• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,288 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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Talk Between Kings

Author's Note:

Okay, few things.

One, I apologize for the delay. AGAIN. Life has been throwing me a few curveballs the past few days, and as much as I wish it were not so, real life must come first. Horse life can wait.

Two, this chapter is... suggestive throught the length of it, due to Chrysalis' nature and the nature of changelings in general. Apologies for anyone made uncomfortable by this, but it is simply a chapter that must happen.

Three, hopefully the next chapter of Twilight's Lessons should be up soon.

Glad to be back,

- Lich-Lord Krosis
Dragon Priest of Sorrow

"So... should we so this... later?" Shining asked, watching the nerubian-turned-changeling lie in bed beside his queen. Said queen was... rather sensually caressing and smothering her king, making the whole situation...

Awkward, to say the least...

That and the fact that the changeling king was nearly larger than he was, or course. Shining wouldn't have admitted it lightly, but he rather enjoyed his new size, for several reasons.

One. Nopony wants to mess with a prince. ABSOLUTELY nopony wants to mess with a prince nearly the size of a small carriage.

Two. Shining was always a larger stallion, and liked to think that he was rather humble in his treatment of his inborn gift of height. His new stature not only helped intimidate and... persuade, but also allowed him to hold and cuddle his wife like a proper stallion should.



Cadence in particular seemed to like reason number three...

Nevertheless, the massive insectoid equine before him opened his eyes, to say the least.

"Nonsense. I was the one who invited you here, Lich King." Anub'arak droned, his eyes widening suddenly. Chrysalis growled lightly, before grinding the underside of her body against his side, resulting in an irritating *screech* of chitin on chitin. Both of the kings heads turned to the queen, her face lighting up in a vibrant purple blush as she realized the inappropriateness of the action she just committed...

"Chrysalis, can you not do... THAT, right now, dear?" Anub'arak slowly said, a gentle nuzzle from his nose gracing his queen's. She nodded quickly, a violet blush adorning her face, before retreating slightly further behind her mate's gargantuan form. That didn't stop her from continuing her allowed 'molestation' of her king.


"Forgive me for asking, but is there a reason you are... um..." Shining stammered, quite obviously embarrassed by the queen's antics.

"What, can a queen not express her love for her king?" she mocked, her tongue flicking out to lick the outside of her lips, a rather forceful nuzzle to the injured king's back following the rather provocative gesture. Biting back an insult at the succubus' behavior, Shining instead turned to the much larger changeling for an explanation. Anub'arak sighed, before turning his obviously flexible neck to view his queen.

"Chrysalis, why don't you go get us some champagne? You always were rather insistent on me trying it..." he near whispered, the great changeling's chest rumbling as he cleared his throat afterwards. A look of brief confusion adorned the queen's face, followed by a knowing smirk of desire.

"Mmmm... that sounds delightful, Nuby... I'll be right back..." Chrysalis purred, her form relinquishing itself from his presence. She sauntered through the room, and made her way out the door, into the hall, her hips lurching left and right in a provocative motion. Anub'arak sighed in half relief, his great form creaking back into a more comfortable position as he rearranged his body.

"I apologize for my beloved's actions, my king. She... she is very protective of me, you see." he stammered, apologies clearly not something he gave often enough to have practice. "She was only trying to speed my recovery. Though... she may also be in heat, as well." he smiled sheepishly. This earned a chuckle and nod of understanding from Shining.

Being married to the Princess of Love meant a few things.

Cadence loved to help others find love, and as such, Shining became a sort of harbinger for that particular job. She was a firm supporter of all things loving and devoted in nature, and was quite vocal about this fact.

Also, it turns out being the Princess of Love also came with the second title of Lust...

Needless to say, Shining slept little to none for the first three days of their honeymoon in the Germanian Alps, and required a near two-day slumber afterwards.


"So... what is it you would like to talk about, King Anub'arak?" Shining asked, his hooves fidgeting across the floor before him. Anub'arak's gaze snapped quickly away from Frostmourne's half-visible form, secured to Shining's hip. Shining turned to the blade, and then back to the king. "Oh... do you wish me to put this in my room, Anub'arak? If you are uncomfortable with it, I may move..."

"No!" Anub'arak stopped him with a wave of his hooves. "I... I must learn to deal with it's presence in my life once more. I cannot run from it any longer." Anub'arak clattered to his hooves, before lunging forwards slightly as he attempted to stand up straight.

"On the subject of my summons of you, my king, I would like to discuss my... allegiance." Anub'arak sighed, looking the stallion in the eyes.

"Your... allegiance?" Shining asked, unsure of the changeling king's meaning. Anub'arak chuckled, before explaining.

"My king, I am bound to you, the same as Kel'Thuzad is. Surely the lich had told you of this?" he inquired questioningly, his left eyebrow raising in suspicion. Shining shook his head, before talking.

"No, I was never informed of your existence, actually..." Shining admitted, seemingly to the changeling's surprise. "I've seen glimpses of... your kind, the Nerubians, but never was I given a name to match their leader."

Anub'arak nodded in understanding.

"Perhaps you remember this, then..."

With that, the changeling was engulfed in flames, the green tinge of transformation spreading over his body.

Slowly, the flames grew to nearly reach the top of the doorframe to the room, a great grinding and screeching of chitin armor sounding through the room. With a burst of illusion magic, the flames dissipated.

"Look familiar now, my king?"

Shining nodded, his muzzle hanging slightly open at the true size of his newest 'servant'.

Goddesses above... he's monstrous...

While Kel'Thuzad easily trumped the beetle in terms of height, in terms of sheer size, the Nerubian Underlord won out. Nearly twice his size, the massive insect's form was covered in dark purple and blue chitin, rimmed and gilded in ropes of gold. His jagged, insectoid mouth opened and closed slowly as he breathed, and the king's headpiece jangled metallically as he scratched behind his left... ear?

He scratched...

Those scythes of arms, straight out of a foal's nightmares, so deadly in combat, used for such a simple and harmless task. The stallion almost tried to stop the king. His attention was then drawn to the four, muscular legs that held the insect's body aloft. Each one was draped in the same armor as his body, and left sizeable dents in the crystal flooring form the king's weight.

"My king? Are you well?" Anub'arak inquired, his head cocking slightly to the left in confusion at his silence. Shining snapped out of his examination, before nodding quickly.

"Yes, Anub'arak. I... I'm fine." he lied. In truth, Shining Armor LOATHED bugs and spiders of all sorts, which was caused in no small part by the fact that he nearly married one. Regardless, the Lich King would need to suck it up, if he was to continue to see the king's presence throught the palace.

"My king, I can revert back to my..."

"That won't be necessary, Anub'arak. I... I'm just stressed, as all." Shining took a deep breath, before realizing something.


"Yes, my king?"

"Is there a particular reason you murdered my archmage?"

At this question, the nerubian's cheeks turned bright red.

"I... I could not stand to see him treat my beloved the way he did, regardless of his apology later on. I will accept responsibility for that, and assure you it will not happen again."

Shining nodded.

He's lucky Kel'Thuzad seems pretty lenient about dying every other day at this point...

As he opened his mouth to make a rebuttal, the changeling queen slammed through the door, holding a large case of Prench champagne in her magical grip. She smiled sheepishly, gently putting the small hoard of alcohol down at the foot of the bed, before rushing to her transformed king's side. She growled lightly, rubbing her flank against the nerubian's left back leg, earning a deep chuckle from the king, along with a gentle caress from his jagged claws, which once again betrayed their true purpose.

I can take a hint. Besides, I'm pretty sure Cadence is still up...

"I... I think I shall retire, for the night, then. Goodnight, Anub'arak."

The Underlord nodded in agreement, likely for different reasons.

"To you as well, my king..."

"To you as well..."

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