• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,795 Views, 1,601 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Restful Respite Part 1 (Edited)



I sat at the top of a tall tower, looking down at the world below me. The clouds underneath the floating land mass the castle sat upon flowed against the rocky earth, as if it was the sea. The feeling of the sun’s gentle rays did little to pull me from the funk I seemed to find myself in. I tenderly touched my bandaged chest, the shot of pain that coursed through my body causing me to cringe slightly. When it passed I sighed deeply, my eyes gazing towards the clouds below once again.

“Ha! Finally found you.”

I jumped at the sound of the voice calling to me from behind. As slowly as I could without hurting myself, I turned to find a tall, lanky male with long red spiky hair smirking at me from the ladder he had climbed. With a quick flip, the newcomer bounded the rest of the way up, landing expertly on his feet. Reaching into his coat’s pocket he produced two wrapped ice creams.

“Heh, knew I would find ya up here. Even put it all on the line by buying two of these bad boys.” He said showing me both sweets. “Thought you might need something better then Master Yin Sid’s home cooking.”

“Axel,” I blinked before asking. “How did you figure I would be up here?”

“Hey!" The red head male said with a frown. “I told you before, it's Lea. Get. It. Memorized.” He emphasized the last three words by tapping my head with one of the ice creams a few times. “And to how I found you, well, that’s fairly obvious isn’t it? It’s because it’s something that ‘HE’ would do as well, climbing to the tallest place he could get to.”

I took the ice cream, not taking my eyes off the red head as I pondered his statement. “He?” I closed my eyes and folded my arms across my chest, falling deep in thought. It didn’t take me long before I figured out who he was talking about. “Oh! You mean Roxas...”

Lea pointed towards me before pointing to his nose. “Correctamundo, Hero.”

“But, I still don't understand?” I said. "Why did you wanna see me?"

Lea placed one of his hands behind his head before letting his back rest against the wall, the other holding on to the ice cream as he gave it a few test licks. “Whenever he was feeling all mopey and down, he would always find the place with the most amazing view. Heh, it would always brighten his spirits, seeing the world as it goes by.” He smiled as he looked out into the seamless sky. “...A bit more breath-taking than Twilight Town I'll have to admit, but won’t diss my hometown too much. It has its charm after all."

I had decided to stay quiet, my focus only on the ice cream I held in my hands. After a long moment, I heard Lea speak once again.

“You...ah...Ok Sora?” I didn’t respond. “I’ll take that as a no then.” He sighed as he ran his fingers though his own red mane. “Dude, I know you’re all upset and all that jazz but it’s not like it’s all your fault, you know. That was something that even I could have told you right off the bat.”

“But I made it worse by getting angry...I...I don’t...I didn’t...” I countered before looking down again, sighing deeply. “Why didn't they...”

“Well in any case you won’t be on any missions for a long while. Potions can heal injuries but not cracked ribs.” He bit into his melting ice cream. “I’m surprised that you made it up here actually.” He said with a smile.

“Yeah...It was kinda tough. And...Sorry...About the last mission I mean. I was kinda out of it and...I didn't...” I tried to come up with an excuse, but everything I thought of sounded just as lame as the last.

“Out of it? It was like you were a punching bag! I mean, taking that hit head on. You had some serious balls to do that, kiddo.” Lea laughed.

“If I didn’t then it would have hit that lady’s house. I couldn’t allow that.” I tried to argue with a pout.

“I know, I know. Don’t get your underwear in a knot, Hero.” Lea said. “Maybe there was an easier way to have done it but I won’t argue with the results.” He smiled down at me. “Besides, I get to have my chance to shine now that you’re out of commission.”

I perked up at that information. “You have a mission?”

“Of course! Though I will be going with Kairi and Goofy, I’m sure to show them all up with my wicked keyblade skills.”

I visibly deflated at the mention of Kairi’s name, my head hanging “Ah...How is she doing anyway?”

I could see Lea open his eyes to look at me before closing them once again. “She’s worried about you, that has to tell you something, Sora.”

I could only nod before asking, “And...Riku?”

Lea was quiet as he took another bite of his ice cream. It was a long time before he said, “He’s still your friend you know? Bet he’s even more worried the Kairi.”

I shook my head, processing what Lea had said. “I...I guess so...”

Lea gave a cheeky smile before batting my arm gently with his fist, much to my discomfort mind you. “Hey! Buck up, Sora! You three will be back to your silly little selves in no time. That's what friends do after all.” Lea bit into his ice cream once more. “Now, finish that ice cream up so we can get down. Yen Sid needs ya to see him.”

I groaned and nodded. "Not looking forward to that...Like...at all."


Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Restful Respite Part 1

Green to start music and red to stop music

World: Equestria

Location: Unknown

The shining gleam of the morning sun forcefully pulled Sora into full consciousness. His eyes blinked away the lingering sleepiness as his brain slowly began to function; the memory of his dream was slowly slipping from his mind. It wasn't long before his eyes widened by degrees, his body going rigid as he became fully alert. Quickly sitting up, his eyes darted around the room he was within, finding himself in a very familiar setting.

"This is Twilight's house..." Sora looked over his body, patting himself down as if to find something out of place. "How did I get here?"

The keyblade wielder’s gaze fell to a chair beside him. To his surprise (And utter embarrassment at not having realized it sooner) he found his clothes folded neatly in the seat of the wooden chair. He noticed, as well, a pair of red bags hanging off the back of said chair. He picked them up, shifting them around as he took stock of the design. "Where did these things come from?"

Sora shook his head before closing his eyes. "Ven?"

He waited, but there was no answer.

"Ventis? Are you there?"

Again...No answer.

Why isn't he answering? He folded his hooves about his chest and closed his eyes. Lets see. I remember someone standing over me, and then after that everything went black. What happened... He paused before widening his eyes. "Wait...THE GIRLS!!" As quick as he could muster, the Keyblade Wielder leapt from the bed as fast as he could!

Only to get his hooves caught, his body soon twisting up in the sheets soon afterwards. With a loud thump he fell to the ground in a tangled mess of sheets and cries of distress. Sora wrestled and fought with the offending covers, grunting in frustration and reasonable fear as he tried to untangle himself from his self-made imprisonment. The sound of hoof steps thrash up a set of stairs was ignored, as well as the loud thumping of the door opening as he rolled around on the ground, somehow making the situation worse then first was.


The young stallion stopped all movement at the call of his name. Before he could say anything the stallion felt his head pop free from the offending blanket thanks to the help of the very familiar country-sounding voice. He had found himself looking up at a pair of concerned yet amused set of emerald eyes.

"Applejack?" Sora said softly as a smile slowly formed on his face. ‘Your...okay…”.

The farm mare shook her head before offering Sora a smile and a hoof. "Sure as sugar are. Need a bit of help there partner?"

Sora smiled sheepishly but nodded. It wasn't long before he was finally free of the offending cloak and standing on all four hooves once again. He turned towards the farm mare, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.. "Ah Heheh...thanks AJ. Hate to say that's the second time that happened to me." He tapped a hoof to his chin. "Well...Second time in Equestria..."

Sora yelped as he felt two powerful legs pull him forwards into a nearly bone crushing hug. Standing rigid and blushing brightly, he could do little to nothing as Applejack held on to him as though he would disappear if she should let go. The keyblade Wielder hesitantly raised a hoof before wrapping it around her as well, making the mare pull him closer as he did so. They stayed like that for a few moments before Applejack pulled away, looking up at the stallion with soulful, sad eyes.

"We thought we had lost ya partner..."

Sora could only look away from her at that. "Guess I really blew it back there, huh?" He shook his head. "if only I could have...I mean...If only I saw it coming and have been stronger then I- ah!." He looked at the apple farmer in confusion as she pressed a hoof to his muzzle. When she let her hoof fall, she gave him a look that could silence even the strongest of hearts.

"Don't..." Applejack spoke in a harsh tone. "There is no if or buts Sora when it came to what happend back at the Crystal Empire. And what you did for us, what you were going to do to keep us alive..I doubt many ponies would have have said the same if they were in your hooves."

Sora squeaked before looking away. "Still...Not like it mattered in the end. I was still..."

"Ya risked your life to save ours Sora...That's more then anypony would have done for us let alone a friend." Applejack mused as she chuckled. Realization seemed to have caught up with her as she began to look over every inch of his body "Dang...". She pulled away, giving Sora a bright smile. “Boy howdy Sora, that magic medicine really did do the trick, didn’t it? He was really telling the truth.”

Sora blinked. “He? He who?”

Applejack was about to answer when a crash sounded from downstairs. She gave a hearty chuckle before moving to the door, talking as she went, “Ah think it's best that Twilight explain to ya what happened when ya passed out.” Applejack gave him a concerned look as he began to steadily begin to take a few steps to test his balance. “Ya do feel okay now right Sugarcube? Ya need help walking?”

"Just a bit tired but I can shake it off," Sora waved away. "Come on, lets go see Twilight already." He said before making his way to his folded clothes. As he began to get dressed he looked towards the bags once again. "Hey, where did these things come from anyway?"

Applejack, who had been looking at him intently, followed his gaze to the red bags hanging on the chair. "That, Sora, is a get well gift from Rarity. She had been working on them all throughout the train ride.” Applejack explained. "She's still working honestly, and said she had a big project ta do. Both she and Twi on occasion would be at her store all secret like. Both seemed really set on whatever it is they are doing. Though ah think it's just them copping a bit, trying to take their mind off everything that happened to all of us." She looked away from the stallion. "Honestly...its been that way for all of us. Pinkie Pie has been running around town making sure everypony is okay...more than usual ah mean. And Fluttershy had been taking care of ya ever since you passed out, coming down to visit ya dang near everyday. Ah had ta promise her that ah would take care of ya every now and then just so that she could get some dang rest.”

Sora blushed at that. "R-Really...geeze...sorry for...I mean...sorry..."

"Don't mention it Sugarcube. Honestly, it was the least we could do for ya."

"Fine..." Sora said with a sheepish smile before perking up, "Oh! And Rainbow? Is she okay?"

The far mare sighed at that before shaking her head slowly "Ah’m not too sure, to tell ya the truth. Ah haven't seen her around lately apart from her doing her weather duties and what not. Though ah do hear her ranting every now and then when she's up in the clouds. Too high to really hear what she's on about but ah'm suspecting that she is mad at ya for one thing or other...Maybe a little bit more?"

Sora sighed before rubbing the back of his head once again "I see..."

Applejack gave him a bright smile, patting him hard on the back. An action that nearly caused him to fall onto his face "I'm sure she's fine, Sora. We just took you getting hurt pretty hard. She's dealing with it in the best way she can ah recon, just like the rest of us." She added before chuckling gently. "Despite what she says about ya she never wants to leave a pony hanging, specially one that risked his life to save her and her friends so many times."

Sora shook his head. "I can understand that at least...Still, doesn't mean I didn't messed up bad in the last battle..."

"But y'all are still alive...and so are we because of ya." Applejack countered, "For that, ah know ah can say that ah thank ya from the bottom of my heart." Applejack's smile turned into a frown. "Now don't y'all ever do it again, I'll kill ya myself. Y'all nearly had me worried to death seeing you take such a beating like that and had poor Apple Bloom downright in tears."

Sora couldn’t stop himself from cringing at that. Seeing the poor little filly crying her heart out...and it was his fault. He doubted he ever wanted to see something like that ever. He tried to give Applejack his biggest smile. “Ah...yeah...I understand.”

It immediately ended with Applejack giving Sora deadpan stare, her hoof shoving into his chest. "Ah mean it...Don't do that ever again."

"Y-Yes ma'am!" Sora squeaked as he saluted the mare.


"There has to be something! There just has to be!" Twilight cried as she quickly flipped through one book after another, growling with frustration when she got the same results time after time. "Darn it! Nothing in this one either! Or this one! Or this one!"

Despite not being able to look at the unicorn in the eye, Sora could see that everything about her posture screamed "I'm stressed!". From the odd ends of her mane that were tweaked out of place to the ever so slightly twitch her tail would make as sporadic times.

If he was being honest with himself, he would actually say that he was a little afraid to approach her.

"Hey Twi, guess who's up and about?”

All at once, Sora's body became rigid at Twilight's reaction to Applejack’s voice. The lavender mare had actually stopped in mid rant, something that actually unnerved the usually happy-go-lucky hero. To top it off, Twilight's head slowly...painfully, turning its way towards him was like something out of his nightmares.

"You're awake..."

The sound of her voice caused the hair on the back of Sora’s neck to stand up on end. If Sora had not thought that the mare was his friend then he would have ran like his life depended on it. In fact why doesn’t he run? There was a nice window to the side of him that he could clearly throw himself out of after all

Before he could think more upon such actions, Twilight vanished right before his eyes in a blinding flash of lavender light. Before he knew it, the stallion felt himself tackled to the ground, a crazy looking Twilight pinning him tightly to the ground using her magic.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting of you to wake up Sora! I almost thought about using my magic to look into your memories, but Princess Celestia forbade me to do it! But your awake now so I don't have to go against the Princess's wishes anymore! Applejack told me about how you all met the original Elements of Honesty and Laughter, and how something called a human had helped form them in the past! Not just any human though, a human with the same power you have! And the same weapon! How do you have the same power as a creature that's not even from this planet?! Who is Riku!? Why aren't you telling me what I need to know!?!?” She said, becoming more frantic towards the end of her rant.

“Woah, easy there Twigirl.” Applejack said with a chuckle, placing a hoof on the mare's back. “Give ‘im time to answer one of ya questions before ya bombard him with another one, okay?”

The lavender mare blinked at AJ before looking back down at Sora who she had pinned under her, the stallion in question just giving the mare a rather nervous and fearful smile. Blushing with embarrassment, Twilight quickly jumped off of him, allowing the Keyblade Wielder to at least sit up on his hunches. She shuffled from hoof to hoof as she gave him an apologetic smile. “I-I'm sorry Sora! There are so many questions I need answered and from what I’m told by AJ, Pinkie and Princess Celestia, you’re the one who can answer a lot of them right now.”

Sora couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the mare. "No worries Twi. I had promised AJ and Pinkie I would tell you and the others everything I know anyway. I at least owe you all that much after what I put you through."

"I know...and...I'm sorry again. Everything is happening so fast. The world as I know it just got a whole lot bigger and it's a little...overwhelming." Twilight gave Sora a gentle look. “And…ah…sorry for not saying this earlier but, well…”closing the distance between themselves, Twilight pulled the stallion close and wrapped her hooves around his neck. “I’m glad you’re okay. Seeing you hurt like that and everything and there was nothing I could do to help you. I’ve honestly never felt so helpless in my life." She pulled away to look at him. "Riku said-“

Sora’s eyes widened at his friend's name, the stallion instantly interrupting her. "So that was Riku before...Did he say why he was here?"

Twilight shook her head. “No, but he also gave us a few potions that he said to use on you, even gave me a few extra for you to have just in case." She frowned. "When he found out your magic wasn’t working, which I am still having a hard time coming to terms with, he told us to use these on you before leaving with...With Queen Chrysalis.”

"He did?" Sora said before raising an eyebrow. “Wait. Back up a sec. Who’s Queen Chrysalis? How did he even get here? How did he know where to find me?”

"He did tell us that..." Twilight answered before she frowned at him. “But right now that's not important. I know he’s your friend and everything but right now I want to focus on you for the time being. Just who are you? Really?"

Sora fidgeted before looking over to AJ, the farm pony nodding softly as she smiled at him. Turning back to the lavender mare, he sighed gently. “It's going to be a rather long story. And I had promised to tell the others as well.”

Twilight nodded and smiled warmly at the stallion before levitating her saddlebags onto her back. “Then let’s go get them Sora. I'm sure they will be happy to know you're finally awake after all this time after all."

Sora raised an eyebrow. "How long was I out anyway? AJ didn't tell me."

Twilight smiled sheepishly. "Ah-hahah...Ah...Five days..."




The stallion couldn’t even begin to comprehend what the pink party mare had just said, let alone the amount of oxygen it would take to say it. As soon as he and the others had made their way into Sugarcube Corner, the pinkie party mare had proceeded to, upon locking on to his location, tackle the poor stallion into a crushing hug, lifting him rather high off the ground as she did so. He struggled in her grasp, unable to do little else but wheeze and wiggle in her hooves.

“Pinkie, remember what I told you before about letting ponies breath” Twilight warned the pink party mare. Pinkie blinked before relaxing her grip, giving the stallion a more subdued hug but a tight one nonetheless.

Sora, now finally able to, returned the hug before with one of his own, making the pink mare giggle happily. After a few seconds the pink mare pulled away, smiling brightly at the Keyblade Wielder. “So are you gonna tell them!? Huh? HUH? HUH!?!”

Sora nodded before pounding his chest. “I made a Pinkie Pie Promise, didn’t I?” He asked, to which she beamed even brighter.

“Yep! Yep you did!! And you never break a Pinkie Promise cause breaking a Pinkie Promise is the best way to lose a friend," She paused before rearing up on her hind legs and spreading her forelegs above her, "FOREVER!" She set back down on all fours. "And you don’t want to do that now, do you?” She said before bouncing around the stallion and making her way to Twilight's side. “Well then come on! We need to get the other girls and then we get to hear the fantastical tale of Sora, the Warrior of Light and wielder of the Keyblade!!”

Twilight giggled before nudging the stallion. “Hear that, Warrior of Light?” She said in a joking manner, the stallion instantly blushing and looking away. "Looks like you just gained a new title."

“H-Hey...Are you picking on-” He didn’t get to finish his sentence as Applejack pushed her head into his flank, pushing him out the door.

“No time, Sugercube. Now let’s git!”

“Ack! Okay, okay! Don’t push!” Sora yelped as he was forced out of the store, Twilight and Pinkie giggling as they followed after once the pink party mare bid farewell to Mrs. Cake, the pastry mare nodding to the little group as they left Sugar Cube Corner.


"You’re awake..."

Those were the first Sora words heard as he entered Carousel Boutique, the establishment of one Rarity Belle. The fashionista’s normally upbeat voice held a tone of melancholy as the caramel stallion stood before her. She gave him a rather long, hard stare, furrowing her brow more and more the longer she did so, and all he could do was stand there as she stared daggers into his being. After a very long time, the mare sighed deeply before pressing a hoof against his chest.

"You do know I am very angry with you right now, correct?" She asked, her voice lace with barely contained venom.

Sora could only nod in response, rubbing the back of his head as he did so.

"Good..." the white mare said, satisfied with his answer. "Now that that is out of the way." She wrapped her hooves around his neck, just as the others had done, drawing him into a gentle embrace. "I'm oh, so glad you are okay, Darling. “ The mare told him, as tears slowly slipped down her cheeks. “When that brute hurt you and it was my fault...I couldn’t...and...I’m sorry. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you like you’ve done for us so many times."

Sora couldn’t help but shake his head at that, gently patting her back. “It’s not your fault Rarity. I promise I’m not mad at you. How could I be?”

The mare pulled away, wiping a hoof against her tear stained eyes. “Thank you Sora, you are much too kind, even to somepony like me. Still, I wanted to make it up to you regardless. Its why I-” She paused as she looked at the bags draped across his back. “Sora, dear, why are you wearing your bags like that?”

Sora blinked before looking towards his back. "Oh! Ah...I thought they were the kind of bags that you guys usually wear, ya know, the ones you ware on your back. They did seem kind of odd when I tried to put them on though."

Rarity tisked before levitating the bags in a gentle glow of blue magic. "That is because they are meant for your hind legs, darling, made to latch on to each one." The white unicorn held her head up as she began to explain. "Your unusual dress style had got me thinking of different ways for us to wear fashionable yet comfortable styles. One of which is what I gave you here." The white mare would then smile a smile that was a bit too predatory. "Now then," she moved to his side. "Allow me to...hmm...Show you the right way of putting this on, if you do not mind that is." She mused, reaching for the side of his flank. Her actions did not go unnoticed however as Applejack snatched the bags out of mid air before shoving them into Sora's hooves.

"He can do it himself later, Rarity." Applejack deadpanned. “He’s a grown stallion after all. No need to coddle him and what not.”

Rarity glared at the farm mare before looking away, holding her muzzle in the air. "Fine...But I do have many other fashions for him to try on later." She said with a gentle smile before looking away and adding under her breath. "Without a pesky chaperone getting in the way of course."

"Um...Ah...Sorry if I'm bothering you. I can come back later if that’s okay."

Everypony turned to see a familiar, butter yellow mare peeping from around a door frame, a timid blush forming on her cheeks as she saw that she was now the focus of attention.

"Fluttershy! You’re here, darling!" Rarity said with a bright smile. "I am sorry but we will have to postpone that fitting for now."

The shy mare shook her head. "I...It’s okay, Rarity. I...well...I can understand why.." She said before her eyes gazed towards the caramel stallion. As his own met hers she began to shiver slightly, a guilty feeling emanating from the Sora’s eyes all too clear in her own. Slowly she made her way to the stallion standing in front of him. The normally Shy mare seemed to take the initiative as she followed after her friends before her, her hooves gently wrapping around Sora’s neck . before whispering softly, "I...I was so worried about you Sora.”

The stallion in question couldn’t help but smile as he placed a hoof on her shoulder, an act that normally would have caused the mare to flinch at the feeling of somepony touching her. Instead though, she would only hug the stallion tighter.

Finally pulling away, Sora couldn’t help but look away, blushing. “Applejack said you took care of me while I was out...If that's so, then thanks. Guess I caused all of you a lot of trouble huh?”

“Oh! No...I...Um...I’m ok...really…”

“Fluttershy.” Applejack said in an admonishing tone of voice. “Remember what we talked about.”

The shy mare cringed slightly before looking down, not wanting to meet the stallion’s gaze. ”O-Okay. I was...well...devastated. I thought that we had lost you. Forever. I...I mean...I don’t know what I would have done.”

That...actually hurt Sora more then anything else. “I’m sorry Shy. I…”

She shook her head slowly before pressing her temple against his chest. “I know...I am too...I know I'm being selfish, saying how much it would have hurt to lose you, but I can’t help it...I can’t help feeling that way, not when it comes to you Sora...”

“Honestly,” Twilight spoke up, “I think that goes for all of us.”

Sora couldn’t help but sigh deeply at that, looking away from them all as he spoke. "I'm sorry I put all of you through that. And I'm sorry I've been keeping things from all of you. About me...About where I come from...What I actually do...And about what might be happening now."

Twilight lowered her head. "Princess Celestia said pretty much the same when she talked about Sunset Shimmer.” at the tilt of Sora’s head Twilight went on. " That's the name of the mare that attacked us back at the Crystal Empire. The princesses have a lot of things to tell me too, and I plan on getting all the information I can out of them tonight. We are meeting at Applejack's barn so that we can have a bit of privacy. Spike should already be there helping set everything up for everypony. I’m pretty sure he has some choice words for you too Sora."

Sora raised an eyebrow. "What about Rainbow Dash? Don't we need to find her?"

"That’s not gonna be a problem, silly billy.” Pinkie Pie spoke up as she wrapped her hooves around both the stallion and the shy mare. “Now, let’s get going! This party ain’t gonna start itself after all." She bounced out of the room, carrying both of her friends along with her, much to the pair’s dismay.


"Sora!? You're awake!? And you’re okay!"

"Dude! That was a wicked battle before! You're like! Awesome!"

"I was so worried! Please don't do that ever again!"

Sora, upon entering the Barn within Sweet Apple Acres, barely had time to react before he was beset upon by three familiar little fillies, each one grasping onto the stallion with all of their might. Amidst the cheering and crying between the three of them, couldn’t help but smile as he pulled all three of them close, hugging the little fillies tightly.

“Haha...geeze...seems like I've apologized to everyone I know now.” The stallion couldn’t help but joke, gently patting the heads of each filly. “But all the same, I really am sorry I worried you. I’ll try not to make a habit of it. If I can help it.”

Scootaloo laughed as she pushed his hoof away from ruffling her mane too much. “You better you dork. But I knew you would pull though. You are a hero after all.”

Sweetie Belle wiped a tear from her eye before gently pushing the orange filly. “Says the pegasus that cried the hardest when she finally got to Sora when he was knocked out.”

Scootaloo blushed deeply at that before tackling the white filly. “D-Did not! That was Apple Bloom! I was just worried for...I mean...SHUT UP!!”

Said little apple filly couldn’t stop herself from shaking her head before looking up at the stallion. “Ah...Ah really am glad that your okay Sora...all of us are. Thanks...for keeping them safe.” Apple Bloom leaned into the stallion before giving him a soft peck on the cheek, an action that actually made Sora blush brightly. “And that one was for keeping me safe.” She said before rushing away to break up the little fight her friends were in.

“Haha...You really have a knack with foals it seems.”

Sora turned to find that Princess Cadence had made her way towards him, with Shining Armor trotting beside her. Jumping to his hooves, the Keyblade Wielder couldn’t stop the smile of relief that formed on his face. “Cadence...And Shining Armor. You’re both alright. I really was worried about the two of you.”

“We could say the same to you, Sora.” Shining countered as he smiled as well. “Honestly I got off easy compared to what the two of you had to go though.”

Cadence couldn’t help but laugh. “Lets just say we all had our own fair share of troubles and put it behind us, hmm?” She turned to Sora, gently bowing her head. “Still, I must say my thanks to you for keeping my sister-in-law and very best friend safe.”

Sora couldn't help but blush at the praise before looking away and scratching his cheek. “No need to thank me your majesty. I barely did anything anyway.”

“Now that is definitely not true Sora.” Princess Celesita mused as she made herself known, her little sister traveling right behind her. “It was because of your actions that day that many lives were saved, including that of your new found friends. Despite the circumstances, you have left a lasting impression upon them for years to come. And I’m pretty sure that it was a good one to say the least.”

Sora couldn’t help but have his doubts but did little to argue with the Princess of the Sun. Not that he would have had time to do so when the others started filing into the Barn.

"Good! Everypony is here," Twilight spoke aloud as she took a seat not too far away from Sora. “Not that I’m trying to rush you or anything but I think it’s high time you tell us about who you really are." She said sitting on her haunches in front of him, a quill and parchment appearing beside her.

“Now now Twilight, I know you are eager but we could give Sora some more time to rest. He had just woken up and everything after all.” Celestia tried to defend the stallion.

Sora shook his head at the gesture. “Thanks Princess Celestia, but a promise is a promise, and honestly, I don’t mind doing do it now. After everything that happened and what Pinkie and AJ saw back at the Crystal Empire, Don't think I would be able to hind it even if I wanted to.”

Conceding to the little stallion’s logic, Celestia settled in beside her sister, giving him the go ahead to do what he needed to do.

“Right...Now...where to begin.” Sora mused as she tapped a hoof to his chin. “Oh...Okay. I’ll begin right where it all started. Back in my home world of Destiny Islands. You see, me and my friends, we all wanted to sail away to worlds unknown...”

As Sora began his tale, a pair of magenta eyes watched him from above, making nary a sound as she listened in on the young Keyblade Wielder's tale.

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