• Published 21st Aug 2016
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Dressed to Steal - Tatsurou

Coco Pommel balances being the daughter of Sly Cooper and a member of the Cooper Gang with not disappointing her Law Enforcement mother, Inspector Carmelita Fox.

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Gathering: Take 1

The map led straight to Kaine Island(1), the location of the Cooper Vault. However, Dr. M had somehow acquired the deed to the island, and between the island's own hazards and Dr. M's security, we would need more force than we could normally bring to bear to get in. Dad, Mom, Uncle Bentley and I just wouldn't be enough. We'd need more help. We'd need...a Gang.

We needed a ballistics expert. We needed an aquatic expert. With Bentley having to focus his control on his wheelchair, we needed a RC expert. And we needed someone to bring the extra muscle. While the others would take some figuring out, there was only one answer for that last part: we needed Uncle Murray back. We didn't want to intrude if he still needed time to heal from what happened with the Clock-La incident, but we didn't want anyone else taking his place either.

This led us to Venice, Italy, the territory of the Vincenetti Gang, led by the former lion opera singer Don Octavio. It was dangerous, but we had to find Murray...

Coco stared around at the floating city of Venice. Its beauty shone in the lights playing over the endless canals...though it would have been more picturesque without the Ferris Wheel, and if the waters didn't have black stains within them. Still, the relaxing sail in the covered boat made it easy for them to reach Rialto Bridge, a rather prominent landmark.

When Carmelita had been informed they would be at work here, she had brought a task force here specifically to investigate the tainting of the waters and a possible connection to the Vincenetti Gang. She'd also carefully placed a Cooper Calling Card at the Rialto Bridge with a specific time marked on it. With luck, Murray would have found it and known to meet there...assuming he was willing to.

As they reached the bridge, Murray was waiting for them. "Uncle Murray!" Coco called out happily, rushing forward to embrace him.

Murray leaned down to return the embrace, seeming entirely at peace with himself now. "It's good to see you again, Coco," he assured her happily.

Coco stepped back for a clearer look at him. "You look...different."

Murray did look quite different. White body paint drew designs over his belly and face, and a yellow cape and rope necklace of teeth hung over his usual blue shirt. A grass crown rested atop his head. "A different walk of life calls for different garb," he explained readily. His expression then turned nervous. "Is...is Bentley here?"

"He's back at our temporary hideout," Sly explained as he hopped lightly out of the boat. "He didn't want to risk the meeting getting too emotional if you weren't ready to face him yet."

Murray sighed in relief. "I'm grateful. I...I think I'm ready, but..." He glanced away. "I have to complete my journey..."

"Then let us help you with that," Sly offered. "What is it you need to do here?"

"I cannot return to my Guru until the black waters run pure," Murray declared, gesturing to the river where black sludge of some sort was pouring out of a grate and into the water.

Looking closer, Coco frowned. "Looks like tar. Wonder where it's coming from?"

"We'll be looking into that," Sly confirmed. "You'll be here when we have information, right?"

"My ears are as wide as a whale neath the waves," Murray confirmed.

Coco blinked in surprise. "You're...really into that 'Dream Time' stuff you wrote us about, huh?"

"My mind is as clear as the woods after a forest fire," he declared profoundly.

It was a good thing we were already intending to help Mom deal with the tar in the water before leaving Venice. When we communicated with her that it was now our prime goal to help Uncle Murray complete his spiritual journey, she promised us complete cooperation of her entire task force under Megraw's authorization. Apparently, he hadn't been kidding about using us to flush out the real bad guys, and as long as no police officer actually saw us steal anything, all our actions would be marked in the official report as 'aid from civilian agents'.

...as if anyone would ever see us steal something, anyway...

Since we were targeting Don Octavio's operation, our first two missions involved tailing him to take pictures of his criminal activities, and breaking into the Opera House to learn of his plans. Dad took the former since he could still leap much higher than I to get up onto the rooftops to evade detection, while I took the break in where my smaller body would prove an advantage...as would Deik-Beck's aid. The little crab was an excellent multi-tool...

Coco and Deik-Beck made their way into the Opera House via a wooden hatch in the side yard. Several security measures within required activating two different switches simultaneously, which the pair were more than able to do together. The watery canal beneath the House proved more frustrating to navigate, as Deik-Beck had to cling to Coco's back to get across and she wasn't used to leaping about with cargo. However, they were able to manage it, only to come to a halt at a reinforced door. "Wish I had one of Uncle Bentley's bombs right about now..." Coco murmured thoughtfully.

"Have bomb!" Deik-Beck piped up, leveling one claw at the door and opening it to reveal a gun. "Here I go!"

Coco ducked back as the gun went off, the explosive charge rocking Deik-Beck back on his many legs and destroying the reinforced door. "...you're just full of surprises," she murmured, petting Deik-Beck on the head.

After a bit of vent crawling, the pair had to deal with a few guards...but Coco's needles had lost none of their effectiveness, rendering said guards momentary distractions at best. Finally, they reached the computer at the center of the base. "...wish I knew the first thing about hacking," Coco murmured softly. "I never could grasp Uncle Bentley's explanations."

"Plug me in!" Deik-Beck offered.

Smiling, Coco lifted the little robot onto the keyboard, where it promptly jammed its legs into the circuitry. He hummed for a time, then hopped back out. "Download complete!"

"Then let's go!" Coco directed, scooping up the little bot and rushing for the exit. Getting out proved far easier than getting in.

Getting back, I was unsurprised to learn that Don Octavio was indeed behind the tar in the waters...though a little upset Dad and Uncle Bentley destroyed the Ferris Wheel before I got a chance to ride it.

(1) I know the map was supposed to be in the museum, but I noticed an incongruity. Sly, Bentley, and Murray are together when the museum scene happens, but Sly and Bentley are going to recruit Murray again when they already know the Vault is on Kaine Island. One of those must be flawed, and as the museum scene isn't in the game, I'm going by the game.

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