• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,796 Views, 1,601 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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The Sun and the Moon (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

by Steel Soul

The Sun and the Moon

Green to start music and red to stop music

Fluttershy tried her best to hide the blush on her cheeks as she placed a cup of tea within Sora's hooves, the poor mare releasing a squeak of embarrassment at the word of thanks the stallion had given her.

"Y-You're welcome..." the shy mare responded, looking away from the stallion.

She knew that he was being interrogated by her friends, but that still didn’t mean that he had to go without good hospitality. Besides, pouring him a cup of tea was the least she could do for the stallion after he had saved her from those… those shadows.

Still, she covered up her reasons for helping him by making her way around the room and pouring tea for everypony else present. It lessened the effect of her gesture, at least to her, but still provided her with at least some ease.

Twilight too thanked the shy pegasus before taking a sip of the hot beverage, placing it upon the table beside her when she was done. Her purple eyes then turned to Sora, whose gaze was that of uncertainty. She had so many questions for him. Actual shadows attacking ponies all of a sudden with no real reason is strange in itself, but this stallion being able to fight them off isn’t something one should ignore either. Not to mention that It always seems like he is hiding something from her. She could just feel it every time she talked to him. Her need to know made her more anxious than usual. She needed to know what they were dealing with. Not just with the shadows, but with him as well; if not for her sake, then for the sake of all of Equestria.

“OK then, Sora,” Twilight began. “I know this might seem a bit...well...Mean to you, and I don’t want to lessen what you did to help my friend Fluttershy. Celestia knows that you saved her...” The mare’s gaze became like steel.. “Be that as it may, she said you knew what they were. You being here and them attacking ponies is something that I don’t think I can call a coincidence. So, do you mind telling us who or what in the hay those things were?”

Sora set his cup down, doing his best not to spill it as he did so. He gave a heavy sigh before looking between the seven pairs of eyes looking at him expectantly. He was glad that the fillies from earlier were fast asleep by the time they had reached Twilight’s library, Applebloom opting to rest under the orange mare that was named Applejack, Sweetie Belle lying next to Rarity, and Scootaloo laying by herself on the other end of the couch, curled into a little ball of orange fur. Each one’s gentle snores were the only constant noise within the confines of the tree. He did not want to involve any of these girls in this long going war, let alone little children, ironically enough, but he did at least owe them some type of explanation. One of them was attacked, after all.

With some reluctance, he began with a single phrase. “They’re called Heartless.”

Twilight's ears perked and she shivered ever so slightly. “Heartless…” She let the name roll around on her tongue. Sure she had heard from Fluttershy already that Sora had called them that, but the name still made her feel uneasy for some reason.

“Yeah. Heartless. They are...Um...” The caramel stallion folded his arms about his chest and closed his eyes. After a few moments, he opened them again. “How did the Master explain this again? Oh! I know. Let me ask this. What's a heart?”

Twilight pondered for a second before answering. “Well, a heart is a vital organ within somepony’s body. It is a cardiac muscle composed of four inner chambers. The chambers are responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. The circulating blood delivers important nutrients and oxygen to tissues while bringing back toxins and wastes for filtering. The heart is also fired by electrical impulses.” the lavender unicorn smiled brightly. “OH! A little factoid as it were! The four chambers of the heart are called atria and ventricles. The atria are located at the top half and the ventricles on the bottom. The left side of the heart is responsible for circulating oxygenated blood into the body, while the right side takes deoxygenated blood and pumps it back into the lungs. It's always so fascinating to..." She smiled expectantly towards everypony before frowning at the blank looks they were all giving her. "What?"

Sora rubbed the back of his head. “I...ah...Don’t think that's what I mean. I was talking more about...hmm” He paused as he placed a hoof to his chest. “I meant more like feelings in the heart. Like when someone says to follow your heart or something like that.” He smiled sheepishly. “Sorry...My master explains it a lot better then I can.”

Fluttershy raised her hoof like a little school filly before asking. “You said master...What do you mean by that? ...if you don't mind me asking, that is.”

“Oh! Master Yin Sid is a former keyblade master I’m training under. He’s kinda strange and kinda mean but he always knows everything and everyone trusts him.”

A cyan mare, who Sora has yet to be introduced to, blew a bit of her rainbow colored mane out of her face. “Really deep there, buddy.”

“Well to be fair, Dash,” Applejack chimed in. “Don’t we do the same thing for the Princesses? Ah mean trust her and she knows stuff and what not.”

Rainbow huffed as she looked away, not quite knowing how to come back with a good snappy remark to her friends' words except, “Whatever…”

The boy rubbed the back of his head with a hoof once again. “Anyway, if I actually remember what he said correctly, He told us that peo-ah...ponies are composed of three things. The heart, which contains emotions, the soul, which carries out the heart’s orders, and...umm... The body, that serves as a vessel to the heart and the soul.”

Twilight, who had been quietly writing all that she heard, spoke up. “It...sounds strange but...What you’re saying actually makes some sort of sense in a in-direct, simplified sort of way, but what does that have to do with the Heartless?”

“Well,” Sora continued, “The heartless steal hearts from other creatures, which in turn, makes them into heartless as well.”

Rarity shuddered as she pulled a now visibly shivering Fluttershy closer to her as everyone within the room began to realize just how lucky the poor mare was that Sora was there to save her if what he said was true.

Applejack was next to speak, patting the sleeping Applebloom on the head as she did so. “If that’s the case, sugarcube, then why are they appearing now? I’ve never seen anything like them in all my years of living.”

“And I’ve never read anything about these creatures in any of my books.” Twilight added, still quite shaken. “Believe me I would know. I read them all.”

Rainbow flew toward Sora and started to poke his chest with a hoof. “Kinda odd since they only appeared here after you showed up, isn’t it?” There was an accusing tone to her voice that Sora did not like one bit. “How do we know that you're not the one who made them show up, huh?”

Rarity looked aghast at the accusation. “Rainbow! He’s the one who saved Fluttershy! Even if he was somehow responsible for bringing them here, which I highly doubt I might add, he has taken responsibility and made up for it two fold.”

“Oh please! Do you hear yourself Raras” Rainbow spat. “Just because you’re the first to fall for a pretty face doesn’t mean I have to trust him too! For all we know he could be a spy!” Both Rarity and Spike growled at the cyan mare, for different reasons to be sure. Pinkie, on the other hoof, jumped onto Rainbow’s back from above, tackling her to the ground.

“Oh, you mean how like me, Spike, and Twilight were when we snuck into Canterlot? We were all dressed in black and sneaking around and I was laughing and laughing and laughing the whole way. Oh! That reminds me, I still have to buy a flugelhorn at Jack’s Joke Shop for back at the Cakes’ bakery. Though the Cakes said I'm not allowed to play back at the bakery due to the twins being there. So now I'll just have to set it on my desk with all of my other stuff I’ve collected over the years. Like my foam finger and the Grand Galloping Gala Ticket and Pandora’s box and an orange ball with 3 stars on it and my safety net and -”

"Wait!" Twilight interrupted as her ears perked up. "What did you say just now?"

“My safety net.” Pinkie answered happily.

“No, before that.”

“My foam finger?”

“No… Wait… I… Oh, never mind. We’re getting off topic here anyway.” The lavender mare sighed tiredly. Regaining her composure, she turned to Sora. “I… really don’t know what to think of all this right now, Sora, but if you say they are bad news, then for now, I can believe you. And since you did save my friend, I can at least trust that hurting us or any other pony isn’t what you want to do. I do want answers, however, and I plan on getting them one way or another. I was planning on waiting a while, to see what I could gleam from you myself but now...We can’t not let the Princesses know what is going on here." She turned to the little purple dragon that was by her side. “Spike! Take a letter."


Sora blew his breath upon the window he stared out of, collecting a sizable amount of condensation upon it. A change in scenery was always good to soothe a troubled mind. A train ride even more so. The gentle clack of the train’s movement seemed to set his soul at ease somewhat. Maybe it had something to do with his time in Twilight Town. Or...was that Roxas. In any case, he allowed his mind to catch up on events. He, Twilight, and the others were summoned to arrive at their earliest convenience after Twilight had sent that letter via Spikemail, which was strange in itself but he didn’t question it. She had requested to meet him though and that was kinda worrying. He had never really had the best time dealing with those in charge. Donald would always give him an earful whenever he didn’t do his due diligence when talking with King Mickey. How was he supposed to remember to always bow or what not. Riku never does anyway.

The boy closed his eyes and sighed deeply, his mind swimming with uncertainty and slight dread at what might happen. Sure, he was tired; waking up at seven in the morning after a long night of partying and fighting would put anyone in a dour mood, but he would always have to conduct himself in a “Stallion like manor!” as Twilight had put it.

It didn’t help matters that this “Princess Celestia” was a goddess.

Well, goddess might be pushing it, but that’s what his line of thinking came to when Twilight fully explained who Princess Celestia and Luna were. Sora had seen worlds of water and islands in the sky; he had traveled dangerous seas and had flown to the farthest reaches of space, but never in all of his travels had he ever heard of a being literally able to bring the day and night at will. It was a little disconcerting.

He had to admit that moving the sun and moon the way they do does sound a little cool. Riku and Kairi would be…

Sora’s gaze shifted towards the ground at the thought of his two friends, a solemn moment passing before he regained his composure.

Still he did learn something valuable. Two simple facts that he would never forget.

Number one: Twilight loved to lecture.

He’d never seen someone so enthralled by just informing someone with the information they had. He had to admit, it surprised him to see her so happy about it. It made him happy to see her smile.

The second thing he learned: Never interrupt Twilight’s lecture.

Such a mistake would never be made again by the caramel stallion. Never… ever… again. He shuddered at the result of coming to said conclusion. Maleficent could not even hold a candle to this girl’s fury.

His gaze would shift back towards the window lazily, being greeted by a pair of deep blue irises staring back at him.

Wait… that’s not right. A window should reflect, not stare back.


Sora yelped in startled surprise as he fell back into the walkway of the train, the sight of Pinkie Pie on the other side of the window he had just been looking out of completely surprising the poor boy. Pinkie giggled happily and opened the window, carefully sliding through it and plopping her flank on the seat that Sora had just occupied.

“Whoops! Sorry, Sora,” the pink party mare apologized in a far too happy tone. “I was just trying to surprise you, but it looks like I somehow managed to startle you instead.”

Sora, to his credit, just smiled back at his new companion. “It's okay. Just wasn’t expecting it at all.” He lifted himself up and sat next to her. “I’m sorry for being startled instead of surprised.”

Pinkie smiled brighter than ever as he did so. “Apology accepted!”

After a few moments of silence between the two of them, the boy would ask, “So… do you need something, Pinkie?”

Her gaze then fell upon him and she began to breathe in. No...That wasn’t right. It was more like she just cast a spell on him and was sucking his very being into her body. He could barely move or speak. Thoughts seemed to jumble within him as every inch of his being screamed at him to make a run for it before it was too late. He didn’t know why though. This mare had been nothing but kind to him. Free food. Free party. Free hugs. She was the living definition of good first impressions. And yet...

Sora would notice that Pinkie Pie had finished sucking up all life-giving oxygen all around her.

And then she did the only logical thing left for her to do.

She talked.


“That should keep him busy for a while,” Rainbow snickered.

She and the other four mares sat in the back of the train and watched as Pinkie began to talk about anything and everything that came to her mind. From cakes to ladders, nothing was too minor or major for her topic of choice. Rainbow felt a tinge of gratification as she watched Sora’s reaction. The stallion seemed to have already been broken by the first few rapid subjects the pink party pony had thrown his way, only able to stare at the mare with wide eyes and a scrunched muzzle.

Twilight sighed as she watched the mare and the stallion as well. “Hopefully he’ll be fully recovered by the time we reach Canterlot. We need him at least semi coherent when he meets the princesses. Now then, onto the subject of our mysteries friend.” She motioned toward Sora. “What do you girls think of him?”

“I don’t trust him!” Rainbow harrumphed.

“I do believe you made that clear already, Rainbow,” Twilight responded.

“At the train station,” Applejack continued.

“And the library this morning.” Rarity rolled her eyes.

“Last night as well…” Fluttershy whispered.

Rainbow blinked. “Oh. So yeah, that’s my verdict. What do you think, Fluttershy?”

The shy pegasus blushed brightly when she was called upon. “W-well… I don’t know, he seems like a nice pony. And while I do think he’s hiding something, he doesn't seem like a pony who would hurt another pony. He may seem really reluctant to share the information he had with us...but...I think he wants to try to protect us from whatever is going on-”

“Or maybe he’s just trying to lull you into a false sense of security,” Rainbow spat.

Fluttershy continued, despite the interruption. “Still… I… I think I can trust him.” That answer somewhat surprised the mares.

“I think he is a proper gentlecolt as well,” Rarity mused. “and he has yet to prove to me otherwise. He may be a little naïve here and there but he has my complete and utter trust.”

“Nice or not there is one thing ah agree with Fluttershy on. Sora does seem to know a lot more than he’s letting on.” Applejack folded her forehooves about her chest. “He may not have lied to us, but he ain't tellin’ the whole truth either.” She turned her gaze toward the window, watching the land pass her by. “Now, ah don’t know if ah can trust him or not, and ah don’t know if those monsters - those Heartless - were there because of him neither, but he did save Fluttershy, and ah can’t ignore somethin’ like that. Ah won’t judge that pony before ah get to know ‘em. Ma vote will be abstained till then.”

“So that’s two for trusting, one for not trusting and one indecisive.” She used her magic to pop out a quill and paper next to her, marking down her findings. “I, myself, believe that he can’t be trusted right now. Too many unanswered questions for my taste.” She marked the untrusting box once more. “So right now, it’s a tie.”

“What about Pinkie?”

At Rainbows question they all turned to where the mare was sitting, her mouth still moving a mile a minute. The topic seemed to have been diverted to dirt somehow. Sora seemed to have been frozen in place, his left and right eye slowly but surely moving away from each other as if trying to escape the onslaught of Pinkie’s... Pinkieness.

“Yeah… let’s just leave her for now.” Twilight said. “Anyway, we can at least all agree to watch him for now, yes? At least until we see the princesses.”

“Of course, darling. I’ll be watching him very closely.”

“Darn tootin’.”

“He won’t be able to escape the eyes of The Dash.”

“I… I don’t mind watching him… I mean, if that’s OK with you guys…”

“Good.” Twilight smiled broadly. “Once we meet the princesses, we can finally solve the mystery that is Sora the Keybearer in no time.”


Ugh...And I thought Donald was the talkative one...”

Sora trotted beside the yellow pegasus, keeping his voice low so as to not to be heard. He silently ranted to her about the last two hours he had been subjected to the mare that was named Pinkie Pie. He could feel his brain physically decaying as he listened to the mare’s non-stop talking. He was able to regain his composure, however, when he was jutted from his Pinkie-induced coma by the sudden stop of the train. His body had regained its ability to move, and move it did, doing its level best to distance itself from the mare as quickly as possible. He was thankful that she had let him go, for he knew that he was at her mercy before and would have been again if she so chose.

That thought scared him very deeply.

The other girls had walked a bit ahead of them, with Rainbow Dash hovering in the sky, close enough to Sora and Fluttershy so that she could react if need be and listen in on them, but far enough away so that she didn’t have to partake in their conversation. Though she was trying her best not to laugh at Sora’s expense.

“Um…” Fluttershy’s gaze kept shifting from the ground of the streets of Canterlot to caramel stallion himself as she spoke. “Sorry about Pinkie. She can get very excitable sometimes.” She knew that they had used Pinkie to distract him for a good reason but It still made her feel bad about it. “I hope you don’t hate her. She really is a nice mare.”

Sora shook his head. “I don’t hate her, Fluttershy. I don't think I ever could to be honest. I was just surprised by...well...her.” He smiled lightly. “Anyways...this place, you guys called it Canterlot, right?" At the shy mare's nod he smiled. "It is really amazing. I've been to a few castles before but this one is just...well...On a whole different level.”

His head would turn every which way, taking in the sights Equestira's Capital. He couldn’t help but look in awe at the city he and the others were strolling through. Fancy buildings littered the streets, and well-dressed ponies, mostly unicorns, passed by them with little notice. He couldn’t help but notice that most of the ponies had their muzzle in the air with their eyes closed. He was starting to wonder how they did that. Could they even see where they were going?

“Well, I guess okay… I don’t really like coming here that much though. Its so big and scary...and really different from what I'm use to.” She lowered her head slightly.

Sora tilted his head slightly. “Really?" He paused as he tapped hoof to his chin. “Well I guess I can see where you are coming from. But you can’t say that you’re not excited.”

“E-excited? I don't...I mean...”

Sora beamed. “Yeah! Especially when you are with your friends. Even if you’re scared, with your friends by your side you can overcome anything and have fun doing it.”

“I...Um…” Fluttershy’s eyes met his, causing her to blush a little. “D-Do you really think so?”

Sora nodded, “Sure do. I remember when I was eight; I was lost in the forest near my village with my friend Riku.” He shook his head as he smiled. “He dared me to go in with him, to prove that I wasn’t a scaredy cat.”

“Oh my!" Fluttershy gasped in shock. "That’s just so mean of your friend.”

“Well, yeah, I guess so, but I really don't think he meant anything by it for real. That's just kinda how we were back then.” He chuckled. “He and I entered into the forest and instantly became lost. It was very scary, to be sure. I think I was so scared I almost started cry.” The caramel stallion kept his gaze forward as he spoke. “I still remember what he told me when he saw that I was scared, though.”

“W-what was that?” Fluttershy asked with gaining interest.

Sora smiled lightly. “He told me that even if we got lost in there forever, I’d always have him by my side. So shut up and stop whining.” Sora laughed softly at the memory. “He told me that even though he had tears in his eyes too...But...It did make me feel better cause I had my best friend Riku by my side.”

“I...well...Don't like that your friend called you names but…” She smiled as well. “I can see that he must have been a very good friend to you in the end.”

“Yeah… Good friend…” Sora lowered his head slightly. “So what does that make me?”

“Sora?” Fluttershy strained her ears, not quite catching what he said.

“Oh! I-It’s nothing, Fluttershy!” He pointed a hoof straight ahead. “Come on, we’re falling behind.” She looked forward to see an annoyed Rainbow Dash floating with her forehooves crossed. “I really don’t think I want to keep her waiting. I think I’m already your friend's list as it is.” He nudged her side slightly with his flank, thinking nothing of it, before running off ahead of her. Unknown to him, Fluttershy's wings twitched ever so slightly after the contact.

“Oh… M-My…”


Sora’s eyes widened as his little group neared the gates of the castle. This was not the first castle he had ever been to, not by a long shot, and each one he saw was just as amazing as the last. Still, the palace of Canterlot was just plain magnificent. Polished white flooring and tile seemed to make the clopping of his hooves louder than he expected. Columns of grand design supported beautifully designed ceilings he could never have imagined. Grand decorations accented many, if not all of the rooms he passed. What really caught his eyes, however, were the stained glass windows, the beams of sunlight shining through them, strengthening the effect of their brilliance. He watched as many ponies seemed to busy themselves doing one thing or another. It was all rather impressive to the wayward stallion.

So wrapped up was he in the scene that he scarcely knew that someone was behind him until…

“Welcome to Canterlot, Twilight and company.”

Sora yelped as he jumped high in the air, his wings flaring outward in surprise. He was able to flap them once before falling back to the ground with a resounding thud. He lay sprawled out on the ground, blushing brightly in embarrassment as the gruff laughter of Rainbow Dash reached his ears.

“Oh? Um… Sorry about that. Didn’t mean to scare ya.”

Sora looked up to find a mare with silver royal guard armor standing in front of him. Her coat was pure white and her eyes bright amber. She looked rather young, probably in her early twenties. A horn poked from the top of her head. He could tell that she was very sincere with her apology, but it still bugged him that she still seemed very amused with his reaction.

“Dream Drop.” Twilight smiled broadly. Whether it was for the newcomer or at Sora’s expense, he would never know. “It’s good to see you.”

“Same to you, Twilight. All the guards miss seeing ya around the castle now that you’ve gone to Ponyville.” She looked between everypony behind the lavender unicorn. “These must be your friends. The other Elements of Harmony, am I right?”

“Yes. Allow me to introduce you...” She went through all of her friends’ names, ending with Fluttershy. She then pointed a hoof at the stallion who had yet to get off the ground. “And this is Sora. We’re taking him to meet the princesses.”

Dream Drop smiled and held a hoof toward the downed stallion. “It’s a pleasure, Sora. You must feel so lucky to be surrounded by all these mares. I hope you’re taking good care of them.” She gave him a sly wink.

Sora tilted his head as he looked at the mare in question. “Well, it's more like they’ve been helping me. But if they are ever in trouble, you can bet I’ll be there to save them.”

“Pfft,” Rainbow waved a hoof dismissively. “I can take care of myself just fine. We don't need him.”

“Is that so?” Dream Drop smiled shrewdly and draped a hoof around Sora’s neck, drawing him uncomfortably close to her. “Well if that’s the case, then you wouldn’t mind if I took him off you hooves?” she smiled wryly, “I really wouldn’t mind a minute or two with such a cute little stallion of a pegasus.”

Many displayed upon the small group, most of which were either shock, confusion or disdain, and coming from all but two of the mares in the group.

In Pinkie’s case, it was blissful happiness.

In Twilight's case, it was utter annoyance.

The lavender unicorn just rolled her eyes before saying, “Dream Drop, I know you like to tease ponies but now is not the time for jokes. We need to see the Princesses for a really important matter.”

Dream Drop pouted at Twilight’s words “Ugh, Fine. Same old studious Twilight, I see. You really need to pay more attention to the stallions around you.” She looked back toward Sora. “Or else you’ll miss all the good ones.” She made her way to the front and motioned for them to follow her.

Rarity opted to walk alongside Sora, a menacing glare etched across her features. “Really! Who does she think she is, treating you like that? Very uncouth indeed.” She turned to look toward the stallion. “Are you OK, darling? Did she hurt you in any way?”

“Ah… No… I’m fine.” The poor colt touched a hoof to his cheek, feeling the warmth off them. She called me cute? Am I cute? Actually I never really looked at my face...like...really looked I guess...I guess I could be cute. And she was really cute to-

Sora squeaked at what he was thinking just now.

Why am I thinking that a pony was cute? Well the ponies are cute. Shockingly so. It's more than that though. They are cute, but it really felt different with that guard pony...Dream Drop right?

The keybearer shook his head before turning to Rarity. He didn’t know why, but this line of thinking was...Well...He didn’t know what it was but he really needed a distraction.

“Hey, Rarity, what are the Elements of Harmony?”

Rarity gasped. “You mean you don’t know?” At the shake of his head, she continued with a thoughtful look. “I guess that’s not too surprising. It hasn’t been that long since they reappeared after all and honestly not too many ponies know about them anyway.” A smile appeared on her face as she turned back to face him. “The Elements, Laughter, Loyalty, Generosity, Kindness, Honesty, and Magic, represent the spirit of friendship. My friends and I are the Element’s vessels.”

Sora nodded in understanding. “So, which one are you?”

“Well, I am Generosity, of course.” She flipped her hair back, giving him a kind smile. “I’m always giving to my friends, no matter what.” She eyed him expectedly.

The young stallion smiled widely. “Should have known. You really helped me out back in Ponyville. And all for nothing too. Honestly I still feel a little bad not pay you.”

“Oh Pish Posh!” Rarity waved with a hoof. “Parish that thought my dear. I was happy to help you and I won’t have you owing me anything. Honestly I got quite a bit from you anyway from your clothing design. Besides, helping and trusting my friends is something I will always do. And that extends to you too.”

Sora’s eyes widened. “Friends? With Me?”

She allowed her flank to nudge his own, causing the pegasus’s wings to twitch and his cheeks to lighten.

“Sora, you are a kind gentlecolt. I could see that the first time I met you.” She looked away from him and towards the girls in front. “You may have your secrets, that much I do know, but honestly, I can tell that you are a good pony and if nothing else, I think I can trust you. Think you can trust me?”

Sora lowered his head slightly at her words. “I...Do. Honestly, all of you have been more than kind to me...but…”

She raised an eyebrow and nodded once. “I understand.” She walked off ahead of him, but not before looking over her shoulder. “If you ever need somepony to talk to, my door is always open, Sora.” She gave him one quick wink before heading off to join the rest of her friends.

“Trusting my friends…” Sora said softly. “Did...they not trust me?” He sighed softly before following after the others.


Though there were only a few ponies within the throne chamber that were interesting to look at, Sora knew exactly who the two that were in charge around here. The dark one was the first one he noticed as soon as he had walked into the beautiful room. She was midnight blue in color with a mane that looked as though it were the night sky itself, flowing endlessly by some unseen force. Despite her tired expression, she seemed to carry a bit of an air about her; not haughty or arrogant, but prim and proper. She seemed to be looking toward the group… no… wait… She was looking at him with a curious gaze. He tilted his head and smiled, causing the dark mare’s eyes to widen slightly before she turned her face to a neutral expression.

He continued to stare, however, causing a partly concealed blush to appear on her face. The mare turned her face away from him and closed her eyes, making him even more confused than before.

Leaving the dark one be, he turned his gaze to the other mare. Taller than the dark one, she had the same sparkling flowing mane, but this one glowed of three different pastel colors, almost like a diluted rainbow but not at all less beautiful. She held a smile that seemed to shine just as brightly as the sun that he knew that she controlled. Upon seeing Sora and the others, she stood from her throne and slowly made her way toward them, the midnight blue pony following soon after.

“Twilight, my most faithful student, so good to see you and your friends.”

“Princess Celestia. Princess Luna.” Everypony bowed low before the monarch.

Everypony, that is, except Sora.

His eyes went wide at the sound of the now familiar voice and then narrowed a second later as he continued to stare at white pony.

No way… It… it can’t be, but…

A nagging feeling tickled the back of his mind. He could not stop himself from looking towards her flank. Upon it was a symbol he had seen before. The symbol of a beautifully crafted sun. The same sun that was upon that door that bright him to this world.

He went to step forward, but was stopped as something probed inside of his mind. It felt powerful, yet gentle, both at the same time. He stopped in his tracks as he felt a voice talking to him; not from his ears, but from inside his head.

Be still, little Keybearer. We will talk in due time.

His gaze met the white one’s own and her head tilted slightly as they stared at one another. Despite his growing concern, he did as he was told. Despite that however, so many questions started to race though his mind.


The caramel stallion stiffened at the sound of his name and looked to the side of him to find a very angry-looking lavender unicorn staring straight up at him from her bowed position.

“What are you doing?! Bow!”

It took him a second to register what she had said, and when he did he found himself dipping into a bow like them. In his haste, however, he seemed to overextend himself and quite forcibly hit his forehead upon the marble floor. A muted thud and a hardly audible ‘ow’ were the only indications that he felt anything from his motions at all.

The sun princess stifled a giggle before she spoke. “Please rise, my little ponies, no need to be so formal. We have much to discuss after all.” As everypony rose, Celestia made her way to Twilight and nuzzled her affectionately before turning to Sora. “I was told a lot about you in Twilight’s letter, Sora. If it is any indication, it was you who saved Fluttershy from a terrible fate.”

“Yeah...I mean yes Ma’am.” the young stallion stuttered.

She smiled again as she made her way in front of him. “Then please accept my thanks in the matter. I would be remiss if anything ill befell any of my little ponies.” She dipped her head, allowing her gaze to be level with his own.

Sora just blushed and looked away, scratching the back of his head bashfully. “It was nothing, really. I couldn’t let someone get hurt if I knew I could protect them.” He was used to helping others. He would do so all the time. It was another matter to be thanked for doing so. He never did quite get used to that.

“Be that as it may, I am in your debt, as I am sure young Fluttershy is as well.” A high squeak sounded to her right, but she ignored it. Instead she closed her eyes and sighed deeply. “I fear, though, that what was mentioned in Twilight’s letter must be discussed with haste. What I have feared has been confirmed to its fullest extent I am afraid. That ‘He’ has indeed returned to Equestria.”

“Wait, what?!” Twilight could not help herself. “What do you mean returned?! Who’s returned?!

Celestia turned to walk past Sora and the others. She stopped when she reached the middle of the throne room and turned her head back to face them. Despite all of her years of practice at keeping her emotions in check, the princess could not help but sigh in despair. Her voice, when she spoke, was filled with the same emotion. “The Dark King of the Crystal Kingdom… Sombra.”

Author's Note:

Edited by Nightmareknight

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