• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,306 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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Settling Down

"Take back that... that... LIE!" Shining roared, his eyes now glowing a deep azure blue, waves of cold echoing in healthy streams from them. The Lich King rocketed up from his throne, and in several long strides, Frostmourne was centimeters from Chrysalis' throat, the snarling prince begging for an excuse to push forward. Chrysalis, on the other hand, did not bat an eye at the aggressive move, her gaze monotonous and calm.

"It is no lie, Shining. I sent no assassin." Chrysalis boldly and calmly stated, seemingly angering the prince even more. Shining growled once, and pushed the tip of the blade up against the changeling's neck, even the gentle caress of the tip of the sword causing a small line of green to trail down form the point of contact, Chrysalis valiantly trying and failing to hide her race's weakness to cold.

"Kel'Thuzad!" Shining roared to his archmage, the lich startled by the intensity and deepening tone of his voice.

"Yes master?" Kel'Thuzad bowed, the past few minutes admittedly... scaring him.


Of all people...

Er... ponies...

I think?

"I want you to bring what's left of that mongrel up here. I want to see how brave our little queen is when her beloved 'child' is forked back over to her in a coffin..." Shining chuckled darkly, the blade of Frostmourne lowering ever so slightly from Chrysalis' throat, the queen taking the brief opportunity to speak her mind.

"Master..." the lich started, only to be cut off by their 'guest'.

"I have no reason to lie, Shining Armor. Why would I send an assassin? If I wished peace between our species, the murder of Equestrian royalty would definitely make that close to impossible." Shining's greatsword was once more pressed a little more firmly against the changeling's soft throat, the runeblade fizzling and popping form the warmth of her protective chitin.

"Lie again. See what happens." Shining growled, licking his lips, as if desperate to spill this mare's blood. Cadence seized the moment, and grabbed Shining with her magic, dragging her husband over to her, the changeling queen finally being able to breathe properly again without the fear of puncturing her throat on the unnaturally sharp blade of Frostmourne.

"Shining! What has gotten into you?" Cadence scolded, shielded her and her husband's face from view with her wings, the alicorn giving her husband a concerned look. Shining grimaced at her, before sighing, Frostmourne clattering loudly to the floor next to him.

Meanwhile, across the room, the archlich sat in quiet observation, his mind whirling and spinning.

Shining seems...

Aggressive... Brash...


Kel'Thuzad's jagged teeth nearly dropped as Shining whipped his head once, bringing a single hoof up to brush his mane out of his eyes...

The same way Arthas did with his hair when he was... stressed...

Damn it all...

Before another word could utter from anyone else, the Archlich's claw leaped upwards, a blunted frostbolt exploding from his palm with the speed of an arrow in flight. The projectile traveled nearly aster than the eye could catch, and hit the side of the prince's head with a 'clunk'.

Cadence gasped, and squeaked as Shining fell to the side, completely unconscious. The alicorn of death impacted the crystal flooring without a groan, and laid still. Cadence slowly turned to face the lich, his claw still outstretched from his spell. She coughed once to clear her throat, and strode ever gracefully past a stuttering Chrysalis, the changeling quite obviously confused.

"Kel'Thuzad?" she asked rather calmly, surprising the archlich. Kel'Thuzad hurriedly lowered his hand, turning to his approaching mistress.

"Yes, milady?" he bowed, attempting to be as respectful as possible, considering he just knocked his king unconscious...

"Would you kindly explain to me why my hubby is on the floor right now?" she asked, a concerned, not angry look covering her muzzle. Kel'Thuzad stuttered once, then spoke.

"Of course, milady. Your husband... well... he was not currently your husband. If my hypothesis is correct, a fragment of his predecessor revealed itself to me through his actions and emotions, albeit unknowingly. I incapacitated him to... prevent further hostilities and insults. I am sorry for my treachery and will accept any punishment you deem fit for this transgression..." Kel'Thuzad bowed deeply, ready to accept his scolding, or trip to the Twisting Nether.

Or maybe both! I've always liked to have a bit of variety in my life... er... unlife...

"I... I don't think that will be necessary, Kel'Thuzad. Could... could you just lead Chrysalis to her guest room, please?" Cadence sighed, a small smile once again decorating her muzzle. Kel'Thuzad nearly fell backwards in surprise.

"You... you are sure, my queen?" Kel'Thuzad asked, surprised by the alicorn's... kindness.

He just attacked his ruler and knocked him unconscious, for god's sake! Cadence nodded, lying down on the floor next to Shining's form, her wing reaching out to stroke his still body.

"Kel'Thuzad, these... episodes, HAVE to stop. I can't run a kingdom by myself. My husband needs to be able to take over at some points, and he cant do that if he goes ballistic every few days! I hate to be a bother, and absolutely loathe demanding things of ponies..."

"BUT YOU NEED TO FIND A WAY TO STOP THIS!!!" Cadence roared, the outburst of energy produced by her magically amplified command rocking the castle grounds, several shards of crystal falling form the ceiling above them, echoing as they hit the floor. "I DON'T CARE WHAT OR HOW LONG IT TAKES!"

Kel'Thuzad visibly flinched, the mare's outburst catching him off-guard. It was not often that the seasoned mage accidently showed weakness to anyone, even his master! The fact that his normally peaceful co-ruler effected him in such a way...

Made him immensely proud. If nothing else, his presence here had given the mare a tougher skin. The archlich grinned in personal delight, before quickly bowing stiffly to his queen.

"Of course, milady. Will there be anything else for tonight?" he asked, rising to his full stature once more. The lich's eyes darted to the left, and he snapped his fingers once, motioning for the changeling sitting nearby to come to his side. The queen growled, and several long, predatory lunges and strides, the insectoid equine was in his face, a slightly curved hoof yanking him down to her level by one of his chains with surprising force, the lich nearly yelping in surprise.

"Listen here, freak. I have no quarrels with you or your... cursed existence, but I will not tolerate being treated like a pet." the queen hissed, her eye's pupils elongating to form perfect slits.

"Are." the queen pulled tighter.

"We." Tighter.



"Heh... we're clear. But let me tell you something, Chrysalis..." Kel'Thuzad countered, a look of surprising calm covering his skull.

Ina single move, the lich had the queen hogtied and upside-down once more, her legs attempting to flail against the saronite chains that bound her to her captor.

"I have little to no respect for you, after what you have done to my friends. If it were up to me, your husk would be decorating the battlements of this keep right now. I could kill you four times over before Lady Cadence could even move. You would be little more than a pile of ash." Chrysalis whimpered now, his scarlet pupils boring into hers. She shivered from the cold of the lich's breath, his very presence chilling her to the bone.

"You have to earn your respect like everyone... everypony else did." The lich spoke. He then turned her right side up, the changeling yelping as she was dropped back to the floor. "Threatening an old man is definitely not getting you any points..."

Chrysalis snorted in annoyance, and sauntered off down the hall towards the entrance to the throne room, her walk more akin to that of a succubus than a monarch. A single guard looked her over as she passed, only to be hissed at by the changeling. The guard yelped in fear, dropping his spear before backing as far back into the wall as he could. The queen then started off towards the royal quarter automatically, obviously having been in the keep before.

Not surprising...

"Anything else, my queen?" Kel'Thuzad asked once more, turning to the couple, Shining still unconscious with Cadence nuzzling him gently.

"No, Kel'Thuzad. That will be all..." Cadence nodded to her archmage, who bowed in return. "Just... just make sure to solve this quickly, please." Cadence smiled.

"I will try my best, milady." Kel'Thuzad promised, bowing once more. He then turned from the royals, floating swiftly past the trembling guard to catch up with Chrysalis.

Author's Note:

Finally, I'm back! I decided to take a small break, and punch out a few chapters that I will be posting approximately two days between them. A little off my plate, I guess.

Anyway, glad to be back.

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