• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,971 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Lost: Distraction

Despite Sly's best efforts, he was unable to get any information out of Crazy Hassan about the 'Equestria' he had mentioned. Each time Sly had asked, Crazy Hassan had instead redirected the conversation back to business. Even trying to make the information part of the business deal hadn't worked. Sly sighed as he remembered how that conversation had gone.

"How much would you charge for that information?" Sly asked desperately.

"Crazy Hassan does not deal in information!" Crazy Hassan insisted firmly. "Only camels!"

"You were going to throw a map of the clouds into a deal for Sky Camels," Sly countered hopefully.

"Those were Sky Camels," Crazy Hassan allowed obliquely. "If you were interested in ocean camels, I would throw in a tide map. If you were interested in Diving camels, I would throw in a map of ocean trenches."


"And as I said, I do not deal in Equestrian Camels, so what would our deal have to do with Equestria? So I have no information for you, so sorry-"

"What if I bought some used Dimension Camels that could walk between realities?" Sly asked, grasping at straws. "Would you throw in a map of the void with directions marked down to Coco's home dimension to seal the deal?"

Crazy Hassan tapped his chin thoughtfully. "No, Dimension Camels are for walking in and out of stories, so one can go from two dimensions to three and back again. Sold the last of those to a pair of plumbers in red who wanted to visit each other. Never thought about selling Void Camels, though..." He glanced towards the sky, then nodded to himself. "I shall look into acquiring some, and if I do I shall sell them to you at special price, and even throw in a guidance system to take you to Equestria if that's where you want to go. But for now, you were interested in the dwarf camels? I'll even throw in some hardened containers so the Naqahdah does not explode if you drop it on the way back! No charge!"

Sly had let it go at that point, though determined to return to the conversation later. Instead he'd tried to negotiate to rent the Dwarf Camels as he had no place to keep them and no way to feed them. Crazy Hassan had instead thrown in 'pocket sized Camel Carry Capsules', which he promised contained everything a single camel needed in terms of paddock, grazing, water source, and droppings grounds, completely contained and could fit in the palm of one hand or carried in the pocket, along with some local garb since he'd been buying Anachronist Camels. Sly took out one of those Capsules. ...they looked like nothing so much as a pair of fezes - one red and one white - stuck together at the open ends with a button on it. The design seemed familiar.

As of now, he and Murray were following along behind the Dwarf Camels as they tunneled expertly beneath the sand, propping up the tunnel so that it remained intact despite the almost liquid nature of sand in a desert. Glancing back, he saw a clear path straight to the oasis. Glancing forward, he saw the Dwarf Camels digging away in professional silence. Glancing to either side, he spotted odd runes drawn on the walls of the tunnel, everything from a simple circle with a horizontal line through it to more complex. It felt like they had meaning, but he had no understanding of it.

After a while, there was a light past the Dwarf Camels, and they led the way out into the canyon where the Naqahdah could be mined. Sly and Murray shaded their eyes against the sun as they took the place in. It was wide open, with no place to hide or sneak, and the shape of the walls seemed to echo and rebound every single sound.

Such as the sound of a scorpion sting grinding against the wall of a twisting passage off to one side of the canyon.

Seft! Sly thought intensely, bracing himself. They weren't ready for combat, but Wadjet had made it plain they could not allow Seft to get a hold of any of the Naqahdah. If that meant challenging him when they weren't ready, so be it.

Murray quickly gestured to Sly to get his attention. He pointed to himself, to the camels, and then to where one wall of the canyon glowed with the mineral deposit they were after. He then gestured from Sly to the twisting passage in question.

Sly nodded as he swiftly donned the 'local garb' Crazy Hassan had provided him. It felt a little awkward at first despite fitting him like a glove...at which point he realized this was the first time since - well, since the first clash with Seft - that Sly had used a costume that Coco hadn't made for him. It felt...less personal wearing it. Still, it made him look exactly like his contemporary ancestor - specifically, the one Seft had murdered - so between that and the pair of shorter Canes it came with, he should be able to prove a distraction to Seft without him realizing that the actual Cooper Gang was present. The last thing they needed was him being prepared to fight them.

As Murray went with the Dwarf Camels to start mining, Sly quickly and silently raced down the twisting corridor, taking every opportunity to hide and listen, doing his best to make sure he could catch Seft unawares, rather than Seft catching him unawares. However, just as he felt he was getting close, he heard a voice whispering, the whisper echoing enough that it seemed to beat down on him where he hid.

"While the chaos I've caused blinds my new senses to this area to the point only my physical senses show me the topography, there is one thing those senses will still show me," Seft hissed out, his voice more powerful than it had been before, with harmonics that seemed to shoot straight to the hindbrain in an attempt to force one to go to bended knee. "I am a god now, and I thirst for conflict, one who I can truly test myself against. I have named...a nemesis. And when that nemesis comes close..." Seft chuckled darkly. "Well, I know where you are, Sly Cooper. Your ancestor...I thought he would prove a challenge, but he is gone. Dressing up as him will not fool me. I am sure you are carefully gathering what you think will defeat me, and I am certain someone is guiding you. I am just as certain...that it will all be for naught. But this is not my chosen battleground.

"Now that I know you are here and now...bring me your best, for you will get no more chances."

Almost immediately, the sense of oppression vanished...and yet it was not until ten minutes later that Sly found his breath.

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