• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter XXXI - Reacquainted

The Adventures of Damon Lipton

Chapter XXX - Reacquainted

Kalanar and Damon stood at the entrance to a large cave, the darkness on the inside seemingly to beckon the two mages into it. Damon cautiously made an advance towards the darkness but was stopped by Kalanar who put his arm out.


“What is it?” Damon asked.

Kalanar didn’t respond, he merely let his eyes wander around the entrance of the cave before her picked up a nearby rock and gently tossed it into the cave. The stone bounced a little as it tumbled and came to a stop just a little ways into the cave entrance. Damon looked between Kalanar and the stone, a little confused as to what his master was doing. Kalanar caught his confused look and looked at him.

“I was checking to see if the entrance had been rigged in anyway, can’t be too careful when dealing with that madman.”

“True… but would he really risk having us injured or dead before he greets us?” Damon asked, “even when he sent the ursa to town, he still greeted us… sort of.”

“You have a point…” Kalanar replied, stroking his chin, “it would seem unusual for him to attack—”

At that moment, the stone was suddenly picked up by an unseen force and distorted into a variety of shapes and colours before exploding in a small fireball, the remains gently falling to the ground below. Kalanar looked to Damon and raised his eyebrow, making the lich sheepishly grin at him.

“It was just a thought,” Damon said.

Kalanar shook his head and closed his eyes, his outfit dissolving and being replaced with his battle armor from before as his staff and sword appeared in his hand and on his hip respectively, “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

Damon nodded, noticing a slight change of tone in Kalanar’s voice. With a quick stamp of his boots, his robes shifted to his own armor and weapons before he followed Kalanar inside, both poised with their swords drawn and staves at the ready. The skeleton glanced backwards for a brief moment, feeling as if something was watching him. Seeing nothing, the mage decided it was nothing and returned to follow his master into the cave.

“Of all the insufferable things!” Celestia muttered as she gritted her teeth and briskly made her way to the town centre, ignoring the ponies who bowed to her.

“Sister, wait!” Luna cried as she and the others ran after her.

“There isn’t time to wait, Luna,” Celestia replied as she stopped to face her sibling.

“Just, wait for a second. Please,” Luna pleaded, “just because they went off without thinking doesn't mean you should as well!”

Celestia took a deep breath and exhaled, before sighing and regaining herself, “You’re right, sister… forgive me, I wasn’t thinking properly.”

“Princess, what’s going on?” Twilight asked as she and the others caught up.

“It would seem that Damon and Kalanar have gone to face Discord by themselves,” Celestia replied.

“Why in tarnation would they jus’ go and do something as stupid as that?” Applejack exclaimed.

Rainbow nodded, “Yeah ,that’s so uncool of them! They need our help!”

“Apparently… Kalanar and Damon though otherwise,” Berry growled softly.

Twilight lowered her ears a little, feeling a little upset that Kalanar seemingly didn’t want her assistance or anyone elses.

“Maybe… they had a reason for it?” Colgate suggested, gaining everyone's attention, “I’m just saying, there must be a good reason for it?”

“I guess so…” Luna mused, “It would explain why he made us stay out of the last time Dorian did something.”

“But why?” Celestia pressed, “We knew Dorian from before Discord’s banishment. All he seemed to be was a harmless, if not annoying, prankster. Just like Discord.”

“I don’t know…” Luna replied.

“Look, we need to find them and quickly,” Celestia said, “before something bad happens.”

“Agreed, but how do we even know where they are? We know that Dorian mentioned a cave but there are hundreds of them in the Everfree.”

“If I knew what either of the twos magic aura was, I could track them down,” Celestia said as she looked out to the forest with a worried expression, “but I don’t know what their aura feels like, and I don’t have time to try and hone in on it…”

“Maybe Trixie can help?” the unicorn asked, “Trixie knows the spell that can locate the magic of another unicorn, and Trixie use it to find Damon’s. Seeing as we were connected for a bit, Trixie knows what his magic aura feels like.”

“Good plan, Trixie!” Pinkie grinned and gave her a nuzzle, making the unicorn blush.

“T-thank you, though Trixie will need some help to get enough power to find them quickly. The spell drains Trixie quickly”

“I can help,” Twilight offered.

“As can I, dear,” Rarity added.

“Same here,” Colgate said, “may not be as powerful as you guys, but I still got a bit of magic in me.”

“And me!” Pinchy squeaked, “I can help!”

Berry smiled at her daughter, “It’s nice that you’re offering, sweetie. But you’re still learning your basic magic.”

Pinchy huffed and crossed her legs, grumbling about the unfairness of the situation, “But I want to help!”

“No arguing, madam,” Berry replied.

Pinchy grumbled as she climbed of her mother’s back and looked around, I am going to help… somehow.

Celestia nodded, “It is not needed, I shall lend Trixie some of my power to help her.”

Trixie stared at Celestia and bowed graciously, “A-are you sure, your highness?”

“I’m quite sure, my little pony,” Celestia replied before turning to the others, “I will go with the elements once we have located where Damon and Kalanar are. Luna, you will remain here with the guards in case Dorian and Discord show up here, if they do, tell me through our telepathic link and I shall teleport everyone back to the town. Understood?”

The guards saluted and spoke in unison, “Yes , your highness!”

“We will protect the town with our life if needs be, Sister,” Luna nodded.

Celestia smiled before she looked down to Trixie, “Are you ready, Trixie?”

“Trixie is…” Trixie replied with a little hint of uncertainty in her voice.

“Do not worry yourself, Trixie. I promise you will not be hurt, however it will drain your energy a fair bit. Are you still willing to try?”

Trixie bit her lower lip nervously but nodded, knowing how important it was and closed her eyes, “Trixie… is ready, your highness.”

Celestia smiled down at the unicorn before lowering her horn on Trixie’s, allowing some of her magic to seep into the young unicorn’s own reserve. Trixie winced a little and gritted her teeth as she felt the alicorn’s magic seep into her own. When Celestia removed her horn, Trixie wasted no time and she focused the combined magic of her and the princess’ into casting the spell.

Trixie’s eyes suddenly went wide to reveal they were glowing white, whilst the others watched nervously, the unicorn slipped out of her body in an invisible ghost like state, and shot towards the everfree at speed. She navigated the forest quickly, dipping, ducking and diving under the branches and the fallen trees. The mare soon shot into a clearing that seemed to go on for miles before coming to a sudden halt at an entrance to a cave. It was there she spotted the two mages, adorned in armor and weapons drawn, heaving into said cave.

She hovered there for a moment and studied the location. The mare froze when she saw Damon looking right at her, temporarily forgetting she was invisible to the naked eye. She watched as Damon returned to entering the cave before she felt her mind suddenly be pulled back and she woke from her trance, gasping and sweating heavily. The mare groaned and started to sway.

“T-Trixie!” Pinkie cried in panic, quickly darting over and catching the unicorn before she fell.

“T… Trixie is fine… just t-tired,” Trixie panted, “I-I know where they are, Princess…”

Celestia nodded and tapped her horn gently to Trixie’s head, taking the information from the mare painlessly, “Thank you, Trixie. You should go home and—”

“N-no, Trixie is fine, just need to catch her breath…” Trixie interrupted as she shakily stood up.

“Trixie…” Twilight began,” you shouldn’t push yourself.”

Trixie chuckled softly, “T-Trixie’s been through worse… can’t t-think of an example right now.”

Celestia turned to Luna, “Luna, make sure Trixie is okay. We need to be going.”

“Okay, sister,” Luna replied, turning to one of her guards, “Please escort Trixie to the nearby hospital so she can get some rest.”

“Trixie s-said Trixie was alright, you're highness. Trixie doesn't want to cause a burden.”

“Please, Trixie… for me?” Pinkie replied, nuzzling the mare gently.

Trixie went to argue, but sighed and nodded, “Very well… for you.”

Pinkie beamed and kissed Trixie’s nose, making the unicorn mare blush heavily. Trixie then followed a guard, wobbling a little bit as she made her way to the hospital. Celestia then turned her attention back to the rest of the bearers.

“Are you ready, my little ponies?”

The elements all nodded, along with a few of her guards who were going to escort them.

“Then… let us go.”

Celestia’s horn began to shine and in a flash, Celestia was wearing a beautiful, ornate gold looking battle armor. The elements all gasped and inspected their bodies, finding themselves covered in battle armor of their own.

“What in the world?!” Applejack exclaimed.

“So. Awesome!” Rainbow squealed happily.

“My this is certainly fashionable!” Rarity said as she admired her armor.

“O-oh my…” Fluttershy whispered softly.

Pinkie giggled as she bounced up and down, somehow ignoring the weight of the armor.

“Princess?!” Twilight asked, confused and somewhat startled by the sudden armor appearance.

Luna chuckled, “We had these armors made for you after my… uhm… well return,” Luna nervously said, “Celestia and I had these armors forged and we also enchanted them to appear on your bodies, should we the elements be needed.”

“I meant to tell you, Twilight. But I was too wrapped up in dealing with Luna’s return that it slipped my mind.”

Twilight nodded, still admiring her armor. Like the others, it matched the same general design of the royal guards, save for the face the colouring of the armor was a shade darker than their own fur.

“Alright, good luck everypony,” Celestia said to the guards that remained and to Luna.

“And to you, sister.”

Celestia closed her eyes and the elements, herself and the few guards vanished in a brilliant white light that blinded everyone for as few seconds.

Unbeknownst to the group, there had been one, small extra addition to the teleport, who had taken the opportunity to jump into the magic spell when everyone had been blinded.

“We’d best get home then…” Colgate said.

Berry nodded, “We should. Pinchy, sweetie do you want some—?”

Berry stopped and her eyes went wide, seeing that Pinchy was no longer on her back.

“P-Pinchy?!” Berry called out alarmed.

“Hey, Pinchy?!” Colgate shouted, looking around with the frantic mare.

“What’s wrong?” Luna asked, having heard Berry and Colgate shout and had trotted over from where she was with the guards.

“I can’t find my daughter!” Berry exclaimed.

Luna raised a hoof to calm the mare down, “Has she not simply wandered off?”

“Maybe… she has done in the past. But where would she have gone?” Berry asked worriedly.

Colgate nuzzled her, “I’ll see if she went home, we may not have seen her go past us because we were so focused on the elements.”

Berry nodded, “Maybe, she did seem upset about not being able to help…”

With that, Colgate nodded and galloped as fast as she could to the house. Berry began to carefully trot around the town center, checking everywhere for the filly.

Luna turned to a couple of the guards, “Help her find her daughter.”

“Yes, your highness.”

The two guards headed off to help in the search as the alicorn slowly looked to where Celestia and the elements had been a moment ago.

“Could she have… no… she couldn’t of, we’d have seen her… surely?”

Kalanar and Damon slowly made their way through the long, dark and deathly silent tunnel. The only sound that was being made was their footsteps, which was somewhat muffled due to Kalanar’s magic, as well as the occasional sound of water dripping from a stalactite somewhere deeper within the cave. Neither mage dared to make a sound least they give away their locations, despite fully knowing that the two mischief makers knew they were on their way.

As they rounded a small bend and entered a large, empty area. Kalanar quickly raised his arm up and Damon immediately came to a complete stop.

Something’s coming, Kalanar said to Damon through a telepathic link, be ready…

Damon noded as he gripped his blade tighter. Kalanar’s eyes shifted slowly to his left as he tightened his grip around his stave.

Seconds seemed to turn to minutes. Minutes seemed to turn to hours. Hours seemed to turn into days as the two stood still, bracing for whatever was about to come. Suddenly, there was a bright white flash and Kalanar spun round followed by damon and both shot a blast of magic from their staves, Damon’s fire twisting around Kalanar’s ice to hit its target.

Their targets screamed as their magic bounced of a shield and ricocheted into the cave walls, exploding on contact. Behind the barrier stood six startled element bearers, eight startled guards and one startled, but irate looking, princess. The two groups stood staring at one another, seemingly confused for a moment. Kalanar as to why the group of ponies had come, and the others for why they had been shot at.

“Oh… it’s just you guys, we thought—” Damon started before being interrupted.

“What in the blue blazes are you doing here?!” he snapped, Kalanar’s eyes narrowed as he stood from his attack stance,

“What are we doing here?! Celestia spluttered, “what on earth were you two pig headed fools thinking of?! Going after Dorian and Damon alone!”

“I have a very good reason for that!” Kalanar shouted.

Celestia snorted, “Oh please, do tell me why!”

Kalanar growled softly, “Actually, I don’t have to explain anything to you! You should go back to Ponyville right this instant, we’ll deal with our problematic deity.”

“Actually,” Celestia snapped, “it’s only half your problem! Discord is our responsibility, just as much as Dorian is yours! You need us.”

“No I don’t! You blasted old horse!” Kalanar shouted jabbing a finger into her armor, “you’re in way over your head!”

“I’ve ruled for over a thousand years, elf! I have seen my fair share of combat!” Celestia retorted, jabbing her hoof into the elf.

By now, the two were face to muzzle, glaring angrily at the other for ruining their respected plan. Damon, the elements and the guards just stood there watching.

“How did you ever know we were here?!” Kalanar shouted.

“Oh! Oh!” Pinkie said as she bounced in her armor, “Damon left Berry a note!”

“You did what?!” Kalanar roared, now turning his anger to Damon, “I specifically told you to not tell them our plan!”

“I didn’t want Berry, Pinchy and Colgate to worry…” Damon meekly replied, rubbing the back of his skull.

“I’m surrounded by imbeciles!” Kalanar roared again.

Twilight winced a little and fought back to hold her tears as Celestia stormed up to the mage, roaring in her canterlot voice.

“Give me one one reason why I should even think about not punishing you for disobeying me!” Celestia said.

“Because Dorian kills people for fun, Discord doesn’t!” Kalanar shouted, loud enough to make the cavern rumble a little and match the canterlot voice, “I’m not going to allow that damned abomination of a twisted god hurt anypony in this world so long as I draw breath! If that means going above your orders to ensure he doesn't kill anyone then damn me to hell!”

Celestia stared wide eyed along with the others as the elf glared at her, panting a little. Dorian… had killed? This was news to her. Sure he was a bit… odder than Discord. But he wasn’t a killer, was he? Had he done things in Cyrium that neither Discord or herself were aware of?

“I am not going to let him kill anyone under my watch… not again…”

“Again…?” Celestia asked in a soft whisper.

Kalanar remained silent, turning away from the group, “If you must remain… don’t get in my way. Dorian is mine…”

Something about his tone of voice worried Damon and scared the others. It didn’t sound the normally calm and confident elf they had come to know, more like a voice of a being who desired to have revenge.

Before Kalanar could say anything, a slow clap began to fill the cavern followed by a low chuckle.

“Well… I must say, that was very entertaining!” dorian chuckled as he materialized in the cavern.

Kalanar and Damon quickly prepared themselves as the others turned to face the mischief god. Dorian grinned down at them as he seemed to stand on something in the middle of the cavern, he seemed to be twitching a little as if he was eager. A look that sent an eerie shiver down the ponies spines.

“Well, isn’t this lovely? all of us, save for Luna, here at last. And early to, how nice of you!” Dorian giggled, “Discord will be with us shortly, he had to take care of something. Probably stuck on the bog again, you know those draconequusi.”

Dorian spotted Kalanar, a curious grin formed on his face at seeing the newcomer.

“And who do we have here?”

Dorian peered down at Kalanar for a moment before snapping his fingers and appearing near him, Kalanar quickly thrusted his stave forwards and shot a blast of ice at Dorian who defected it with a back hand.

“You look… familiar…” Dorian said, his voice unusually serious.

Kalanar merely responded by charging at him and swinging his sword down, at the same time, several builders ripped from the wall and shot towards Dorian at speed. Dorian quickly summoned his cane and blocked the incoming sword blow, before splitting his arms into four and shooting a mixture of black and white magic energy at the boulders, obliterating them.

The elf grunted as he struggled to push down on Dorian’s sword, the two glaring at one another. Damon and the others were about to attack when Kalanar shouted at them.

“No! He’s mine!” His voice was deep and it rumbled, reminding them of how an elder dragon spoke.

“Master?” Damon asked, now genuinely concerned.

He had never seen Kalanar like this before. His eyes were getting lighter in colour, and his teeth were sharpening by the second. The look of blood lust and anger and hatred dominated his gaze as he remained locked with Dorian.

“Hmmm, so familiar… interesting,” Dorian mused before suddenly using his extra arms to punch Kalanar in the gut, making the elf double over and drop his sword.

Dorian grinned before spinning his cane around, turning the end into a large warhammer and smashing Kalanar in the side.

“Fore!” Dorian cried.

Kalanar cried out as he was sent rocketing into the cavern wall, causing rock and dust to explode out of it.

“Kalanar!” Damn cried, engulfing his stave and sword in fire before charging at Dorian.

“Guardsman, attack!” Celestia cried, “elements, prepare your—”

Before the guards, elements, Damon or the Princess could do anything, they were sealed in a small magical dome.

“Dorian!” Celestia barked, “you can’t hold us that easily!”

Doran shrugged as his two spare arms shrunk back into his normal arms, “Tis not my barrier.”

The group slowly looked over to where Kalanar had slammed into the wall and took a step back in alarm. Kalanar was clinging to the wall, his head near the bottom and look up to Dorian, but he had changed, having started a transformation spell.

But this one was different.

His armor buckled in places and areas where his robe was had ripped slightly and revealed row upon row of white scales. His face was covered in the same scales, only his nose, mouth, eyes and the skin around it remained skin. Sharp fangs now replaced his teeth and his eyes were now ice blue with a black reptilian slit and claws had emerged from his hands and toes, which had since sliced through his boots.

“K-Kalanar…?” Twilight whispered as she and the others backed up in fear.

“Haha! Brilliant!” Dorian cried with glee, “been a while since I fought with a shapeshifter user, and one who can become a dragon no less!”

The group just stared at Kalanar. he had done a transformation spell before, back when Dorian had corrupted the ursa major and turned into a giant ice bird. But, this wasn’t as quick as the other transformation. Nor did it seem graceful, more so it seemed to be fueled by a desire for revenge.

For blood.

Dorian’s gleeful joy was cut short as he pouted a little

“But you know, it’s bugging me...” Dorian said, twirling the hammer back into a cane, “I think we have met. Have we?”

Once…” Kalanar hissed with a deep and primal growl, “A lifetime ago…”

“Wait…” Dorian muttered, stroking his beard, before he suddenly snapped his fingers and grinned happily, “I got it! You’re Daloreth!”

With a roar that shook the cavern, Kalanar suddenly shot off from the wall, running on all fours like a beast at speed at Dorian. The god had no time to react when Kalanar swiped a arm at him, ripping across his chest and sending the madman bouncing along the floor before crashing into the opposite wall.

Do not call me that, filth! I do not go by that name anymore! That man died a long time ago…”

“Master, what the hell is he talking about?!” Damon shouted, his fear being suppressed for his concern at the increasing amount of anger his master was radiating.

“Why it’s simple, my boy!” Dorian said as he stood up from the rubble he was in.

“What is?!” Celestia demanded.

Dorian chuckled as he dusted off the rubble coating him, a dangerous and malicious grin on his face as his body radiating with his magic. Ready for a fight.

“Daloreth was once one of my devout and loyal followers.”

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