enemy to some minds.

I was sent home at school and told not to return for the next few days. My mom had to work so hard to get me through school and I made this mistake. It was the first downfall of my life. I felt that I failed her. I even told her this.

“No, you’re not a failure for looking at the world in a peaceful mind and heart. The world will never agree with you. They will expect you to be in their mindset. They will expect you to follow their ways. Even some will force it on you. Because they feel they’re better than you. You will meet so many people like this throughout your life. Sadly, many are like this. That is normal in life. Not everyone will agree you will find those that will attack you for that.”

I didn’t know what she meant by this.

“So some people will use what they consider in their thoughts. As the world should be even though the world doesn’t see it that way?”

She gave a quick nod.

“I learned this the hard way during my young age. Some have this mentality to think what they think is the only way. If you think any way differently then you’re a threat or a problem. You must be dealt with by making up stories. But sometimes they will even try to stalk you in your life to destroy you. Just because you don’t follow their set of what life is.”

I tried to live like this most of my life. My wife-to-be wasn’t allowed to even talk to me anymore. Her family hated me because I dared to keep my life stress-free and peaceful. Even though I tried living like my mother wanted me to.

When I got older I got into drinking like my father. I got so bad that this time of my life I don’t fully remember it. But I cleaned myself up a few years later. I went to approach the father of the girl I was in love with.

This was like the early 80s when everything was nuts. He didn’t like that I was there. He even tried smashing the door in my face. His daughter being smarter than most wouldn’t even allow it or take it. I was close to 20 years old. She was as well and she told her father off.

“You have no right to treat him like this. So what if he looks at the world in a peaceful mindset. If you can’t handle that and want to insult every Russian you see even ones who ran away from that country. Then you’re not the problem, not him.”

She left and quickly closed the door. That was a mistake that she would regret. He wanted to disown her after that. But even her mother wouldn’t allow that. She even had to tell him to grow up and stop with the hateful ideas.

I again don’t remember much because I was dating her. I also learned my father killed himself. I fell into drinking again like my father. I almost lost her a few times from being so drunk I almost hurt her. Then I fully cleaned myself up and told her I would marry her after I become an officer.

It took a while and she waited for me. It was around 2014 when I finally became an officer it wasn’t easy and again I have trouble remembering most of my life. It doesn’t help that I have been hit in the head a lot too. Many things have happened to us over these past years and I have been hurt the most out of all our friends in Rest. So forgive me. We got married and I was out on patrol

The date 2015 22end. It was close to midnight and I was getting ready to head back to the station to go home and get some rest. Then I got a call from my partner.

“Randell, your wife has gone into labor. Your partner Brenda went to take her to the hospital. You don’t need to come back to the station. I will clock you out, go ahead and head to the hospital. It's at Bronson hospital.”

I take my mic from the radio.

“Alright, I will let you know what sex and weight are when she finally gives birth.”

When the time hit midnight. All I remember all around me turning white. When I return I am still holding onto the steering wheel and I have no idea why I feel so strange. I looked at my claws and I tried to hit the break. But I hit another car that has been parked there for a long time. I grab the mic.

“Anyone come in?”

I hear nothing. I have no idea what is going on. I went to go search for others and I have no idea how long it was. But I started getting depressed and panicking. I look to my side at the pistol. I grab the gun after so long I have no idea. I feel cold and I feel like I am getting sick. I put the gun to my head. Then I remember my little one, my son. I remember my wife giving birth to my son. I put the gun away. But I was so cold and unsure what to do. I glance at a liquor store and break into it. I needed a drink.

I found a battery-powered radio behind the counter as well turning it on hearing a voice.

“Greetings those that have returned. I know things are strange to you. You’re not alone I wish to express my hope for you. There are others in this new world. I wish I could help you more with more info on what happened. You would have to learn that yourself. If you wish for help or at least shelter, Dragon's Rest is finally ready for you all. I am one of the founders and you’re welcomed. Come and enjoy the rest of the dragon. For we are all the same flesh and blood no matter the changes that happen to us.”

It took a second for the same voice to come up again.

“I figure it might be best to explain what happened to me to help others on their path. It was May 23rd”

The voice explains everything that happens. She even brings up that she came back as a dragon. Others came back as zebra ponies and so on. But she brings up that you’re not alone. I don’t know how to contact them. Then another voice comes up.

“That was our big boss lady. Greetings everyone I am your DJ of Dragon rest. Our lines are open and charged. Thankfully we still have satellites. Now please call if you have returned. Please tell us where you are.”

I was getting depressed again to the point I forgot where I was. When I get like this the world around me just vanishes. This means my wife and son would never see this world. I would never see them. I took many long swings from the bottle I opened up. I got through but it was a recording of something about her being away.

“This is officer Randell D Monker. I...I have no idea where I am...all I know is that I am in Michigan. I am I...I don’t know what I am. I am. I don’t know what I am. Please…. I..”

I start sobbing. I felt my world ending because of everything. I wanted to just end it right there. But I had to be strong. I had to find my son.

“Please, it's very cold… here. I see. I see a road sign… Detroit…”

I hung up and dropped the phone heading to Bronson hospital. I didn’t know the time at all. It was getting colder and colder. When I got inside I could tell no one had been in here for a long time. The power wasn’t even on. I could smell many creatures though like they broke through the doors. Since I found shattered glass on the floor I also noticed I could see in the dark better than I used to.

I went to the counter and looked through the list of those that signed in. I found my wife and the number of the room. It was on the 5th floor yeesh that would be a long walk. I took a long swig from the bottle.

I head upstairs going through the halls seeing how empty everything is. So many things are left behind and I go to the room. I see the stain of sweat and other things on the bed. So she wasn’t far into the labor.

All I could think of doing was going into the room that had all the babies. I was worried I would find little ones without anyone to watch them. When I got there I thankfully didn’t find any. I just stared at the name of my son. Fred, she already told them the name she would give him.

I put my claw on the window sobbing. I sat in the chair having no idea how long it’s been. It felt like an hour or so passed by. I took another drink after a while. I felt that I was finally losing it. I saw a large black creature.

“My son would have been laying here.”

I blurted out and the creature just froze. It was either fate or dumb luck that she found me. Found me with life in my body at all. I haven’t even been myself for a while. I was amazed I was still fully there myself.

“My son….wh...my wife.. everyone...Is gone..”

It hit me hard but I noticed in my drunken stupor she focused a lot on the gun. I think back then If I was fully drunk I would have shot her. I drink the entire bottle, setting it down, opening the bag, and bringing another out to drink it. I use my beak to open it. Say a lot about this body, this beak is very useful. I took a long drink from it.

“Your son? I take it you have been on your way to see him?”

The creature did what she could to try to help me. I didn’t even think she was real. Malla has done a lot for me over the years. I feel so bad for her that she is going to watch the rest of us grow old. I gave a drunken laugh. I am sure I was scaring her as well.

“Yes...I was on patrol and I got a call. That my wife was in labor. So I drove as quick as I could and..then a flash and I am still driving. I have these claws and this beak. I looked around for everyone I knew and tried to see if any other living soul was here. But nothing.”

The black creature just stood there. Like she was listening I was too drunk to even understand why she was helping. I could hear the gears in her head working in overdrive trying so hard to get me not to do anything rash.

“I know times are tough for you. But you should at least be strong for all those that are missing and you could be strong for them.”

I could be strong for them?! What kind of words are that. At the time It was smart to say but not for someone like me who had a gun. I just laughed and aimed the gun at the glass window and fired. The poor creature jumped stunned as the glass flew everywhere. I sobbed hard while drinking from the bottle.

“You must be one of the angels of God to come and stop me from doing something that will send me down to the pits of fire. You’re just a figment trying to tell me to not do what I must. It’s the only way I can see them again.”

Oh only if I knew any better then. Maybe she was an angel and she saved my life. But I could have had a better mindset than what I had right there.

“I may or may not be an angel but I am here to help you. I know you have no reason to believe me and your anger and you’re not healthy for you to have been on your own in the cold for a long time. The fact you got here at all is amazing. Just please tell me what you would have named your son?”

I was sobbing hard at the question. It was not a dumb question. The dragon found many more blankets for me and covered me with them. She even tried to go for the gun. I stupidly pulled it away. I had to have something to make me feel strong. A gun no it doesn’t make you feel strong neither does the beer or booze.

“What would I have called my son? I. I ain’t sure about that..”

I lied about that for sure. I told her this later. I was getting worse I shivered so hard. I felt my body trying to stay warm and I heard a phone. I had no idea that she had others helping her. She looks at the phone strapped to her front leg.

“It seems God wants me to speak to him. May I take this while you relax?”

Oh if I was in that right mind during that time I would have scolded her for something awful. Of course, it was too funny that I look back that she tried so hard to save face and try to keep me from going nuts. I could make out some of the conversation she was having.


Then she said this last thing before she hung up. I caught it and it didn't hit me. But she wanted the others to get here fast.

“I am going to say this once. I want you all to come to Bronson hospital. I need you to hurry. I don’t know how long he has left till his body goes into shock and he is drinking a lot of booze. Now please hurry.”

I had to be dumb when it came to what I said next to her.

“Hey, what did God say?’

All she did was laugh and hang up.

“Oh, he saids that he is hoping that you will have a peaceful life as long as you can.”

I was getting upset around this time. So I laughed and I tossed the bottle at the wall. I watched while the glass flew everywhere and what was left of the booze-soaked into the carpet. The look on her face. She knew the jig was up. I wasn’t buying anything she was saying.

“Now tell me what were you going to name your son?”

All I did was look at the booze and the bottle shards. I couldn’t believe what I was falling back into. But when you’re depressed and you wish to drink and drink. You tend to forget the promises you had for others.

“You know I promised her I would stop and not become like my father. You see, my father was a mean drunk and he would hurt my mother and me. I promised her I would never drink again or hurt the baby. Look at me. Now”

I sobbed so hard putting my claws to my eyes. The tears soaking my face. I am so upset now. That I felt there was only one way to go. I put the gun to my head and the dragon’s eyes went wide like she was going to stop me. But all I could do was put it back down and wave it like a madman.

“You know that’s how my father went. He went into full despair mode and just.”

I fire the gun at the lamp beside her. I watched while the lamp just shattered and I could tell that she wasn’t joking around anymore. The look on her face, a gentle heart coming to the surface. I wish I could thank her for everything. But she refuses to accept thanks at all. She just will tell you she feels she did the right thing.

“Listen, I know you’re in a lot of pain right now. I know you’re upset and you’re not fully yourself. You have been on your own for I don’t know how long. It could have been days for all I know. Just please put the gun down and don’t do anything more drastic. I will explain everything that has been going on.”

It would be the second time I heard it. My mind was trying to work through the drunken stupor she eyed the gun again. She wanted to take it from me. So I held it tightly like it was my toy. It was dumb of me.

“Please let me have the gun..”

She reaches for the gun and grabs it. I felt her pull hard. I finally saw that she was real. She wasn’t fake like my mind saw her. I let her take the gun and she took out the ammo and sat there to watch me closely.

“You’re here aren’t you and you’re a dragon?”

She nods and sits down and she starts to explain everything that she has been through. Who she met on the way. The pony Chris Starla Lyra everyone else she met. I started to understand fully now. What I heard wasn’t some dream, it was all real. I wanted to scream to God for how dare he allow this but all I could do was cry.

“I found it hard to believe in myself. I woke up like this and found my way here. Listen, I am not alone. Others are coming.”

She got into the chair with me and held me. All I remember is passing out and I don’t remember much after. I remember waking up many hours later on a stretcher in a heated room and I saw a Minotaur standing over me. He had an iv in my arm and from what I could tell it was working.

“You gave us a scare. I was able to give you at least a little something to numb your pain and bring you back. Don’t move too much and you will be out of here soon. I am Ted. Nice to meet you. You will meet the others soon.”

It took me a few days to finally fully get better. I met the others and. I went silent for a moment when I heard something speaking. I speak in the recording again.

“Listen, I can no longer tell you the rest. Malla needs to speak to all of us. It's something urgent. To those that ever hear this. If you find a baby or a mother let them know I am alive.”

I turn off the recording and quickly go see what Malla wants to talk to us about. Savannah told the rest of us it was urgent and when Malla is upset something is wrong.