• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter XXII - The Press

The Adventures Of Damon Lipton

Chapter XXII - The Press

Kalanar and the others raced down the pathway and came to a pause when they saw Trixie carrying the limp form of Damon on her back. Immediately, panic overtook the elf as he, Berry and Pinchy rushed to Trixie’s side.

“Damon?” Kalanar said. “Can you hear me, boy?”

“Yeah...” Damon croaked. “I’m peachy.”

Kalanar let out a sigh of relief, “Oh thank the gods… I thought I’d lost you, boy.”

As Damon shakily stood up, he heard a little squeal.

“Uncle Bones!”

Pinchy launched herself from her mothers back and tackled him into a tight hug, her eyes shining with glee as she looked up at him with a big grin on her face. Damon groaned in pain when Berry—like her daughter—tackled the lich making him fall onto his backside.

“Don’t ever worry me like that again!” Berry said, her own eyes tearing up slightly. “I was so worried about you!”

“Pain… everywhere,” Damon wailed.

“Oh… grow up,” Trixie smirked.

“Shut it, you—OW!”

Berry bopped Damon’s head and glared at him, “I’m serious, Damon… you scared me.”

Damon sighed and hugged Berry and Pinchy as tight as he could, “I’m sorry, Berry…”

Kalanar and the others smiled at the scene as Damon slowly got up, Berry standing beside him with Pinchy on her back.

“Here,” Kalanar said, handing Damon a vial. “Have the last regen potion.”

Damon nodded as he drank it down and coughed, “Hate that taste so much!”

“I know,” Kalanar chuckled. “Hense why I make you drink it a lot.”

“Thank you, Damon, Kalanar. You saved Ponyville and many others with your act,” Celestia said, bowing her head a little.

“Eh, was nothing,” Damon smirked. “Besides, if it wasn’t for Trix here, I would’ve probably been vaporized.”

Damon nodded to Trixie whose eyes widened when the sudden attention fell on her, “W-what? Trixie?”

“Mhm, you did save my life with that barrier,” he replied, making Trixie beam and her ego soar.

“Well… Trixie is just glad that you and I can—

“Even if it did nearly kill you,” Damon chuckled, interrupting her.

“Hmmph!” Trixie snorted in offense. “Trixie didn’t nearly die. She merely acted that way to allow you to get your act together as Trixie’s familiar and protect her!”

“Don’t. Start. That. Again,” Damon growled a she glared at her.

“Don’t order me about, familiar!” Trixie snapped. “I will make you respect me!”

As Damon squared up to her face and pressed his skull against her and they glared at each other, Berry face hoofed and sighed heavily.

“Well… so much for them being friends it seems…” she said.

“Lets… just get back to town,” Twilight chuckled. “Then we can just calm down and relax for a bit.”

“Oh! Oh! I was going to combine Damon’s welcome party with Mister Kalanar’s, but now, I can combine them into one huge-mega-ultra ‘Welcome to Ponyville and thank you for saving it’ party for tomorrow!” Pinkie shrieked before racing off back to the town at lightning speed.

“How does she move so fast?” Kalanar asked. “Perhaps I should look into it and—”

“No,” Damon, Berry, Pinchy and the elements all said in unison.

Kalanar blinked at them as Damon rested his hand on his Master’s shoulder, “Just… no, Master. Never try to think of the logic that is Pinks.”

Damon gave him a look that showed Kalanar the seriousness of his tone as well as a hint of fear.

“Trust. Me.”

Kalanar simply nodded and shook his head before he started to head back to the town. As the group began to follow him, Pinchy tugged on Damon’s robes.

“Can you carry me, Uncle Bones?”

“Of course, Pinches,” Damon smiled, picking up the little filly.

“Ahem!” Trixie coughed in annoyance. “Forgetting somepony?”

“Hmm?” Damon replied. “Oh right, sorry.”

Trixie closed her eyes and smugly smirked at him, waiting for him to pick her up. After a few seconds of nothing happening, she opened her eyes to see Damon starting to walk away from her, carrying Berry with one arm like a puppy.

“H-Hey!” she squeaked.

Damon snickered, “Relax, I was just teasing.”

He walked back over and scooped Trixie onto his back and she clung to his neck gently.

“Thank you…” she mumbled.

“No problem, gunna stop with this familiar nonsense?” Damon replied.

“I will find a way…” Trixie grumbled.

Damon sighed and shook his head, to tired to bother continuing the argument with her.

Dorian groaned as he sat up and rubbed his neck, “What the devil just happened?”

He stood up and looked around to see where he was as he dusted his clothing down. He was standing in the middle a barren landscape that seemed to go on for endless miles. He scratched his head in confusion as he looked up to the sky.

“How did I get here?” he pondered aloud.

He snapped his fingers and summoned a map into his hand and studied it carefully, “Hmm… so I’m in the badlands… wonder if that old dragon is still around?”

Dorian slowly started to walk in a circle as he tried to figure out what had just happened.

“Okay… let’s go over this properly.”

He snapped his fingers and a large office table appeared in front of him along with several chairs, each one having a clone of Dorian sitting in them albeit in different clothes. One, however, was a dark skinned man with a top hat that had a skull on it.

“Wait, you’re not meant to be here,” Dorian said and clicked his fingers, replacing the man with another clone of himself.

Dorian grinned to himself and pulled a pointer out of his sleeve and tapped a blackboard that suddenly appeared beside him with a large question mark written on it.

“Gentlemen, as you can see… were not in Equestria anymore.”

There was a loud gasp as the Dorian’s whispered to one another in alarm.

“Patience, gentleman, patience. We can get home soon. I, however, do not recall how we got here. So… any ideas?”

The group all sat there and leant back into their chairs and mused over the idea, one of the Dorian’s sipping from a summoning cup that said ‘number 1 mischief god’ that he had stolen from another mischief god who wore horns on his helmet.

“Anyone?” dorian said impatiently.

“What if…” one of his clones started. “And hear me out on this, okay?”

“Go on…”

“What if…” he started again as the other clones leaned in. “We got attacked by someone? Who sent us here and wiped our memory?”

There was a chilling silence over the table as a wind blew by before all the Dorian clones and the original suddenly burst out laughing.

“Oh by me that was hilarious! Like that ever happened!” Dorian cried in between laughs, his cheeks wet with tears.

The clone huffed and crossed his arms in annoyance before he, the others and the office setting vanished in a puff of blue smoke.

“Screw it, I’ll just ask Discord. He’ll know.”

And with that, Dorian vanished himself in a puff of smoke.

“Wooo, Damon!”

“You kicked that monster’s flank!”

“Go bone man!”

“Hurray for Kalanar!”

Damon rolled his eye flames as he smiled at the crowd of ponies cheering them as they walked back into the town. He heard a sigh escape from his side and saw Trixie looking down at the ground, a little upset. Damon thought for a moment before his flames shone for a moment.

“Huzzuh for Trixie!” a voice cried in the crowd.

Trixie looked up to see the crowd whispering to themselves before they all resumed their cheering once again.

“Alright Trixie!”

“Way to go!”

Trixie smiled up at the crowd and waved her hoof at them, removing herself from Damon’s hold and trotted alongside of him.

“I think she owes you one,” Berry whispered from his other arm.

“What?” Damon asked innocently.

Berry smiled, “I saw your eyes flash, that means you cast a spell. I’m guessing… you threw your voice?”

“Maybe,” Damon smiled. “But… she needed it, she did actually help out and save my life afterall. I’ll let her have this moment.”

“Thank you, thank you. Trixie is most humbled by your applause. Rescuing your town was a synch with the help of my familiar!”

The town let it slide, just ignoring her as Damon sighed and pinched where his noses bridge would have been.

“Even if she still is an annoying pest…”

Berry simply giggled and gave him a soft hug as Pinchy waved from his shoulder at the crowds happily.

“So what do you think, Discord?” Dorian asked as he floated in front of the statute.

“Honestly, I have no idea,” Discord replied. “Are you sure you’re not just winding me up?”

Dorian huffed and crossed his arms, “Of course not! Why would I be winding you up?”

“You’re a sadistic arsehole who once forced my body to literally wind around the tallest spire of Canterlot castle,” Discord replied with a monotonic tone.

“Only because you sent that mutated rabbit after me!” Dorian pouted.

“Hardly a call for wrapping me around a tower!” Discord snapped.

“It was bigger than the bloody castle!” Dorian countered and growled. “I had to use my last holy grenade on the bastard!”

There was a stagnant silence for a brief moment before both the god of mischief and the spirit of chaos burst into fits of laughter, Dorian doubling over and slapping his knee.

“Oh, Discord. You handsome rogue!” he chortled. “Such good times!”

“Indeed,” Discord chuckled. “But in all seriousness, if I may. I don’t know what happened to you… you don’t suppose it could be—”

“No, absolutely not!” Dorian interrupted and glared at Discord. “I made sure to hide the link between Cyrium and Equestria from with the light gods or the dark gods…”

Dorian turned to his head upwards and looked into the sky, sighing softly.

“At least… I think I did…”

“You’re highness! Can you tell us what’s going on?”

“Is it true Equestria is under attack?”

“Is there alien life in Ponyville?”

“What is the word?”

“Is Princess Celestia hiding something from her subjects?”

Blueblood nervously looked over the large crowd of newspaper journalists that were bombarding him with questions regarding the earlier events. News of the battle in Ponyville had spread like wildfire throughout the town of Canterlot. Already, early edition prints of newspapers had the front cover plastered with images and questions regarding the monster and the two beings that were attacking it.

The worst part, neither Celestia or Luna had returned yet, leaving Blueblood to deal with the press.

He looked to his guard to his left, a lunar mare who gave him a sympathetic smile of reassurance and he swallowed the lump in his throat before turning to the crowd again.

“Your highness?”

“Is there any threat to our way of life?”

“Calm yourselves, please,” Blueblood began.

The crowd died down as the prince let out a deep breath, Okay… you can do this, stall them until they get back.

“Yes, you there,” Blueblood said, pointing a hoof at a crowd member.

“Ink Splat, The Canterlot Times. Is Equestria under a threat?”

“As far as we know, Equestria is not under a threat of any kind,” he started. “For all intents and purposes, the monster has been defeated and I am confident it was the work of our lovely monarchs, Celestia and Luna.”

“But what about the strange forms?” one newspony asked.

“I’m sure that was something my dear aunt Luna created as an illusion in order to fight the creature, tell me. Has anypony actually seen my aunts in battle?”

There was a murmur in the crowd as no one could answer, given the last true battle Celestia and Luna had taken part in was over a thousand years ago during the nightmare moon escapade. And since then, the only skirmishes that had happened were usually resolved with diplomacy rather than violence.

“Exactly, so I wholeheartedly believe that the entire battle was fought by my aunts. Using a variety of tactics. However, I cannot comment any further until they return from dealing with the matter, so please refrain from those types of questions.”

As the crowd began to bombard him with questions once again, he pointed his hoof at one of the members.

“Scribble Quill, Canterlot Express. Are the Princesses hiding anything from us?”

Blueblood swallowed a little bit, “I assure you, if there was anything wrong. Celestia and Luna would notify the subjects immediately, it is unlike them to hide anything from public eye.”

“But what about Nightmare Moon? Princess Celestia hid the fact she was actually her sister, Princess Luna!” a voice cried out.

The crowd murmured in agreement as the cameras kept flashing.

“Ah, but she did not. Had any of you looked into our past, you would’ve noticed the connection. Twilight Sparkle did, which is why she was able to restore our beloved ruler of the night to us.”

The crowd murmured again in agreement, realising that they could have read about the connection between Nightmare Moon and Luna.

“But what about the strange creature that Princess Luna was attacking a month ago? We still have not received an answer for that!” another voice said.

“As far as I am aware, that matter has been dealt with. Luna summoned a failed experiment from a tome which escaped and tried to run amok. My aunt… may have overreacted in dealing with it.”

There was a murmur in the crowd of mixed views on how she dealt with it.

“But rest assured, it has been dealt with. Now, if any of you fine journalists have any other questions, I please ask that you patiently await for the return of my two aunts. Thank you.”

Blueblood was assaulted by more lights flashing and more questions as he stepped from his podium and made his way back into the palace followed by the two guards. Once inside he let out a huge sigh of relief and shook his head.

“Animals, the lot of them,” he grumbled.

“I-I think you did well, sire,” the bat mare smiled with a light blush.

Blueblood turned to her and blinked before smiling nervously back at her with a light blush of his own, “O-oh well uh, thank you…?”

“Moon Dancer, sir.”

“Thank you, Moon Dancer,” Blueblood smiled. “Could you deliver an urgent scroll to my aunts? They need to know that the public need answers, answers I can’t give them.”

“Of course, your highness!” Moon Dancer beamed before taking off.

“And you?” Blueblood asked the solar stallion with him.

“Silver Blade, sire.”

“You may return to your duties, I’ll be in my room if I’m needed.”

“Of course, sire.”

Blueblood watched the stallion trot off before releasing a final sigh and heading to his room.

“I think I’ll open that bottle of scotch now…”

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