• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter XXX - The Calm before the Storm

The Adventures of Damon Lipton

Chapter XXX - The Calm before the Storm

The moon shone brightly in the sky as it watched over Equestria as she slept. A strange sense of peace was felt all over the land as ponies slept with the odd few still awake, going about their night time jobs or tasks.

Near the capital, however, Ponyville slept in a slight uneasy peace. Most of the residents were unaware of what had transpired during the Gala and would not find out until the rumor mill whispers reached them, despite the Princess’ efforts to try and keep the knowledge of Discord’s release a secret.

Not that it would have done them any good, due to Dorian and Discord’s plans for the town the next day.

In a small house near the center of the town, three ponies and a skeleton slept, still close together on the sofa. By now, Berry and Colgate had shifted to lying beside one another in a close embrace with Pinchy still snuggled into Damon’s chest. This was changed, however, as the hollow holes of Damon’s eyes flicked to life, the small green flames that acted as his eyes slowly looked around the dark room.

Without a word, he gently rose up, carefully holding Pinchy to his chest and leant over to where her mother lay. With a quick and careful movement, he maneuvered Pinchy in between the two, smiling for a moment as they subconsciously snuggled the filly into them who could only smile happily in her sleep.

Damon slowly raised his hand up to his forehead and in a slow and careful ark down to his right side, he brought his bony hand down. As he did, his attire from the gala vanished, and in its place were his robes. Satisfied that he was dressed accordingly, he produced a small bit of paper that he had received the night before from his master.

He had received the letter only a few hours ago, informing him of what Kalanar had in store. The elf had used his own magic to track down where the two spirits were hiding and had found their location deep within the Everfree in a cavern of sorts. Not surprisingly, Kalanar wished to hunt them down as soon as possible and prevent them from enacting their plan. No princess’, no elements.

Just the two of them alone.

The skeleton looked over the three ponies one last time before smiling softly to himself. He then whispered under his breath, summoning a blank scroll and a quill before scribbling a note addressed to the three and placed it on the nearby table.

“I won’t let anything happen to you guys…” he whispered before walking towards the door and phasing through it, leaving the three alone to slumber in peace.

The air was chilly, and it took Damon by surprise. The mage chuckled to himself as he walked down the deserted streets.

“If Berry or Colgate were here, they’d probably make a joke about me being cold to the bone,” he muttered.

The cold didn’t bother him that much if he was being truthful. He and Kalanar had been in much colder places for much longer periods of time and he had grown used to the coldness. The cold didn’t bother his master either as his race hailed from the frozen north, giving them an edge over the cold.

As he continued to walk, he walked past the large tree that was situated near the town centre and noted of a presence next to him.

“Morning,” he said.

“And to you,” Kalanar replied as he phased into existence beside Damon, also now wearing his normal attire.

Like Damon, Kalanar had slipped out of the library in pure silence, but unlike the skeleton however, he did not leave any kind of note for the element bearers to find. Less they be foolish to follow him to what could easily be their deaths.

The two continued to walk down the empty streets till they came to the entrance to the Everfree, it was here that Damon stopped and cast a glance backwards towards the town.

“Damon, are you coming?” Kalanar asked without looking back.

Yeah… just…” Damon started but quickly trailed off.

He head the footsteps of Kalanar behind him before feeling his hand rest gently on his bony shoulder. Damon looked at his master from the corner of his eye, seeing the elf give him a look of reassurance.

“I know you’re concerned, my student… but you know why we must do this alone,” Kalanar started.

Damon didn’t answer, letting Kalanar know this was his cue to continue.

“You know what that mad man is capable of when he gets excited. From what I read, as well as what information I could gather from the Princess’. Discord is merely what he is, a trickster. He doesn’t kill… Dorian does.”

Damon hesitated for a moment. Despite part of him wanting to stick to the original plan of everyone joining forces against Dorian and Discord, as the princess’ had wished. He knew that Kalanar was right.

Dorian was known to kill, not out of hatred or spite. But usually without meaning to or from his games going too far. Damon doubted whether or not Discord even knew Dorian had killed, let alone that the mischief never showed true remorse.

“But how can you be this certain he will even be where he claims he will be?” Damon continued.

Kalanar grunted a little as he walked, “Say what you will about the madman, but the oddest thing about him is his sense of punctuality. He is never late nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.”

The two stepped over a fallen tree trunk as the elf continued.

“And even more oddly, if he says he will be somewhere, such as the cave. Then he will be there.

“I see… lets just get this over and done with,” Damon replied as he began to follow Kalanar as the latter started to walk on again, “but... what if we fail, Master? What if we are bested? And just how do you know he will keep his word?”

Kalanar hesitated in his walking for a moment before he came to a complete stop, “We won’t… we have the father of magic watching over us. And besides… there are things from my youth you do not know of that give me confidence in our success.”

Damon was intrigued by the statement, “What do you mean? What happened in your youth?”

“Let’s just say…” Kalanar replied with an eerily cold tone to his voice, “I’ve met Dorian before, under different circumstances…”

Damon had heard that tone before, and it was one that did not invite a prying curiosity. The skeleton merely nodded and the two began to make their way through the forest, with one thing dominating Damon’s mind.

Protect them at all costs… no matter the price

Twilight yawned as she awoke, smacking her lips as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and tried to adjust to the sunlight that was seeping in through the windows. She looked around to see her friends were still sleeping. Rainbow Dash was on her back softly snoring, Rarity was laying on an army of cushions, something Twilight was unsure as to how she got them given they weren’t hers, Pinkie and Trixie were laying beside one another in each others embrace and Applejack was no where to be seen.

“So y’all finally awake?” Applejack said as she came out of the kitchen, balancing several mugs of coffee on her back, “Ah hope ya don’t mind, Twi. But I made us all something to drink to help wake us up.”

“That’s fine, Applejack.”

Twilight smiled as she helped the earth mare by levitating the tray of drinks onto her nearby table before taking one for herself along with Applejack who took one for herself.

“How long you been awake?” the unicorn asked.

“Since sun up, ya get used to waking up early when ya work on a farm.”

Twilight nodded as she sipped her coffee, the taste a little bitter but with a hint of sweetness. No doubt a small dollop of the apple families syrup. Something the unicorn had grown a fondness for over the past few months.

A loud snore followed by a snort and a few series of confused sounds drew the attention of the other two mares who looked over to see rainbow Dash, now bolt upright, smacking her lips and blinking in confusion as to where she was.

“Urgh… I hate mornings…” Rainbow Dash mumbled as she sat up, bags under her eyes and a grumpy expression on her face.

“And morning to you to,” Twilight snickered.

“Man… sleeping on cushions isn’t the same as clouds, I tell ya... “ Rainbow passed as she sniffed the air, “I smell coffee, did you make coffee.”

“Here ya go, sugarcube. Ah added a few dolops more of syrup to help perk you up,” Applejack replied as she handed the pegasus a mug.

“Cheers, AJ,” Rainbow said, taking a deep swig of the coffee and exhaling in delight.

“Mmm… what time is it exactly?” Trixie asked as she slowly woke up, rubbing her eyes gently.

“Time to get this down your neck,” Applejack replied, handing the unicorn a mug.

“Thank you… so… if those two do do anything later… what should Trixie do? Trixie may have some magic, but compared to the elements it’s nothing.”

Twilight thought for a moment as Applejack and Rainbow started to rouse the others from their sleep.

“Well, I know it doesn't seem like much of a task. But I think I’d trust nopony else to protect the town as a last wave of defense, should anything happen. And I think the Princess’ are sending some guards to assist in Ponyville’s defense.”

“Trixie thinks that is best, Ponyville would be vulnerable without the elements here.”

“Could this just be a trap?” Rainbow asked with another swig of her coffee, “I mean, for all we know Discord and Dorian could be leading us away from Ponyville to leave it open for attack or something.”

“Ah think you’ve been reading too much Daring Do, sugarcube,” Applejack teased, before looking at Twilight with a little bit of concern.

“Hence why the guards are coming down along with the Princess’, Rainbow. Princess Luna is going to be taking command of the town whilst Princess Celestia, Damon and Kalanar and ourselves will deal with Dorian and Discord,” Twilight replied, easing the mare’s concerns.

“Speaking of the two,” Rarity said as she daintily sipped from her mug, “where is Kalanar?”

Applejack shrugged, “Probably gone for one of his morning walks, fella weren’t here when I woke up.”

Twilight looked over to the clock, reading it as having just gone eight thirty. She bit her lower lip slightly, feeling a strange feeling of worry wash over her. Usually, Kalanar would have gotten up and had a walk around the town by at least quarter to seven. Eight at the latest.

“Maybe… but he usually doesn’t take this long…” Twilight said softly.

Pinkie gave her a warm hug and smiled, “You shouldn’t worry! Maybe he just found and uber awesome new route to take, or maybe he stopped by Berry’s house, or, or—!”

Twilight smiled and put a hoof over her friend’s mouth to silence her friend, who continued to talk albeit muffled still.

“Thank you, Pinkie. But I’m still worried…”

“Worried about your coltfriend, how cute,” Rainbow teased as the unicorn’s cheeks burned red.

“H-he’s not my coltfriend!” Twilight huffed.

“Yet,” Applejack smirked.

The group giggled as Twilight crossed her front hooves in a huff. Their giddy merriment was interrupted by a knock at the door.

“I’ll get it!” Pinkie declared, giving Trixie’s cheek a quick, teasing stroke with her tail as she walked past her, making the mare sigh in contentment.

As the pink mare headed for the door, Rainbow scooted up to Trixie along with Applejack and the former nudged the unicorn.

“So… you and Pinkie… care to explain a lil’?” Rainbow asked.

“Trixie doesn’t know… nor does Trixie care,” the mare replied with a happy yet goofy grin on her face as she stared after Pinkie.

Applejack and Rainbow shared a confused look followed by a heavy and defeated sigh, deciding to just put it down as one of Pinkie’s things.

“Guys, it’s the Princess’!” Pinkie grinned as she bounced back in, soon followed by the said Princess’ and two guards each.

The other five including Spike gave a low bow as the alicorns entered. Celestia smiled as she nodded to them along with Luna before she addressed them.

“Good morning, my little ponies. I trust you slept well?”

Twilight nodded, “We did. And nothing happened during the night either, the elements are still safe.”

As if on cue, the unicorn’s horn briefly glowed as it canceled out a concealment spell that revealed a chest near one of the walls. Spike quickly plodded over to it and brought it over to his friend who then opened it, revealing all six of the elements still safely secure inside.

“Wonderful, now. You all already know of the plan, but we shall go over it one more—” the white alicorn paused mid sentence as she looked around, “where is Kalanar?”

“Out on one of his walks,” Twilight replied, “he should be back soon.”

Something about Twilight’s tone didn’t sit right with the princess.

“I see… does he normally do this?” she asked, a little worried he wasn’t present.

Twilight nodded, “He says it helps get his blood flowing and gets his thinking gears going.”

Celestia looked down at her student before looking to one of her guards, “Go and see if you can find Kalanar. Though I know that he is aware of the plan, I still wish to speak to him and Damon before hoof.”

“Yes, your highness,” the guard replied before taking his leave.

However, just as he was about to leave and the princess was about to return her attention to the others. The door of the library burst open and a frantic looking Berry Punch with a sniffling Pinchy clung to her neck rushed in, followed by a nervous looking Colgate.

“H-he’s gone!” Berry shouted.

“Who’s gone?” Rarity asked.

“Damon… he left a note,” Colgate replied, levitating over the note Damon had left for them only hours earlier.

“I’m scared, mummy… I don’t want Uncle Bones and Kalanar to get hurt…” Pinchy sniffled as tears rolled down her cheeks.

As Berry and Colgate comforted the filly, Celestia quickly took the note in her magic and frantically scanned its contents. Her eyes widened with every sentence she took in before she looked up at her sister and her face took on an expression of anger.

“That blasted fool! What does he think he’s doing?!” she bellowed as she quickly made her way to the entrance of the library, “Sergeant, make ready the troops!”

“As you command, Princess!” one of the guards replied.

“P-Princess?” Twilight asked, her ears flat on her head.

“Sister?” Luna asked, equally concerned.

Celestia stopped as she reached the door and looked back at the group, “Our Plans have changed. Damon and Kalanar have gone after Dorian and Discord alone.”

Kalanar silently exited the treeline followed close behind by Damon. The came out onto a large open plain with long grass that gently blew about in the gentle breeze. It had taken them a couple of hours or so to reach this place, carefully navigating the heavy foliage and tightly packed trees as if the Everfree itself was trying to prevent the two mages from reaching their destination.

Looking up at the sky to see some birds high above them sail by, the elf closed his eyes and took note of the energy in the surrounding area. Analysing it and honing in on it to suit his own personal energy. Damon craned his neck up as he walked forwards and looked up into the sky.

“What time do you reckon it is?” he asked.

Kalanar looked up to where the sun hung in the sky, squinting his eyes as he made the calculation in his head judging it based on the nearby mountain peaks position, “Around… ten thirty I would guess.”

Damon nodded before he looked around the area himself, “We nearly there yet?”

Kalanar didn’t reply, he merely raised his hand up and pointed to a small looking mountain in the near distance, “They’re in there… and I fear they may know we are here.”

“What do you mean?”

A raven landed on a nearby branch and cawed at the two, Kalanar refused to make eye contact with the bird as Damon eyed it with curiosity. Suddenly, the raven’s feathers began to alternate between black and white before it took on an impossible grin. It then squawked loudly and inflated quickly before exploding in an array of colours and confetti.

Only leaving a sign that read, ‘This way to the fun! D&D’.

That’s what I mean,” Kalanar replied, “come now, we must be quick and not keep our… delightful hosts waiting.”

With a quiet nod, Damon and Kalanar quickened their pace towards the looming mountain, ready for whatever the two tricksters had in store for them.

“Oh, do let me see, Dorian!” Discord’s muffled voice whined as his body shivered with excitement.

“No peeking~!” Dorian replied with a sing-song voice.

The mischief god watched with great glee as Discord’s headless body walked ahead of him, arms outstretched to feel its way whilst his head was concealed inside of Dorian’s cloak.

“You’re no fun!” Discord huffed from the cloth.

Dorian chuckled, “Oh come now, the best surprises in life are the one’s you can’t see! We’re nearly there.”

Discord grumbled as Dorian kept guiding the body every now and again to whatever the destination was. It wasn’t long before Dorian stopped Discord with a friendly trip of the legs, making the body fall forwards with a splat.

“Hey! What was that for?!” Discord snapped.

“We… have arrived!” Dorian announced as he slammed the covered head on its body, removing the cloth to allow Discord to get up.

“‘Bout time to,” Discord huffed.

He pulled out his arms one after the other and gave them a vigorous shake to dislodge the dust collected on them. The draconequus popped his arms back into place as he rested his hands on his hips.

“So what is it you—” Discord asked before stopping mid sentence and staring up with a confused look

“Do you love it?!” Dorian asked, shaking with glee like a child in a sweet shop.

“It’s covered in a large cloth, Dorian,” Discord deadpanned, “I can’t see it.”

“Oh, but you will soon! This, will take care of all our problems! Just think of all the fun we will have with it~!” Dorian giggled as he pulled Discord into a tight shoulder hug.

“Yeah, fun,” chuckled Discord, though a hint of uncertainty in his tone.

Dorian’s trousers then began to let off a loud and irritating ring sound as he pulled out an alarm clock, “Well what’ya know! It would appear it’s time to greet our guests! Seems like an elf and lich were too eager.”

Discord looked at the clock that rather than have a face, had a real time image of Damon and Kalanar walking briskly to the cavern of the mountain they were in.

“Oh I just knew they couldn’t resist and wait for three o'clock! Always nice to have early guests!”

Dorian quickly threw the clock at a wall where it promptly fell apart in a loud clang before he giggled manically and rubbed his hands together.

“Now… let’s wait and greet our two early birds,” Dorian grinned before he snapped his fingers, causing the two pranksters and the creation to seemingly vanish into thin air.

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