• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul


Green to start music and red to stop music

Woods near Trottingham
Near the Opening of the Black Dome

“What do you mean they are gone, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy epped as she was confronted by the captain of the guard, also known as her very very angry cousin Lightning. The shy mare shivered under an intense gaze that her cousin, something that both she and her other cousin, Serah had been on the end of.

“W-Well…The thing is…” She began after swallowing the lump in her throat. “Sora and the others…Rainbow and that blue show mare…Trixie…They hadn’t followed me and Zidane…so I went back for them…but…all I saw was this note in the dirt. I know Rainbow’s hoof writing so I knew right away it was her. She is kinda sloppy but I can read it. It said…that she was going after Sora.”

Lightning released a deep sigh, rubbing a hoof down her face. “And the reason you only decided to tell me now, after a full thirty minutes mind you, was because?” She left the question hanging in the air, pretty much demanding that Fluttershy better give a pretty dang good reason for such a major slip up.

The shy mare looked away from her cousin, a blush of embarrassment hitting her cheeks as she tried to make herself as small as possible under the intense gaze of the older mare. “I…It was because…I mean…I thought that would have been back by now. Rainbow did say she was going to get him and…I thought that…I thought that she would…” The shy mare trailed off, looking down at the dirt between her hooves. “I’m sorry…if I had known that they would run off then…”

The guard captain held up a hoof to silence the shy mare, her free hoof rubbing at her temple as if to strive off an oncoming headache. “No…Don’t. It’s not your fault, Fluttershy. The Princess warned me how “passionate” the Keyblade Wielder is to his ideals…and Rainbow Dash, despite being the element of loyalty, is still a hot headed little filly. Leaving the two of them together was bound to cause problems. It was my lack of judgment that we are in this situation now. Now he’s out there galavanting around, playing the hero.”

Despite Lightning seemingly taking the full blame as to what happened, there was something about the way she said it that rubbed the butter yellow mare the wrong way. It didn’t matter if Lightning was right…or…if she was family…she couldn’t let what she said slide…could she?

Her mouth worked wordlessly for only a moment before the words began spilling out. “I know you are angry but…uh…maybe…We should trust Sora and Rainbow Dash.” She knew she had the mare’s attention as soon as the words left her mouth, though she continued, despite the raised eyebrow questioning gaze the mare had given her. “Sora is…He’s traveled worlds and took on many bad guys before even meeting us. And Rainbow Dash…she’s a bit brash, but she wouldn’t do something if it meant putting others lives in danger. I think…I think the two of them are just doing what think is right…not to hurt anypopny.”

Lightning clicked her teeth. “It’s not about them doing what is right, Fluttershy. It’s about following orders. Just throwing yourself into the unknown, no matter how many times you do it and coming out unscathed, is just asking for trouble. And the enemy is willing to trap, cripple and kill to get what they want.” Her gaze fell on the shy yellow mare. “Not only that, but they involved a civilian in their crazy plans. How can you expect me to just allow this to slide without repercussions? Reckless actions like theirs must be stopped before they get someone hurt. I’m sure you know all about that with your recent endeavors.”

Fluttershy lowered her ears even further as she cast her gaze back down to the dirt road below, recalling the time back at the Crystal Empire all too clearly. It really was luck that no one died in the end. She couldn’t count the times she was just a hair’s breadth from meeting her own demise…And yet…

“I…I believe in Sora…”The shy mare said softly, looking back up at the mare from behind the pink curtain of her mane. “He won’t let himself lose…And…And even if he does fall down. Me and the others will be there to pick him up. So…please…can you please trust in the pony that trusts in him?”

Lightning would cast her gaze back down at the unusually determined mare as she fished speaking, her eyes widening only slightly before releasing a heavy sigh as she looked away from the mare. Her expression was one of both annoyance and resignation. “Geeze…not you too…You’re just as bad as my sister…” She whispered softly to herself. Before Fluttershy could even ask what she meant by that the guard captain turned from her, making her way back to those under her command.

“I’ll send some ponies after them,” The captain raised a hoof to stop any complaints that the mare would have had before continuing. “After, we secure the encampment Zidane is leading us to. While I do not like it, having somepony check on things back at the city would be a good thing. Maybe he will even surprise me and come back with intel instead of going in hooves first into danger. But I am not holding my breath on that.” Her gaze fell back to the mare as she turned her head. “To be sure though, I will give all three of them a very…very…long discussion on a great many things. Of that you can be sure of, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy’s ears perked at Lightning's words as she watched her cousin leave, not quite knowing how to take everything she said fully, but she was happy nonetheless that Lightning was willing to give Sora…and Rainbow Dash a chance on whatever it was that they were doing …but…

“What are you doing Sora?” She whispered softly to herself. Why had he left in the first place? Why didn’t he tell her and Rarity?

Sure, she didn’t know what she and Rarity could do if they had gone along with them. They weren’t fighters…well…Rarity seems to know a thing or two when it came to hoof work and spells but they would always stand on the sidelines while Applejack and Rainbow Dash did the heavy lifting. Heck, even Twilight and Pinkie Pie could hold their own if they needed to.

Still, even if that was the reason, it didn’t make her feel any better about it.

“A bit for your thoughts princess?”

The shy mare epped at the sudden voice of the young colt, Zidan, right behind her. Turning to face the young performer, she would shake her head slowly. “I’m…I mean…Just…Worried…”

The colt tilted his head before giving the mare a mischievous look. “Let me guess. Is it about a certain young stallion? Spiky brown hair? Goofy looking face. Has that giant key as a weapon?”

Fluttershy’s gaze would snap towards the young stallion as he spoke, the sight of the teasing grin on his face making her cheeks turn a shade a hot pink. “I…I mean…I don’t…what I mean to say…” She stuttered wildly, trying her best to think of something to say.

“Haha…on the mark as usual. Am I good or am I good? Mark another one up for Z.” The colt would dramatically place a hoof on top of his head, almost as if he was to faint. “Still, it pains my heart to forgo a mare as strikingly beautiful as you, but alas, I shall not stand in the way when her heart belongs to that of another. Though it pains me to have to give up a mare as strikingly beautiful as you my dear.”

“Weren’t you just hitting on that white pony in red?” The voice of Zidian’s sibling would speak up from his perch on top of a nearby rock.

“Uphuphuph! No need to bring up things unnecessarily, Little Brother.” Zidian scolded between clenched teeth, adding a bit of a stinging emphasis on the brother part. Turning back to the butter yellow mare he would give her a wide smile. “In any case, I have to say, spiky is one lucky pony. If I was him I would never leave your side for a second. And yet…you are here…alone.”

The shy mare shook her head. “Oh…I mean…It’s not like…I mean…I do care about him...” She stuttered, trying her hardest to refute his claims, but knowing full well that she was, indeed, in love with Sora. “He has other things to worry about other than my feelings for him so…I don’t want to stand in his way…”

The teal colt tilted his head. “Oh? You two aren't an item yet then?” He asked, his tone actually curious. “Why not? I mean any pony with a brian can see you had fallen for the stallion.”

“It's…Complicated…” Was all that Fluttershy could say after a moment of silence, knowing quite well that the young teen was much quicker on the uptake then even she was.

“Geeze…that's what all grownups say when they don’t know anything.” Zidiant complained as he rolled his eyes. “If you want a piece of advice from somepony who knows about love, don’t overthink it. Do what needs to be done. That's all there is to it.”

He gave the mare a bow. “Usually I charge for my lessons, but for a pretty face, that little advice was free of charge. Do take it to heart my pink haired princess.” he turned and cantered away from the mare, already making his way towards the next female that fell upon his gaze.

Fluttershy shook her head softly as her gaze followed after the young stallion. “He…reminds me of my little brother, A bit of a flirt…but…Maybe he is right? I know I said I wanted to wait…but…” Her gaze shifted towards where she had last seen Sora, a hoof gently raising to clutch at her chest. “Please…be careful Sora…I have…So much I want to tell you…” She turned, making her way to follow after the rest of the group with a new Vigor in her step.


Out in the wood near Trottingham


“Woah! You okay dude? Not gonna catch a cold are you?”

Sora looked towards Rainbow, the mare looking at him with concern as the two ponies sat across from each other by the crackling fire. He gave the mare a smile as he scratched his cheek. “No. I’m okay. Just a bit of dust I think.”

“Or maybe you are on somepony’s mind.” Trixie mused after taking a drink from her cantine. “Legend has it when you sneeze for no reason, somepony you care about is talking about you.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Pffft. That sounds made up. Like most of what you say.”

“Trixie isn’t lying. Her mother always told her that when she was a filly. And Trixie’s mother isn’t a liar!” The blue unicorn retorted, staring the pegasus down with squinted eyes. Her mood would change after a while, the mare looking down at the ground below her.

“Ha! Do you listen to everything your mom says?”

“As any good daughter should. Probably something a brash mare like you can’t comprehend!”

“Wanna say that within my hoof range!?”

“Please! Trixie put you in your place once, she can do it again.”

Sora couldn't stop the slight chuckle that escaped from him. “Hehe…the way you two fight. Almost seems like you two are best friends.”

Both blue mare’s threw their gazes at the stallion. “Me?! Friends with her?! As if/Please!!” The two blue mares would turn to each other, noticing that they had been talking at the same time. With a huff from both of them, they would turn in their makeshift seats, folding their arms about their chest.

Sora smiled awkwardly as he looked between the two angry mares. The two of them had been at each other’s throats pretty much the whole time they had been on the road. He didn’t quite know the just of what happened, but they seemed to have some kind of history with each other. At least, as far as he knew. Neither side would give him a straight answer on the subject.

Turning his attention back on the fire, the stallion would gaze into the flames as the wood cracked and burned, his mind once again his own as his two cohorts started up on yet another argument.

The three of them had been walking for quite a while before deciding to take a rest. Mostly at Trixie’s insistence. Sora, much to Rainbow’s displeasure, decided that it was a good Idea. Trixie had been running non-stop before meeting up with Lightning’s encampment. He could tell that she was getting tired and more sluggish the longer they trekked through the woods.

With the fire built, part in thanks for Trixie and her magic, the three ponies would sit and rest for the time being, Sora knowing that once he gets to Trottingham, there was work to be done. The stallion leaned back, letting himself rest upon the soft grass below him, his gaze shifting to that of the canopy of leaves above him that would have blocked the night sky. The dome of darkness that entrapped them all was the only thing ruining any semblance of normality.


Sora lifted his hoof into the air, looking at it with a frown.

Being in this pony body is starting to feel more and more…natural? Is it the spell…or…is it me? He frowned, not knowing how to feel about it in either case. It was weird…way weirder then when I was a lion in the pridelands or a merman in the sea. At the same time though, it almost felt…good to be a pony, he thought to himself. Walking on four limbs was fun. Running even better. He loved the color of his fur and, even if he hates to admit it, he looked down right adorable as a pony.

In a masculine way…Besides…every pony I met looked adorable. Especially Fluttershy…

Sora blushed at the sudden thought of the butter yellow pegasus.

Why did I think of Fluttershy all of a sudden? Well…it's not untrue. She is adorable. And nice…and cute…and her fur…!? NO WAIT! BAD BRAIN! She’s your friend. And you are just saying because she's a nice pony! He justified to himself.

Sora frowned deeply, not quite knowing what to say.

Fluttershy is adorable, just like all the ponies. So what if she pressed herself against me like that back in Ponyville…or that…we talked to each other nearly all night last night. It didn’t mean anything. I did the same with Kairi and that didn’t mean anything either. She was a good friend…that's what friends do…right?

“Earth to Sora? You there dude?”

“Huh! What?” The stallion sat up, looking between the two mares as they both stared at him. “Huh…Ah…were you talking to me?”

“Well yeah…been calling you for a while.” Rainbow told him. “I mean I know you don’t have much of a brain but your ears should be working just fine, right.” She smirked at the stallion, cuing him in that she was giving him a good ribbing.

“Haha…Yeah Yeah, I get ya Dash.” He mocked praised her before sighing. “No…I’m fine. I guess I was just too deep in my thoughts. Thinking, ya know?”

“ANd what is it that you were thinking about?” Trixie would pipe up, causing Sora to flinch.

“I…I mean…nothing much…” Sora told them, rubbing the back of his head. “Just…stuff and things.”

“Doesn’t seem like nothing if you were ignoring two mares calling out to you.” Trixie surmised. “In fact Trixie thinks that you weren't thinking of nothing and were thinking of something you don’t want to tell Trixie.” She popped up for her position, making her way towards the stallion. “Trixie ever so loves good gossip! Spill!”

“Like I said Trixie. It's nothing. Just…ah…” He told her as he tried to back away from the mare nearing him. “I was just…Thinking about what I’m gonna do when we get to Trottingham, yeah? I do need to find the one that's responsible for all of this, ya know.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow at his words but Trixie would interject before the cyan mare could question him, the mare flopping onto the ground. “Gah…Trixie is tired of this whole mess. First my hometown gets taken over by some crazy pony. Then she gets chased through the woods by shadow ponies. Trixie just wants to be done with this so she can take a nice long bath. ”

Getting up onto his hooves, the stallion would look between his two companions. “Then we better get going right?! We have a town to save and a badguy to defeat.”

Both mares would nod at his words, though as Sora and Trixe began to take care of the fire, Rainbow would allow her gaze to linger on the stallion a little longer. Even though they had not been together long, Sora’s tells when he was lying was always obvious.

“Just…what is with you hero?” I’ll get to the bottom of it yet. For Fluttershy’s sake.”


Castle of the Alicorns

It was late in the afternoon when Twilight made it to the doors of Canterlot Castle, the young mare, almost as if by memory, slipping through the doors and making her way down the familiar halls she had once called home. She knew it wasn’t that long ago when she was within these very walls, but it always felt nostalgic for her.

How long has it been since I just…visited to see the princess? I should…come more often. If for nothing else but for a chat…Speaking of…I better go find the princess right away. She would properly worry if she finds out I’m here and didn’t tell her why.

Nodding to herself, the mare would veer off down a nearby hall, making her way to where she believed the princess would be. It wouldn’t be long before she found Celestia’s study, the door only slightly ajar. Taking a breath, the mare would compose herself before gently pushing the door open, after knocking of course.

“Princess? Hello? Are you here” She would gently call out, her head peeking from around the door.

Just as she thought, the princess was within her study. What she did not expect, however, was the sight of her teacher, head in her hooves, eyes closed, and snoring softly under the afternoon beams of her very sun shining upon her. Her normally wavy mane hung limply from her head as she slept.

There were only a few times the little purple pony would have seen Celesita in such a position, and each time it would surprise her more and more. Twilight always seemed to forget that Celesita was just a normal pony at the end of the day, no matter how powerful she was. In a way, it was both comforting and awe inspiring. Most ponies would treat the princesses of the sun and moon as gods. Maybe even more. At a time, the young unicorn would have done the same thing, but her time with her teacher, it was…eye opening to say the least.

While she held the princess in high regards, Celesita would always imprint upon her to never treat her like she was worshiped. Teacher? Yes. Friend? Most definitely. Mother? She was like a second mother to be honest. But as a god. Never. She was always Calm and caring…firm when she needed to be but never so much so as to never take the time to tell Twilight when she had done something wrong. It was also during her time under her training when she had found out the princess was a bit of a prankster. Something that she still really isn’t use to.

Smiling softly at a long lost memory, the young unicorn would slip into the room, closing the door behind her. Making her way up to Celesita’s side, she would gently press her hoof against the princess’s cheek, causing the white mare to stir. Her eyes flickering open, the princess of the sun would find herself staring at her apprentice, the mare quicking sitting up as she wiped a bit of drool from her mouth

“T-Twilight! I didn’t…I mean…How are you.” The princess would ask, doing her best to pull herself from her sleepy daze. “I wish you would have told me you were visiting. I would have welcomed you at the doors myself.”

Twilight shook her head. “It was a spur of the moment thing Princess…I should be the one that's sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb your rest. I just came to check on some things and thought that you could help point me in the right direction for something I’m looking for.” Her gaze would fall to the many papers upon Celesita’s desk. “I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything.”

“Nonsense, Twilight. You are always welcomed here, no matter what it is you need,my student. I was just…going over some old dusty paperwork anyway.” Quick as a flash her magic would pile all the scattered papers that were spread around her desk before setting them off to the side. “Though if you don’t mind me asking, was it something that you needed?”

Twilight nodded. “Indeed, princess.” She made her way to the front of the desk as she spoke. “I…I wanted to request permission to look at Canterlot’s book archives again.”

Celesita raised an eyebrow. “Of course you can, Twilight, but whatever for?”

“I’ve…been thinking about a lot of things.” The young mare began. “The time with Nightmare Moon…Sombra…Even Discord…and Now…Here with Sora and the Heartless. Ever since me and my friends gained the Elements of Harmony, it almost felt like…it was meant for all of this to happen…like it was…”

“Like it was destiny?” The princess finished, looking at the mare with a raised eyebrow.

The lavender mare perked up as the princess finished her theory.“Y-Yeah! That's it.Thats it exactly! I mean if you really think about it, everything starts to be put into place. The connection with the keyblade and the Elements. The Heartless attack soon after Sora appears in our world. It just feels like…”

“Something is pulling your strings in one direction?” Celesita asked, cutting the mare off once more. “I’m I correct, Twilight?

“Ahh…y-yeah…” The young mare answered meekly. “I mean if it is possible then…maybe something is written in…the old tombs in Starswirl the Bearded’s Wing…maybe…”

“It will have the answers you are looking for…and if not maybe something to work with?” Celesitasmiled before slipping from behind her desk. “Twilight, I think I understand what you are getting at, but even if there was a prophecy, it would not hold the answers you seeked.”

“But…Celesita…with Nightmare Moon, it told us about the elements of harmony and…”

Celesita shook her head. “The prophecy, if you remember Twilight, said that Nightmare Moon would return, not about how to defeat her.” The princess gently pressed a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “It was through the story of the Pony Sisters that you learned about the Elements of Harmony, and thus how to defeat Nightmare Moon herself. Even if you had not known about it yourself, It could have just easily been another pony and their friends to have solved how to defeat her. Even so, that was a gamble in its own right. The elements are, as you know…incomplete. They could have just as easily sent my little sister back to the moon…or worse…”

“I…I never…thought about that…” Twilight admitted, her ears folding back upon her head in defeat. It was true though, The two times that she and the girls had used the elements of harmony, one cleansed Princess Luna of her Darkness and the other turned Discord the lord of chaos to stone. The effects were random to say the least. “Still…you did send me off to Ponyville to make friends way back when.”

“I know Twilight.But it was not because of a prophecy but because I sensed a looming darkness.” The princess made her way towards the balcony, her gaze looking over the horizon at her kingdom. “The signs of her return were evident at that time. While I did push you to Ponyville, you were the one who saved the day with your friends, just like I knew you could do.” The princess smiled at her student as she made her way to her side. “It was because of you and your friends that I have my sister back with me today, and I will always be in you debt Twilight. But as for destiny…Maybe there is a prophecy about everything that is happening here. Maybe we are already running down its path as we speak. Of that, I can not say for certain…but…I do believe in the ponies I trust to make the right decisions, guide or no guide. And even if they mess up, they have friends to pull them in the right direction. Do you understand, Twilight”

“I…yes princess. I understand.” Twilight answered, smiling softly before looking away with pout. “Still…if that's the case then I guess I just wasted a trip. I was all set to look for a destiny”

“I would not say that Twilight.” Celesita disagreed. “Seeing my students again is never a waste. Besides, I have been reading your reports as of late. Something to do with the Elements of Harmony affected by Sora’s keyblade?”

The lavender mare perked up at that. “Oh! That…Well I’m still testing some things back at Ponyville, but…From what I gathered so far, the Elements are emitting the same magical resonance as Sora’s own Keyblade.”

“Yes…that is what I gathered from your report, Twilight. I suspect it has something to do with what Somnambula and Rockhoof told us about the creation of the Elements of Harmony.” Celestia acknowledged. “While I did not know them personally, wrapped in my training as I was, I did hear many good things about them from my Teacher. To think that they would appear before Sora, Applejack and Pinkie like that. It was quite the shock when I heard it.”

Twilight nodded. “I know what you mean Princess. I was just as surprised as you were. Still, the fact that the Keyblade is affecting the elements in such a way…and for Applejack and Pinkie Pie to combine with Sora to make him stronger…it's almost like….” She gently pressed a hoof against her chest. “It's…almost like the magic of friendship…”

“That…is a wonderful way to look at it, Twilight. One I agree with whole heartedly.Always remember Twilight…Your friendship with the girls and Sora, will always make you stronger. Your hearts connected will be the key, I at least know that.”

“I will, Princess. You can count of that” Twilight paused before looking up towards the white Alicorn. “Princess…I…” She looked away. “About Sunset…”

Celestia did not turn when the name was mentioned but her ears did perk. “My old student…” It wasn’t a question.

“If our hearts are connected then…I…”

The doors to Celestia’s study would open, the sight of Luna making herself known to the pair of ponies. “I am Sorry to intrude my sister, but I have word of one of the letters we had already sent out with Prince Blueblood.”

“Already?” Celesita asked, her full attention upon her sister now.

“The Kingdom of the Diamond Dogs are begging to meet with you. There…has been a major heartless attack.”

Twilight would gasp at the news, her ears falling back against her head. “That…Can’t be…”

Celestia frowned. “Tell me the details, sisters.”

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