• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,975 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Time Out: Duress for Success

After the performance, Mom was firmly placed in her role as 'the new geisha girl', with no one questioning anything about it. The only drawback to that was she couldn't leave the geisha house much, as she was constantly in demand for her shows. Uncle Murray was able to slip away as a result, freeing the rest of us to take care of a few other tasks in preparation for our eventual confrontation with El Jefe.

Uncle Murray and Uncle Bentley's first job involved helping Rioichi get his restaurant back on track...by getting him plenty of fish to make into sushi. I found myself a little envious that it wasn't a Father/Daughter fishing trip for me and Dad, but time was on the line. Maybe some other time.

The only thing that worried me as they left...for just a moment, I saw that old chicken-man instead of Bentley again. This time, I knew his name...Gyro Gearloose. He's a scientist that works for Uncle Scrooge. Why do I keep getting flashes of him in Bentley's place in the gang? And why does it always come with a sharp stab of sorrow? I can only hope I get answers...and that said answers aren't too painful.

Rioichi gathered some special plants with a sleep toxin more potent - and more native - than what I had for my needles. Beyond that, I was running low on my sleep potion, and the plants would help me refresh my supply as well as allowing us to make knock out sushi rolls as was apparently the plan.

This apparently played into some information Bentley got using an RC car to spy on El Jefe talking to himself...but the more important detail came from a conversation between El Jefe and Mom. As expected, her swiftly building reputation got his attention immediately...

Carmelita - in her Geisha disguise - had stepped out momentarily for a breath of fresh air. She was glad she'd kept her disguise, no matter how much she'd wanted to discard it, because she practically walked into El Jefe as she did. "Forgive me, My Lord," she offered quickly, bowing low. Despite what Deik-Beck claimed, she knew how to act the fearful maiden. She'd seen far too many in her line of work.

"Ah, so you are the new geisha I have heard so much about," El Jefe purred softly. "Though no one has yet made mention of your name..."

"I am...Kiyubi, if it pleases My Lord," Carmelita offered graciously. To her surprise, El Jefe bowed gallantly over her hand, kissing it like a gentleman...though not one of this era or region. Spying a scroll on his back, she quickly pilfered it and tossed it to where Bentley was waiting and watching.

"A charming name," El Jefe purred as he rose back up. His eyes seemed suspicious, but that faded as he caught sight of Carmelita's perfectly presented confused/flattered expression, a common born maiden unsure how to feel about the attention of a male so much her better. "Though not one common to the region."

"My family wanders, My Lord," Carmelita allowed delicately. "I have...only recently thought to make a permanent home..."

El Jefe's grin widened, his expression turning somewhat lecherous. "Perhaps you might honor me with a...private dance?" As he spoke, he trailed one finger along the visible edge of her inner kimono suggestively.

Inwardly, Carmelita seethed. She wanted nothing more right then than to knock his hand aside, whip out her shock blaster, and shoot him right in the crotch. However, not only was she unlikely to be successful, it would blow her cover. Besides, she had anticipated something like this and had a way she hoped would get her out of it. "You would not...dishonor a married woman, would you My Lord?" she asked, keeping her voice soft and timid...the exact tone that said she was desperate to escape the situation, but would accept it if she had to.

"A married woman, a geisha?" El Jefe asked in surprise, his striped ears twitching. "Your husband accepts this?"

"My husband is ill," Carmelita allowed sadly. "He cannot work. Without his work, our daughter cannot eat. I...I danced for coin at the tavern in our village, and Madame Geisha found me there before honorless men could take advantage. She brought me here, where it is safer, and I can earn coin for food and a healer..."

The story was artfully crafted, Carmelita thought. There were enough contrasts to her real life that she could put genuine emotion into it, and was plenty sympathetic as well. She doubted it would do more than dissuade a ruthless mercenary like El Jefe from misbehaving-

"Here," El Jefe spoke up suddenly, handing over a small bottle of pills and a bag full of coins, low denomination for the area. "The pills in the bottle will cure most illnesses of the area, and at the least ease your husband's symptoms enough he can take care of your daughter. The coin should be small enough denomination to be accepted anywhere around here."

Carmelita stared up at the man. His entire demeanor had changed, from ruthless mercenary to...something else. He looked...empathic. "M-My Lord, I-"

"Take it," El Jefe insisted. "I am ruthless, not heartless. See to your little one."

Carmelita lowered her eyes bashfully. "I...it is so much..." She looked up shyly through her lashes. "Won't you at least let me dance for you, My Lord? To show my gratitude?"

El Jefe smiled softly. "I would enjoy that." He then followed her into the Geisha House, and to the main stage.

Talk about unexpected. El Jefe has a soft side? Wonder what brought that on?

Still, the scroll was enlightening. Bentley's espionage on El Jefe revealed he was apparently working for someone, someone who wanted a package delivered. The scroll had a picture of Rioichi's cane. Given what Mom had said about how she got here, we could only assume El Jefe was working for Le Paradox, who wanted Rioichi Cooper's cane. We had no idea why, though. More information would be needed.

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