• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,288 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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A United Purpose

The ground shook...

The winds howled like banshees, frigid as the cold wastes of Icecrown...


And the soldiers of ancient Equestria obeyed.

With a deafening crack of necromantic energies, the ground cracked and twisted. Warped and collapsed.

Forms skittered from the fissures surrounding Nightmare like rats, obscured by the dark mists of raw, unchecked necromancy. Kel'Thuzad's grin only grew as more than a dozen more of these holes erupted from the ground around him. He cackled maniacally, his lust for necromantic exertion finally appeased as his minions surrounded the stuttering alicorn, their forms broken and twisted from a thousand years of rot and decay. Rusted armor and tattered cloth still hung from their husks, some unicorns still grasping broken spears and swords in their magical hold. Some bore the illustrious symbols of the sun, rounded and protective. Others bore the symbols of the moon, dagger-like and dangerous.

All held HUNGER in their soulless and putrid eyes.

Now, necromancy is a fickle thing. The more time you spend reanimating, the more time you spend open to attack. Likewise, if you spend more time, the stronger the minions or constructs become. This, however, does not include sentiency. If the Scourge were to spend all of their energy on intelligent minions, they wouldn't have had the 'endless' force of darkness that they had deployed. No, in reality, most of the Scourge's foot soldiers and minions were nearly brainless. They required constant instruction and supervision.

The soldiers he resurrected were as such. Brainless.



With a single, pointed finger, he gestured to the alicorn, who's flaming mane had all but gone out with surprise and cold.




Like a swarm of angry bees...

They exploded forwards from all sides.

Nightmare Moon disappeared beneath a mass of red and black, screams of horror and frenzy issuing from the pile of writhing flesh and bone. Kel'Thuzad threw frostbolts the size of greatswords intermittently into the approximate center of the pile, sneering and snarling like an animal as they tore his minions to frosted chunks of necrotic flesh and bone. He cared not for the safety of his thralls. Necromantic constructs and zombies are tools. Shields. Better them than you.

When you have an army of nearly three-thousand undead, ravenous equines at your command, you can afford a bit of collateral damage. He stopped eventually, and floated backwards.

With a snap of his bony fingers, the roars and sounds of tearing stopped.




The zombies retreated from their blood-pile and clumsily formed up around their master, some literally missing limbs. They cared not for their own safety, or of their comrade's. Much like a feeding frenzy, they rip and tear without remorse.

Whether it be friend or foe. It made no difference to them.

"Are you done, Nightmare?" the lich boomed, floating slowly towards the alicorn, who was bloody beyond recognition, her once vibrant ivory coat scarred and torn with the gore of his constructs and her host. She weakly snarled, attempting to summon up a bit of magic, most likely to retaliate against his advance.

He humored her.

She launched a half-formed firebolt at his chest, which he caught with his hand, the fire sizzling away within his icy grasp. She snorted, spitting a few broken, bloody teeth upon the ground before Kel'Thuzad.

"N-N-Never..." she attempted to stand, the chorus of snarls and growls behind him telling him that his minions were still thirsty for violence. She stood defiantly towards them. The archlich laughed.

"You're all the same..."

"Filthy demons."

Nightmare snarled, her now pointed teeth clacking angrily at the lich's remark.

"You always think that you can one-up EVERYONE." he continued. "Who sent you, I wonder?"



"SARGERAS himself?" the lich mocked. Nightmare's visage turned from one of anger to one of confusion.

Or none of them... hmm...

"I know not of these... creatures, lich. All I know is that you cant kill me. YOU WON'T." she mocked, her pained strut of a walk up to Kel'Thuzad signifying her cockiness. "You won't repeat your mistakes, will you? Will you send another world into darkness by ending my life, AND Celestia's?!" she spat, her form barely reaching the lich's sternum, much to his amusement.




She fell for it AGAIN?!

The alicorn stood upon a rune.

In one spell, Celestia's soul was in his grasp, the terrified goddess' consciousness entering his mind.

Kel'Thuzad! What happened?! Were am I?!

Hush. You are in my grasp. You are free once again. Now please, be silent now as I retake your body.

Nightmare's face went from surprised to pained in an instant, the alicorn's body screaming in demonic agony and horror as her mind... slowed...

She painfully looked down, towards the source of her pain...

Only to see chilled dollops of slush-like blood falling from a gaping hole in her chest, the blade of Frostmourne jutting nearly a foot from her barrel.


"It... It... It's so... cold..."



Celestia's body fell from the blade, lifeless. Shining withdrew the sword as she fell, the runeblade coming out as smoothly as it had entered. Frostmourne screamed and barked at the soul of Nightmare, her mind and consciousness imprisoned inside of the blade of the damned. Shining sighed in horror, Frostmourne clattering noisily to the ground. With a quick incantation, Kel'Thuzad moved the soul of Celestia from his hand to one of his chains, the goddess confused at first, but seemingly understanding her task. The now gentle chain curled slowly, carefully around the still warm corpse. With a small contraction, the body was floating before the lich, who had sliced a clean rift into the throne room, were Marrowfrost had hopefully revived Luna...

"Come, my king. Do not mourn your losses just yet..." Kel'Thuzad turned to the portal, floating slowly through as he did, his minions falling to dust and ash as he did. Shining shook his head, and gathered Frostmourne from the decayed grass nearby, before following his vizier through the portal.

Please let this work...

Author's Note:


- The Crystal Lich

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