• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter XVIII - The Great and Powerful Annoyance Part II

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors, feel free to let me know!

The Adventures Damon Lipton

Chapter XVIII - The Great and Powerful Annoyance Part II

“I’m sorry… what did you say?” Damon asked.

“Trixie summoned a familiar, you are now Trixie’s familiar,” the unicorn replied. “Kneel before your mistress!”

“No, no. Nope, Nada, Denied, never, not gunna happen,” Damon replied crossing his arms.

“I am the great and powerful Trixie! You will obey me!”

“And I’m a lich!” Damon screamed back. “Not your bloody follower!”

“Uhm… I hate to burst your bubble, Trixie,” Twilight called from the crowd. “But I’m afraid he isn’t your familiar. He’s Damon Lipton, our friend and a resident of Ponyville.”

Trixie looked at the crowd as murmurs of agreement filled the air, glaring down at Twilight with gritted teeth.

“N-not to say, your teleportation spell wasn’t a bad—”

“Silence!” Trixie interrupted. “He is my familiar! You’re all just trying to trick Trixie, well Trixie is to smart for that!”

“Give over!” Applejack replied. “He ain’t yur familiar!”

The crowd once again started to murmur their agreements, albeit it louder. Trixie snorted as her anger grew and glared at Damon.

“Familiar, I order you to drench these neighsayers this—”

“Hold up,” Damon interrupted. “Say that again.”

“Neighsayers?” Trixie replied, in the same way as before.

“... Okay, I’m done for the day.” Damon replied as he wiped his hands. “I was starting to get used to the puns, but that one is just ridiculous!”

Damon lept off the stage and walked away mumbling, walking past the crowd of ponies who were giggling amongst themselves. Trixie scowled after the lich and angrily shook her hoof.

“Get back here this instant, familiar!” she shouted.

“Oh, shove off!” Damon replied.

Trixie growled as she summoned her magic, ready to teleport him to her. A light blue aura wrapped around Damon like a lasso that connected him to Trixie’s horn. He stopped as he looked behind him at the smug expression on her face.

“Now, heel!” Trixie barked.

She pulled back as hard as she could, expecting Damon to obediently walk over to her. Instead, Damon felt a little tug and looked at the aura, grasping it and shaking in anger.

“Are you kidding me?! I’m attached to this imbecile?!”

“Watch your tone, familiar.” Trixie snarled. “Trixie is your mistress! Now, get over here!”

“Oh bugger off you old fart!” Damon groaned and started to walk away.

Trixie squeaked as she was suddenly yanked off the stage by Damon by the aura, trying her best to stop him by yanking her head back. The crowd watched as Damon vanished down the road at a corner, dragging the unicorn with him as she shouted commands to him to no avail.

“She really does think she summoned him, doesn’t she?” Rarity said.

Twilight sighed, “Yes she does, I don’t blame her given he isn’t from our world and she’s never seen a human, lich thing before.”

“Should we help him?” Applejack asked.

Twilight sighed again, “I wish I could, but I have so much work to do in the library.”

“And I have too many orders to complete,” Rarity added.

“And ah’ve got mah farm chores to do, guess Damon’s jus’ gunna have to deal this on his own…”

Twilight cringed as she heard Trixie shout from across the town and shook her head.

It was a relatively quiet day in Canterlot castle. The ponies roamed about on their usual duties. However, they were completely unaware of the loud laughing that echoed deep within the statute gardens. A strange bipedal in a formal black waist coat and white shirt with a black tie complete with black formal trousers and shoes, was floating mid air in front of the statue of Discord.

No way, you did what?!

“I gave her the power to summon Damon, but not control him whatsoever! But she believes she can!”

Discord burst into fits of laughter inside his stone prison as the bipedal joined in, slapping its knee hard as it doubled over.

Oh, Dorian, you bastard you!”

“I try,” Dorian smirked. “I told him I don’t like it when a part-time, on-loan-follower fails me.”

“I still don’t get why you don’t just help me out of here yourself…” Discord grumbled.

“Oh come on, Discord. Where’s the fun in that?” Dorian pouted.

“I suppose so,” Discord sighed. “I’m just so darn bored!”

“I know old friend, I know. But rest assured, Ol’ Dorian will get you out of here in no time. Then we can finally settle that—”

“You will not be settling anything, mischief god!”

Dorian slowly flipped over upside down and grinned maniacally when he saw Celestia, Luna and what appeared to be half of the Royal guard behind her,

“Tia!” Dorian exclaimed. “How are you ol’ gal?”

“Quiet, Dorian.” Celestia scowled. “I will not allow you to force Damon to assist your plans to release chaos on my kingdom again!”

Dorian blinked for a moment, “Are you still mad at me for taking that photo of you picking that large snot nugget from your nose? Because if you are I’m sorry alright? I thought the other deities would like a good laugh.”

As Discord burst into laughter again, Celestia scowled at Dorian. A unicorn guard stepped forward, equally looking angry.

“Show her some respect, demon!” he shouted. “You’ll address her as Princess Celestia!”

“Oh, you’re no fun,” Dorian frowned and clicked his fingers, making the unicorns mouth vanish.

“Captain Armor!” Luna cried as the unicorn fumbled where his mouth was.

“Still,” Dorian continued. “Least I call you a nice name, unlike Discord who calls you sun-butt.”

“Never the less, Dorian. You will release the charm on my captain and surrender yourself.”

Dorian chuckled softly as he shook his head, “Are you really going to tell me… what to do, Tia?”

Dorian slowly rose his head as his skin cracked and the guards took a couple of steps back, terrified of what they could see in Dorian’s eyes. Neither Celestia or Luna had ever seen this look about Dorian before, and it scared them. Luna’s eyes widened as she too took a step backwards, leaving Celestia as the only one to face down what was in front of them.

As the mischief god’s body began to grow in size, the clothes tearing a little bit. Celestia, Luna and the guard were shocked when they heard Discord speak.

Dorian! What did I tell you about becoming… that thing.”

Dorian stopped and looked behind him before his features returned to normal, “Ah yes, you’re quite right, Discord.”

He turned back to the alicorn sisters and the guards and smiled politely, “My apologies, won’t happen again.”

They all stared at the strange god, unsure as to do next. When Celestia took a step forwards, Dorian backflipped and landed gently on Discords goat antler and smiled, snapping his fingers and returning Shining Armor’s mouth to normal.

“As much as I’d like to chat and be turned to stone, I have a possible, maybe-if-I-ask-him-nicely-and-offer-him-tea-and-cake, follower to check up on. Ta-ta!”

And with another click of his fingers, he was gone. Celestia groaned as she face hoofed, Luna shaking her head softly.

“That man…” Celestia sighed.

“Princess!” Shining cried. “Shouldn’t we track that fiend down and stop him? He could hurt—”

“Me and my sister will handle it personally, captain. Dorian would never harm any of our ponies. However, he is a god and thus is our responsibility if he decides to bring harm to the kingdom.”

Shining nodded as he and the other guards started to head back. Celestia turned to look at the statue of Discord and scowled.

“I won’t let you get out again Discord,” she said before smirking. “At least, not until I’m ready…”

Oh? And pray tell, what does that mean?” Discord asked.

Celestia tittered as she and Luna walked away, “All in good time, my dear draconequus…”

The two alicorns left Discord to his thoughts, for once in his life.

Discord was confused.

“I said heel! You overgrown skelton!”

“By Varlos, will you shut up!”

“Don’t talk to Trixie like that! Trixie willl have your hide for your insolence!”

“Newsflash, I HAVE NO SKIN!”

The ponies of Ponyville watched in confusion as a very angry looking Damon stomped through the town, dragging along a unicorn—who was creating a small indent in the earth with her hooves—along behind him attached to a magic aura. He kept making his way towards the park as Trixie continued to yell at him and order commands. Damon sighed as he brought a bony hand to his face and brought it down slowly. He had long since figured out why she was attached to him, given he could detect very little power coming from her.

“If I ever get my hands on Dorian… I’m going to cut off both his ba—”

Trixie yelled as she was dragged through a stack of crates causing them to crash loudly to the ground as Damon turned a corner, interrupting his muttering.

“—with a blunt knife!”

Damon grumbled as he entered the park, finding himself struggling to move and looked behind to see Trixie holding onto the gate of the park with her hooves in a vain attempt to hold the lich back.

“You. Will. Heel!” Trixie grunted as she wrapped her hooves tighter around the gate post.

“Oh for the love of… screw this!” Damon grunted.

He was covered in a bright flash as he vanished, only to reappear near the tree he had gone to earlier with Berry and Pinchy. He sighed in relief until he felt another tug on his robes and looked back to see a startled and confused Trixie, who evidently had teleported along with him.

Damon sighed and his shoulders slumped, “Great… just great, even without that aura she is attached to me…”

With a grunt he began to walk towards the tree, Trixie now being dragged along by an invisible force she fought valiantly to take control of. Damon looked up to see a miserable Pinchy in the embrace of her mother who was trying to calm down the filly. The second Pinchy noticed Damon, she gasped and scrambled her hooves as fast as she could and pounced into his arms and held him tightly.

“Uncle Bones! You’re okay!”

“Of course I am,” Damon chuckled as he poked her nose. “I’m always okay.”

Pinchy giggled as she scrunched her nose, her mother walking up to them.

“What happened, Damon?” she asked. “One moment you were there and then the next you were gone.”

“About that…” Damon sighed.

“You useless brute! Do you not recognize your mistress when Trixie addresses you?!”

Both Berry and Pinchy looked behind him to see Trixie stomping over, sweating slightly as she tried to cast a spell on him. Berry looked up to Damon with a perplexed look and he sighed deeply.

“Long story short, little miss unicorn here teleported me to her little stage show, and I’m now bound to her in a sense.”

“In a sense?” Berry asked.

Damon nodded, “She can’t control me, no matter how much she screams it, but she is attached to my physical being via a magic bond courtesy of that bas—,” Damon paused and curved his swear word, remembering he was holding Pinchy. “Ket, Dorian.”

“You mean that weird silly man mummy told me about?” Pinchy asked.

“The one and only!” a voice cried from above them.

Damon froze as he heard the mischief gods words and looked up at the tree along with Berry, Pinchy, Trixie and some of the ponies nearby. Dorian stood on a high branch and grinned down at the confused ponies and the glaring ex-human.

“How are you all—”

“YOU!” Damon shouted interrupting Dorian. “YOU’RE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS! AREN’T YOU?!”

Dorian arched a brow as Damon angrily pointed to Trixie, “So what if I am?”

Damon’s eye flames twitched slightly as he started to shake in anger, “Well fix it! NOW!”

“No can do, me boy!” Dorian replied as he teleported beside him, startling the small crowd that had formed.

“And why not, pray tell?” Damon scowled as Pinchy whimpered in his arms.

“Why? Well, why not?” Dorian said. “I was bored, felt like doing something fun for my bestest, will-soon-to-be greatest follower—”

“I’M NOT YOUR FOLLOWER!” Damon shouted.

“Yet!” Dorian grinned. “Not yet, my pretty.”

Damon swatted away Dorian’s hand as he patted the liches face. Dorian then walked over to Trixie and lent down to whisper in her ear.

“Don’t worry my dear, I may have forgotten to tell you that the spell will take a little bit before it properly kicks in. But I doubt that will hold someone as powerful as you back, right?”

Trixie nodded, lost in her own ego, “Quite right! Trixie will make her familiar obey her by the days end!”

Damon slapped his face as Dorina grinned maniacally.

“WONDERFUL!” Dorian shouted in glee and teleported, appearing above the crowd of ponies and spun in a circle. “Time for a celebration... Cheese, for EVERYONE!”

The ponies simply stared at him in confusion as he stared back expectantly. He landed on the ground hard suddenly, startling the ponies and pouted as he put his hands on his hips.

“Why does that only work for him? He told me everyone loves that line… guess ponies don’t appreciate cheese as much as they do over in his realm. Ah well.”

“Dorian, why are you doing this to me?” Damon demanded.

“Well… for a start, you still haven’t done what I have asked. And I’m beginning to loose my patience, so this is part one of your punishment.”

“I told you, I’m not freeing—” Damon stopped mid sentence. “What do you mean, part one?”

“You’ll see,” Dorian smiled as he started to fade away. “You’ll see…”

Damon could only shake in anger as the god of mischief vanished from sight. He stopped though when Pinchy tugged on his robes in his arms.

“Uncle Bones? I saved your sandwich for you!” she beamed.

“Thanks, Pinches,” Damon smiled. “I’m starving.”

Damon sat back with the other two as the crowd dispersed and grinned as Pinchy handed him his sandwich, he was about to bring it to his mouth when it was snatched from his grasp by Trixie who smirked at him.

“You cannot eat, familiar, until Trixie has eaten first!” she said as she sat beside him.

Damon blinked, slightly shocked before glaring as Trixie took a bite into the sandwich. Before he could do anything, Pinchy stomped up to the unicorn and glared at her with a scrunched nose.

“That’s Uncle Bones’ sandwich! You big meanie!”

“Be quiet you little brat, Trixie can eat whatever—”

Trixie felt the air grow cold as she found the eyes of Berry and Damon bearing down on her, with such anger that even Discord would be slightly scared.

“Damon may be stuck with you, Trixie,” Berry said coldly. “And whilst I know he would never hurt anyone, you dare insult my daughter again, you will have me to deal with. And you will be very, very sorry…”

Trixie swallowed loudly, “Y-yes, ma’am… T-Trixie is sorry.”

Berry sorted as she returned to her sandwich. Damon turned back to Pinchy as she handed him a sandwich she quickly made for him to replace the other, oblivious to what just happened and sat in his lap, chewing softly on her own sandwich.

Trixie sat in silence for as few moments, watching the strange family eat and took a bite out of her sandwich. She swallowed then nervously looked to Damon.

“Familiar? Can you give Trixie a glass of water?”

“I’m not your…” Damon sighed as he looked at Trixie and rolled his eyes, pulling out a pitcher of water and a glass from the picnic and poured her a drink. He didn’t want to, he just knew it would shut her up.

“This is going to be a long day…” he muttered as he bit into his sandwich.

“Fascinating, simply fascinating!” Kalanar muttered.

Kalanar stood from where he was sat and continued to wander the ruined hallways of the castle, looking around as a scroll and quill floated behind him, jotting down every now and again. He’d been wandering the castle for the entire day, enjoying his time immensely as he jotted down various points of interest. He had finished for the day and had begun to make his way out, already planning a second trip.

“I just can’t believe the amount of magical energy that’s radiating from this place and this forest… simply fascinating!”

Kalanar continued to walk with a smile on his face. He came to a stop upon reaching a portrait that was nearly ruined beyond recognition, he could make out that it was depicting a battle of some sorts and tried to examine it closer.

On the bottom left was the image of what looked like a bipedal creature of sorts, possibly in robes from what he could tell given that the lower left half of the portrait was the most ruined. He could though, however, clearly see it was shooting some form of fire spell from its hand towards the image in the top right which appeared to be floating in the air, also covered in a robe of sorts. What stuck out though was the arms extending from the creature, he had to squint his eyes and lean in closer but from what it looked like, they appeared to be made of wood.

“Interesting… wonder what this is depicting? Looks like it’s taking place in the forest.”

He snapped his fingers and the quill began to jot down something as he continued to walk through the hallways. Suddenly, he stopped and looked around him suspiciously.His eyes widened as he heard a soft gust of wind blow around him, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

“Something… doesn't feel right…”

He waited in the silence for a few moments before he felt a chill run down his spine. Kalanar began to slowly look around at his surroundings, a strange magical signature had made itself known to him, but only briefly. He let his magic flow from his fingers as he tried to hone in on the weird signature of magic that filled the space around him. Then, as suddenly as it came, the feeling vanished, leaving Kalanar utterly perplexed.

What in the seven realms of hell was that? he thought to himself, Maybe… maybe I imagined that? No… I couldn’t have…

He closed his eyes, trying again to detect any magical signatures around him but found himself nearly drained of his magic energy for some unknown reason. Kalanar looked around him, trying to think what was going on when he felt a new signature coming from the direction of Ponyville followed by a low rumble and he sighed. Recognizing it as the magical signature of Damon.

“I swear, if that boy has done something…”

Making a mental note to share his finding with the Princess and return at another date to investigate the strange signature, he quickly darted down the hallway and back into the main foyer and out the castle and began to make his way towards the town, not noticing the swirling ball of shadows watching him from the top of the stairs he had come from.

It floated there for a moment, the swirling mass observing the mage for a moment before it slowly made its way after him in silence.

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