• Published 15th Aug 2013
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The Adventures of Damon Lipton - Mr101

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged.

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Chapter XXVII - At The Gala Part IV

Author's Note:

[Edited version to come.] Any errors, feel free to let me know!

The Adventures of Damon Lipton

Chapter XXVII - At The Gala Part IV

Berry and Colgate stared up at the large portrait hanging on the wall. It depicted a stallion in very traditional clothes from the period before the Diarchy rule and Equestria was ruled by Queen Aeterna and King Terra. Celestia and Luna’s parents.

The stallion was holding a fine looking wine glass that was filled with a deep red liquid, he was holding it in the air and looking at it intently. Behind him were several barrels with a couple that were open displaying its contents of grapes. Berry stared at the image with admiration in her eyes.

“Someday... I’m going to take his mantle,” Berry said with a determined grin.

“Hmm?” Colgate asked, looking over to the earth pony.

“His mantle as the greatest winemaker in Equestria’s history,” Berry replied.

Colgate smirked, “Is that so?”

“You bet! Just you watch, Colgate!” Berry nodded.

“If you say so~” Colgate giggled, bumping her flank against Berry’s.

Berry giggled back, returning the bump as she looked up at the painting.

From around the corner, Damon, Pinchy and Luna poked their heads out ever so slightly to see what the two mares were doing. Once they saw they were looking at the painting, they pulled their heads back and nodded.

“Commence phase one,” Damon whispered.

Luna nodded and placed a hoof in front of him. Damon placed his bony hand on top of it followed by Pinchy placing her little hoof on top of his hand. They then dipped them before breaking and Luna teleported silently away from them.

“Let’s go back to the party, Berry,” Colgate said.

Berry nodded, “Alright, lead the way.”

As the two mares started to walk back down the hallway, Damon cracked his knuckles carefully before wiggling his fingers and muttering under his breath. there was a small flash of light ahead of the two mares who thankfully for Damon didn’t seem to notice it and continued down the hallway, eventually taking a right.

Damon and Pinchy smirked at one another before they slipped out of their hiding spot and followed Berry and Colgate down the corridor.

“And this was the being known as ‘Power’,” Twilight smiled.

“I see…” Kalanar replied as he stroked his chin.

The elven mage looked up at the strange statue Twilight had showed him within the palace grounds in fascination. It was bipedal to say the least, but what got his curiosity up about it was that the figure was clad in armor and had a vicious sneer on his face. The statue had a single arm raised up and a fist clenched and etched onto his fist was a strange formation of three triangles with one of them being a few shades of grey darker compared to the rest of the statue.

The figure literally radiated power, but this wasn’t what caused his curiosity to be pipped.

It was the fact that he could see behind the statues steely gaze was another gaze, a gaze that seemed to belong to a frail, weak willed and somewhat pathetic human of all things. A human that seemed to be pretending they were another person they were not.

Or, at least, thats what he thought.

“I’m still intrigued as to why you Equestrian’s do this as a punishment,” Kalanar said as he gesturing to the statue.

“Hmm? What do you mean?” Twilight asked as she looked up at him.

“Well, from what you’ve said. You don’t actually kill them when you imprison them, you just seal them in a sort of… time lock state where they exist but not in the stream of time everyone else does. So they don’t physically age.”

Twilight nodded as the old mage continued.

“So… with prisoners such as Discord and this chap who have been in there for as you say, hundreds upon hundreds of years. Is it safe to say that they must be borderline insane at this point?” Kalanar asked.

“What do you mean?” Twilight replied, tilting her head. “While it’s true they are trapped in a time lock state, they are more or less frozen in time with no knowledge of what’s going on outside their prison,”

“Ah, but that isn’t always the case. Remember, Discord is aware of his surroundings as told to me by Princess Celestia. Given she and him have conversed many times.”

Twilight looked up at him in silence. she was unaware that Discord could do that, let alone that Celestia was even aware of it. For some reason, she felt a tinge of pity for Discord.

If he was indeed aware of his surroundings, presumably because of his near god like status and power, than what of the other statues? Where they aware of their surroundings? Where they slowly going mad.

“Think about it, what do you think would happen to an intelligent mind if it was trapped and on its own with no one else for company other than itself. Coupled with the fact they had nothing to do but think and talk to themselves. Wouldn’t you go mad if you were in that position?” Kalanar continued.

Twilight looked up at the statue and lowered her ears, mulling his words over her mind, “I guess you’re right… that’s a horrible thought…”

Kalanar knelt down and stroked her back softly, “I know it is, Miss Twilight… but we can’t do much dwelling on the thought, though. What’s been done is done.”

Twilight nodded softly, still thinking about what the elf had said. Kalanar frowned a little seeing how disturbed Twilight was at what he had said and with a quick motion, he gave her ear a little scratch eliciting a sigh of contentment from the mare.

“I may be wrong, though. Miss Twilight,” he said, “It very well could be that it’s just Discord who is aware, after all he is an unpredictable fellow.”

Twilight smiled softly up at him as he smiled back at her.

“Come on, let’s head back now. I think the Princess may wonder where her ‘special guests’ have gotten to, knowing that boy he’s up to something.”

Twilight giggled softly, “Hopefully he hasn’t been bothering too many ponies, our kind have a bad habit of being easily excitable.”

Colgate and Berry walked in silence as they walked down the corridor. Most ponies would consider that a silence between two ponies alone was due to a problem caused by the pair, but not in this case. Colgate and Berry both had a look of annoyance etched onto their faces but not because of each other.

“Are you sure this is the way we came from?” Colgate groaned as they rounded yet another corner.

“I’m certain this is where we came from…” Berry muttered.

The two mares stopped for a moment to get their bearings. Looking around, they were in one of the palace’s corridors still. Ever since they had left the corridor that contained the famous winemaker painting, they had been walking down an endless corridors that just seemed to go on for much longer than they remembered, there was also seemingly a lot more of them.

“Let’s just try this way,” Colgate sighed as she headed for the end of the corridor and started to head down the left side.

Berry followed suite and jumped with a yelp when Colgate suddenly screamed loudly in frustration.

“Are you kidding me?!” she shouted.

“What is it, Col—” Berry began but stopped when she saw the reason why.

There, in front of them, was the corridor they were in earlier. And hanging on the wall, was the same painting of the winemaker.

“How in blue blazes did we get back here?!” Colgate groaned loudly.

“This smells fishy…” Berry said as she glared at the paintings, “And I think that a certain lich is behind this…”

“Really? What, do you think he’s using magic to make us walk in a complete circle?” Colgate asked.

“I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t put it past him to try a prank or something…” Berry muttered.

“Maybe…” Colgate agreed, “Want the first punch if it is him doing this?”

“Did you need to ask?” Berry smirked.

The two mares giggled but abruptly stopped when they felt a soft wind blow over them and looked up. They saw a small mist form near the end of the corridor, being carried by the wind that formed into an arrow pointing right. Berry and Colgate looked at one another in confusion, then looked back to see the wind whisk itself away down the right.

“D… do we follow it?” Berry asked.

Colgate shrugged, “Dunno… do you want to?”

“Might as well, who knows. Might lead us back to the others, “she said with a slight chuckle.

The two slowly made their way forwards towards the end of the corridor and cautiously looked down the right. They saw the same cloud of mist seemingly floating in mid air at the end of the corridor, occasionally pointing to the left turning at the end.

With the same cautious pace as before, Berry and Colgate slowly made their way after the mist, watching it take off down the left corridor. Like before, they peeked their heads around the corridor seeing the mist once more pointing to the right. With a little more speed, they walked after it, both mares curiosity getting the better of them with each step they took.

From behind them, they failed to spot a familiar boney face peeking out from where they had just come from, a victorious grin on his face.

“Uncle Bones?” Pinchy whispered, “Will Mummy and Colgate really hit you?”

Damon shrugged, “Probably, I’m used to it. Come on, let’s get to our places,”

Pinchy giggled as she and Damon vanished in a flash of white. By now, Colgate and Berry’s curiosity had gotten the better of them and the two were now rushing after the mist. Turning left and right over and over until eventually they came to a halt by a pair of large glass doors that led out onto a balcony. The mist was floating beside it, pointing out at the balcony or more importantly, what as on the balcony.

On the balcony was a table, two chairs, two candles and two plates with food on them. Confused, the two mares slowly approached the glass door. The mist moved to the door and hovered for a moment before disappearing, followed by the glass doors opening by themselves, letting a delightful breeze in that flew over the two mares softly.

With a cautious look to one another, the two mares walked out onto the balcony and gingerly sat down.

“Is… this food for us?” Colgate asked.

“I think it is…” Berry replied, taking a sniff of the plate in front of her and sighing happily, “My goodness this smells good.”

Suddenly, the wine bottle on the table levitated and slowly poured the two a glass before settling back down. Then, they both squeaked as they were pushed in ever so gently by their chairs closer to the table.

“Well… better not waste the food I guess?” Colgate giggled.

“Guess you’re—”

Berry paused as she looked up, her eyes widened slightly. From her perspective, the only thing illuminating Colgate’s face was the flickering of the two candles, Berry stared over at her friend, a soft blush forming on her cheeks. The way the candle light made Colgate’s face light up was beautiful to the mare, the unicorns eyes glistening in the dancing candlelight was utterly mesmerizing to Berry.

“Berry, you okay?” Colgate asked with a blush of her own, giggling softly, “You seem to be lost in your own world.”

“Y-yeah, sorry. It’s just… you look really beautiful,” Berry replied, looking away as her blush grew more.

“Thank y-you…” Colgate smiled, rubbing her front leg with a hoof, “You look beautiful as well…”

Berry smiled as the two started their meal. From above, just sitting on the roof was Damon with Pinchy sat safely on his shoulders and holding onto his head. Beside him was Luna, all three watching with big grins on their faces.

“The plan is working, my skeleton friend!” Luna whispered with a soft squee, “This is how they have pictured it in their dreams!”

“Dreams?” Damon whispered back, “What do you mean?”

“I’m the guardian of dreams, Damon. I can see what our little ponies dream about. Whenever I see these two dreaming about finally being honest with one another, this is basically how they have always dreamt for several months how the other would say it. To be truthful it has been annoying me greatly that neither one has just ‘mared’ up and told the other.”

Pinchy giggled softly, “So my mummy and Colgate really do like each other then?”

“Indeed, little one,” Luna replied.

“I knew it!” Pinchy grinned.

“Told ya, Pinches,” Damon snickered.

The three remained on their perch, watching down at the two mares conversing over dinner. Every now and again, Damon would use his magic like before to levitate the wine bottle over to their glasses in order to re-fill them. The skeleton sighed happily as he watched the two enjoying themselves, Luna noticed his smile and nudged him gently.

“You did good, Damon,” She smiled.

“Yeah!” Pinchy agreed.

“Thanks, after all that mare’s done for me. I figured I could give her back something, and when I saw how she and Colgate would often look at one another one thing led to another. I’m just giving them a little nudge out of the door they have kept their true feelings behind for so long.”

Pinchy nuzzled into Damon’s head and sniffled happily, “Now I can have two awesome mummies…”

Damon chuckled and pulled Pinchy of his head and gave her a soft and warm cuddle, smiling down at the two mares.

“Well… that meal was delicious. But not as much as the company,” Berry giggled.

Colgate blushed and giggled back, “I do believe you’re a little tipsy, Miss Berry.”

“Maybe…” Berry giggled again, “But seriously, I really had a good time with you,”

“Same here… we need t-to do this—”

Colgate was interrupted by a bright light that whizzed over the night sky. The two mares got up from the table and walked over to the edge of the balcony looking into the night sky, gasping as they watched several meteorites rush past, the trails illuminating in the sky.

“Wow…” Berry whispered.

As the two watched, Luna smiled happily, her horn glowing, as she continued to guide the meteorites across her night sky. Making sure each every single one of them glowed as brightly as they could. Damon watched before placing Pinch on Luna’s head carefully and standing up, rubbing his hands together.

“We just need one last thing…”

Before Luna or Pinchy could say anything, Damon gently clapped his hands together and held them out with the palms point upwards. Soon after, a loud screeching sound echoed in the night as a trail of fire and sparks rocketed into the sky before exploding into a variety of several colours. This was soon followed by several rockets being launched into the air and exploding, making the sky light up in a beautiful array of colours and patterns. Ponies outside the main hall of the castle where the gala was being held watched in awe at the spectacle.

Colgate and Berry watched with foalish delight at the fireworks before their eyes fell on each other. They both stared at one another, their faces being half illuminated by the fireworks. They both began to feel a strange wave of courage wash over them, probably helped by the alcohol.

They both knew it was now or never.

“Colgate…” Berry started.

“Yeah, Berry… ?” Colgate replied.

There was a silence between the two before they both spoke at the same time, “There’ something I’ve really been wanting to tell you!”

They both covered their own mouths with their hooves.

“You first,” they both said.

“No, after you,” They said at the same time again.

Damon wanted to slap his face in frustration.

One of you just say it! he thought.

The two mares remained silent again for a moment as they continued to stare into each others eyes, lost in them.

Now or never! they both thought at the same time.

“I love you!” They both blurted out.

Instantly, they brought their hooves over their mouths and their eyes widened. Berry and Colgate just stared at each other as the three on the roof leaned in, hearts beating, well two anyway, in anticipation.

Without another word, the two mares slowly leaned in and closed their eyes, locking their lips as the fireworks exploded rapidly in the night sky. Luna and Pinchy gave a silent cheer and hugged one another as Damon jumped up and punched the sky.

But the lich suddenly yelped loudly as he lost his footing and fell down the roof before Luna could react. He cried out as he fell off the roof and smashed into the table, breaking it and sending wood, glass and everything else everywhere. The noise startled the two mare’s passionate kiss and they jumped, spinning around to see Damon on his back, groaning.

“D-Damon?!” Berry gawked.

“Uh… hey, you two… nice evening, isn’t it?” He said with a meek smile.

As the two mares looked at him with a glare that could turn a cockatrice to stone. Pinchy and Luna merely facehoofed.

Bigger version of the cover art.

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