• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter XXVIII - At The Gala Part V

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.]

The Adventures of Damon Lipton

Chapter XXVIII - At the Gala part V

“And that, my dear Prince, is how we became the elements of harmony!” Rarity finished.

“I see, what a riveting tale. Miss Rarity,” Blueblood replied.

“Oh, such manners. Please, your highness. Rarity will suffice,” the mare smiled whilst batting her eyelids.

“Very well, Rarity,” he said with a smile.

“But enough about me, please do tell me a little about yourself, your highness.”

“Uhm, well there isn’t much to tell, I’m afraid,” Blueblood replied, “I’m just the nephew to Princess Celestia and Luna really, I don’t do much other than deal with some internal affairs and a few public appearances in Canterlot when my aunts can’t attend.”

“Oh, nonsense. I’m certain a fine stallion such as yourself is held in highest regards amongst the elite,” Rarity said.

Blueblood snorted, “Hardly… you should hear what some of them call me.”

“What do you mean?” Rarity asked, a little puzzled.

The two made their way out of the main area of the Gala and down a quiet corridor that had a few ponies coming and going. Mainly staff and the odd guard or two.

“I don’t really have any power as such in the city or within the kingdom. It’s just… aunt Celestia gave me the title of Prince once my mother had asked her to look after me when she had gone,” Blueblood explained, a hint of sadness in his voice.

“Oh… I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to drag—”

“It’s alright,” the prince interrupted, “my mother passed away when I was still a colt and my father died fighting a bandit raid in the Western borders a few months prior to my birth.”

“So, and do forgive me asking. The Princess’ aren’t…?” Rarity trailed off.

“My aunts by blood? Yes, you’d be correct,” Blueblood replied, “though they’re aren’t blood. They are still family to me and I wouldn’t change that for the world.”

Rarity smiled at him as the two continued to walk. The two came to a small balcony on the second floor, neither one really remembering how they actually got their. There was a short silence as the two looked up at the night sky, admiring the fireworks that were going off.

“Could you tell me about your parents?” Rarity asked, finally breaking the silence.

The Prince smiled, “My mother and father were nobles and close friends to Princess Celestia. Father, if I recall, was the first Lieutenant serving under the then Captain of the Royal Guard, Iron Wing.”

Blueblood chuckled softly, “When I was a colt, mother would often regale me the stories that she had been told by him of his various deeds and conquests whilst in the guard, giving me the impression he was a hard stallion who didn’t let his emotions get the better of him. Only to then tell me that when they were together, he became the most emotional and loving stallion she had ever seen.”

Rarity giggled softly, “And you mother?”

Blueblood smiled and chuckled softly, “The definition of eccentric, if you ask aunt Celestia. Apparently, she was a very, very vocal and bubbly mare. Never afraid to tell others what she thought of them and often scolded aunt Celestia for being self doubting at times, if you can believe that.”

Rarity nodded silently, understanding why that would come across as hard to believe.

“I miss them, I really do. And even though I never met my father, aunt Celestia says that he wouldn’t want me dwelling on the past. But, rather, to look to the future, knowing that they will always be with me in my heart… sorry, that probably sounds silly—”

“Of course not, darling,” Rarity interrupted him and smiled, looking up at the prince, “If anything, it sounds like you come from a background some ponies would be envious of.”

“Really?” Blueblood asked as he looked to the mare.

Rarity blushed softly as the fireworks went off behind them, “Really…”

The two ponies stared at one another as they were partly illuminated by the fireworks, both feeling their respective hearts beating rapidly. Blueblood blushed slightly as Rarity slowly leaned into his face, just as she was about to kiss him, he turned his head away and sighed.

“Miss Rarity… you’re a beautiful mare, that is something no stallion can deny. But…”

“You love another, don’t you?” Rarity finished.

Blueblood merely nodded, “Indeed… I’m sorry, Miss Rarity. I must seem like such a—”

Rarity put her hoof to his lips, silencing him, “I said to call me Rarity, did I not? And it’s okay, your highness. I do rather think I might have been rushing things… one can’t just expect something as complicated as love to happen just like that.”

There was a brief silence as the two looked away and all around themselves. Anywhere but the others face.

“So… may I enquire who the lucky mare is?” Rarity asked with a smirk.

Blueblood sighed softly, “You’ve met her, I believe. Back in Ponyville.”

“Is it one of my friends? I didn’t take you for having a thing for a pegasus or earth pony,” Rarity teased as she gave him a playful bump with her flank.

Blueblood chuckled softly, “It’s one of my aunt Luna’s guards… Moon Dancer,”

Rarity gasped, “A Prince in love with a guard? Oh how romantic!”

“And somewhat looked down upon,“ Blueblood sighed.

“Oh?” Rarity asked.

“Even though there is no law against it, most nobles look down upon one of ‘noble’ blood being in love or being with a mere commoner or even someone of the serving classes, such as the guard.”

Blueblood let out an annoyed sigh.

“Even with Captain Armor being together with my cousin, Cadance. The nobles have tried their best to get the two to call it off with no effect, partly in thanks to my aunts.”

“Wait, Princess Cadance is dating the Captain of the guard?” Rarity asked as Blueblood nodded, “Oh… just so romantic!”

Blueblood chuckled softly but soon found himself sighing again, “I don’t want to put her through all of that, though. It wouldn’t be right if—”

“Prince Blueblood,” Rarity began, “do you even know if she likes you back?”

“I-I’m not sure…” the stallion admitted.

“Well, you can’t start dwelling on what might happen, if you don’t take a chance.”

“Pardon?” Blueblood asked.

“What are you waiting for,” Rarity giggled, “go to her. And if you don’t mind the vulgar language, buck what the nobles say if she returns the feelings. What would your parents say if they heard you now?”

“To do what is right in my heart…” Blueblood replied before smiling, “Thank you, Miss Rarity.”

“Anytime, your highness. And stop calling me Miss,” Rarity giggled, “makes me feel older than I am.”

“Only if you call me without a title,” Blueblood challenged with a grin.

“Deal, Blueblood,” Rarity smiled.

Blueblood gently planted a soft kiss on the mare’s cheek before heading off the balcony and back to where the main part of the Gala was. Before he did, he turned to look at Rarity one more time and smiled.

“Thank you, you’re going to make whoever you choose to be with the luckiest in Equestria.”

Rarity smiled as the prince dashed off down the hall, turning back to look up at the night sky as a single tear slid down her cheek but letting out a happy sigh. The silence was then interrupted by someone approaching.

“Hey… you okay, Rarity?”

She looked round to see Spike, looking up with a concerned look on his face. The unicorn smiled and dabbed her tear with her handkerchief and approached him.

“Of course I am, Spike. I just had a delightful conversation with Prince Blueblood.”

“Oh, him…” Spike said sadly, “did you get together with him then?”

“No, Spike. We decided it wasn't meant to be,” Rarity replied.

“R-really?!” Spike asked with a hopeful grin only to cough and blush in embarrassment, “I mean, I’m sorry, Rarity.”

Rarity giggled softly, “It’s quite alright, Spike. Now… how about you take me to that doughnut place you mentioned to me from time to time? My little Prince.”

“Y-you mean it?” Spike replied.

Rarity nodded, “Of course I do, Spike. Shall we?”

“After you, my lady,” Spike replied with a bow.

“My, such a gentledrake!” Rarity giggled as she and Spike began to head off down another corridor and out of the palace.

A black shadow made its way along the corridors of the palace, sticking to the naturally created shadows of inanimate objects as well as ponies themselves as it made a quick beeline for the palace gardens. As it continued to move, it stopped at the entrance to the main part of the gala and slunk in, a childish giggle coming from it as it slowly rose up against the wall behind the shadow of a pillar.

Soon, a familiar figure began to appear in the form of the mischief deity himself, Dorian. He watched the two talk for a moment before he smirked and a light bulb appeared above him.

“Lightbulb… I think I know how to make this evening go off with a bang before the even bigger bang at the end and provide enough chaos to give him a good old re-charge. This idea will be the perfect amount of chaos for him! And anyway,” Dorian continued as he talked to himself. “Damon’s served his purpose, and besides, I have a lovely little present waiting for him back in Ponyville.”

The deity stroked his chin softly.

“Shame I had to mind control those two unicorns but by me where they irritating. Besides, this is the best idea I’ve had for a distraction! Just gotta flex the old posession powers and—”

Dorian then noticed a guard looking at him with wide eyes. The two stared at one another before he leaned over and booped the guard on the nose. The guard shook his head as he seemed to look around as if he had forgotten why he was there and seemingly could no longer see Dorian before shrugging and moving along.

“That was close… now, time to repay ol’ Trixie for helping ol’ Dorian out earlier!”

And with that, Dorian slunk back into a shadowy form and zipped along the floor, making a charge for Pinkie Pie.

“This Gala is boring Trixie…”

Trixie groaned as she laid her head on the table she was sat at, she watched the others party the night away but she couldn’t help but be bored. None of the music was to her liking, the only alcohol available was champagne, and she hated that, and to top it all off. The bloody lich had run off somewhere with his niece, leaving her with no one to argue with.

The magician let out a louder groan as she slumped her head to the side, only to be greeted with a grinning faceful of pink.

“Hi!” Pinkie said.

“Gaah!” Trixie yelped as she stumbled backwards.

Pinkie giggled-snorted as Trixie glared at her.

“What do you want?” Trixie asked.

Well… I saw you looking all grumpy and all by your lonesome and I was all like ‘there’s no way I’m gunna let somepony be all grumpy-wumpy at the best event EVER in all of Equestria besides my own parties, you know?”

“Uhm… can you repeat it-the uh… what?” Trixie replied.

Pinkie giggled again, “You’re so silly, Trixie. Come on, I’m going to make you smile, smile smile! Even if it kills you!”

Trixie blinked, “Wait, what?”

Pinkie didn’t reply as she dragged the showmare out of her seat and onto the dance floor where she began to dance wildly to the music. Trixie sheepishly stood there and rubbed her leg, not really comfortable with the fact that several ponies were now staring at the two.

“Come, Trix! Shake that body!” Pinkie shouted as she continued to dance manically.

As Trixie took note of the other ponies, she failed to notice a shadow make its way into Pinkies, making the mare suddenly stop and stare forwards as her eyes quickly changed from blue to a light grey. Giving a few blinks, the pink mare shrugged off the odd feeling she had gotten and looked back at Trixie.

“Trixie… isn’t sure how to dance…” she muttered.

“It’s easy, silly filly!” Pinkie giggled, “let me show you!”

“No, wait—EEK!”

Trixie squeaked as Pinkie grabbed her and pulled her into a standing position on their hind legs in the middle of the dance floor, their chests pressing together as Pinke held Trixes hoof in one hand and the other around her waist. Trixie blinked as she found her own hoof resting on Pinkie’s shoulder.

As she processed what was going on, the lights went out before a single beam shone on the two. Trixie began to look around, her eyes wide with confusion and blinked when she saw Pinkie, who was wearing a black tuxedo vest with a white button top, a white cravat around her neck, a red sash around her waist and oddly enough, a fake pencil moustache.

“Follow my lead, Cara mia…” Pinkie said with an alluring accent.

“Wah?” Trixie managed to burble out.

As if on cue, a violin began to play with a soft piano in the background. All eyes were now on the two mares as Trixie tried to process what the heck was going on. Pinkie began to gently kiss up up Trixie’s neck before making her way down to her hoof on the other side of her body, confusing the mare and making her blush a bright shade of red.

“What are you doing?!” Trixie hissed, a wave of embarrassment hitting her like a ton of bricks.

“Helping you put on your best performance yet…” Pinkie replied, “call it… a repayment.”

Suddenly, the violin was joined by a chorus of wind instruments as Pinkie twirled Trixie on the spot at a quick speed before stopping her dead on facing her. Pinkie wrapped a hoof around Trixie's waist again and extended her hoof out and waited, looking at Trixie with an expectant stare.

Seeing no way out of it, Trixie sighed and placed her hoof in Pinkie’s before the two made their way down the dance floor side by side, the show mare finding it confusing how she was able to stand up so well on her hind legs.

They came to a stop as the music became more upbeat and walked in a circle before Pinkie dipped Trixie in a small half circle and pulled her up. Slowly getting into it, Trixie mimicked Pinkie as the mare looked right then left and she left to right. The two then moved to the left and stamped on the ground before moving back with Pinkie twirling the show mare as they went.

The crowd were watching with great interest as Pinkie held Trixie to her side and gently span in a circle with her, giving her one final twirl. They came to a table where a lone stallion in a uniform was watching and Trixie smirked.

She wants a show, Trixie will give a show! she thought.

As Pinkie looked away, Trixie slowly stroked the cheek of the stallion. Pinkie looked back and gasped loudly, grabbing Trixie’s other hoof and pulling her away into a quick spin across the dance floor making flames appear in a line which caused several spectators to gasp.

Trixie gasped loudly in surprise when she suddenly came to a stop in front of Pinkie, trying to work out how the mare had gotten there. Judging from the looks others were giving, they were equally confused. As the two stared, Trixie felt her heart beating rapidly and her body getting warmer as she felt a strange feeling come over her as she stared into the pink mare’s eyes.

Across the dance floor, Applejack and Rainbow Dash stood side by side watching the dance with dropped jaws and dumbfounded expressions.

“Y… you’re seeing this, right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Sure ahm… don’t even ask me to explain what they hay is going on…”

Rainbow Dash looked at the small black flask she had smuggled into the Gala, then back at the two dancers before pouring the brown contents into a nearby plant pot.

“Shoulda brought the whiskey…” she muttered.

Trixie and Pinkie continued to dance in a circle, the show mare now more or less getting into the dance and treating it like one of her performances. The two quick stepped to the side before Trixie was twirled on the spot slowly again by the pink mare, only for Pinkie to then lean down and light the cigarette of an attractive mare watching them at a nearby table.

The showmare gasped before glaring, Oh no you don’t.

With a quick and soft grunt, she grabbed Pinkie and pulled her away, making the pink mare do a few backflips before landing and pulling a red tablecloth from one of the nearby tables without knocking anything over. The occupants of the table gasped as she did before lightly applauding the mare, who began to spin around with the cloth.

As she did this, Trixie looked to the table beside her and saw a basket that contained muscles and picked two up with her magic, clicking them together like maracas. Pinkie continued to twirl the cloth around, giving Trixie a look that screamed ‘time for the finale!’

Returning the muscles to the basket, Trixie suddenly picked a knife with her magic and threw it at the Pink mare who snapped her lead left, catching the knife in her mouth causing the whole floor to gasp in shock.

She twirled the cloth one last time before discarding it and throwing the knife into the ground with a thunk. The two then started to make their way towards one another as the music kept in time, joining hooves once more before Pinkie twirled Trixie and gently lowered her to the floor and began to rapidly spin her on the floor before yanking her up.

They embraced for a brief second before Pinkie dipped Trixie and they embraced lips, the showmare not hesitating in returning the kiss as dozens of corked bottles of champagne burst free and sprayed the contents as the crowd began to clap and stomp their hooves in thunderous applause.

The two mares broke their kiss, each one panting as Trixie blushed heavily.

“T-Trixie is no longer bored…” she panted.

“Cara mia…” Pinkie replied, “Shall we continue this back at my place later this evening?”

“Trixie w-would like that… yes.”

Pinkie giggled, suddenly returning to her normal voice, “Great! Can’t wait Trixiedelicious!”

Trixie landed on her front legs again and made her way back to her table with a goofy yet happy expression on her face as the pink mare trotted over to her two friends who were still staring at her with gobsmacked expressions.

“And that, girls, is how you really pick up a mare!”

As the two watched her trot past and head down a corridor, Pinkie came to a stop as her body froze and she stared blankly forwards. Her eyes returned to their normal colour as Dorian’s shadow slipped from hers and scarpered away down the corridor and out into the gardens.

“What the, how the hay I get here? And why do I have this awesome moustache? What’s going on?” Pinkie asked a loud.

“What… the fuck… just happened?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Ah don’t know, ah don’t want to know. Hell, ah ain’t even sure as to when Pinkie started liking Trixie!”

“... Want to head to Doughnut Joe’s to hit the hard cider he has?” Rainbow asked.

“Don’t need to ask me twice…” Applejack replied.

From where she was sat with her sister, Celestia blinked as she tried to process what exactly she had just watched. Twilight had told her about the strangeness of Pinkie but never had she witnessed it before like this, to her, it didn’t seem normal.

From what Twilight had said in her letters, Pinkie was prone to random acts of silliness that were hard to if not impossible to explain.

But this display? Being able to appear in a new outfit, change the lighting and the music the orchestra was playing as well as do.. .well, all of what she did, seemed just to impossible for the mare to do alone. As if she was being controlled by someone, or something else.

The alicorn stroked her chin as she watched after Pinkie as she headed down a corridor. She squinted her eyes as focused on something for a brief moment when she was jolted in her seat by her sister, making her look away for a brief moment and glare at her sister.

“Woo! Now that is how you court somepony, is it not, Tia?!” Luna cried as she furiously clapped her hooves together, “much better than the old days.”

“Yes… quite, but something didn’t seem right,” Celestia replied.

“What do you mean?”


The alicorn froze as she felt a tingle go up her spine and her eyes went wide as Luna looked at her with concern.


“No… no it can’t be! Oh Celestia you stupid mare! I knew something was wrong!”

Celestia suddenly replied before dashing off, being followed by a worried Luna and a few guards who were equally confused at the sudden panic of the Princess.

Dorian watched with a smirk as the crack on Discord’s statue grew and grew before it finally enveloped him in a white light and cracked, revealing the draconequus before him.

“What took you so long?” Discord grumbled as he cracked his spine.

“Wanted to mess with mortals, get them to do the dirty work. You know how it is Dissy,” Dorian grinned before snarling, “but Damon was taking to long, so I figured I’d just bust you out with a giant boost of chaos whilst organizing his punishment back in Ponyville!”

“Yes, I felt that. You must tell me what you did,” Discord chuckled, “my powers aren’t fully back yet, but I've got enough to use basic magic.”

Dorian helped Discord down as the draconequus turned to his friend.

“So what happens now?” he asked as Damon held him down by holding his hand and wrist.

Dorian chuckled and grinned, “Let’s go practice chaos…”

The two then vanished, just as the two sisters ran round the corner and gasped.

“No… he’s free,” Luna whispered.

Celestia lowered her head before raising it to look at the empty spot where Discord’s statue once was.

“Ancestor’s help us…”

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