• Published 6th Jul 2017
  • 2,143 Views, 51 Comments

Legends of Everfree: Friendship Makes Magic - ImNoPony

A camping trip in an alternate continuity that takes our heroines to the Everfree, a place where strange things happen and reason fails to meet reality.

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Chapter 7- Special Campers

Things continued to become far more strange, but far more interesting, from then on. Understandably, morning activities were cut short so the teachers and counselors can get their heads wrap around the situation. But since the campers no longer have any activities to do, they find other ways to entertain themselves.

And that was when they all discover their unexpected gifts.

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The "Eco-Friendly Dude"; Sandlewood, was playing his usual game of keepie ups with his jugglers' ball. He didn't find Celestia's healing powers or Flash's super durability as anything too surprising. He goes to school at Canterlot High. He had gotten used to magical stuff by now. But as he wasn't expecting anything great happening to him, his assumption was soon proven wrong.

Just as Sandlewood was just about to beat his high score, he soon lost control of his ball and accidentally kick it far into the lake. In his own words, he was severely "bummed out". But right when he thought he would get his ball back, Sandle' suddenly saw his juggler ball shoot out of the water and fly back into his hand. And as he saw his soaking wet ball in the palm of his hand, he had one thing to say:


Later, rumors were beginning to spread that more and more campers were awakening to their magical abilities. Most of them still haven't but that doesn't stop them all from talking like wildfire.

But off in the distance, two girls was sulking by the gazebo. One was Vinyl Scratch who was a DJ and the other was Octavia who plays the cello. Despite having an ok time at Camp Everfree, they were upset that they couldn't bring their instruments and tools along for the trip. Their musical prowess was eager to get out and their fingers were twitching at the scene.

But then, out of boredom, Vinyl thought about pretending to play some music and envision her DJ-mixer on her lap. And then, to her amazement, a holographic mixer suddenly formed in front of her and was made by magical light. Both Octavia and Vinyl was surprised at first. But when she touched a sliding dial out of curiosity, a sound was suddenly heard, just like how Vinyl imagined.

Amazed, Octavia then imagined her large cello by her side. And like her friend Vinyl, a holographic version was made with nano-seconds. With magical sparks lighting up in their eyes, both musicians began using their magically formed instruments and release the music within their soul.

More and more, campers were discovering the hidden powers that were unique to each of them. Some respond to their will. Others were more passive. But regardless, they always seem to be suited towards the user.

Over by a bench, Bulk Biceps, a burly and muscular student, was doing arts & crafts at a breakneck pace. His fingers were like a whirlwind as he was shooting out potholders and coasters and bracelets.

Meanwhile, Sandlewood was exploring his powers and see how far his ball will return from. With a mighty swing, he chucked it into the woods. And within seconds, it returns back with a few twigs and leafs that were stuck to it.

But inside the woods, two girls were exploring a nearby flower patch. They are Lyra and Bon-Bon and they are "very-close" friends. Sandlewood's ball accidentally damaged a few tree branches and one broke off and began falling towards Lyra. Despite looking away and examining the flowers, Bon-Bon instantly senses danger towards her mate. With lightning reflexes, she pulled Lyra away as the branch was about to hit her. Lyra was left a gasped and amazed and feels really appreciative towards her mate.

Eventually, no sooner than the afternoon, almost everybody in camp was showing off their new magical abilities. Campers were producing flashing lights and showing amazing physical skill. Almost everyone was blown away and overjoyed with their new powers.

However, not everybody was excited about the powers that everybody was getting. Starlight was walking through the camp and see all the amazing things that her peers are doing. She can see Applejack lifting a bench full of campers and Vinyl and Octavia having a concert with their hologram instruments. Twilight testing out her telekinesis and "Derpy" was blowing a stream of bubbles from her mouth (and right into Starlight's face). Starlight was amazed to all the things that she was seeing... but was also feeling a little bit abandoned. She was the only one at camp without any magic or talent and she couldn't but feel... that she has less self-worth now.

The teachers and camp counselors, on the other hand, have mixed opinions and thoughts about this. Both Celestia and Luna were a little bit embarrassed and worried about what the camp staff might think about their students. Timber Spruce was at a lost for words while Gloriosa has a massive grin on her face. She looks at the campers new magical abilities and she can imagine all the new activities and all possibilities to improve her camp. She might find a way to protect her camp from Filthy Rich. As Glori's grin was growing more intense, Timber's worry towards her also grew and wonder how things will develop from here.

Later, the sun had set and campers were having a second campfire. They all seem tired of discovering and showcasing their powers and was just eager to discuss them with each other. Some were wondering if they can keep them or how this will change their lives. But regardless, there was much joyful banter around the fire.

However, there was one camper who wasn't happy. Starlight. Starlight was angrily sulking by the fire as she stares out with bittered eyes towards the others. She can sense negative emotions was filling her heart and she doesn't know how to handle them. She doesn't want to suppress them but she doesn't know how to be free from them either.

And then, not to her welcomed surprise, 6 familiar faces joined her campfire circle. 6 faces who try to be friendly towards her but doesn't stop praising the amazing talents of everybody around her.

"Man, did you see Curly Wind's frisbee toss earlier!?" Rainbow ask out loud. "He tossed that disk over the horizon!!"

Sunset Shimmer then replies to her: "Yeah, but unlike Sandle', there's no way that disk will ever be coming back."

"Well, I personally enjoy Octavia's and Vinyl's musical performance" Rarity commented. "They were wonderful before, but now their tunes are digging into my soul."

But then Fluttershy adds while showing tender love towards a small bird: "Well nothing is as hypnotizing now listening to my bird songs and hearing their lovely lyrics." The bird then chirps in delight.

Pinkie then jokes: "Well let's just hope it isn't like the sirens and hypnotizing people."

As the group of girls began to laugh out loud, none of them notice Starlight Glimmer was watching them in silence. She could feel something boiling deep down in her stomach and she tries her best to keep it under wraps. But then, to her surprise, Starlight suddenly notice somebody sat down next to her. Somebody that she hadn't seen all day and only now is able to talk to.

"Trixie!" Starlight called out with surprise. "Where have you been!?"

Trixie was silent, making sure that Starlight can't look into her eyes. She aloofly says to her: "Oh, you know... around."

"Around!? Have You Seen What Everybody Been Doing?"

"I have" Trixie insisted. "It just... I'm not all that shocked by them, that's all."

Starlight was doubtful towards her friend. She can tell by the tone of her voice that Trixie was definitely hiding something from her. But at the same time, she can feel sadness within that voice and it might be a secret that she enjoyed having. Curious, Starlight tries to figure out what that secret is.

"No Way! Don't Tell Me You Have Magical Powers Too!?"

Surprised, Trixie says back to her: "What!! No! No-no! I'm just upset that..."

"That... ?"

Trixie could see that Starlight was digging into her. She knows that she will continue until she says something. With unable to hide in silence, the magnificent magician broke down and gave Starlight an answer.

"I Don't Have Any Magic!"

Starlight froze in surprise awe and even the other girls overheard and fell silent. "You Don't Have Any Magic!?" Starlight gasped.

Trixie then quickly discloses: "I-I... I don't know how!? I tried and tried but nothing happened. I... I don't think I have it. That's all."

Starlight continues to be in shock and awe. From everything that she saw today, she had expected her friend to be like the others. She was now feeling sorry towards Trixie... but secretly relieved that she isn't the only one.

But then, sensing the everybody around her is beginning to pity her, Trixie then put on a confident persona and loudly boasts: "And besides, I don't need them. I Am The Great And Powerful Trixie! I'm magical enough without them."

While everybody was feeling good towards Trixie for putting on a strong face, Rainbow Dash couldn't help but say back to her: "Yeah, but what's a magician if everybody around her has real magic?" Trixie growls back at Rainbow, upset that she ruined her moment. Even Applejack gave her a quick slap.

But then, against everybody's expectations, Discord suddenly appears just behind Starlight and Trixie. And he says as he also sat down nearby Starlight: "Well for one, she is isn't the only other person who is magicless in this summer camp. I too don't seem to have any magic power so this trio is now a group."

All the girls around was confused and don't know what to say. They feel somewhat awkward a grown adult wanted to join their conversation but they also don't have to courage to push him away.

But fortunately, to get away from the awkwardness, everyone soon notices Twilight has appeared and sat down next to Sunset (who was more welcomed than Discord). Happy and curious, Sunset says to her: "Hey, Twilight. Where have you been?"

"Oh, you know... I've just gone and seen... Flash Sentry" Twilight replied nervously. But then, Twilight soon heard some of her friends went: "Ooooohh!". Annoyed, Twilight gave more detail (but still very nervous and shy about it). "Hey! It's not like W-what you all are thinking. I was just worried after what happened this morning."

An "Ooohh" was heard again, but this time it was just by one and it was clearly Pinkie. All her other friends know that it wasn't a casual moment and it's nothing to joke about. As Applejack put: "It's alright Sugar cube. We all can guess what it must feel like if somebody that you really like was in a serious accident."

However, this hadn't calm Twilight down and it only made her all the more insistent about her true feeling. "What! I don't like Flash Sentry. No, wait, I do like him! I mean, I tried but-"

But then, before Twilight would have had a nervous breakdown, Sunset quickly put a hand over her mouth and explains: "Don't worry Twilight. We know what you mean." Twilight finally felt reassured and calm at that moment thanks to her friends understanding.

However, Rarity, with a keen ear, curiously asks: "Wait. What does she mean by she tried?"

"ANYWAY!" Sunset quickly interrupted. "... How about we talk about all the magic that has been going around the camp, shall we?"

With the subject having been moved away from Twilight's confused feelings towards Flash, things slowly become more serious. Even Starlight, despite not liking to discuss it, leans in to overhear. Twilight, after she finished pondering, thinks out loud and tells the others:

"Yeah. It's a little bit weird that everybody has suddenly gained some sort of superpower."

Rainbow, noticing Bulk Biceps from afar and see that he was showing off a clay pot that he has made, commented to Twilight: "Yeah, if you count "Super Arts & Crafts" as a superpower?"

"But still. I wonder how everybody got them?" Twilight wondered.

As everybody was thinking, Fluttershy came up with a theory. "Maybe it because we shared all our magic with everyone during the Friendship Games and it had lingered within them."

"Interesting theory, Fluttershy" Discord compliment which Flutter' clearly appreciated. But then he says: "However, that doesn't explain why I didn't get superpowers since I was clearly there when it happened."

However, Pinkie Pie then soon asks him: "Hang On A Second! I didn't I hear that you were hiding in the bus when it happened?"

"I-I-I don't know what you're talking about" Discord denied while also trying to avoid eye contact.

But then, while everyone was amused by Discord's embarrassment, Trixie suddenly notice that Starlight had become sadder all of sudden. Worried, she asks her: "Starlight? Are you OK?"

Feeling a mix of negative emotions, Starlight replies out loud to everybody: "Sure, why wouldn't I be? It's not like I missed out on a super-cool event and now I can't be as special as everybody else." Everybody... could detect the thick layer of sarcasm in Starlight's voice. They can tell that she's clearly upset and frustrated that doesn't have any powers as the rest of them.

"Well... I'm sorry Starlight" Applejack apologized. "We wanna help you if we could. It's just... not that easy."

But then Starlight angrily snaps back: "Well you could share your powers with everybody During these "Friendship Games! Why not now!?"

Everybody froze for a sec due to her fiery tone. However, Pinkie soon explains: "Well, for starters, we sort had help from Twilight's super amazing friend over at Crystal Prep and-"

"Crystal Prep!?" Starlight interrupted.

Shocked, Pinkie nervously replies: "Um... Yes?"

Tense silence soon fills the circle as everybody wasn't sure about Starlight's sudden outburst. They could see some signs of anger and frustration in her face but wasn't sure where it was coming from. As a grasshopper was beginning to chirp, Fluttershy hurriedly whispers to it: "Not now, Scooter".

Starlight, noticing that everybody was shocked and afraid of her, exhales a massive sigh. She then depressingly says to all of them: "You know what, forget it. I'm fine with not being special. I think I'm going to bed now."

As Starlight was about to walk away, Sunset tries to call out to her: "Starlight! Look, if something's bothering you, you can always try and talk about it with-"


Everybody froze, shaken by Starlight's explosive tone. Even the grasshoppers and even the forest fell silent. After getting her point across, Starlight turns back away and calmly(?) says: "Goodnight."

As Starlight walk away and towards the tents, confusion, and sadness filled their air as they became definitively worried for Starlight. They were wondering what was making her this upset since they feel this it's more than just not getting powers.

And then, in an attempt to add levity to the situation, Applejack thinks out loud: "Dang... I hope our sisters ain't having this level of drama back at school."

She not wrong
But she not entirely right either...

Author's Note:

Hey Everyone! I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

I thought I could get this chapter out quicker because I thought it wouldn't be that long. And considering how quick I made the first few scenes, I felt that was the case. However, when I came around writing the campfire scene, I just had to add more content to make it feel more natural. Well, at least it's shorter than some of my other chapters.

I was also cautious about how I would write Starlight. Without giving too much away, I want to nudge her in a certain direction. I was worried that I might have written some of her emotions a bit too "thick" so I made a few tweaks to soften the blow. Let just say that I don't want my characters to do a 180.

I also had a bit of a challenge on deciding what superpowers that I could give to certain characters. For Celestia and Flash Sentry, they were simple. I don't want Celestia to control the sun and I figured her soft and motherly nature would be suited to healing powers. As for Flash... at the time/beginning, Flash was the brony's punching bag. So, I thought I give him invulnerability to help with that. I didn't give him "Immune to pain" though. Slapstick isn't nearly as funny if the characters don't feel it, you know.
My challenge when I came in when designing powers for the other characters like Vinyl, Bulk, and Derpy. I wasn't really invested in exploring background characters so I had to work with what I got. I think I did a good job of it though. My personal favorite is Bon-Bon's "danger sense" power that she has around Lyra. It's sweet and it goes along with what they hintedexplicitly implied about the characters.

Well, that's about it for this chapters. Come back next and we will continue the side-story that we left off with the Dazzlings, CMC, and Diamond Tiara. Until then, please, feel free to point out any of my mistakes and leave any ideas/improvements that you might have.