• Published 6th Jul 2017
  • 2,144 Views, 51 Comments

Legends of Everfree: Friendship Makes Magic - ImNoPony

A camping trip in an alternate continuity that takes our heroines to the Everfree, a place where strange things happen and reason fails to meet reality.

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Chapter 2- The Forest of Fear


Screamed Sunset Shimmer as she tries to get back onto the bus. Twilight, Rainbow and the other trying desperately to hold Sunset down and stopping her from.

"SUNSET! STOP!" Twilight desperately shouted.

"TELL US WHAT'S WRONG!" Fluttershy cried out.

However, Sunset ignores all of her friend's support and just shouts: "IFYOUKNOWWHAT'SGOODFORYOU-THENLETMEGO!"

"What?" Rarity responded, confused on what she said.

And Pinkie Pie then explains to Rarity: "I think she said "If you know what's good for you, then let me go"?" Rarity appreciates Pinkie's clarification, but that still won't help them understand Sunset's panic.

Eventually, Applejack had enough. She steps away from Sunset for a bit, spits into her hands and rubs them vigorously. So when she grabs back onto Sunset, she had a much firmer grip. However, when AJ made her tug, something strange happened. What she thought would be a fairly strong pull ended up being 10x stronger than what she expected. All of them fall back and Sunset flew back several feet.



It took a minute for everyone to recover from Applejack's surge of strength (AJ included). But then they do, Rainbow says to her: "Ok AJ, maybe next time, hold back just a little bit."

"Sorry yall" Applejack apologized. "I guess I'm stronger than what I thought I am?"

However, even though some of them were a little bit sore, none of them is going to hold it against Applejack. They all were more concerned about Sunset who was already on her feet and was more jittery than they even see her. They all quickly more towards and hold onto either side of her. Both to make sure she doesn't try to do a runner and to comfort.

"Ok Sunset. Tell us what's wrong?" Twilight sternly asked.

See that her friends got a firm grip on her, Sunset could see that she can't run away. There was also a heavy feeling in her heart. Something that compels her to explain her fears to her friends and make them understand. After taking a deep breath, Sunset shares to friends her worries.

"It just that... We're in The Everfree Forest You Guys!"

Sunset's friends could see the panic look on Sunset, but they still couldn't understand what is making her so scared. Rainbow Dash says back to her: "Um, yeah? What about it?"

Sunset voice became even more frantic and she says to all of them: "You Guys Don't Understand! Back in my world, the Everfree Forest is a Dangerous place that no-pony dread to enter."

At that moment, Twilight and the others had a little bit of insight to Sunset's fears and remember an important aspect about her: she's ain't from their world. They remember that Sunset is actually from a magical parallel world (where everybody is a pony for some reason) that has many phenomenal elements. It is actually the source of their magical powers and the magical problems that tend to give them trouble. And if there's something about Sunset world's Everfree Forest that scares her, then it must be something scary.

Fluttershy sheepishly asks: "What about this Everfree Forest that scares you so much?"

After barely calming down (but still shaking nervously), Sunset tells her friends who were leaning in: "The Everfree Forest is an unnatural place where weird stuff happens all the time. It's a place where plants grow, animals look after and clouds move ALL BY THEMSELVES!"

Twilight and the others... were understandably confused and fall into silence.

Rainbow Dash responds: "Um... What's so scary about..."

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!" Sunset shouted, interrupting her. She explains: "Pony take control of everything in my world. Earth ponies grow the plants, the sky pegasi control the weather and even our royal princesses control the sun and the moon! If there's a place that doesn't everything by itself, then we deem it unnatural and we stay away from it."

Ok, after getting some more clarification, Sunset's friends had a better understanding about some of her worries. They are still confused about why the ponies have a deep control on their nature and such, but they are more concerned about calming Sunset down than anything else.

In a calm and gentle voice, Rarity says to Sunset: "It's ok dearie. Calm down. This isn't the same forest that is in your Equestria."

Pinkie Pie then adds: "And besides: clouds move and stuff on their own all the time. Haven't you notice it yet?"

"Well... yeah. It was a bit shocking at first, but I eventually got used to it." At that moment, everyone had thought that they finally calm Sunset down. However, Sunset's panic voice soon return and she thinks out loud: "But... If that what's count as normal in this world, what would "The Everfree" do to make it abnormal!?"

As Sunset began to hyperventilate, a stern Twilight tells her: "Sunset, if there really was something "abnormal" about this forest, they wouldn't open a camp here."

"Yeah... You're right..." Sunset muttered, saying it more towards herself than to her friend.

Finally, Sunset has calmed down enough. She still was shaken up and looks extremely worried, but having her friends around her seems to make her less tense. Twilight than just look on a few feet away, wondering how she would react over the next few days. All that she could hope for now is for Sunset to realize that there's nothing scary at Camp Everfree and enjoy herself.

And then suddenly, Twilight heard some grass being stepped on behind her and a voice calls out for her name.


When Twilight turns around, she saw that it was Starlight Glimmer who was looking curious and worried.

"Is everything ok? Your friend seemed awfully scared all of a sudden and looks quite shaken up. What is up with that?"

Twilight began to chuckle nervously, wondering how she should explain it to Starlight. She doesn't want to explain that Sunset is from another world because it sounds too unbelievable and she doesn't want to freak her out. Twilight quickly come up with a convincing lie and tells her:

"Yeah well, turns out that Sunset has some repressed memories of going to camp and coming here must have brought them all back."

"Really!" Starlight replied. "Well, maybe she should just go home if she's that scared about staying here?"

However, Discord then suddenly appears and tells them all: "No can do! I'm not making a return trip back to town just so I can drop off one little girl." He then presses a button on his keychain, locking the bus and putting on the alarm. Some of the girls became somewhat angry by this as they saw Discord as being unreasonable and lazy.

However, Sunset then tells all of her friends: "That's alright you guys. [Massive sigh]... I'll see if I can stick it out."

At that, Fluttershy and the others were still worried for Sunset, but they do commend her for her bravery. Once she saw that everything is under wraps, Starlight tell everyone: "Ok well, I'm here to let you know that they've started giving out tent assignments to everybody. So unless you want to sleep out in the dark woods at night..."


"Sorry! Just... head back over and get your assigned tents."

"Ok Starlight. Thank!" Twilight happily replied.

And after Twilight said head her thanks, Starlight cheerily head back to the others. Seeing that Sunset is remaining calm and they got no other business by the bus, everyone figured that they should return to. But as they all were walking back, Pinkie Pie was deep in thought.


Noticed that Pinkie was thinking, Applejack asks her: "Somethin' on your mind Pinkie Pie?"

"Eh, nothing much. Just that out of everyone here, Starlight is the only one who doesn't know anything about magic."

When Pinkie said that out loud, everyone made the same realization. Starlight really doesn't know anything about the magical ordeals that the school had to go through or the magical powers that they possess. Just thinking about everything that they went through, though not too traumatizing, is still freaky and scary to think about it.

Pinkie then ponders out loud: "I was just wondering if we should tell Starlight about all the magic and stuff. Giving her a heads up you know."

However, Rarity replies: "I'm not so sure about that dearie. We don't want to overload the poor girl with our misadventures."

"Yeah, an' I was hoping that we get away from all that magic stuff while we're out here" Applejack added.

And then Sunset, seeping into her scared state: "But don't you think we should at least warn her? You know... about..." She then stuttered, looking down into the forest in fear that she might see something.

But then Fluttershy asks: "But do we have to make her worry? We're not at school and there shouldn't be any magic here at camp."

After giving it much consideration, Twilight tell all her friends: "How about if she does find out about our magic, we should explain everything to her and make it clear that she's isn't in any danger. But if Starlight doesn't find out, we'll wait until we get back to school. Does that sound alright with all of you?"

One by one, everyone voices their agreement.

"Yeah, that sounds ok."

"That's alright by me."

"Yeah, let's just relax and have a mini-vacation."

Rainbow Dash then remarks: "As always, Twilight is the one who comes up with the clever plans."

"Well ain't the residential nerd of the group?" Twilight joked back.

Everyone then burst out chuckling to Twilight's joke. And before they knew it, they found themselves back with the others.

In front of the gazebo was a box on a table. And in front of the box on a table was a line of campers who want to find out their tent arrangements. Once they got to the box, they pull out a card that says which tent they belong to and then they went off to look for it. It was a fairly simple process and everyone was moving adequately enough. Even Twilight, who was at the back of the line, soon finds herself in the middle of it.

But as she was waiting patiently, Twilight suddenly heard a sound. It wasn't a loud sound, but she did hear something falling down by her feet. Twilight looked down and found a discarded cell phone (with a tree symbol on the cover) lying by her feet. Thinking that somebody had dropped it, she kneels down and picks it up.

But as she was about to touch the cell phone, another hand suddenly appeared and accidentally touch Twilight's hand.

"Oh Sorry!" said Twilight and the other person who both quickly apologized.

When Twilight looks up and sees who the other person, she was taken aback on who it was.

"Hey! You're..."

"Timber Spruce?" he sarcastically asked.

Twilight was left so surprisedly that she stand back up without picking up the phone. Timber did and he explains: "Thanks for trying to pick up my phone. But like what my sister tend to say, I got this."

"Your... the other camp counselor who was with Gloriosa?"

"The very same."

Even though Twilight couldn't sense some malevolent intent from Timber, she could sense an ulterior motive from. She went back into the line, hoping that he would move on and continue with his camp counselor business. But much to her dismay, Timber lingered.

"Do you want to know something?"

"What's that?" Twilight asked blankly.

"We're having a rock coloring system to sort out tent assignments. So if you get the ruby card, you go to the red tent. If you get the amethyst card, you go to the purple tent. And if you get the sapphire card..."

"I'd go to the blue tent. Even though..."

"Even though sapphires aren't always blue. Some times they're pink, yellow..."

"And purple, I know. It just that blue is the sapphire's most common color."


"And it's named after the Latin word sapphirus, which means..."

"Yes. Blue. I already know all of this."

"Oh! So you do!"

Twilight was slightly annoyed. She will admit that talking with a guy who is as smart in rocks and geology as she is somewhat refreshing, but she could tell that Timber is trying way too hard to get her attention. And upon seeing Flash looking jealous from the distance, Twilight could tell that she will be having far more boy trouble on this trip than she expected.

Luckily, it was Twilight's turn to pull a card out of the box. She reaches inside and pulls out a purple peridot card. Twilight was somewhat happy for getting her card (because it so happens that peridot is her favorite rock), but then Timber got up beside her and says:

"Ooh! Lucky. You got the peridot tent. That's actually the best tent we got here."

Twilight huffs and says towards Timber: "Oh please! I bet you say that to all the campers that you like."

But Timber replied: "Not true. Just watch." He then turns towards Bulk Biceps who was walking nearby with his card and says: "Aww, tough luck. You got the amethyst tent. That's actually the worst tent."

Bulk Biceps, upon hearing the somewhat harsh words towards him, suddenly began feeling depressed and hangs his head in sadness. Timber thought he set a noticeable impression. However, when he turns back towards her, Twilight had her arms crossed and looked angrily at him.

"That's not cool" she coldly remarked. "That's not cool at all."

Timber soon realize that he greatly upset her and angered. He quickly turns back towards Bulk and says to him: "Hey-hey-hey! Sorry mate, I'm only joking. Let me... take you to your tent." Feeling slightly better, Bulk willingly follow Timber to his tent. Timber look back and saw that Twilight is still angry towards him. Service to say but... he blew it.

Twilight, finally knowing what tent she belongs to, heads off and try to find her tent.

Twilight (accompanying with her dog Spike) was walking through the tent area to find her own tent. But as she was walking, she discovers that most of her friends were being paired together. Rainbow Dash was with Pinkie Pie, Applejack was with Rarity and they told her that Sunset is in the same tent as her. Fluttershy was paired with somebody else but it was with Vinyl Scratch so it isn't somebody they don't know. She also heard that Starlight Glimmer will be sleeping with Trixie and she isn't annoyed by that at all.

Anyway, Twilight and Spike had found the peridot tent. She thinks that Sunset was already inside and unpacking some of her stuff and she would like to do so on her own. After taking a deep breath, Twilight unzip the opening flap and step inside.

"Sunset? Are you in here?"

However, when she steps inside, Twilight made a somewhat shocking discovery. All across the tent was a series of strings connect to either side of the tent walls. And on those strings were tiny bells that will ring if you so much brush on the string that holds them. It was a makeshift security system and Twilight could see the paranoid girl who made it on the left side bed and had wrapped her blanket around her like a cocoon.

Sunset says with a surprised: "Oh Twilight! It's you!"

Shocked and confused, Twilight asks her: "Sunset, what is all of this?"

"Oh this is just my homemade security system" Sunset cheerily explained. "Since the camp is named after the Everfree, I thought I would prepare myself and bring a lot of stuff that will protect. Well, it's a good thing that I brought them because my paranoia is warranted.

Twilight sighed. It looks like that Sunset hadn't gotten over her fears of being in the Everfree Forest and it seems like she won't be for quite some time. "Really Sunset?" Twilight exclaimed. "We've been over this. There's nothing dangerous in the Everfree Forest." She then moves towards the right side and to the walls where the strings are attached with sellotape.

"Don't Touch That!" Sunset yelled.

"Oh come on Sunset! I need to unpack my stuff too and how are you suppose to move around with all these strings in the way?"

Sunset was silent, even when Twilight was removing the bell tied strings from the wall. She knows that all of her fears are in her head, but for every string that Twilight pulls down, the less secured that she feels. Eventually, Sunset moans: "Ok, but keep the string that I tied between our beds."

Twilight sighs, rolled her eyes, and replies: "Sure Sunset."

Like she said, Twilight removed all the strings except for the one between their beds. With that out of the way, she could finally unpack. The first thing she pulls out was Spike's doggie bed so he can quickly rest on. Then she pulls out her spare clothes, a spare pillow, sunscreen, food for herself and Spike, a microscope, test tubes, a couple of bowls and containers, weird machines and...

"What is all that stuff Twilight?" Sunset asked, looking at the weird science equipment that she brought.

"Hm?! Oh, these! I just thought I would do some experimenting while I'm here so I brought some of my home lab equipment."


"Well like what I told the others, I'm the nerd in our group."

Sunset rolls her eyes. She has somewhat forgotten that Twilight is a nerd as Sunset and their other friends often see Twilight as their leader. But as she was waiting around, Sunset suddenly notice Flash Sentry through their tent's flap. She then got an idea.

Sunset passively asks: "You know... There's something that you can do to help me get over the Everfree."

Inadvetavly taking the bait, Twilight turn around and asks: "Really! What's that?"

"You can tell me what happened between you and Flash Sentry?"

"What!" Twilight stammered and lock up. "I-I-I-I d-don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh come on Twilight. All of us saw you two acting weird by the bus. Something happened between you and Flash Sentry that strained your relationship."

"But We're Not In A Relationship!" Twilight angrily exclaimed.

However, as Twilight was looking angrily at Sunset, Sunset suddenly put up the absolute saddest expression to throw her off guard. It was so off putting that Twilight could put an angry expression towards her. She also couldn't explain it but she felt that Sunset learn that from Spike. Eventually, Sunset's sad look broke Twilight and she says:

"Ok, Fine! I'll Tell You! Just know that you weren't really playing fair."

And Sunset sarcastically remarks: "Well I am the former bad girl in our group." Even though Twilight was still mad at her, she couldn't help but admit that Sunset's joke was kind of clever.

After making a long sigh and she put down her stuff, Twilight tells her: "Before I start, promise me that you won't tell this to the others."

"I promise" Sunset sincerely replied.

"Ok... The other week, I had my first date with Flash..."


"Hey! If you want me to tell you, it would help if you don't interrupt me."


"*Sigh* Well anyway, after many months of persisting and get me to like him, I finally said yes to Flash and we both agree to see a movie. However, when we got to the movie theater, the movie that we were going to watch was sold out at the last second (I knew we should have left 5 minutes early). We were bummed out but we try to make the most of it. We found a restaurant and so we decided to have dinner instead. But when we got inside and we were waiting for our meal, we found out that we got NOTHING to talk about!"

"Nothing at all?" Sunset sheepishly asked.

Twilight regretfully replies: "No and we ended up throwing the most meaningless banter to each other. It should have been obvious. I'm a science nerd and Flash is a rock star. We don't exactly have many things in common. We ended up telling unfunny jokes to weird childhood stories. And then our food did arrive but it turns out it was somebody else's meal. Management got involve and gave "couple discounts" to everyone and the whole thing is just confusing and awkward."

Sunset comments: "Wow. Sounds like you had a rough date."

And with a depressing sigh, Twilight explains: "Yeah, we did. And now we can't decide if we weren't meant for each other or we should try to go on another date."

Sunset could help but feel sad for Twilight. She thinks that her and Flash could make a good pair (obviously better when she tried dating Flash) and hopefully see their relationship succeed. However, after hearing that story, even she was starting to have doubts and was thinking if she and the others only thinks could make a cute couple. Eventually, Sunset says as advice:

"Well I don't know what to say but... just give it some time to think about your feelings. Just think if you two can really get along well with each other?"

In a somber tone, Twilight replies: "Thanks, Sunset. We already thought of that, but still thanks."

And then suddenly, Gloriosa's voice appears over the speakers and she says: "Alright Campers! Time to get the first set of activities started. Put on your sunscreen (if you got any) and meet me at the docks in 10 minutes!"

And with that announcement, Twilight and Sunset realize the next thing they need to do. They were sort of imagining that they're going to do some sort of water activities (although Sunset was also expecting to see some lake monsters or mermaids) and so they need to prepare for that. Twilight grab her sunscreen (not noticing that it levitated into her hand) and then she exclaims while walking out of the tent:

"I wonder how everybody back at CHS is doing?"

Author's Note:

Phew. That was the word count that I was sort of expecting. Well anyway, On To Some Author's Notes!

As I sort of explained in the last chapter, I'm trying to make Sunset's fear of the Everfree into a running gag. Here I guess that I'm trying to set up why she's afraid of the forest and some of the lengths that she's willing to go to. I also have few jokes that I have in store for her but we'll see.

And Timber. Oh boy, Timber. I got a bit of a jolly of ruining Timber advances towards Twilight. In canon, Twilight (both the princess and Sci-Twi) seem to fall head over heels for the first pretty boy she comes across. I'm both fine and cool with that (though to a certain extent) and I sort of expected that for a teenage romance. But here? My Twilight doesn't give a crap how good looking you are as long as you don't rely on your charm.

Also, I bet some of you got something to say about "Flash's and Twilight's 1st Date". Look. I'm trying to find an interesting way on how I can spin "FlashLight" and I thought having them into an awkward position in their relationship was the way to do it. I thought I had the perfect idea for a terrible date, but I feel unhappy with the way that I wrote. I feel like I should have split up Twilight's explanation with a bit more narration from me, but I was looking at the paragraph and I thought it was long enough. If anybody wants me to go back and tweak it a little bit, I'd be happy to but I'm not sure how I would do it.

And finally: with Twilight saying "I wonder how everybody back at CHS is doing?", what do you think will happen in the next chapter? Anybody? Anybody got any ideas?

Anyway, I hope that you enjoy this chapter and feel free to list my mistakes in the comments. Take care!