• Published 6th Jul 2017
  • 2,143 Views, 51 Comments

Legends of Everfree: Friendship Makes Magic - ImNoPony

A camping trip in an alternate continuity that takes our heroines to the Everfree, a place where strange things happen and reason fails to meet reality.

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Bonus Chapter 1- Invitation to Disaster

Let's temporally step away from the activities in the forest and return to a place that we are familiar with. Back at Canterlot High, the school is a little more lively within its walls. Due to the absence of their head principal and vice principal, Cheerlie was voted as the acting principal while the other teachers pick up the slack. As for the student, the younger years was given a chance to shine as some of the older students are also out on the camping trip. Aside from a few missing students, everything was mostly normal at Canterlot High.

However, while everything is remaining normal, that doesn't mean that everybody is currently happy. During the lunch period at the cafeteria, Adagio Dazzling, a human-bound siren who is begrudgingly attending CHS, is sitting at an empty table on the far side of the room. She's waiting on the verge of impatience for her two friends/sisters and was just monitoring the cafeteria to pass the time. She looks out at all the other students and just watches as they all interact happily together. Laughing, chatting, cliques socializing with ones that you wouldn't expect. Adagio was frustrated with the happy and friendly scenery because it was making her...

"Hey, Adagio" Aria greeted as she arrives (and stopping her train of thought).

"You're late" Adagio angrily exclaimed.

Aria explains as she sits down in her seat: "Sorry. The teacher held me back because I was listening to music in class."

"Which subject was it?"

"English Studies."

"Ah! The boring subject. Understandable."

However, even though Aria has just arrived and sat down next to her, Adagio's attitude hadn't changed. In fact, their table now has two girls who look very grumpy and staring out towards the rest of the hall.

"So where's Sonata?" Aria asked.

"She's getting us our food" Adagio replied. "And speaking of which..."

And soon as Adagio says that, Sonata has arrived while carrying three sets of food trays. She was also balancing them really well too as none of them were shaking while she was moving. However, neither Aria or Adagio was amazed by this and was more concerned about their food.

Sonata happily exclaims: "Ok girls, today's special is pizza and I think I got everyone's orders right! You (Adagio) doesn't care what she'll have so I've ordered your's with fruit. You (Aria) like meat so I got you salami. Meanwhile, I'll have my slice with cheese because I like cheesy pizza." And then, when Sonata notices Aria, she asks her: "Oh Aria! Hi! When did you get here?"

"I've just arrived" Aria blankly replied.

And with that, the "Dazzlings" had come together (although in no spectacular way). As soon as Sonata put down the food and sat down next to Adagio, Adagio felt energized to start their meeting.

"Ok Girls! Listen up!

Aria, who was interrupted before she even started eating, angrily exclaims: "Really Adagio... Now?"

"Yeah! Can't we eat AND listen to you?" Sonata moaned.

"Fine! Just make sure that you really listen to me."

While Sonata quickly starts chowing down on her pizza, Aria as patient and wise enough to not do two things at once. When Adagio could see that both of them are still having their eyes on her, she continues onto her announcement.

"Recently, I have made an important revelation."

"Ok, and what's that?" Aria sarcastically asked.

"We're... Unpopular."

There was an awkward moment of silence. Both Aria and Sonata looks surprised and confused while Adagio remained straight faced.

Aria remarks: "Really!? You only discover that now?"

Even Sonata adds: "Yeah! Even I know about that."

"You two don't understand!" Adagio angrily responded. "We've been to this school for months now and nobody has even warmed up to us yet. Look!" She then points towards a pair of students on the other side of the room who was sitting together. "Word has it that those two were fierce rivals before they patch things up last week. Before that, a jock was having a spat with his nerdy tutor and I've just heard that they just got their issues sorted. This school is a haven of forgiving saps who can't hold a grudge for more than two seconds."

"And your point?"

"MY POINT is that if this school is so forgiving, why hasn't anybody invited to any social events?"

Despite how much that they don't want to think about it, Sonata and Aria could see that Adagio has a point. Even though they didn't really care much about other people, they do want to be included to parties and certain events and beginning to get annoyed with all the cold treatment from everybody. They hate to admit it but... they're jealous.

But after some short self-reflection, Aria asks: "Ok, so what are we suppose to do about it?"

After a deep sigh, Adagio explains: "Well, if we still had our voices, I would have said we hypnotize everyone to do what we want and be our loyal slaves. However, since we all know what happened to them..."

"Why do you have to remind us?"

"... All we can do now is try to insert ourselves into a few events and trick people that we changed."

Aria was underwhelmed with that idea and think that is what they have been doing for some time. Sonata on the other hand like the idea and say after finishing her pizza: "Hey yeah! That's not a half bad idea. Oh, do you know what we should have done!? We should have asked to be on that camping trip and..."

But before Sonata could finish her speech, Aria and Adagio both shot down her idea by loudly proclaiming: "NO!"

Sonata was startled. She thought that her idea wasn't half bad and it was the most appropriate thing that they should have done. However, Aria and Adagio has such a mean look that it was like they despise the very notion.

Sonata mumbles: "But... I just thought..."

But then Adagio explains: "There's no way we were going on that camping trip!"

"Yeah!" Aria added. "Not only did it have Sunset and those annoying "Rainbrooms" going, but there's no way you could get me to spend a week in a murky forest."

And then Adagio sarcastically states: "The only way we would have gone on that stupid camping trip is if there were "magical geodes" that would somehow restore our siren voices."

After all of that, Sonata could finally see why they didn't want to go on the camping trip now. However, she still nervously asks: "Ok... So how else are we gonna get people to like us?"

Once Adagio calm herself down, she menacingly replies: "Well, I might not have been part of the conversation, but I did hear that there's a party coming up and I think I know how we can be invited." She then makes a sideward glance and looks at the person that she was talking about.

Meanwhile, at another table in the cafeteria, another trio of high school girls was having lunch together and was having a much more pleasant time. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo and they call themselves "The Crusaders". These three girls who are close friends to one another and recently found the joy of helping others with their talents and life problems. Each girl was enjoying a delicious packed-lunch that their families have made them. They do have a slight desire for the cafeteria pizza, but they were content with eating their own lunch and they weren't going to over eat on their lunch.

But as they were eating their delectable sandwiches, a familiar voice call out to them.

"Hi, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo!"

The three Crusaders jumped when they heard their names called out and was pulled away from their eating. When they turn their heads towards the source of the voice, they became surprised to see it was Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon!

"Um... Hi Diamond Tiara" Apple Bloom greeted. "How are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing much" DT replied, acting shy and nervous about it.

If you were to see this meeting, you won't think much of it. However, if you have seen their interactions previously, you would be surprised to see the Crusaders and Diamond Tiara having a friendly conversation with one another. Before, Diamond Tiara was more of a bully who likes to lord her wealth and prestige over the Crusaders and take a dark satisfaction to belittling them. However, after a recent event about a class election, Silver Spoon abandoning her, and finding out that DT's mother was abusive towards her, The Crusaders saw Diamond Tiara differently and help her to get over her issue. And now, they are on much friendlier terms and Tiara is trying really hard to make amends to them.

Sweetie Belle asks: "So what brought you over here? Is everything going ok between you and your mom?"

"Yeah, everything is going ok, but that's not why I came over" Diamond Tiara replied.

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo was surprised and was intrigued on what she's going to say.

And DT then explains: "Well, my birthday is coming up and I want to invite all three of you to my party!" She and Silver Spoon then present to them their invitations, pink envelopes with the Crusader's symbol on the cover.

All three girl was surprised by the kind invitation and they take their envelopes with amazement. Sweetie Belle exclaims: "Wow Diamond Tiara! That's really nice! You never invited us to one of your parties!"

And Silver Spoon explains: "I know, right! Before, she would only invite me to her birthday party. But now she's inviting the entire class and we're having it at her mansion!"

However, an embarrass Diamond Tiara tells her: "Shut-upI Mean! Stop talking about that Silver Spoon. I don't want to remember how I acted before."

"Oh! Sorry."

And with that, the three girls got a clear indication that Diamond Tiara is trying to change her ways and trying to improve herself. But aside from that, they all were eager to go to her party. No one has ever gone to Diamond Tiara's house before (aside from Silver Spoon) and they were always curious about what it was like.

DT then nervously asks: "So... Can I get your word that you can come?"

After sharing one quick look to one another, Scootaloo replies for all three of them: "Sure, we all like to come to your party!"

"That's Great!" Diamond Tiara happily proclaims. "Oh, by the way, you don't have to get me a present. All three of you helping me is rewarding enough.................... BUT, if you were to give me a present, can you get me one of Rarity's amazing dresses, an awesome new bike, and Chestnut Magnifico's Autograph!"

"Um, Tiara!" Silver Spoon called out.

After regaining her senses, DT quickly says: "Oops, Sorry! Just... please come."

"Ok, we will" Apple Bloom replied.

After one satisfying smile, Diamond Tiara left with Silver Spoon while filled with glee. The Crusaders then sat on their table, ecstatic to being invited.

"Wow!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. "Who would have thought that we'd be going to Diamond Tiara's party!"

"I know, right!?" Sweetie Belle replied. "Who'd knew that making amends with a bully can be so rewarding.

And as Scootaloo was opening her envelope, she says: "And who knows! If the date isn't that far away, then maybe we could..." However, as soon as she lay eyes on the invitation, her mood and expression changed. "Oh..."

As the rest of the Crusaders were also checking their invite letters, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon cheerfully leave the cafeteria. Their bodies were overflowing with glee and excitement and could not contain it. They just couldn't wait for DT's birthday party now.

However, as soon as they turn around a corner, they bump into a certain trio that left them surprised. "You!" Diamond Tiara muttered.

Adagio, with Aria and Sonata behind her, greets: "Hey girls, how are you doing?"

Both Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon instantly because cautious and fearful. They don't know what the Dazzlings want but they are assuming that it is something dreadful. "What do you three want?" DT asked aggressively.

Keeping in her cool composure, Adagio replies: "Well, we've heard that someone's birthday is coming up and we've come to congratulate you."

"Yeah Right!" Silver Spoon says back. "I'm betting you just want to squirm into Diamond Tiara party and going to cause trouble!"

"What! Where do you get such idea!?" Adagio responded.

And Sonata then adds: "Yeah! We're just doing it to get popu..." But before she could finish, Aria quickly cover her mouth and shut her up.

However, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon could still figure out what she was going to say. She (was about to) say that they want to get popular and it causes the two girls to raise their eyebrows.

Seeing that they are getting suspicious, Adagio tells them: "Anyway, as I was saying. To commemorate such a special occasion, we'd be happy to give a musical performance and sing at your birthday party."

"What!" Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara yelled.

"What!" Aria and Sonata yelled too.

Before Diamond Tiara could respond, Aria quickly pulled Adagio aside and angrily whispers to her: "Are you insane!? Our singing voices haven't been fully restored yet and you expect us to sing at this little kid's birthday party?"

Brushing Aria's hands aside, Adagio replies: "Look, there's nothing to worry about. Our voices are slowly coming back and if they aren't fixed in time, we can always lip sync."

"That's your response for everything" Aria responded. "You don't feel the least bit ashamed that we aren't actually singing?"

"No, I'm not" she replied. "It's the only thing we got to make a living and to get people to stop hating us."

Sonata, wanting to be a part of the conversation, adds: "Honestly, I would do anything if I could get a taste of some birthday cake." Aria and Adagio swiftly ignore her.

And then, as soon as they had their little conversation, the Dazzlings suddenly hear Diamond Tiara says: "Ah I See! Now we know what you want." But when they turn back around towards her, DT tells them: "But my answer is no. There's no way I'm letting you three sing at my birthday party!"

Shocked, Adagio angrily asks: "What! Why Not!"

Silver Spoon explains: "All three of you are creeps and you haven't done anything good for the school since you got here!"

But then Sonata then argues: "But what about the Friendship Games? Didn't we compete in that for Canterlot?"

"Yeah, you did... But you were a bunch of losers in the spelling bee and made us lose in the first round!"

Adagio then yells: "Hey! Take that back you little... "

However, even though she looks frustrated and intimidating, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon was not scared. They know that they're powerless without their powers and they can't do anything physical to them without getting in trouble themselves. But as they give smug grins towards them, all of them heard a soft voice from behind them.

"Hey, Diamond Tiara?"

DT and Silver Spoon turn around and all of them saw who it was.

"Am I interrupting something?" Scootaloo asked DT.

DT, Silver Spoon, and the Dazzling were all surprised to see Scootaloo and wasn't expecting to see her. Adagio wanted her to go away so she could continue "negotiating" with Diamond Tiara. However, Diamond Tiara replies:

"Nah, you weren't interrupting anything important."

Infuriated even more, Adagio growls: "Why you little..." Fortunately, Aria and Sonata hold her back.

Anyway, DT happily asks Scootaloo: "So, what do you want to talk about?"

However, Scootaloo was feeling the same emotions as Diamond Tiara. In fact, Scootaloo looks more awkward and saddened and everyone notice this. Eventually, Scootaloo says to her: "Actually Diamond Tiara, about your party... I can't come, sorry."

"What!" Diamond Tiara yelled. "Why not?"

Everyone's eyes were on Scootaloo as she explains: "Well you see, my birthday is actually on the same day as your birthday and I can't simply be absent from mine."

Diamond Tiara was in a flurry of emotions. Happy for Scootaloo since it's her birthday, amazed that they both share the same date, and sad that she can't attend. Sadness eventually won through and DT asks: "Well... can't you move your party to a different date and still come to mine?"

But Scootaloo replies: "I wish I could but I can't. I have family coming over and they can't reschedule their visit."

Saddened even more, DT mutters: "Oh... ok then."

But Scootaloo then adds: "Well you don't have to worry about Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. I told them that they don't have to come to mine if they want to go to yours. However, it's still their decision to make."

"No, yeah, that's ok" Diamond Tiara replied, putting up cheery face."

"We hope that you have a nice time at your party" Silver Spoon added.

"Oh Yeah, Totally!" Scootaloo replied. "It might not be as luxurious as what your party is going to be, but it still gonna be pretty sweet."

But then, as Scootaloo was about to go over the events that are going to happen in her party, Adagio suddenly got an idea. It's not the best idea and it's not something that she particularly likes, but after being refused by Diamond Tiara, she wants to do anything to spite her.

Scootaloo lists: "There is going to be party games, trivia about Rainbow Dash, my uncle gonna tell his awesome jokes..."

"And we're going to be performing there!" said Adagio, spontaneously appearing and wrapping her arm around Scootaloo.

There was a silent pause.

"WHAT!" (Scootaloo)

"WHAT!" (Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon)

"WHAT!!" (Aria and Sonata)

Author's Note:

Hey Guys! I hope that you like the start of this little side story. Bringing you the action of certain characters that won't get a lot of screen time (for both this story and the actual show).

There's a thing that I first want to mention. For the prologue, I wanted to have a scene where Rainbow Dash or somebody else asks the Dazzling if they're really ok on not coming on the camping trip and they said yes, they're fine. The reason that I didn't put that in is that... I forgot. No ifs, ors, and buts. I just forgot. AND I HATE MYSELF BECAUSE OF IT! I might have had this mini side story even if I did add the scene, but I had always planned to put that scene in and I forgot.

Also, having Adagio mentioning the power-granting geodes is both foreshadowing and set up for an ironic joke. I am going to have another joke about that fact, but since that comes at the end of this story, I was feeling a little impatient.

And now for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. And Yes! This is set after the Equestria Girls/Friendship Makes Magic equivalent of "Crusader of the Lost Mark." For anybody wanting me to write a story about that, I'm sorry but no. I didn't plan (or going to plan) to write a "Friendship Makes Magic" version of CotLM. Mainly because I don't want. I hope that you understand.

However, I do want to mention something that bugs me. It has been about 2 seasons since Crusaders of the Lost Mark and Diamond Tiara hadn't appeared since then. This really annoys me because I was always expecting Diamond Tiara getting a redemption (even before "redeeming villains" was a thing) and I always want to see stories set around that. However, since DT got redeemed, it's like the show staff has forgotten all about her and that really ****es me off.

[Ok dude, chill. *Deep Breath*]

Anyway, we're going to be returning back to Camp Everfree in the next chapter and return to the main story. Tell me what you want to see (for both main and side story) and let me know of any mistakes that I made in the comment section bellow. Take care!