• Published 21st Aug 2016
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Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Time Out: Timing

Yeah, things got really emotional after that, and before we even considered seeking the next time period, we took some time getting Bentley used to his legs again. Not enough that he could walk around everywhere yet, that would take months, but enough to give his muscles some tone again so when we did have months to spare, he'd be able to make a full recovery.

It was as we were helping Bentley walk again that we learned some very startling information...and got a good laugh in the process.

As Penelope and Murray braced Bentley between them as he worked his legs to move, a figure in green leapt down from the battlements to land beside Sir Galleth. "So is there a reason my grandfather just clutched at his head and screamed in agony in three different languages before cursing your name as a reckless idiot?" the figure asked the knight.

Sir Galleth spun in surprise. "M-Maid Marian!" he stammered, bowing low to her. "It is good to see you well-"

"Answer the question, Knight of the Coopers," Maid Marian - or Robyn Hood, as she was dressed - growled angrily.

Sir Galleth's assessment of Maid Marian's looks - especially in the green tights she wore - was quite accurate. She could have easily passed for Carmelita's twin save hairstyle and accent. She even held herself close to the same way, with her longbow in hand much as Carmelita often gripped her shock pistol, with a quiver of arrows on her back that did not look entirely standard. She crossed her arms over her chest as she glowered down at the shivering knight.

"Your grandfather?" Sly asked in confusion.

"There's a reason me and mine have such easy access to Merlin's Magic Powder," 'Robyn' answered readily. "Now, do you have an explanation?" She used her longbow to force Galleth's chin up so he had to meet her eyes.

"I...I freed the crouton..." Sir Galleth stammered. "W...wasn't that a good thing?"

'Robyn' frowned. "Can one of you lads or lasses tell me who hit him on the head that he's babbling about salad?" she demanded curtly.

"He means 'chroniton'," Razor translated, "a...time particle. There was half a chroniton in this device, which was causing a Schrodinger's Paradox..." Noticing a frown and a raised eyebrow, Razor translated further. "It was making Time think our friend Bentley was alive and dead at the same time. When Galleth broke the device, it collapsed the Paradox."

'Robyn' nodded. "Yes, that would explain it," she concluded glumly. "So how much longer is someone going to be playing games with time? It gives grandfather headaches."

"Wait!" Carmelita interrupted. "Are you saying your grandfather is...the Merlin?"

"Well I certainly hope there aren't others," Marian joked. "He gets into enough trouble on his own." She turned to Galleth. "As fond as I am of you, Knight, you need to learn to be more careful. Many more crazy antics like that, and Grandfather might just decide it'll be worth the headache to not have you in the family."

"I shall endeavor to be more cautious, my lady," Sir Galleth promised fervently. "I shall accept whatever chastisement you deem appropriate for my inconsiderate actions."

'Robyn' nodded with a smirk. "You know where in the woods to meet me," she told him firmly before turning to go.

"I shall bring your lash!" Sir Galleth promised excitedly. "And my double-padded saddle!"

As the pair raced off, everyone stared after them looking...a little broken. "That is not something I needed to know about my ancestors..." Sly finally managed to say.

Deik-Beck let off a sequence of beeps and whistles, plainly laughing uproariously.

To be fair to Deik-Beck, it probably would have been as funny to me if it hadn't technically been my ancestors, too. I am a Cooper, after all, even if I'm not a raccoon.

...for some reason, my declaring that made Deik-Beck...sad.

It took us a while to get our composure after that, and Uncle Murray used that time to keep working on Uncle Bentley's legs. Once we did get our composure, we turned our focus to pursuit of Le Paradox. That meant explaining how our time machine worked to Penelope, since she didn't have one of her own and while she knew what time periods Le Paradox was targeting, she didn't know exact dates. Surprisingly enough, she had an answer for us.

"So you need an artifact from one of the other time periods Le Paradox is targeting," Penelope deduced once she heard the explanation. "Well, there's only two more we need to worry about, the very early 11th century, and the 17th century."

Sly blinked in surprise. "That's when Salim al-Kupar and Henrietta Cooper were around," he mentioned in surprise. "Why is he going after those time periods?"

"The Cooper Canes," Penelope explained. "Remember what I said about him trying to turn his time machine into a Paradox Machine?" Seeing blinks at the name, she explained further. "The altered time machine to connect two points in time? Well, it turns out to connect two points in time you need something from those points in time directly connected to the personal timelines you're trying to alter. He's after the Cooper Canes because he intends to use them to drastically alter the Cooper Clan history...and his own family history. I don't know more than that, though. Just which time periods he's targeting."

"So we need artifacts from those time periods," Carmelita deduced. "I snagged a coin from the warehouse just before I sent myself through time to avoid getting snatched. Looks Arabian in design, so it might take us there."

"We should save that," Penelope pointed out. "For some reason, he wants to hit that time period last as far as collecting the canes, no idea why. Probably connects to whatever else he's planning. So we want to go to the 17th century first."

"Well where are we supposed to get pirate artifacts in Medieval England?" Sly demanded crossly.

"Pirate artifacts?" Penelope asked intensely.

"Yeah, Henrietta Cooper was a pirate captain," Sly explained quickly. "Is that important?"

Penelope hung her head. Reaching into the Black Knight armor, she pulled out a pouch that jingled and poured out a bunch of silver doubloons. "Seft's idea of a joke," she offered glumly. "He paid for 'incidental expenses' with 30 pieces of silver..." Her face lifted a little as Bentley wrapped an arm around her.

Sly lifted one of the doubloons and examined it carefully. "Yup, definitely 17th century," he confirmed. "This should take us right where we want to go. We just need to make sure we don't sink when we get there."

"I can take care of that!" Bentley declared. "Everyone into the Overlord!" He turned and wheeled his chair back into the giant mech.

Curiously, the others followed him in as Penelope eagerly moved her Black Knight armor into it as well. "We need to connect a few cables to the time machine," she explained as she got to work.

It didn't take long before the cables were connected...and the giant mech reconfigured itself into a plane as Sly put the doubloons into the artifact scanner. A burst of speed, and they breached the time barrier, hurtling to the 17th century. As they arrived, the plane converted into a ship, extending a wood-colored cloak as it set down in the sea with the van and Turbokat in the cargo hold.

...okay, I admit that was pretty cool. But why the heck did it set Dad, Uncle Murray, Uncle Razor, and Uncle T-Bone to squeeing?

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