• Published 6th Jul 2017
  • 2,143 Views, 51 Comments

Legends of Everfree: Friendship Makes Magic - ImNoPony

A camping trip in an alternate continuity that takes our heroines to the Everfree, a place where strange things happen and reason fails to meet reality.

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Chapter 3- Lake of Life

All the teens have gathered by Lake Everfree. Practically all of them was wearing swimming shorts and outfits and all were gearing up for a splash. And who would blame them? Their town isn't near any beach fronts and the public swimming pools charge a hefty price for you to swim in them (because they are run by the Flim Flam Brothers). Anyway, it was a warm day, the lake looks clean and beautiful, and everybody is ready for a swim.

And then, as the campers were at the peak of excitement, Gloriosa arrived in a lifeguard's uniform.

"Alright, Campers! Are you ready for a Splash!?"

In unison, all the campers cheered yelled out their eagerness. Rainbow Dash even went so far as to yell: "That's One Of The Reasons Why We Came Here!!"

"Righty-O! Not let's form one single line and..."

However, the campers all completely ignored here and charge towards the lake before she could finish. They all run onto the dock and began diving off of it one by one. Each one caused a fair size splash and all quickly began swimming around. Even Spike, following his doggy instincts, was right being the excitement and jump into the water. They all felt cold at first, but they all expected that since they are jumping into lake water. And while Gloriosa was annoyed that she didn't finish giving out her instructions, she just smiles and is happy that everybody is having fun.

However, not everybody had dived into the lake just yet. There were a couple of campers who either waited first to put sunscreen on and such... or had unexpected delays.

"Starlight!" Trixie shouted while in the lake. "Hurry up and get in the water already!"

But Starlight replies: "One Minute, Trixie!" Behind her, Starlight notice that Twilight and her friends were looking annoyed and looking towards the tents. Curious, Starlight approached them and ask: "Is everything alright?"

Noticing her, Rainbow answers: "Yeah. We just waiting a couple of friends of ours."

"RARITY! SUNSET! HURRY UP AND GET OUT HER ALL READY!" Applejack yelled in frustration.

Over by where Applejack shouted towards was Sunset Shimmer and Rarity who was taking an increasingly long time to get out of their tents. They can understand why Rarity is being late. She often glamorizes herself and spends too much time on choosing the right outfit. However, Sunset being late is something new for them. Eventually, both Rarity and Sunset left their tents (both wearing stunning swimming outfits on) and slowly making their way to the others.

"I don't know about this Rarity. I know you guys say that there's nothing abnormal in this forest, but don't you think there are dangerous creatures swimming in the lake?"

"Oh heavens, no darling. There aren't any monsters swimming around in any lakes. The only "creature" that you might find is Nessie and she's harmless."

"Who's "Nessie?""

"Oh, she's just a pre-historic dinosaur that all myth hunters are trying to find, but they never do. *wink*"

Rarity was trying to tell Sunset a joke to help calm her nerves. However, Sunset totally believed her "gulped" in fear. Eventually, both of them made it to their friends who were on the edge of their patience.

"Finally you guys made it" Rainbow Dash exclaims.

"Sorry" Sunset apologized.

"Well, I'm not," Rarity remarked. "Ok, I am, but it takes time to look This fabulous."

Curiously, Sunset asks them: "Why did you wait for us and not just jump in by yourselves."

And Rainbow Dash swiftly answers: "Because I want all of us to make one massive splash together and show everyone how awesome our friendship is."

Everyone had mixed opinions but ultimately support Dash's plan. They see themselves as the best of friends and doing bonding activities together like this always leave them with a warm fuzzy feeling inside. This is best pointed out by Fluttershy who says:

"Yeah, you always feel warm when you dive into cold waters if you had friends by your side jumping along with you."

"See, that's what I'm talking about" Rainbow Dash responded. A few of them roll their eyes but they all line up and go into the "ready-to-sprint position". Noticing that Starlight was still there and watching them, Rainbow calls out to her: "Hey, Starlight! Would you mind giving us a countdown?"

Starlight shrugs and replies: "Sure. Why Not?" (much to Trixie's annoyance).

Starlight moves towards the side and raises her hand in the air. Dash and the others were focusing on the dark and planning to jump off it just like the other campers. Some were worried about not bumping into one another and try to spread themselves apart to give around their space. Once she could see that they were ready, Starlight Glimmer began the count off.

"Ok! 3... 2... 1... Go!"

A loud sonic boom suddenly erupted and Twilight and her friends were blown away in all directions. A rainbow streak shot out from the group, flies over the docks and shot out to the lake. The old, experienced docks were ripped asunder and massive waves pushed all the campers who were in the lake away. Barely anybody could comprehend what has happened. Even the people who did manage to see the rainbow streak saw it so fast that it was like a blur to them.

All the campers, and dog, quickly get up for air and Twilight and her friends were busy picking themselves up from the ground. The only people who weren't affected was Starlight Glimmer and Gloriosa because they were far enough away. But even then, they were petrified and shocked on this confusing incident. And then, out from the main hall, Celestia and Luna arrived with Timber with extra towels and swimming gear and expecting everybody was having fun. But once they arrive, they saw everybody in a shocked state and the docks are completely in pieces.

"What Happened Here!?" Celestia yelled in complete surprise.

Regaining her senses, Starlight Glimmer quickly replies: "I D-Don't Know! I-I was just here, counting down for Rainbow and her friends until... An Actual Rainbow Shot Out And-And-And..."

"Oh Noo! It's The Everfree!" Sunset interrupted. "This Place IS Abnormal and is filled with dangerous creatures that are out to get us!"

When Starlight said that, fear began to spread and talk of panic was commencing between the campers. But while the panic levels were increasing, the teachers and camp counselors keep their cool and try to be an example for everybody.

"Ok Everyone, settle down!" Luna cries out.

Gloriosa then follows up by saying: "I'm pretty sure there's a pretty good explanation for all of this."

But Starlight quickly asks: "Like What!?"

Glori' scrambles for an answer. "Well uh... Maybe it was the wind? Yeah, that's it. A powerful gust of wind must have flown by and blown everybody away."

Starlight wants to say that seems unlikely, but she was too dumbstruck and confused on any other possibilities. But regardless of that, Twilight and the other got up without too much hassle and Twilight remarks out loud: "Well, whatever that was, it also did a number on the dock".

Everyone then looks towards the docks... or at least it's shattered remains. The floor boards, the wooden stumps, the old and rusted nails. All of it was in pieces and floating in the water.

"Oh dear" Gloriosa exclaimed. "Ok, Everyone! Please get out of the water and mind the floating debris."

All the campers started moaning in disappointment. One by one, each of them slowly gets out of the water while also minding the sharp floating debris. Once all of them were out, Gloriosa apologetically explains: "I'm sorry everyone. You can have another swimming time later as soon as we clear up all this sharp debris."

Some of the campers kind of understood while other were thinking it was over the top. But while everyone was grumpy, Luna worryingly asks: "But Gloriosa, what about the docks? It'll be a safety hazard we leave it like this"

Gloriosa regretfully replies: "You're right. But... well... don't really have the money to completely fix it."

"What did you...?"

"But don't worry! I Got This!"

Gloriosa put on a confident and happy smile and try to put everyone at ease. However, nearly all of them could tell that it was a facade and she was just putting up a front. But then, Timber suddenly says: "But you know, I think we know somebody who can help."

Confused, Glori' asks: "Who?" She then looks at Timber who has a smug look on his face. "No! You don't mean..."

"Yeah, why not we just call..."

But before Timber could say the person he was one about, Gloriosa aggressively interrupts him. "NO!" she yelled. "There's no way we're calling Filthy Rich for help!"

"You called?"

Everyone jumped when they heard a completely new voice from somewhere behind them. They all turn around and saw a suave business man looking at them. The dude had dark-ish skin, slick back hair, and a confident grin on his face. And to show that he's rich; he also has a badge of three money bags attached to his opened blazer and a dollar-sign($) at the end of his red tie. Most of the students/campers were confused on who this person is. But for some of them, the teachers, and Gloriosa especially, they quickly recognize.

With a fake happy face, Gloriosa says to the man: "Hehehe! Filthy Rich... What are you doing here!?"

Celestia follows up by asking: "Yes Mr. Rich. It's very odd to see you here during our school camping trip?"

When Mr. Rich saw Canterlot High's school principal, he happily says: "Oh, Principals Celestia and Luna! What a pleasant surprise! Is it the annual Canterlot Camping Trip already?"

"Um... Yes, it is."

"Well, isn't this a happy coincidence. I'm just here too..."

But just like Timber, Gloriosa interrupts Filthy Rich and says: "Oh he's just here to see the old stomping grounds because he's an old alumnus of Camp Everfree. Right?"

Upon noticing her desperate expression, Mr. Rich rolls her eyes and compliantly says: "Sure, Daisy. Whatever you say." But as soon as Glori' calmed down a little bit and step away from him, Filthy Rich then adds: "But I could see that you have a bit of a problem on your hands."

Before Gloriosa could react, Timber Spruce quickly reply to him: "We sure do, Mr. Rich. We find ourselves with a damaged dock and we can't have our other lake activities if we don't get it fixed."

And then, as soon as he says that, some of the campers began moaning in disappointment. Upon seeing the saddened campers, Mr. Rich quickly announces: "Don't worry everyone! I have the money and resources to not only fix it right up, but I can make it as good as new!"

When he said his bold declaration, all the campers were ecstatic. It was like the dark, depressing clouds that were about to rain on their good time have been blown away by Filthy Rich's good fortune. But as the camper was cheering in celebration and joy, Gloriosa and even Twilight and her friends notice Mr. Rich whispering to himself:

"And maybe while I'm at it, I'll fix the rest of this place to be a 5-star resort."

For Twilight and the others, they weren't so sure about what he meant. But for Gloriosa, this means bad news for her. As the others had finished cheering, Glori' softly insert herself and says to Mr. Rich: "Well, that's a nice offer Mr. Rich, but that won't be necessary."

Everyone was somewhat shocked and perplexed by Gloriosa's refusal. Timber even went up to her and whisper to her: "But Gloriosa, how are we suppose to fix up the dock?"

Filthy Rich, overheard Timber's whisper, also asks: "Yes, Miss. Daisy? How will you be fixing your docks?"

Gloriosa begins to stammer and didn't know what to say. She didn't want to accept Filthy Rich's help, but she also doesn't have the manpower or expertise to do the repair. But as she was thinking up a solution, Principal Celestia then came with an idea for her.

"Oh! What about the Camp Gift?"

All the teenage campers confused and intrigued by this "Camp Gift" that their principal mentioned. However, Glori' just happily says out loud: "Ah! The Camp Gift! Why did I forget about that?"

Curious, Twilight ask Celestia: "Principal Celestia, what is the "Camp Gift?"

Seeing that she got her student's attention, Celestia explains: "Oh, it just an old camp tradition that Camp Everfree tend to do."

Gloriosa then explains in greater detail: "Basically, each generation of campers build and leave behind something for Camp Everfree so future generations of campers could enjoy. We had campers that made totem poles, boats, the gazebo that we used earlier."

And Celestia then quickly adds: "In fact, that sundial over there was something that me a luna made when we were your age."

But Vice-Principal Luna then remarks: "Yes, but I also remember saying that sundials are pretty ineffective at night."

But then Discord yelled out from across the camp: "Oh Give It Up Luna! Nobody is as Obsess Over The Night As You Do!"

Everyone was confused, yet slightly amused, by Luna's and Discord's back-and-forth. However, their attention went back towards Gloriosa when Mr. Rich asks her: "Are you honestly asking these modern, teenage high school students to help you rebuild the docks?"

"Well... I'm not asking all of you to do it. But... fixing these docks would be a great appreciation towards the camp and it would help future campers in the... future."

Gloriosa's desperation was too big for her to hide. She was banking(begging) on the Canterlot students to help out and not let Filthy Rich have his way. But unfortunately, almost all of them have little to no desire to do so. Most of them feel uneducated to rebuild the docks, don't see why they shouldn't let Filthy Rich do it, and generally don't feel that motivated to do it. They wanted a week to escape from the hard work and just relax and have fun camping.

However, not everybody was feeling that way. Twilight, Sunset, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy feel sorry and pity towards Gloriosa. They haven't yet known her motivations to be against Filthy Rich but could tell that there's something going on between the two and neither of them is divulging. And then, when it seemed like nobody else would speak up to the camp counselor's silent request, Applejack look at the tattered remains of the lake docks and says:

"You know what, I don't think it's goin' to be that hard."

Everyone's eyes were on Applejack as AJ's words caught them by surprise.

"Just a few wooden beams here, floor board there... Heck, it'll probably easier than the time where I had to fix my barn after the rainstorm!"

For Filthy Rich and the Everfree counselors, they were amazed that one of the teenagers actually spoke up and voice their willingness to help. But for everybody who knows Applejack, they already know that she's a hard worker. But then, Rarity then got up beside AJ and says: "And you know, if you were to give it the "Rarity Touch", it would look way better than it had before."

Twilight then adds: "And designing plans for a dock is way easier than anything Crystal Prep usually makes. This might actually be a piece of cake for us."

"Did Somebody Say Cake!" Pinkie jokingly yells out.

And with Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer silently following behind them, Gloriosa could see that she has 6 volunteers who were willing to help her. Meanwhile, Celestia was left proud of them, Starlight was amazed, Timber was left surprised, and Filthy Rich was amused.

"Alright Gloriosa, I'll let you do it your way. I'll be back in a few days time, see how you all are doing, and hopefully see if we can discuss some important matters. See you then!"

And with that, Mr. Rich began to leave. He was heading towards his parked limousine and getting ready to leave the Everfree Forest for the time being. However, as he was still walking away, Timber try to chase after Mr. Rich.

"Mr. Rich! Wait! Don't You Wanted To Discuss..."

However, Glori's quickly pulled Timber back before he could grab Filthy's Rich's notice.

"Ah, Ah, Ah Timber. Mr. Rich is a really important man and we shouldn't annoy him."

"Really?" Timber angrily whispers. "Even though he's the only one who can..."

"Shush You! We can't let the other know about the predicament we're in. Just let them have their Camp Everfree experience and don't get them worried about us, ok?"

As Timber pull his arm away from his sister, he then finally whispers: "Fine, but you pulled them in already."


Both Timber Spruce and Gloriosa jumped when they heard (Pinkie) scream. Everyone then looks towards the water and see... Rainbow Dash slowly getting out onto the shore! She looks extremely tired appears that she has done a lot of swimming just to get back to everyone. Worried for their friend, Twilight and the others rushes to her aid.

Shocked, Rarity says loudly: "Rainbow Dash! What were you doing in the water!?"

But then Sunset asks: "Wait... When did you get into the water in the first place?"

"I Don't Know!" Rainbow yelled to them. As soon as she caught her breath, Dash explains to them: "One minute, I was running after Starlight did her countdown. And in the next minute, I was somehow dropped in the middle of the lake."

"How strange?" Twilight commented.

However, as Twilight thinking about the mystery of how she got to the middle of the lake, she notices the rainbow color in Dash's hair. This caused Twilight to remember the rainbow streak that burst out between them and caused this mess and have a sinking suspicion that the two mysteries are strongly connected.

But then, Twilight spotted Starlight and Trixie next to her and she heard Starlight say: "Strange indeed? It was like... she somehow "magically teleported" into the lake."

Every one of them froze as soon as Starlight mentioned the word "magic". They probably know that she doesn't know what they know and just looking for an adjective, but she still left them quite surprised.

Trixie says to Starlight: "Magic!? W-what makes you say that?"

"I don't know" she replied. "Just that it seems really impossible and "magic" is just the word that I would describe it."

But then, Trixie put on her haughty persona and tells her friend: ""Magic"? Please. The Great and Powerful Trixie can show you what magic really looks like!"Starlight was still really suspicious about the strange occurrences that were happening around her and then she notices Twilight and her friends were giving her frighten expressions. However, Trixie soon began dragging her away and says: "Come and let me show you?"

Reluctantly, Starlight says: "Fine Trixie."

As Trixie was pulling Starlight, Twilight and her friends are thinking that they might tell Starlight about their secret sooner than what they wanted.

Author's Note:

Hello, Everyone! Sorry for the uh... delay about this chapter, but it's finally out now. I wanted to make it a little bit longer and add the dark campfire scene. But considering that you have been waiting for this for a while now, I figured that I make it short and give it to you all now (if you call short 3K words long).

I feel like I used a lot of tools in this chapter. Not did I use the usual bold, italic, and front sizes, but I also use Spoiler and rainbow letters. I remember I started a forum on Stuggling Authers and ask people if they use the tools and I think I got a comment that says using too much made your writing a bit tacky.

I also want to show Filthy Rich a bit more in my story. I know people didn't like his betrayal in the movie because he is shown a much nicer character in the show. And while I totally see that, having a character's name be "Filthy Rich" just send bad signals to me. At the fairy least, I want him to be on much friendlier terms with Gloriosa.

And on that note, I want to mention nicknames. I sometimes call Filthy Rich "Mr. Rich" and Gloriosa "Glori' " and I found I do them when the characters are in a more positive light. When I typed "Mr. Rich", it's usually when he's being "generous" and is shown as a kind business man. For "Glori' ", it's when she tries to be a positive camp counselor. It's just something that I notice and "Names and personas" sort of thing.

Next chapter should include the campfire scene and maybe a bit more magic. But wait until then and feel free to comment on my writing here.