• Published 5th Sep 2015
  • 11,306 Views, 1,007 Comments

The Crystal Vizier - Lich-Lord Krosis

When the first Equestrian Lich King is in need of guidance, who better to help him than the second in command of the Azerothian Scourge? Follow Kel'Thuzad in his new unlife in the colorful world of Equus.

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A Talk Between Former Villains

Kel'Thuzad sighed as he followed the changeling queen through the halls of the Crystal Palace, her lanky form slinking past any guards that stood in her way, and straight up hissing a few of them out of her way. Now, Kel'Thuzad was a former villain himself, albeit a much more violent and sinister one, if he did say so himself. He sympathized little to none with Chrysalis, but he realized that, as a monarch, she wished the best for her people.

As the former second-in-command and sort of ambassador for the Scourge under Arthas, he realized the importance of security and resources. He was the one who oversaw the massive undertaking of the construction and maintenance of the saronite mines in the Borean Tundra. He was the one who organized the worship and reverence of Arthas by the Vrykul clans. He was the one who organized the ONLY peace treaty the Scourge ever honored. The combined efforts of the Twilight's Hammer Cult and the Silithid under the Old God C'Thun were particularly interested in the Archlich's destruction in the days after Arthas' ascension, but saw the encroaching threat of the peoples of Azeroth to be more of a threat, and agreed to a hastily constructed truce between them.

Though, his limited political experience would do little to slow the queen he currently pursued.

"Chrysalis!" Kel'Thuzad bellowed once more, floating quickly towards the changeling queen, whom had just disappeared around the corner of a wall, quite obviously trying to get away from him for some reason. With a huff of annoyance, the lich turned the corner, only to be met with an empty hallway. "Chrysalis, come out. I... I want to apologize for my actions."

Now, as a human, his eyes were limited by their age, and imperfection. Another blessing of undeath, in particular lichdom, was the fact that your magically constructed and maintained eyes were near perfect, able to see in the lowest light, and the notice the most subtle of changes in environment or characteristics of your enemies.

Despite these advantages, the changeling queen was no where to be seen.

"Sir... who are you talking to?"

Kel'Thuzad whirled around in an instant, his robes creating a gust of frigid wind as he did, chilling the small guard behind him.

Another blessing of lichdom. No legs help when skirmishing, and definitely helps turn the body without consequence.

The stallion trembled as the sorcerer looked down upon him, obviously questioning his sudden, but opportune appearance.

"What, you haven't seen her?" Kel'Thuzad asked, a small smile of disbelief decorating his skull. The guard shook his head quickly, his spear quivering in his hooves as he shook from the cold of the lich's very presence.

Poor lad, he must be new...

"Don't worry, lad. I won't hurt you." he chuckled, floating down to humorously look the stallion in the eyes, the lich's ribcage nearly touching the crystalline floor. The guard visibly relaxed as he did, and sat down on his flank, propping his spear up against the wall.

"No...I don't think I've seen her..." The guard yawned, shaking his head once.

"Tall, black, green mane, wings?" Kel'Thuzad raised an eyebrow when the guard shook his head once more, a look of utter confusion plastering his muzzle.

Kel'Thuzad sighed.

Well... I may be dead, but I noticed one thing about her that I'm sure other males would...


"Flanks of a goddess?"

"Ohhhhhh... yeah her. Yeah, she ducked into one of those rooms over there. Seemed pretty distraught about something. Tears running down her face and all..." The guard sighed slightly, looking to the room that the queen had ducked into. "Poor girl... she's too beautiful to be crying like that..."

The lich rolled his eyes in their sockets at the guards corny remark, turning to float towards the door.

"Thank you, lad. That will be all." Kel'Thuzad smirked, a single chain coiling around his form towards the guard that was just about to reach the very corner that the queen had disappeared around. With a strangled yelp, the stallion was grasped by the hind leg by the frigid metal snake, and the guard's head turned to the lich, who had an impassive look on his face.

"I must admit, your skill in illusions and acting are by far the best I've ever seen." Kel'Thuzad complimented, the snake of metal recoiling back into orbit around him with a *snap*. "I'd expect nothing less for the queen of a race of shape-shifters."

The guard snorted, before turning a sickly green, and dropping the illusion around him. Where the guard once stood, the unmistakable form of Chrysalis emerged from a gout of green flame, her serpentine eyes flickering open as the last of the spell wore off.

"Damn. What gave me away, if I may ask?" Chrysalis asked, her form slinking over to the lich, who's arms crossed behind his back in respect. Unlike before, a smile decorated the queen's face. Obviously, she enjoyed her little ruse.

"Well, the first thing is that your eyes had a slight greenish tinge to them. Nothing that could be noticed at first glance, but it becomes quite noticeable when you stare." Kel'Thuzad explained, the queen nodding in understanding. It wasn't everyday that she got feedback on the quality of her disguises. "Secondly, you were not exactly... convincing, when you described yourself entering the room. You need more conviction. To sound more sure of yourself."

"Noted. Anything else?" Chrysalis asked, following the archlich as he floated towards the Royal Quarter. Kel'Thuzad looked to the queen, and chuckled, holding in a full laugh.

"Chrysalis, I don't mind sharing the fact that I'm a wizard. A very good one, at that." Chrysalis nodded, turning the corner of the hallway as they reached it, trying to keep up with the tireless pace of the lich. "My specialty, as you might have guessed, is necromancy. Or conjuration, whichever you prefer." Kel'Thuzad explained.

"Okay? Your point?" Chrysalis asked, the lich's cryptic messages not getting through to her. Kel'Thuzad laughed once more.

"My point is, I know the basic anatomy and the inner workings of most creatures." Kel'Thuzad explained, a grin growing on his face, much to the queen's dismay.

"In short, you forgot your stallion's balls, Queen Chrysalis." he chuckled, stopping in front of an unoccupied room next to his.

"I... you....... damn it." she blushed, the color of her chitin turning to dark purple on her cheeks. The door clicked open with a wave of the lich's left claw, and he floated aside. He bowed before her, and beckoned to the room with his right arm.

"Ladies first."

"Thank you. Why such the gentleman all of a sudden?" she asked, walking into the room, only to be greeted by the comforting sight of a warm fire, several armchairs, a huge bed, and a perfect view of the expansive courtyard.

"I just wanted you to know that what I said I think of you in the throne room is not entirely true." Kel'Thuzad explained, his form floating through the high door of the room. "While I do not particularly care for your treatment of my rulers, I know the importance of sacrifice and chances when it comes to ruling a nation. What you did was noble, in a way. Not many royals I knew back on my homeworld would be the first one to go deep into enemy lines, risking execution for their kingdom. You did what you did for your people, and I can respect that." the lich bowed in respect, the queen stammering in disbelief.

"I... I don't know what to say..." Chrysalis stammered. The queen sat down on her flanks before the fire, staring deep into it's comforting form.

"Oh, and by the way, I would avoid Shining Armor for the time being." Kel'Thuzad explained. "He is... under the influence of some very potent and powerful magics, and I fear next time I may not be able to hold back his blade successfully..." the lich explained, turning to leave the room. Chrysalis nodded, before something dawned upon her, and she stopped him.


The lich turned to the queen, a look of questioning covering his face.

"May you please tell your guards to send my king to me?" she pleaded, a look of need decorating her face. "He should be already hidden among your guards. just send the word along."

"You have my word, milady..." the lich bowed once more. "Pleasant dreams."

With that, he closed the door to her chambers.

"It has been a long time... lich..." Kel'Thuzad looked to his left, towards the voice.

What he saw was the largest changeling he had seen thus far. He dwarfed the queen's size easily, and was adorned in gold-rimmed purple armor, most likely made of chitin. His voice was gravelly, and hissing in tone, and all too familiar.

"So... you're the king, then?" the lich asked, crossing his arms over his ribcage.

"You will regret tormenting MY QUEEN!"

With that, the colossal changeling charged, the warscreech of a Nerubian Underlord echoing through the halls of the Royal Quarter.

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