• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,794 Views, 1,601 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Sweet Apple Fight Night (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Sweet Apple Fight Night

Green to start music and red to stop music

Sweet Apple Acres...

Sora's eyes snapped open as he sat up from bed.

Something didn’t feel right.

The Keyblade Wielder rolled out of bed, landing on his hooves as he did so. After hastily donning his attire he made his way down from the attic to the second floor hallway. He glanced out a nearby window, noticing that while the sky was still dark, it held a hint of orange hue on the horizon, signaling the beginning of yet another day. Despite the calmness of the setting however, the gnawing feeling of uneasiness plagued him relentlessly.

I gotta be paranoid. Everything was peaceful and nothing seemed out of place…at least from where he was standing. Still...something seems...off?

Sora needed to rid his thoughts of the uneasiness that he felt and only one course of action came to mind. He knocked tenderly on the door leading to Applejack’s room, hoping to gain some sort of response. When nobody came he knocked again, a little louder than before. “AJ? Are you in there?” Once again no one answered. With his apprehension, he moved on to Big Mac’s room and repeated the process. He was once again met with silence.

Sitting on his haunches, the stallion crossed his forelegs and closed his eyes.

“So they’re not here. They’re farmers. Farmers usually begin their day bright and early, right? They have to be outside. So everything is fine…right?” The feeling of foreboding still lingered within his heart. “Its gotta be nothing...I'm just..."


The sound of a girl’s voice caused the boy to look to his side. He found Applebloom peering from behind an open door. The little filly’s pink bow was understandably absent and she held the remnants of sleep in her eyes. She rubbed said eyes before exiting her room completely. “What’s going on?”

Sora looked around nervously as he answered the filly. “Hey Applebloom. I didn't wake ya did I?"

The little filly shook her head as she looked up towards the stallion. "No...Just woke up ma'self."

Sora nodded, looking away from the filly for only a moment before turning to face her once again. "Say, have ya seen your sister around?”

“Applejack?” She looked behind herself. “It’s about five now, so she might be in the barn. She and Big Mac always start the day early.”

“The barn…got it.” He made his way to the staircases before stopping. After a small mental battle within him, he turned back to towards the little filly and placed a hoof on her head. “Applebloom, I know this is gonna sound weird, but...I need you to go back into your room. Stay there and do not come out until somepony you know comes to get you, ok?”

Applebloom raised an eyebrow at the stallion. “Wha…? Sora what do ya mean?”

He smiled back at her trying to reassure her as much as possible. “Could you just do as I say, for now at least? There's something I gotta go check up on.”

While the little filly did blush at the smile he gave her, she couldn’t help but give him an apprehensive look. Something was wrong and she wanted to know what. However, something in the back of her mind told her to listen to Sora. Nodding in agreement, Applebloom returned to her room and quietly closed the door, leaving Sora alone once again.

The stallion made his way outside in a flash, frantically looking for any signs of trouble. He could still feel it. Something was definitely not right, but he couldn't quite place what it was. “Ok, Sora. Here you are worrying a little girl about something your gut is telling you. It may very well be nothing at all but...”

He made a beeline to the barn, kicking up dust as he went. “I really hope I’m wrong…”


Applejack struggled against the bonds that held her. She could feel the strength of whatever held her increase against all four of her hooves. As she tried with all of her might to free herself, the farm-mare caught a glimpse of her brother struggling to rise to his hooves, a claw wound to his side seeping blood onto the hay filled ground. The look of helplessness in his eyes only conveyed to her the truth she already knew; they were in trouble. The dark tentacles slowly pulled her towards a billowing blotch of darkness, determined to drag her into its unwelcoming abyss. She screamed with all of her might, but it was all for naught due to her muzzle being gagged by the darkness that held her.

No! She screamed in her mind. Ah can’t give up! B-but I can’t get free! Darn it! Why can’t ah get free!

She closed her eyes as she edged ever closer to the dark portal, her limbs struggling in protest. N-no…Ah…P-please… her weaking body screamed for her to free itself, but it was to no avail. She was trapped. And she knew it. Ah can’t go…not like this…


Applejack opened her eyes at the sound of the voice, but quickly closed them as a flash of light blurred her vision. She could feel something gripping her tightly, the feel of soft fur brushed tightly against her own. She stuttered slightly as the sight of a familer caramel stallion holding on to her. “W-what in tarnation…Sora...?”

“Applejack! Are you ok?!”

"Ah...Ah'm fine...thanks for the save partner."

“Yeah...” He gave her a small smile. “Sorry for coming so late by the way. You’re not hurt are you?”

She shook her head no before pointing towards where the older apple sibling was. “Ah'm not! But Big Mac! He’s the one in trouble! Took a hit hard to his side!”

Releasing Applejack, Sora summoned the keyblade in a flash of light, turning his attention towards a set of pony shaped heartless rising from the shadows on ground. “Right...Go make sure he’s okay. I’ll be the one to take care of things here.” Not waiting for a response, Sora jumped toward the crowd of heartless, brandishing his weapon expertly in his maw.

Applejack watched him for a second before she got to her hooves and galloped to her downed sibling. “Big Mac! Are ya’ll alright?!”

The red stallion nodded. “Eeyup. It looks a lot worse than it is.” He gaze shifted downward. “I fended them off as best ah could but ah…ah couldn’t.” He glared at Applejack. “Why didn’t ya run when ah told ya to run? Why didn’t ya listen, AJ?“

Applejack frowned at her big brother, shocked that he would even ask. “What? And leave my family to face those…things. Ya know ah wouldn’t do that!”

“What if ya got hurt? Or worse!” He gritted his teeth in frustration at the stubborn mare. “Besides, ya saw that thing wanted you. Ah tried to give ya a chance to escape as best ah could.”

“Well ya should’ve been more worried about yourself.” Her gaze shifted toward his side. “Look at ya. We need to tend to that wound.”

“Ah don’t care what happens to me so long as you’re safe, AJ!” Macintosh lowered his head once again. “Ah promised them that ah would be there for you…”

Applejack reared back slightly at the statement before looking away, a scowl on her features. "Macintosh…ah…know that…B-but…Ah couldn't just leave ya here." She shot her gaze back down at the stallion. "Not with those things. Not when you coulda died.”

He shook his head. “Well ya stop being stubborn for one second and Listen. Just forget about me and run. Your friend might…not… ” Big Mac’s eyes grew in size as he watched what he beheld in front of him, his mouth refusing to shut.

Applejack turned just in time to see Sora whip his head upwards, sending the tip of his Keyblade into the jaw of one of the monsters. The heartless was flung high into the sky, rendering it helpless as he moved on to another one of its kind. The one that currently held his attention tried to take a swipe at him with its claw-filled hoof but was met with thin air. Sora had slid under the monster stopping just short of its belly. He kicked his hind legs upward catching the heartless in the gut and sending it airborne as well. Just as the first heartless began to fall back to the ground, Sora returned to a vertical base and launched toward the dark creature.

Gripping it around its neck with his hooves, Sora twirled in place, spinning faster and faster. When he felt that he could go no faster he released the heartless, causing it to crash into the second one that had just begun its descent. They were only in midair for a second before they were both struck with a flung Keyblade, effectively cutting them both in half and releasing their red crystal hearts. Before they even hit the ground, their bodies dissipated, leaving nothing left but their memory.

The slightly exhausted stallion turned to the two farm-ponies. “Is everybody ok?”

Big Mac and Applejack both nodded, too dumbstruck with awe to answer Sora correctly.

Applejack was told by Fluttershy that Sora could fight but what she just witnessed was unlike anything she had ever seen. There’s no way a pony should be able to move like that. And his strength. She was sure that his small frame held a hidden reserve of strength, but to toss those monsters around the way he did was surreal.

But it wasn't just moves that caught her by surprise. There was something about each strike he took. Each blow landed. It felt raw, and...angry? Sad? Fustrated?

Before she could think about it any longer, Sora had made his way over to Big Mac and made the bigger stallion slip a hoof over his shoulder. Applejack followed suit and the both of them were able to support the wounded stallion. The trio made their way out the door and back toward the farmhouse. Once inside, Applejack set to work on tending to Big Mac’s injury.

“Sora. Go on upstairs and fetch me the first aid kit. Should be in the bathroom in the bottom cabinet.”

The stallion nodded and quickly made his way up the stairs. Applejack took the time to look over the wound. It didn’t look deep, so she was sure that it wouldn’t cause any pony problems. She barely had any time to dwell on thoughts as it took only a little time for Sora to return, though to her surprise, he was accompanied by a very alarmed Applebloom.

“Applejack! Big Mac!” Her voice was shaky, and slightly frantic. “What’s going on? What happened to Big Mac?! He’s bleeding!”

Applejack gave her a reassuring smile before she started to patch Macintosh up. “Everything’s fine Applebloom. Big Mac’s all right so don’t you worry none.” Her brother confirmed her statement with a nod and a smile of his own.

Gaining her little sister's attention again she motion towards upstairs. "Now Applebloom, ah Know this is a lot to take it but ah need ya to be a good little filly and go help granny. Tell her what's going on and get her downstairs to help Big Mac rest."

The little filly wanted to protest but the looks of both her older siblings silenced her outright. Nodding, the little filly quickly made her way up the stairs not looking back.

With the little one out of the way, the orange farmer got back to work. It was during this time however that a voice to her side caused her ears to perk. “I should have been there…”

Applejack turned her head towards the Keyblade Wielder, an eyebrow raising every so slightly. “Pardon?”

Sora shook his head before turning to face the mare. “He wouldn’t have gotten hurt if I was there sooner. It’s my fault he’s hurt…”

“Now Sora, that’s just stinking thinking. It’s not like anypony knew this was going to happen, especially you.”

"Eeeyep. Ya can't blame ya self for something like this." The red stallion added.

Sora shook his head. “But it fell on me to be there to protect you. Not just the girls but you Big Mac. And everyone else. I promised Celestia. I promised to protect all of you to the best of my ability…” His gaze fell to the ground. “I’m still not strong enough…”

Applejack’s ears splayed back. “Sora…don’t say that. The way ya wrangled those critters, you’re plenty strong, even ah can see that with the way ya fought.”

He slammed his hoof on to the wooden floor, causing everypony to jump slightly. “No! I’m not! Your brother wouldn't have gotten hurt if it wasn't for my carelessness! If only I had...if I had just..." Sora struggled to find the words he wanted to here himself say. "If it had been Riku...This wouldn't have happened. It wasn't even suppose to be mine after all..."

Applejack moved closer to the stallion. “Sora…what do ya mean? What wasn’t suppose ta be yours's?”


Sora’s ears perked up at the female voice sounding from outside. He barely turned when the equivalent of a bullet train tackled him to the ground. He was only just able to recognize the bubblegum mane and fur of Pinkie Pie as she pinned him to the ground.

“Pinkie?” His speech was slurred at best. “What are you doing here…” He regained his composure to see that the pink party pony was not smiling in the least. Her ocean orbs were filled with so much worry that it poured into Sora’s soul. “Pinkie? What’s wrong?”

“I-It’s a monster! A monster is in Ponyville!”

Sora’s eyes instantly acquired a serious edge. “A monster? Pinkie start from the beginning.”

She released the stallion, allowing him to come to a vertical base before beginning her tale. “Well I was in Sugarcube Corner, baking you a cake to cheer you up. You really seemed down yesterday even though you were smiling. I was working well into the night and onwards toward morning. I know I told Ms. Cake that I wouldn’t stay up all night but I just really wanted to make something special for you.

“Just as I was finishing my cake, which was about ten minutes ago, my Pinkie Since started to act up! Itchy left foreleg, twitching right eye, swirling left eye! I never had that Pinkie Since before but I sure as sugar didn’t like it one bit. I decided to get out of Sugarcube Corner as fast as I could. When I got outside I saw two of those shadow thingies. They suddenly appeared in front of me. I was totally caught by surprise, and not the good kind of surprise either. They were about to pounce on me when ‘BAM’ I was tackled out of the way. I looked up to find an earth pony with an hourglass cutie mark over me.

“’Ello!’” Pinkie said in an odd accent. “’I’m the Doctor’ He said, and I was about to ask ‘Doctor who?’ but he must have read my mind because before I could even talk he said ‘Just the Doctor’. Then he pulled out this weird glowing stick and pointed toward those shadow thingies and they just began to shirk away. I don’t know why but they did. Then the Doctor told me ‘You best get some help, these aren’t the Vasta Narata but they still seem to be just as dangerous’. And I was about to ask what the Vasta Narata was but he cut me off again saying ‘Another time maybe my dear girl. I believe you have someone you need to find’. I was confused at first but then I remembered that those shadow thingies were heartless and that’s when I remembered you! So I ran all the way here and here I am!”

Sora blinked once as he soaked in all the information. The only part that he was able to truly decipher was the fact that the Heartless were in Ponyville, and that was all that he needed to know until a new thought crossed his mind. “If the heartless were after you and Applejack…then the others are in danger as well!”

Now he really needed to act, and fast. He was just about to launch himself out the door when he felt something gripping his tail tight. He turned just in time to see Applejack spit his tail out of her mouth. “Applejack! What are you doing?!”

“Stopping ya from making a stupid decision is what! We need ta come up with a plan and not act like a silly filly!”

Sora shook his head. “I can’t just sit around here planning! I need to go save the others!”

“Yeah!? And do ya even know where the other girl's live! Do even know where ta go?!”

Sora couldn’t form a rebuttal at her questions. He honestly didn't know where any of the girls lived...well...besides Twilight and Rarity. Relenting to the mare's word, he looked away and asked. “So…what do I do?”

“We need ta get ta Ponyville but I’m also worried about the others. So we split up.” She pointed to Sora. “You go on ahead ta Ponyville. You at least know the way to Twilight’s and Rarity’s. Go check up on them.” She turned to Pinkie. “Pinkie! Go look for RD. You’re the best at finding her…or anypony for that matter. And ah’ll go get Fluttershy.”

Sora shook his head. “What happens if you two get attacked by the heartless again? I won’t be there to protect you. I-”

Applejack tapped the top of his head, silencing him. “We won’t know unless we try right? Sides, Ah got surprised last time but that won’t happen again ah promise ya.” She opened a drawer, pulling out a long piece of rope. “With this I’ll be able to lasso those critters before they have a chance ta blink.”

Pinkie held up a pie in both hooves. “And I’ll give them a taste of the sweeter side of things.”

Sora had blinked only once. Those pies. Did she always have them?

He shook the useless thoughts away before returning to the matter at present. “I still don’t want you two going out there. I don’t want to put any of you in danger.” Before they could protest he held up a hoof and continued. “But…I don’t see any other way around it. Just promise me you’ll stay safe and don’t fight the heartless if you can help it. I don’t want you two getting hurt cause I wasn’t there.”

Applejack and Pinkie Pie smiled as well, giving the stallion a salute. “Ya got it partner/Okie-dokie-Loki!”

Sora smiled brightly, his eyes returning to their usual brilliance. “OK then!” He pointed a hoof toward the door. “Lets go!” Pinkie and Sora left out the door soon after. Applejack was about to do the same when the sound of Big Mac calling her name caused her to pause.

He wanted to forbid her to go. He wanted to hold her down and make sure that she stay well away from all of whatever they were just talking about, but he knew his sister better than that. With a heavy sigh he spoke. “Ah…just…Just be careful, AJ. Ok?”

Applejack smiled before waving a hoof. “I’ll be back in two shakes of a lamb’s tail. You just worry about getting Granny Smith and Applebloom to safety.” She took off towards Fluttershy’s cottage but not before glancing back at Sora’s retreating backside. “Sora…”

Author's Note:

Edited by Two People!

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