• Published 6th Jul 2017
  • 2,143 Views, 51 Comments

Legends of Everfree: Friendship Makes Magic - ImNoPony

A camping trip in an alternate continuity that takes our heroines to the Everfree, a place where strange things happen and reason fails to meet reality.

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Chapter 4- Camp Tales & Secrets

A little while later after swimming was disappointingly canceled, the rest of the camper split up and went off to do other camp activities. However, for Twilight and her band of friends, they were allowed to be absent on those activities so they can sort out fixing the docks. Rainbow Dash was confused at first on why they are doing it (since she was in the middle of the lake for when it happened). But once they gave her the rundown, Dash didn't mind joining them.

On a nearby park table over by the shore, Twilight pulled and lay out a large blueprint on the table for her friends to see. "Ok, this is what I quickly drew up" Twilight explained. As Dash and the others look at the blueprint, they quickly got overwhelmed by the amount of detail that Twilight put into it. The type of materials they need, the length and measurement that each one needs to be in, and even the type of tools that they need to do all of it. For Applejack (and maybe even Rarity), this wasn't too worrying for her. But for the others...

"Wow, Twilight. That sure is a lot" Fluttershy commented.

And Pinkie then adds: "Yeah! and you like draw all of this in 5 minutes."

Flattered, Twilight response to them was: "Well, schematic drawings and blueprint designs were common requirements back at Crystal Prep."

But as she was looking over the blueprint, a certain question comes to Rainbow's mind. "Yeah, well, this looks mighty impressive Twilight, but how long will all of this take?"

"Well... that's the bad part" Twilight answered, making everyone to become worried. She pulled out a calculator and do some math. "If we go at the pace that I think we will go, we just might be able to finish before the end of camp."

"Well that isn't so bad" Rarity responded.

"But... that is only if we exclude ourselves from all camp activities and work solely on the docks. If we take shifts or do some of our camp stuff, then we probably have to stay behind and work on it after camp has finished."

After Twilight gave the full explanation, her friends quickly became disheartened. They are willing to help rebuild the docks, but most of them aren't willing to give up the free time that they have while they are at camp. "Is there any way that we can make it quicker and not have to give up our camp time?" Fluttershy asked.

Seeing the conflicting faces of her friends, Twilight took a closer look at her blueprints. "Well, I suppose I can downsize my 'prints and it would shorten our workload, but that would mean the docks would be pretty tiny and bare bones."

"Did somebody say bones?" Spike barked by his owner's as he heard a word to catch his attention.

As Twilight gave Spike a pet to calm him down, Applejack says out loud: "I guess that could be an option, but aren't we suppose to make an impression? Not only is this to be our camp gift, but this is also something to help Gloriosa."

But then, while the topic was on Gloriosa, Sunset chimes in and says: "Well don't any of you find it strange that Gloriosa is refusing help from Filthy Rich?"

Rainbow Dash shrugs and answers: "Maybe Filthy is trying to buy out the camp somehow and she's trying to stop him in any way that she can?"

"And why would that be a bad thing then?" Sunset added.

"Maybe she just doesn't want to give up the camp?" Pinkie responded.

Seeing that they are going off track, Twilight grab all of her friend's attention and says: "Regardless, unless we have more people helping us out, I see no other way to make this go quicker?"

But then, as the girls try to come up with other ways to speed up their work, they suddenly heard a (male) voice from behind them.

"I suppose that you want your help then?"

All of them jumped and they quickly recognize the voice. They all turn around and saw both Flash Sentry and Timber Spruce standing and waving.

"Oh no," Twilight moaned in her head. Not wanting to be rude, Twilight put on a smile and says: "Flash! Timber! What a pleasant surprised. You say... you want to help us?"

Flash was first to reply but was just as nervous. "Well, w-we uh... w-we saw you all working from afar and... We Weren't Stalking Or Anything! We just..."

Annoyed that Flash was taking his time, Timber swiftly explains: "We just wanted to see if you want any help?" Flash was annoyed at Timber for cutting him off... but he could understand why.

Twilight was adamant and hesitant about letting both Timber and Flash helping them. She can slightly sense that they were pinning for her attention and think this would be their way to get her to like them. Not that she doesn't like them or anything, it just that she doesn't want to have boy troubles at the moment. But before Twilight could say anything, Applejack appeared beside her and rest her arm on her shoulder.

"Sure! We could really need a few extra hands!"

"Great!" Timber exclaimed. "It very fortunate that you have me since I'm the only guy in camp who knows his way around with an ax and the one who usually collects the wood."

Seeing Timber was giving Twilight looks and feeling incredibly jealous, Flash quickly inserted between the two and says: "Well it's also a good thing that I know a thing or two about stage construction. Because, well, I'm a rock star and I know my way around..."

But Twilight, annoyed at both Flash and Timber, shout at both boys: "Can You Two Cut It Out!"

The scene was completely quiet. Both Flash and Timber froze with fright and surprise as they look at a very frustrated Twilight Sparkle. And they weren't the only the ones who were quiet. Twilight's voice was so loud, everybody (including the animals) in camp momentarily stopped what they were doing and look towards the commotion.

After taking a deep breath, Twilight calmly says to the boys: "Can you... just collect the wood and we figure out what we do from there."

Frighten and not wanting to occur her wrath, they quickly capitulate with her request.
"Yeah, Totally!"
"We'll get right on it!"

But as Flash and Timber was about to head off in the woods, Timber quickly stop tell all of them: "Also, don't forget that campfire tales is this afternoon."

Upon hearing the word "campfire", Pinkie became excited and asks: "Oh, Can We Bring Smores!"

"Um... Sure?"

As Pinkie began shaking with anticipation, the boys finally head off. As they were walking away, they make quick glances towards Twilight and they see that she still trying to calm down while her friends comfort her.

"Man, she gets pretty mad" Timber commented towards Flash.

"Yeah" Flash replied. "The only other time I saw her this upset was when I was mind controlled by these three sirens and cause me to be angry and stuff."


"Long story."

While Timber was momentarily perplexed, he notices Flash was staring of longingly in the distance. He had a sad, almost melancholy look on his face as it seems an issue was growing in his mind. Taking a leap, Timber tries talking to him.

"So... I'm guessing you guys are close or something?"

Hearing the question, Flash hesitantly replies: "Well... it's complicated. We are... but at the same time, we're not... We tried making it work but..."

"Let me guess; bad first date?"

After groaning and rubbing his forehead, Flash says: "You hit the nail on the dartboard."

At that moment, Timber was beginning to feel sad and pity for Flash. He could tell that he and Twilight have a history together and having difficulty in starting a relationship together. Despite how much we want to her for himself, Timber had to admit that Twilight can see through his act and that Flash has a better chance than he does.



"-How about, while we are working together, that..."


"... That I might give you some relationship advice."

Shocked, Flash responded by saying: "What! Would really do that for me!?"

But then, trying to act tough and suave, Timber then adds: "But only if you can get more wood than me."

Flash was surprised that Timber decided to be coy with him now even after he said he would help him. However, either because he felt a kindred spirit towards him or that he doesn't want to lose Twilight to him, he felt motivated for the challenge. "You're On!" he said confidently.

Hours pass and the sun of the first day of camp had set. Twilight and friends lay down the groundwork for them to continue into tomorrow, but they still fairways to go if they want to finish it. But regardless, they've made a fair start and took part in the evening activities.

On the edge of the camp ground's, where the tall Everfree trees sitting right behind them, was a circle of campers/students who were sitting on logs and around the campfire. Twilight and the others were sitting side by side of each other and listening to Timber Spruce's "scary" story of Gaia Everfree. Meanwhile, Starlight, Trixie, Flash and other campers were also with them and Luna was watching over them as a supervisor.

"One pitch black night, when the wind was howling, a tree branch crashed through the roof of their cabin!"

Timber was telling is a story in the scariest tone that he can make his voice at. Some were a little bit frightened by Timber's story, others are left amused by his performance, while someone else (Pinkie) was too busy cooking up marshmallows for everyone. However, none were more scared than Sunset Shimmer. Every part of her was shaking at the scene and clinging onto Twilight for dear life. Twilight didn't mind it so much... but she was cutting off circulation to her arm.

"They ran outside their cabin and saw a creature emerging from the forest!"

"Aaaww!" Sunset moaned in fear.

"She had wild hair like the roots of a tree. Her mouth had jagged rock teeth and her eyes were pools of black tar. But her aura shimmered like diamonds. Anywhere she went, she left a trail of gem dust in her wake!"

Sunset made a massive gulp.

"Frightened, my great-grandparents asked who she was and what she wanted. In a deep and hollow voice, she told them that her name was Gaea Everfree! – an ancient spirit who held domain over the forest, and that my great-grandparents were trespassing on her land."

"Ouch! Sunset!" Twilight angrily whispered.

"They begged her to let them stay and let them build their camp, to share this wonderful place with anybody who may come. After thinking long and hard, Gaea Everfree agreed and let them go..."

At that moment, upon hearing that Gaea Everfree did no harm, Sunset felt sort of relieved and finally feel herself relaxing (much to Twilight's pleasure).

But then Timber added: "But!-", which frighten Sunset again. "- She warned them that they would not be able to keep it forever. Someday, she will return and reclaim the forest as her own." As Sunset begin to shudder excessively again, Timber finished off his story by saying: " So if you see a trail of gem dust, you'll know that it is..."

But before Timber could finish speaking, somebody in the circle spontaneously sneezed.


"GAEA EVERFREE!!!" Sunset screamed at the top of her longs.

Everybody around the circle jumped and shook with fright and surprise when Sunset made her scream. They all look around, seeing if there was anybody who appeared from the darkness of the woods. However, there was no one (or no one else besides them). It was then where they all notice Fluttershy rubbing her nose and discovering that she had sneezed.

"Sorry," Fluttershy apologized, noticing that everybody was looking at her.

At that moment, everybody, including Sunset, calmed down. "Oh, thank goodness" Sunset happily sighed as she wipes some sweat off her forehead. But after she said that, she noticed her friends were looking understandably angry at her.

"Ok, Sunset..." Applejack announced. "I know you're scared of the Everfree Forest, but that was too over the top."

Rainbow Dash then says: "Yeah, because first of; Augh! You seriously hurt my eardrums!"

But then Twilight adds: "You think that's bad!? I was right next to her when she screamed."

"Sorry" apologized Sunset. "It just that... Gaea Everfree. If she's real, she could..."

"But She's Not!" Twilight moaned. "She's just something that Timber made up. Isn't that right, Timber?"

"I don't know" Timber replied, hoping to leave some ambiguity. However, when she saw how scared Sunset looks and how angry that Twilight appeared, he quickly sings a different tune. "No, right, I totally made it up. Sorry for scaring you."

Seeing things are getting a bit too tense, Luna stood up. "Perhaps we should tell a different story. Something that is "a little less scary" for people to handle."

Everyone around the campfire then buckled down and try to think of none scary stories to tell.

"Oh! I think I got a story to tell!" Rarity shouted.

"Is it about the girl with the burgundy dress?" Applejack asked in a (somewhat) annoyed tone."

"Noo..." Rarity replied, turning her eyes away and said a complete lie. After that moment, Rarity sat back down and refused to tell the story.

At that moment, Starlight looks around and saw how stumped everyone was looking. They were trying to remember/come up with stories that would be interesting to tell but won't scare Sunset. Starlight looked on in silence, pondering if she should tell the story that has emerged in her head. She thinks long and hard on what she wants to do.

Trixie then spoke out: "Well, I got a story that I'm sure you all will...

"I... I got a story to tell if you want to hear it?"

Everybody froze when she heard Starlight spoke out and interrupt Trixie's sentence. Realizing what she did, Starlight quickly says to her friend: "Oh! I'm sorry Trixie. I didn't mean to interrupt you."

But Trixie says: "No, that's alright. If it's your story, then I'm fine with that."

"Are you sure? It's not particularly scary or exciting or anything. In fact, it's actually kind of sad."

"Starlight, you don't have to tell it if you don't want to" Twilight explained. "But if you are willing to tell, we'd be very much interested to hear what you got."


"Yes! Go Ahead!" Pinkie shouted as she passes around freshly backed marshmallows to everyone.

Seeing everybody in the circle has their eyes fixed on her and waiting anxiously for her story, Starlight felt that she couldn't back out now. After one big breath to calm her nerves, she begins.

"Ok, it's all started back in my own town before I moved to Canterlot. It wasn't a particularly big town but it was a nice and everyone get along well enough."

Everyone listen quietly and with their full attention. They don't really know much about Starlight and hearing where she came from was a welcome piece of information.

But Starlight looked down and voice then went into a somber tone.

"And I... I knew this little girl. She was... an ordinary little girl that didn't particularly have any noteworthy talents, but she does have this one boy that she was really close with. I often saw them play together, eat together, and they look like they were the best of friends.

However, there was a problem. The boy that she was friends with was a born genius. He always gets top marks in his tests while the girl could only scrap up passing grades. I guess she felt so inadequate that she... she hired me to be her tutor. That's how I knew all this stuff."

As Starlight was telling her soft-spoken story, most of the other campers were on the edge of their seats. They didn't know where the story was going or wasn't sure how it would end. However, they could clearly sense the sadness that was emanating from Starlight's voice and her facial expression.

"But one day, something happened. The boy did so well on one of his tests that I think he got a perfect score. His parents and teachers were so impressed... they... send the boy away..."

"What!" Fluttershy softly reacted.

"Yep. They send him to some elite private school in the other town because they felt is genius would be wasted on a private little town like ours. And meanwhile... the girl was left behind."

Starlight stuttered, trying so hard to hold back the tears.

"No matter what she did, she couldn't follow him. She didn't have the grades, she didn't have any talent, and there was nothing she could do to enroll herself in the same private school as her friends. And thus... She lost her friend... and there was nothing that she could do."

Everyone was left speechless. None of them had heard such a sad story before. They have been overcome by so much sorrow and sympathy that even the toughest students started to shed some tears. Some have their own interpretations and theories of Starlight's tale as they felt that she wasn't being 100% honest with them. But regardless, they were just left speechless.

Breaking the silence, Flash ask her: "Wow, Starlight. Did that all really happened?"

"Yep" Starlight softly replied. But then she adds: "The girl wasn't totally alone, however. She still had her family and she still had her tutor, I mean me. It just took weeks to get over her sadness."

Wanting to be uplifting, Rarity tells Starlight: "Well, at least you were there to uplift her spirit."

"Thanks" Starlight smiled.

The scene went back into silence, but it was a peaceful silence. Everyone was in a state of calm joy as they all learned something about Starlight and Starlight gotten something off her chest. But in that joyful silence, rustling in the bushes began to be heard. They all thought it was the wind at first. But as the rustling began to louder, some of them was getting nervous and...


Before they knew, a large black bear sprouted out from the bushes and stood tall over the campers.


Everyone let out their scream and fall back in terror. Even Timber was scared of this unexpected surprise. However, despite how terrified everyone else, Luna was unfazed. In fact, she looked more annoyed than scared.

"Discord! Take Off That Rediculous Bear Costume!"

Everyone took a moment to process.

"Discord!!" shouted everybody.

"Awww! How did you know?" the bear replied, revealing that it was indeed Discord.

"This was the same prank that you pulled back when we were in camp."

Discord then take the bear head off and shake off the sweat that he accumulated inside of it. "Oh come on! It's Camp Everfree tradition. A bear always had to scare the kids after "Krago, The Mad Everfree Ursa Major" is told."

With a smug smirk, Luna tells him: "Krago wasn't told this time. It was "Gaea Everfree"."

"Gaea Everfree!?" Discord shouted.

After getting up from the floor, Timber explains: "Well, uh, I thought I would change things up and introduce a new scary story."

"But... Krago was always the story" Discord moaned in disappointment.

After seeing that the "bear" was just their wacky bus driver, all the students relaxed and felt at ease. In fact, once they all got up and stretch, they all started to yawn.

Seeing that everyone was getting tired, Luna announces: "Ok everyone, time to return to your tents. Get some sleep and prepare yourselves for a full day of fun tomorrow."

Following their Vice Principal's instructions, they all break off and head back to their tents. Most of them were chatting and talking about their thoughts and their near future events. But as everyone was walking, Starlight look towards Sunset. She could tell that she was still very much scared and constantly looking side to side for any danger. Wanting to help, Starlight walk towards her.

"Hey, I hope you aren't too shaken up over that bear prank."

Sunset jumped at first but soon realize it was Starlight. "Oh, Starlight! Um, yeah, that was a bit shocking, but at least it wasn't a real Ursa Major."

"Reall!? Wait, what's an Ursa Major?"

"A bear that is 50 feet tall and a body of a night sky."

Starlight was so surprised and amazed by the explanation that she almost forget to speak. "Well, uh... Ok then. I guess that is a good thing that a "real Ursa Major" did show up."

"I know, right!?"

Both Starlight and Sunset had a quick chuckle before they realize that they have returned back to the tent area and realize that they have to split up now.

"Well, I guess I see you tomorrow Sunset?"

"Yeah, you betcha" Sunset replied.

But before they part, Sunset had raised her hand for a friendly fist bump. Wanting to be polite, Starlight reciprocates the act of friends and bump fists with Sunset.

"Sunburst! Don't Go!"


Sunset stumbled backward, surprised of a loud voice that rang out in her head. Starlight instantly tells that something was wrong. "Are you ok?" she asked concerningly.

Sunset was confused and didn't know what happened. But seeing Starlight worried expression, she felt a strong urge to dispell it. "No, I'm fine" Sunset replied.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm fine. See you tomorrow."

"Um, ok then?"

The two girls then parted ways. Starlight was left worried and concerned for Sunset's well-being while Sunset tries to figure out what that weird voice was about.

And wondering why that voice sounded like a younger version of Starlight.

Author's Note:

Ok, I know this is a weird place to leave the chapter on. However, I felt like this was a good enough cliffhanger and I served enough meat for your meal.

I felt the first part of the chapter was a little bit longer than I had intended it to be. I wanted to hint how long the task would be if the Hu-Mane 7 try to fix the docks without their superpowers and also hint towards those. And then there was the moment Flash and Timber annoying Twilight and I felt a veered away from my original tension for the scene.

However, I did like what I've hinted with for Flash and Timber. I was so close to having a love triangle with the three and I know that is something that no one wants (myself included). But then I came up with an interesting idea. Having Timber give relationship advice to Flash is a really interesting way to subvert a cliche story and put the character into an interesting light. I'm not sure how much I will focus on this dynamic or where I will do it, but I'll see how much I can develop this plot point.

And then there was the campfire scene. Free cheers for the My Little Pony Wiki for having the Legends of Everfree transcript so I can quickly transplant the Gaea Everfree story. I did a few minor tweaks here and there so it won't be a carbon copy of the bit. However, is anybody else annoyed that the name is written as "Gaea Everfree" and not just "Gaia?" That really tripped me up.

And then there's Starlight's "Sad Story". If you are reading this, you are most certainly a brony and I don't have to explain on what this is alluding to. However, I will say I am a little bit concerned on how ambiguous that I presented the story as and not sure if I did too much or too little.

So anyway, that is what I got to say for this chapter. I hope that you enjoy it and feel free to point out my mistakes.

(And I swear: If I mixed up Sunset and Starlight again, I'm gonna scream)