• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,971 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Time Out: Jail House Rock

Of course, Dad wasn't just sitting around twiddling his thumbs while we were working on the outside. He was busy inside the jail, finding Tennessee Kid and finding a way out.

Sly walked along in the black and white striped jailbird suit he'd been forced into, the massive stone ball chained to his ankle carried in his arms for easy walking. He was led through the jail to a cell in a tower before being shoved in. He quickly discovered he wasn't alone in the large cell, and the desert sand colored raccoon in the cell with him could only be one being, even without the almost trademark cowboy hat and yellow scarf he was known to always wear. "Um...howdy," Sly greeted nervously. He wanted to make a good impression.

T.K. smirked up at him from where he sat, feet up on a large barrel. "Howdy yerself," he greeted warmly. "Looks like you must have ticked ol' Toothpick off pretty good. I like that. You got a name?"

Sly decided subtlety wouldn't be the best approach here. Dropping the ball, he decided to be blunt. "The name's Sly. Sly Cooper."

T.K.'s eyes narrowed angrily as he leapt to his feet. "Now son, you should know I don't take kindly to-"

Sly slipped his cane out of his sleeve, spinning it to put the hook at T.K.'s neck. "Are we really going to waste time debating tense here? I got myself thrown in here to bust you out, not to be lectured. I've got two little ladies waiting for us to get out of here, and it's not my Missus' patience we need to worry about growing short."

T.K. grinned eagerly. "So I gots me some relatives ah ain't never heard of? No real surprise. Show me what your branch has got to offer with busting us out-"

Slipping the cane back into his sleeve, Sly heaved the ball at the wall, shattering the stone around the window to create an opening to leap out. "See you at the bottom!" he said as he leapt onto the ball before running backwards on it to roll it out the hole.

T.K. watched as Sly dropped like a rock to the ground, leaping off just before impact before landing back on the ball to keep rolling it. He shook his head wonderingly. "Well, he certainly ain't short o' cajones, that's fer sure." He then raced down the stairs just in time for Sly to blast the main door of the cell open with the ball. "Looks like break time's over! Let's get outta here!"

"We just need to make enough racket that my friends know where not to shoot," Sly stated firmly as he led the way forward, breaking down doors as he went.

"Uh...don't ya mean, know where to shoot?" T.K. asked curiously.

"Sly!" Bentley suddenly yelled in Sly's ear. "T-Bone got impatient! Watch out!"

"Get down!" Sly shouted, tugging T.K. to the ground just before the Turbokat shot overhead, a large sphere dropping from it as it passed, falling in a parabolic arc before hitting the wall of the prison and blasting a huge hole in it, providing an instant getaway for the pair. "...and no, I did not."

"What in all the nine hells kinda plane was that?" T.K. demanded in stupefied amazement, the cigar he'd held in his teeth dropping unnoticed to the ground. "It...it flew by like lightning and dropped thunder! Even the family flying machines can't pull that off!"

"Yet," Sly corrected as he tugged T.K. towards the gap. "I'll fill you in completely once we get back to the hideout, and you get into something other than jail duds."

"Yet?" T.K. asked intently. "Ya mean that crazy theory o' mine about all the crazy doodads Toothpick's got at his disposal being from the future was true? And I thought I'd just finally flipped."

"Can't say one way or the other about your mental state," Sly allowed. "You are a Cooper, after all-"

"Ha!" T.K. barked out. "And so are you, that's fer sure."

"-but yes, the tech is from the future...and so am I."

"How many generations?" T.K. asked curiously.

"Can't say for sure," Sly admitted. "My memory's not the best since my bout with amnesia, and the first sign we had someone was messing with time was pages vanishing from the Thievius Raccoonus."

"How'd you get amnesia?" T.K. inquired in concern.

"I can't remember."

Tennessee burst into laughter as Sly leapt out the side of the jail, towing his ancestor along with him as he pulled out his paraglider to glide away to safety.

It didn't take long for Dad to get back to the hideout with Tennessee in tow. Of course, that first impression...could have gone better.

Tennessee glanced around the hideout, his eyes going from Coco to Bentley to Murray to the SWAT Kats. "So...this yer team?" he asked Sly carefully.

"My family," Sly corrected.

"...ya sure this ain't some crazy death-based hallucination cause they already hanged me? Cause this is the craziest group ah ever seen assembled."

"Seems this ancestor is a bit cruder than the other one," Carmelita mused dryly as she dropped in from the roof.

Tennessee looked her up and down appreciatively. "Well, now ah know ah'm dead, cause ain't no other way I'd be seeing an angel." He took Carmelita's hand and kissed it, leaving a desert rose he'd pulled out of nowhere in her grip as he pulled back.

Carmelita chuckled softly. "Are all Coopers such charmers, Sly?" she asked curiously.

"Only with the exceptionally pretty ladies," Tennessee joked, tipping his hat rakishly.

Sly gripped his cane tightly in both hands. "That's my fiance you're flirting with," he growled out possessively.

"So yer sayin' ya ain't wed yet and ah still got a chance wit her?" Tennessee asked eagerly.

Coco instantly tugged back on Sly's tail. "No Dad! You can't kill him now! He hasn't done the heist he's famous for or had kids yet! We're trying to stop Le Paradox, not create one!"

Tennessee chuckled. "Nice wordplay there, little lady. Now why don't one of ya fill me in on that full story I was promised?"

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