• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,305 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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"So, you're telling me that I am in charge of Equestria?!" Shining exclaimed, the alicorn having visited Kel'Thuzad after his... session with Cadence. The lich nods, still a bit shell-shocked from entering during his masters' intimate moment. Shining had assured him that no harm was done, but Kel'Thuzad was... hesitant to comment on it.

"Yes, my king. By Equestrian law, you are the ruler of Equestrian Empire for the time being." Kel'Thuzad proclaimed. "By law, a prince or princess must take over the throne in cases such as this. However... seeing as you are both the Supreme Commander of the Royal Guard, AND an ALICORN prince... you are directly in charge." Kel'Thuzad's skull turned to a grin at this point.

Hopefully he seizes this opportunity fate has given him...

"I... I... wait. Equestria is an imperial state?" Shining asked, never having heard his homeland be called such an archaic term. The lich nodded and explained, a glass of lager appearing before Shining's form, the bubbles still leaping from it.

"It wasn't one until about three years ago, my king. You of all people... ponies... should know that..." Kel'Thuzad cursed himself, the subtle changes in speech between Equestrian and Common still annoying him at times. Shining took a rather large swig of the throat-burning alcohol, and coughed lightly. As he thought, his archmage waited patiently, thinking as well.

Suddenly, it dawned on the stallion.

"The Crystal Empire." Shining said slowly. Kel'Thuzad looked to his master, and nodded.

"More like the Crystal Colony, in actuality." Shining stuttered at this comment, about to retort.

But he stopped himself short, realizing the truth. They WERE a colony. A free, happy colony, yes.

But a colony. Of Equestria.

"So... what now?" Shining said, nodding once more in understanding of his predicament. Kel'Thuzad looked to his king, somewhat caught off-guard by the question.

"My king... I cannot tell you how to run an empire. But I can offer some advice..." Kel'Thuzad spoke, his hand waving once to summon a sizeable quill and parchment. If his king wanted decrees written immediately, of course.

"I... what would you do?" Shining turned to his friend, fear and anxiety evident in his voice.

The boy is scared...


"Shining. Please call me Shining. And don't make me order that." the stallion smirked at the last bit. The lich looked to the stallion with wide eyes, before coughing once to clear his throat.

"Very well... Shining. If I were you, I would start by rewriting a few things in Equestria's laws." the lich stated. Shining nodded lightly, taking another warming sip of chilled lager.

"Like what?"

"For starters, outlaw necromantic study and practice by the public." Shining was about to argue his point, seeing as the lich had already started his lessons with Twilight, but he stopped himself. After seeing what a skilled necromancer can do at Canterlot field...

Perhaps that knowledge is best left to those who know how to use it responsibly and properly...

"Done. What else?" Shining asked, making up his mind at last. Kel'Thuzad nodded, waving his claw once, setting the quill in motion on it's own.

"Secondly, I would attempt to at least partially solidify your and Cadence's claims as prince and princess. Take irreversible control of an aspect of the empire. Celestia and Luna may mean well, but they have a bit of a... superiority complex. They will most likely attempt to reverse your changes, or bully you into agreeing with them." Kel'Thuzad spoke, his voice without regard for the princesses' input, thinking specifically for the time being.


Like it or not, Kel'Thuzad was right. While they may give off the gentle and kind ruler vibes, Celestia and Luna were old. VERY OLD. A few hundred years Kel'Thuzad's senior, easy. They had a lot more experience running a country, and most likely did not trust him and Cadence fully...


"Very well." Shining finally said. "I will assume supreme command of the Equestrian Military, even if it is currently only consistent of a few hundred stallions. I will speak with Cadence tomorrow morning, and arrange for her to become the head of a part of the empire."

"Very good, sir." Kel'Thuzad waved again, the quill scribbling down his thoughts magically.

"Also, I want to make the Crystal Empire the second capitol of Equestria."


Ambitious... I like it.

The lich grinned lightly, the quill writing down several more jots of ink before bursting into arcane flames, leaving the finished parchment floating before him.

Henceforth, Crown Prince Shining Armor will assume full control over the Equestrian Empire until Princess Luna and Celestia's extensive wounds are healed, and their spirits rejuvenated to the point at which they may retake their thrones.

As a first decree, Prince Shining Armor has stated that the public use and study of the magical conjuration school of necromancy be outlawed utterly and completely, the only exceptions being observed or approved by Prince Shining Armor himself.

As a second decree, Prince Shining Armor will assume full command of the Equestrian Armed Forces, both at home and abroad. This decree will be irreversible by any future decree, and will be held even after Princess Luna and Celestia's return to power. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza will assume a title and role as well, when she and her spouse have chosen one.

As a third and final immediate decree, the Crystal Empire shall hereby be considered a second Capitol of the Empire of Equestria. Prince Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza will be considered the co-rulers of Equestria once the Celestial Sister's retake their thrones.

Regards, Royal Archmage and Vizier of the Crystal Court,


Author's Note:

Sorry its so short again, but I wanted to get something out for the story, seeing as I have been absolutely swamped with Christmas this and Christmas that! Expect the next chapter to be of the newer length of 2,000+ words.

Anyways, Happy Holidays.

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