• Published 6th Jul 2017
  • 2,143 Views, 51 Comments

Legends of Everfree: Friendship Makes Magic - ImNoPony

A camping trip in an alternate continuity that takes our heroines to the Everfree, a place where strange things happen and reason fails to meet reality.

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Chapter 6- Explosive & Magical Gifts

Things were... awkward. After being tossed into the air but a surprising burst of strength from Applejack, Rarity was saved from a hard fall by a magically telocentric field. A field... that Twilight and Sunset had found a similar occurrence earlier that morning.

After Rarity was put down safely, the rock climbing activity was temporarily put on hold. Twilight, Sunset, Rarity, and AJ were being a bit distant from the others and try to discuss it among themselves. Other campers/students were also distant amongst themselves and get their heads around just happened. Although, there weren't... as surprised and confused as you expect them to be. Meanwhile, Starlight stood alone but herself. She was feeling a bit left out as she could tell that everybody around her knows something that she doesn't and is trying to hide it from her.

And as for Gloriosa, who wanted to keep everything in order...

"Ok everyone, ha-ha... I know what we just saw was certainly... "icredible! But, I'm sure there's a logical explina-"

But before she could finish, Glori' suddenly got a buzz from her walkie-talkie. After giving a sorrowful smile to the campers, she answers the call.

"What is it Timber!?" Gloriosa answered angrily. "I was in the middle of something."

"Sorry Glori'. It just that... I got a bit of a problem."

"What kind of problem?"

"Well, we managed to get some of the boats out onto the water. However, the wind stopped and now I've got a couple of campers stranded in the middle of the lake."

After taking a deep breath, Gloriosa replies: "Ok, I got this." She then hang-up her walkie and declare to her group of campers: "Ok everyone! I have to go and sort out an emergency. Don't start rock climbing again until I get back!"

And with that, Gloriosa was off and trusted the campers to follow her orders. And when she's gone, some of the teens began to talk to each other. Maybe because the authority is now absent that they felt more inclined to relax. However, Starlight still hasn't relaxed as she focuses on Twilight and her friends as she tries to overhear their conversation.

"That Was It!" Sunset loudly whispered. "That was the magic that I and Twilight saw this morning!"

"That was it!?" Rarity inquires with a hint of anger/sarcasm in her voice. "Being tossed into the air and then freeze in midair?"

Twilight answers: "Well, uh not quite. Things were suspended in midair, but we don't remember being thrown up."

Applejack rubs her chin as a heavy thought enter her mind. "You know... that is kind of like how I pulled Sunset during our first day here. Maybe... that burst of strength might have come from me?! "

AJ's friends look at her with silent surprises as they couldn't help but agree with her deduction.

But despite slowly understanding their circumstance, Rarity then exclaims in exasperation: "Ok, ok, but why is this happening?"

As soon as Twilight was about to let out her thoughts, Sunset was quicker to respond and replies: "Isn't it obvious? It's The Everfree!" Her friends looked at her with rolling eyes and tired expressions to her paranoia. Sunset explains to them: "I'm serious! If not have magic and powers is considered normal in this world, then getting them is what makes this forest abnormal."

Despite their tiredness of Sunset's fear-filled rantings, Rarity, AJ, and Twilight couldn't completely deny it. Strange things have been happening since they arrived in the forest and maybe there's something that is in the forest that is causing. However, they don't think the forest itself is to blame.

But while they were pondering, Twilight happen to see someone in the corner of her eye. It was Starlight who happen to be caught leaning in and trying to eavesdrop on their group discussion. "OH!" Starlight exclaimed as soon be noticed by the whole group.

There was a brief moment of stunned surprise between Starlight and Twilight's group to the odd discovery. But then, as she was still surprised and was still leaning in, Starlight soon lose her balance.


Starlight tumble down to the grassy ground and before Applejack's feet. But as soon as the surprise of everyone worn off, AJ quickly addresses her. "Starlight!" she said loudly and firmly. "Were you spying on us?!"

Starlight looked up and was met upset and still slightly shocked faces. Embarrassment quickly washes over her as there's no way that she can talk her way out of this. Fully accepting the consequences, Starlight replies: "Guilty" with a few awkward chuckles.

But while Twilight and the others were slightly upset with Starlight for eavesdropping on them, they weren't mad enough to not assist her off the ground. Twilight and Sunset quickly came around and offer out their hands and Starlight humbly accepts. But once she was on her feet, AJ then proceeds to drill her for information.

"Why were you listening in on us!?" she asked sternly.

"Because... I just thought you knew something about it" Starlight replied.


"Well, it just... strange things has been happening. And whenever they do, I notice you all huddling together and talk quite intensely about it."

Starlight's logic was spot on as AJ and the others was left quite speechless. But then, before they could come up with a good excuse, Starlight then adds:

"In fact, I even notice Rainbow Dash running off supersonic speed earlier."

"WHAT!!" Twilight and the others shouted out with great surprise. They were so surprised, even Starlight was caught off guard.

"Um, Yeah..." Starlight explains: "She literally "Dashed" when Gloriosa sends her off to her own group."

Twilight and her friends were left speechless. They didn't notice Rainbow running off with super speed or how things are more serious then what they thought it was. Even Starlight herself was 2nd guessing how much they knew about this.

But as soon as they just all just wrapped their heads around everything, a new surprise soon greets them in a form of a large...

A large, loud noise was heard from a distance and even shook up some of the girls. "What now!?" Rarity moaned. They look around and soon notice puffs of (pink) smoke escaping from the cafeteria hall.

"The cafeteria hall?" Sunset exclaimed with confusion.

But then, a light bulb of bad thoughts lit up in Twilight's head as she gasps out loud: "Huh! Pinkie and the other's were baking in there!"

Fear and worry quickly envelop all of them as they became concerned for their friends. With little delay, Twilight and her friends rush towards the hall to see how things were. Starlight also followed them, with equal parts worried & curious.

All the girls ran towards the mess hall with fear and anxiety dragging on them. "What could cause the explosion?" they wondered. And as they try to answer that question, their fears grew the ever the stronger.

When they arrive at the building, Twilight quickly swing open the door to see what was going on. But when she does, a large body of pink smoke escape from the door and some of it got into their mouths.

"*Cough!* *Cough!* *Cough!*"

Twilight and the others coughed up any pink smoke that might have gotten into their lungs. Fortunately, they didn't feel any sort of other negative side effect and hopefully thinks it was mostly harmless. Once they were done coughing and most of the smoke had cleared up, they managed to see the state inside.

They saw all the other students/campers inside who were also coughing up quite a storm. Celestia and Luna were also there and try to brush away any remaining pink smoking from their faces so the can get a statue of the situation.

"*Cough!* *Cough!* Is Everybody Alright!?" Principal Celestia called out.

"Is There A Fire!?" Luna followed up.

But as everyone looks around for any sign of danger, they couldn't find any. There was no fires or any damage. There were no remaining smoke or anything that could be hazardous for anybody. There was, however, pieces of cookie dough scattered about and was hanging off the walls and some of the campers.

Upon seeing no potential dangers, Celestia half-melancholy announces: "Why not we take a 10-minute break so we can sort all of this out?" And we piece of cookie dough lands on her head, she then adds: "And maybe clean some of this mess."

A few of the students then moan in disappointment. Things were enough fun a moment ago that putting it on hold put some of them in a downer mood.

But as the student began leaving the hall, Twilight and her friends finally managed to find Rainbow, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. There were in the middle of the room and they were all quite perplexed to what has happened.

When she got the opportunity, Twilight & co move towards her friends and Twilight asks them: "Guys! What happened?!"

Rainbow and the others were surprised to see their friends at the "messy" Mess Hall... but it was too be expected by the obvious explosion. Rainbow scratched her head and answers: "Well, you see Twilight, that is kind of hard to explain... "

"Yeah!" Pinkie loudly added. "One minute, I was like "You Get More Sprinkles! And You Get More Sprinkles!"... "

"Ah! So you were channeling your inner "Theador Losetwo"" Rarity serendipity interrupted.

Continuing her explanation, Pinkie then reveals: "And the next minute; they started glowing and BOOM!"

Everyone fell silent, pondering how true and/or how accurate Pinkie's description was. Even Rainbow and Fluttershy were so sure and they were there. And as everyone was thinking, Starlight, noticing an unopened jar of sprinkles by a nearby table. "These Sprinkles?" she asked curiously.

When Pinkie saw what she mean, she cheerfully replies: "Yep!"

There was an awkward silence again as everyone sees that Starlight was formulating an idea in her head. Starlight did have an idea... just one that she doesn't particularly like.

Moments later, Starlight, Twilight, and the others were all hiding behind a table while Pinkie was in the center with the jar of sprinkles in her hand. They've decided to recreate the explosion, seeing if they can prove the one theory that is lingering in their minds. A few of them question the sanctity of this experiment, but both Twilight and Pinkie did give their approval of the plan.

On the table in front of Pinkie was a single sprinkle-less cupcake. As Pinkie gently pour out a few sprinkles onto her hands, her friends instantly ducked behind for cover. Pinkie then softly sprinkle the sprinkles onto the cupcake and in a few seconds...


True enough, the cupcake instantly exploded. Splotches of pink pastry scattered everywhere a quite a bit of it splattered on to Pinkie (although she doesn't mind it as much). The explosion wasn't as quite as big and loud as it was earlier, but it did slightly spook all the girl that was inside. Twilight and the other did eventually peak their heads and see Pinkie Pie eating the cupcake remains off of her face.

"Whelp, that certainly added an explosive flavor" Pinkie Pie joked.

Seeing that Pinkie is still making jokes, her friends felt safe enough to get out of hiding (even though it was a really bad pun). However, while the girls know more about the explosion now, that just leave more questions than answers.

Rainbow Dash says aloud: "Man Pinkie, what did you put in those sprinkles?"

"Nothing" Pinkie replied. "They're the same old sprinkles that I always use."

"Then how did they explode?!" Applejack says back.

After sucking a finger full of cream, Pinkie began pondering for the answer. And then, after a second or two, a light bulb light over her head (figuratively and literally).

"Oh! Maybe It Was Magic!"

When she heard her answer, Starlight tilt her head in confusion. "Magic?" She says aloud.

"Yeah! It might be the magic that me and my friends have."

"Um, Pinkie..."

"It's the same sort of magic that we used to stop the sirens and stop Principal Cinch... "


"And the one that we got from Sunset when stole a magical crown from a parallel world..."


Pinkie froze when she heard all of her friends yell at her. "WHAT!" she yelled back. She then saw all of her friends looking unexplainingly angry and cross towards her. Pinkie was confused at first. But when she looks to her side and saw who she was talking to; Starlight, Pinkie soon realize her mistake. "Oh..."

"Wait... Sirens!? Crowns? Parallel world? What!?"

Starlight trying her best to comprehend what Pinkie unintentionally revealed. However, she said it so quickly and one too many nouns that she couldn't grasp her head around. She even holding her head up with her hand.

Twilight and a few of her friends sighed. The cat is finally out of the bag and it looks like that they need to explain things to Starlight's before gets a migraine. Sunset gently rests a hand on her shoulder, catching her attention, and tells her: "Here, sit down. It's going to be a long story."

Starlight sat down on a bench and she listens. She listens quietly as Twilight, Sunset, and the other, explain their magical abilities as well as their many escapades back at school. They explain the origins of their magic and Sunset Shimmer's home, through battling sirens at the Battle of the Bands, to the events of the Friendship Games. There were times that Starlight needed more clarification on. But, for the most part, it went pretty smoothly. Starlight slowly gets absorbed into their stories and her attention was nearly undistractable. And as Rainbow finish explaining, Starlight has a calm and invested understanding of their magic.

"--And that's why we can transform when we play music, able to fight monsters, and do other generally cool stuff."

After taking a deep breath, Starlight exclaims: "Wow. That was... really entertaining. I can't believe you can do all these amazing and cool things."

Rarity approaches her tells Starlight: "We're sorry for keeping this from you dearie. We weren't being mean or anything. We just weren't sure how you would handle it?"

"Oh, No-no-no! I totally understand!" Starlight replied. "We are usually told to keep magical stuff a secret from normal people. It just that... I never expect to see that sort of thing in real life."

"So you are not scared or freaked out by it?" Fluttershy inquired.

"No. I mean, I was at first, but now I understand it all. In fact... I think it's pretty cool!"

When she heard Starlight saying that their magic was cool, Rainbow felt both honored and flattered. "I know, right!" she says as she extends her fist towards Starlight. Feeling the same, Starlight return the gesture and fistbump Rainbow Dash.

All the girls were amazed by how accepting Starlight was. It seems most of their worries were unwarranted and didn't need to stress as much. However, while their issue with Starlight is resolved, Twilight still remember the bigger issue.

"Yeah well, that unfortunately doesn't answer all the strange stuff that's happening around the camp. The sudden bursts of speed and strength, levitating objects, talking to animals, Exploding Sprinkle!"

Her friends, Starlight included, was suddenly reminded about their strange predicament and the difficult question that lays before them. They don't want to admit that it's because of the forest (despite how much Sunset want to say it otherwise). But after a quick deliberation, Sunset said something:

"We all reckon that it's because of our magic, right?" Everyone had quick glances at one another. Each look silently saying that it has to be the case. Sunset then proposes: "Well maybe... they're growing stronger. Maybe they're getting to a point where we don't need our instruments to access our transformations and they are... leaking out somehow?"

When they all heard Sunset's theory, all the girls became slightly nervous. Just the idea of their powers getting stronger and getting to a point where they are causing accidents is scary to them. Maybe it'll become so great for any of them to control?

But then, breaking the tension, Rainbow Dash suddenly blurts out: "Well, if these powers are granting me super speed, then more I say."

"What!" Twilight and the others gasped.

"Dash, don't you see how serious this is?" Applejack asked her.

"Of Course I Do!" Rainbow answered. "One of my wishes for the longest time is to be really fast. That why I gotten into sports. Sure, maybe I need to train a little bit to get them under control. But if that what it takes to get super speed, I'm all for it."

Rainbow Dash's words had an unexpected effect on everyone. Just the joyous tone in her voice made them feel a long-awaited dream has just been fulfilled. And as they started thinking about it, they soon discover that they have a similar feeling too.

"I always wanted to know what animals are thinking" Fluttershy thinks out loud.

"And I always want my parties to go off in a bang" Pinkie remarks.

"And having levitating powers will make my work much easier..." Twilight commented.

And Applejack adds: "And I will admit, being super strong will be a real help around the farm."

But Rarity then questions: "But wait! What will my superpower be?"

Pinkie then says to her: "Well, you always have a liking sparkling stones, Rarity."

"Yes. I do have an affinity towards diamonds. Just how inside everyone stone lies a beautiful gem that is waiting to get out and how easily it draws your attention." And as she says that, Rarity impulsively wave her hand in front of her face. And in doing so, she created sparkling white diamonds that last for about a second but it instantly amazes all of her friends.

One by one, the girls are becoming less frightened by the situation and becoming enamored instead. Perhaps their magic is granting them their unsaid wishes and giving what they want. They are still cautious about them however and don't want these new powers to cause an accident.

"Wow!" Starlight sighed. "You guys are really amazing." As she looks at the 7 magical girls before her, Starlight was at a lost for words. To her, they are 7 magical goddesses that she couldn't see competing against. But her adoration for them grow, a weed of envy grow along with it. And beneath the breath of her voice, she whispers: "Maybe..."

However, Fluttershy, a professional at being silent, overhears Starlight's whisper and asks her: "Did you say something Starlight?"

Starlight was surprised that she was heard. She would brush it off if it wasn't for everyone quickly look towards her. Seeing no point in hiding it, Starlight decided to let out her feelings.

"Ok, I know this sound really selfish, but... is it possible... to share your magic with me?"

Twilight and her friends paused in surprise. They can sense that Starlight is having a growing interest in their powers and are worried about her reason for wanting them. They're not sure if it's right for them to share them with her, but also don't want to outright deny. However, considering that they don't know how to share their powers with her, they use that reason as their excuse.

"I'm sorry Starlight. It doesn't work like that" Twilight apologized.

Starlight was shocked when she heard Twilight's response. And every explanation that they gave was driving the skewer in her heart.

"It isn't because we don't want to, but more like we don't know how" Applejack explained.

"Yeah, and it isn't like we wanted them initially. We just sort of... got them" Rainbow Dash added.

Starlight was devastated. Even though she only just discovered it, she was shocked that she could get these "Special" power. Sensing her sadness, Fluttershy tries to comfort her and tells her

"I hope you understand?"

Starlight notice that Fluttershy's worriedness towards her. To mask her feelings, Starlight put on a soft smile and replies: "He-he... Yeah, it was a pretty tall answer to ask for. And like I said, I was being a bit selfish."

"We're sorry Starlight" Sunset says to her. "There just ain't just that we can do."

Trying to cheer her up, Pinkie Pie sat down next to Starlight and tells her: "And hey, think of it like this: You aren't the only one without magical superpowers." Pinkie's words did genuinely comfort her. While Starlight was upset that she can't get any powers to make her feel special, she could find the solace that she isn't the only one.

But then, right when the girls had fully brought Starlight out of her emotional slump, they all suddenly and ruckus outside.


Suddenly, a loud bump hit the exterior of the hall. All the girls heard it and panic soon enveloped them once again.

"Oh! I hope I don't jinx anything?" Pinkie said to herself.

Twilight, Starlight, and the rest of the girls quickly exited the mess hall and head towards the source of the commotion. There, they soon find a large crowd of campers gathering around the shore of the lake where the boat sailing activity was being held. Curious and worried, they all try to find out what has happened.

Starlight quickly grabs the attention of Sandalwood, a more well known "eco-kid" back at Canterlot Hight., and asks him: "What happened?"

Sandalwood swiftly explains: "All the teachers and that was figuring out how to rescue a stranded boat that was stuck in the middle of the lake. And then all of a sudden, it came rushing back like it was the roadrunner. And Flash--"

"FLASH!?" Twilight interrupted.

"Yeah, dude. I don't know what but I think that Flash might have been..."

As Sandal' was slowing down his explanation, great fear and panic were consuming the girl, especially for Twilight. Anxious about what has happened, Twilight and the others try to push their way through the crowd and see the situation for themselves.

But once they got to the front, they quickly see Timber, Gloriosa, Celestia & Luna... and Flash... who wasn't looking too worst to wear?

In fact, aside from Flash moaning in pain, you couldn't tell that he'd been injured.

"Careful Dearie" Gloriosa stated when Flash tried to move. "Don't try any sudden movements."

"But Counselor Daisy, I feel--Eh!" Flash said back before he suddenly feel pain across his body. He then half-jokingly states: "Ok, it hurts like heck, but I don't feel anything else that is wrong with me."

"Are you sure dude?" Timber said back at him. "It looked like that boat hit you very hard."

But despite his own admitted confusion, Flash gave a silent nod towards him. Indeed, despite being rammed by a boat and slammed against a wooden cabin, Flash seems mostly well. Twilight and the others watch on in silent as Celestia has a closer examination.

"Hmm... I don't see anything that is too banged up. But still!" Celestia turn towards Gloriosa and adk her: "Do you have any ice bags?"

"Of Course!" Glori' confidently replied. "We always have a bag in cade of an emergency."

"Good!" Celestia replied back. "Once we get an ice pack on him, we will--"

But before Celestia could finish explaining, she suddenly heard a loud "WOAH!" coming from the students. When she look towards them, she saw an amazed expression on all of their face. Even Luna and the camp counselors were inexplicably quiet all of a sudden.

Celestia was understandably confused. But then, she suddenly noticed a strange warm feeling coming from her hands (that were rest on Flash Sentry). When she look down, Celestia saw her hands emanating in small glowing balls of sunlight!

Both Celestia and Flash are just as confused and surprised as the others. However, as the strange sunlight was hitting him, Flash was suddenly feeling more comfortably. He feel like he was being healed as all the pain from with in his is quickly fading away. Once the glowing had stopped, Flash tried moving his arm.

"Wow!" he said out loud. "It... doesn't anymore!"

Everyone wad left amazed and couldn't believe what they had just saw. Even Celestia was staring at her own hands in disbelief. Not only has Flash had gotten away from an incident with barely a scratch, but even Celestia had awakened to some miraculous healing power. It was so amazing, you can say that it was...

... Magic.

"Ok, yeah, I jinxed it" Pinkie Pie remark as she stood next to a jaw-dropped Starlight.

Author's Note:

Well, I'm pretty sure I said this before and I'll say it again: this took awhile to write. I kept constantly coming back to this thinking I'm gonna write something. But I just... forgot (repeatedly).
You know, before I even publish the chapter, the site always count me returning to the chapter as a view, even though I'm editing it. I found a way to reset the view counter (just start a new chapter page and copy-paste everything I did to the new page), but it listed me as 25 views. Ugh! :ajbemused:

But enough of me complaining my own laziness, let's do the author notes that is late to meet the chapter itself.

I bet almost all of you are wondering how did Celestia get healing powers or how Flash survived (unscathed) despite a boat running into him? Well, it was something that I thought up while I was writing the climax for the Friendship Games (the F.M.M version) but it sort of started at Rainbow Rock. Basically, more and more people are being exposed to magic. Either because of casual exposure to being around school or a direct share.

Remember this paragraph from Rainbow Rocks:

And then something truly magical happened. Flash, Trixie, the Crusaders and the music girl suddenly have a magical aura around them and were beginning to glow. They weren't transforming in the same way as the Rainbooms or the Dazzlings, but it's like the magic of friendship were enchanting them in someway.

Or the more direct sharing from the Friendship Games. Where Twilight & co. and the girls from Crystal share the magic with everyone so they can fight back a possed Cinch and invaders from 3 different Equestria.

Basically, almost everyone has a little speck of magic now and you gonna so it in this story. However, I'm gonna explain more about that when those powers are on full display.

Now the rest of this chapter. I had a little trouble finding the pacing of the chapter. However, I think I did the pace well enough. But for Starlight...
Man, despite being a few day later after I release the chapter, I haven't got any comments talking about Starlight. Nothing that says: "Oh no, here she comes" or "Starlight was really selfish asking for magic". I'm honestly quite surprised. But really, if you find out that your friend is a mage or a superhero, wouldn't you ask if they can share some of that power?

However, that is just Starlight's 1st step towards the path of darkness and you can see step 2nd in the next chapter.