• Published 21st Aug 2016
  • 16,975 Views, 5,895 Comments

Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Coming Back

The bits and pieces coming back were a start, but it was still a long way to go. Still, it was a very good sign. It meant Dad was still in there, and was slowly but surely coming back to us. He still didn't remember me too clearly, but that little bit of Mom he remembered was enough to keep me hopeful. Unfortunately...it just seemed to make things harder on Mom...

Coco gently nudged the door to her Mom's room open. "Mom?" she asked softly. "Are...are you okay?"

Carmelita quickly wiped her face, trying to hide the signs she'd been crying. "I'm just fine," she lied quickly. "What's the matter, sweetie?"

Coco stared up at her softly, her eyes sad. "I...I heard you crying," she offered sadly.

Carmelita couldn't help but wince at that. She'd forgotten just how good Coco's senses were...and the fact the house lacked any soundproofing beyond distance. She also knew trying to deny it would just get Coco pressing harder, and likely lead to something unpleasant in her present mood. Besides...as much as she didn't want to burden Coco with her emotional state, the fundamental issue was the same for both of them. And there wasn't anyone else she could talk with about this. "Yeah...I was crying."

Coco silently walked up to the bed and hopped up beside Carmelita. "It's about Dad, isn't it?" Coco asked quietly.


"He's starting to remember," Coco murmured softly. "Isn't that...a good thing?"

"It is...and it isn't," Carmelita explained. "It's very good for us, that he's...he's going to recover. But...it's making other things harder..."

Coco turned to look at her Mom. "How so?"

Carmelita hesitated. "I'm...I'm not sure how I can explain this to you-"

"Is it about the sex stuff?"

Carmelita thanked every star in heaven that she hadn't been drinking right then. "What?"

"That seems to be what makes all grownups uncomfortable when talking to me," Coco explained. "It's not like I don't get it, though." She pulled out the Staff of Moonfire. "Life, Light, and Creation. Two thirds of this things magic is about making babies, not to mention that's pretty much the focus of everything wild in nature. With my studies of shamanistic magic, I get it. I might not get the emotional part of it cause I'm not that mature yet, but you don't have to dance around the subject with me. Besides, you already gave me the talk, remember? After I asked Dad about what I saw in the cabin in the snowy mountains in China?"

Carmelita sighed softly. "Yeah, I suppose I should have seen that coming," she admitted. "Still...this is heavily in the emotional part you don't get yet. That...makes the explanation awkward."

Coco tapped her chin thoughtfully after putting the staff away. Hearing something in the distance, an idea popped into her head. "Then explain it to me as if I would get it," she suggested. "If I do get it, maybe I can help you figure it out. If I don't get it, actually vocalizing it might help you all on its own, and I won't ask uncomfortable questions."

Carmelita smiled softly. "I suppose that could help," she murmured, gently mussing Coco's mane with one hand. She then leaned back, closing her eyes as she looked into her own heart. "When Sly lost his memory...it hurt. It hurt a lot, knowing I was now all but a stranger to him...when before that we were all but wed. Probably the only reason we hadn't gotten married yet was because he hadn't popped the question yet." She shook her head, bringing her mind back to the sad thoughts that plagued her. "But I...accepted that he had lost his memory. And when there was no way to tell if he would remember, I was able to make myself...treat him like we were back at square one. I love him...but I was going to wait for him to learn to love me again, or not. I wasn't going to try and pressure or push him. That would...it would feel like I was taking advantage of him."

Coco nodded slowly. "I...I guess I see why you would think that," she murmured, doing her best to cover the almost silent footsteps she heard slowly approaching without being obvious that she was trying to cover something.

"And now...he's starting to remember," Carmelita continued. "He's in there, and starting to come out. I...I want nothing more right now than to...than to go into his room and show him just how much I love him, how much I need him back, to try and spark his memory...but..." She lowered her head sadly. "But that would still be taking advantage...and what if he never forgives me for it? Or...or if it makes it harder for him to remember? But...I miss him, being with him, so much..." She curled up slightly. "My head knows waiting is the right thing to do...but my body doesn't want to wait, and forcing myself to do so is making my heart hurt, as I'm forced to think 'what if this is as far as it goes?' We...we'd never have gotten this far if not for working together to raise you. What if...what if your need was the kindling that brought out that spark? And...and now that your need is less, the spark won't happen again?"

Coco stared up at Carmelita, wishing she could think of something to say. As she looked up, however, she noticed something that put a little smile on her face. "I guess I can't help you Mom...but maybe someone else can."

"Huh?" Carmelita asked, turning towards Coco in confusion...only to see Sly drop down from the ceiling, a soft smile on his face. "Sly, what are you-"

Her words were cut off as Sly leaned in, putting a finger to her lips. "Sometimes it's hard to remember...to sort through the noise in my head to find what's important..." He leaned forward as Coco silently left the room. "But one thing was certain, as long as I kept trying. How could I ever forget a gorgeous vixen like you...especially one who cares so much for me?" Before Carmelita could do more than gasp, he lunged forward and locked lips with her.

Carmelita's eyes popped wide open. This wasn't the uncertain kiss of someone trying too hard, or a strange kiss from someone new. This was Sly's kiss, and she knew it far too well. Her eyes slowly slipped closed as his arms slipped slowly around her. She moved to put her arms around him, only to feel something pull her left wrist short. Pulling back from the kiss, she saw her right wrist was handcuffed to the bedpost. "Sly!" she demanded crossly.

Sly smirked teasingly. "You act like this is the first time I slipped cuffs on you in the middle of a kiss," he offered playfully, twirling the key around his finger. "At least this time I didn't leave you at the edge of a lava pit."

Carmelita's eyes widened. "You...you remember...?" Her voice held desperate hope.

"Not everything yet," Sly answered softly. "I remember us taking Coco in...the hut in China...a few bits and pieces here and there, like clips from a film real, or highlights for a trailer...but there's one important thing that's come back."

"W-what's that?" Carmelita asked through a blush, seeing the way he was looking at her.

Smiling softly, Sly made a magician's pass with one hand...and made a gold ring with a diamond surrounded by tanzanite and citrine shards, the blue and orange of their own colors, appear. "I remember how much I love you," he whispered softly, "and that I can't live without you...not anymore."

I was at the other end of the house when Dad pulled out the ring, and I still heard Mom's reaction.

I also heard what came after. As soon as they were asleep, I called Uncle Scrooge about soundproofing my room.

Author's Note:

Thank you Kenshinryuu.

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