• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,304 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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The First Judgement

Shining Armor's wings threw up dust from several feet away as he landed on the balcony to the guest room he was residing in. He folded the massive appendages to his sides, and adjusted the steel spiked circlet atop his head, the ornament annoying him terribly. He was goaded into wearing the crown upon his attendance of court today, much to his annoyance.

He preferred helmets, but a crown was more 'princely', according to Cadence...

Well, once the Helm of Domination is 'purified', maybe I can convince her to let me wear that...

As he trotted towards the drink cooler in the corner of the room, he took notice of the small pile of paperwork atop the desk as he passed it.

Dear goddesses I need a drink...

As he poured his lager, he looked to the right, his eyes darting around the familiar surroundings and furnishings of Canterlot Castle. He had spent his life trying to join the Royal Guard... now he was the leader of the entirety of the Equestrian military...

"Heh, not bad." he joked to himself. A sensation of wetness overtook his fleshy hoof, the alicorn's head spinning to the cup. "Damn it." he cursed his stupidity, the beer having long overfilled the rather small cup. As he reached out for a few paper towels from the bathroom, he stopped himself.

I wonder...

If you're dead...

His eyes narrowed in concentration, the liquid and cup all but disintegrating before billowing away in a burst of arcane fire and wind. The Lich King turned and trotted to the desk, taking the entire bottle of lager with him. As his massive form sat behind the humorously small table, he took a half-gallon swig of lager, two-thirds of the bottle disappearing down his gullet. He shook his head, the burning cold of the alcohol refreshing him greatly. Setting the cool bottle down on a coaster, he looked to the first order of business.


Suddenly, Shining Armor felt... a presence. A sense of being watched...

"Hello?" Shining asked, his head scanning the room. As he turned further to the right, the room slowly grew... darker.

"H-Hello?!" a mare's terrified voice echoed through the room, startling Shining. He yelped lightly, the bottle smashing into the hardwood floor with a crash of liquid and glass. A mare's glowing blue form appeared before him, the pony sobbing horribly...

"HELLO?!" the mare called again, her bloodshot eyes turning and darting around the dark room, before settling on the alicorn. Shining was taken aback. The stallion got up from his desk, ignoring the crinkles and cracks as one of his massive hooves crushed the bottle further into the floor. The mare hurriedly bowed, sputtering apologies.

"Prince Shining, I-I'm so s-s-sorry!" she whimpered, her small form sinking into the ground further, the unicorn obviously traumatized and afraid. Shining stepped forward, before wrapping the mare in his wings, trying to comfort the pony before trying to talk to her.

"Don't worry. Hey, you're okay. You're not in trouble... chuckled, the mare forgetting her manners and burying her face into his bandaged barrel, ignoring the wet squishing of the necrotic flesh beneath the linen wrappings.

"I... I died..." she whimpered, her form shaking horribly. "My husband... he... he... he killed me. He was so angry about something... our son! Oh goddesses my little colt! He's barely older than two, your majesty!" the delirious mare was continuously rambling on, but that sentence alone set Shining's blood aflame.

Kill him... make him suffer...

For once, he agreed with the voice. For once, he was overcome by rage that he LET overcome him. This snake would not last the night...

"Hey... shh... I'll save your son, I just need you to tell me to who you are." he asked, the alicorn looking into the soul's bloodshot eyes, the mare nodding, her form still shaking horribly.

"I... my name is Sun. Sunshine Blaze... I live... lived in the lower city, house two thirty-eight. PLEASE, SAVE MY LITTLE COLT!" the mare's sudden outburst startled Shining, the stallion moving his head back a bit as the crackling voice assaulted his eardrums. He nodded in understanding, before moving his right hoof to her forehead, the mare calming down immensely. He spoke softly, unwillingly. Almost as if HE wasn't talking at all.

"Hush now. The Elysian Fields for you, my child..." the mare fell asleep in his forearms, a soft sigh of relief issuing forth from her...

The stallion looked to his right, Frostmourne's runes glowing brightly as it waited for it's master's touch. He reached out, the mare's form having disappeared shortly before he grabbed for his blade. Frostmourne sang it's unholy glee to Shining as he took it in his grasp, the blade clearly happy to be back with him. Shining got up, and with several long strides, he leaped off of the balcony, his wings unfolding into their colossal full size, the alicorn heading for the address, fury slowly building in his system.

Kill... him...


With a rippling smash, the prince kicked the door down, his massive hoof all but blowing the door to pieces. Instinct kicked in, the necromancy that inherently flowed through his body pinpointing the two sources of life within the house.

One small, cowering colt hiding in a small room, probably a closet somewhere upstairs.

One stallion, a sense of regret mixed with rage coursing through his preying form. He was patrolling upstairs, holding some sort of weapon.


One body, lying upstairs in a pool of it's own blood.

Rage overtook the stallion, his colossal form crashing and smashing his way up the narrow staircase, the prince ignorant to noise or caution. The moment he reached the landing upstairs, he saw him.

The stallion.

He was a rather normal looking stallion, but was covered in a shining liquid, the light not needed to identify it. He was carrying a shortsword in his magical grip his face in a grimace of rage. In a move that surprised Shining, the stallion roared a battlecry, before stabbing once. The blade entered the prince, the blade digging into his shoulder, the anger flaring even higher as a result of the attack. He roared, a demonic tinge plaguing his voice, as he drove Frostmourne upwards, the blade singing a dance of death as it flew through the air...


The stallion's magical grip faded, the bloody shortsword falling to the ground with a clang of steel against wood. He looked down, the ram-skull of Frostmourne's hilt staring him in the face, small flames of blue roaring in the eye sockets. With a shiver, the stallion coughed and gagged in pain once, a deluge of slush-blood falling out from around the blade of the damned...

"Frostmourne... HUNGERS..."

Shining's voice was gone now, overwhelmed by the imposing presence of his alter ego. With a roar of necromantic power, the stallion proceeded to seize upon the sword, gushes of chilled life-fluid exploding from his barrel and mouth, his brownish-black fur beginning to whiten and grey as Shining growled, shoving Frostmourne several more inches into the stallion, the blade cutting through his soft flesh and bone like butter...


The stallion's head went limp, his soul flowing free from his dormant body, entering Frostmourne without struggle. With a smirk, Shining withdrew the blade, the sword lifting free of his body without resistance.

"The dark void... awaits you..."

The body hit the floor with little noise, another spurt of blood exploding from his mouth and chest as he impacted the wooden planks.

Shining choked once, his mouth tingling as he finished vomiting on the floor, the alcohol burning his throat as he up chugged his stomach contest.

I... I can't do this...

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