• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul


Sunset Shimmer emerged from the Portal of Darkness, the twisted gateway spewing her into the dimly lit chamber of Grogar’s hidden chamber. Already, she could feel the air crackling with an otherworldly energy, and the oppressive darkness seemed to cling to her fur like a second skin. The walls were adorned with cryptic symbols that pulsed with an ominous glow, casting an eerie light across the room. Wards, she knew, to keep those from finding them.

Turning, her eyes narrowed as she beheld the figure hunched over a grand desk, a cascade of papers strewn about, each bearing the markings of Starlight's meticulous research. The figure, Grogar, was fully engrossed in the details of the arcane knowledge before him.

"Master Grogar," Sunset's voice cut through the silence, carrying a tone of both respect and impatience. She approached the ram, her eyes fixed on the papers scattered across the desk, adding more to the pile as her magic levitated the recently absconded notes from the ruins of Starlight’s lab. "I've retrieved the research before those fools could get their hooves on it, just as you instructed. I am sorry to say that the Keyblade Wielder seemed to have taken a few pages of her works with him when he was within it before."

The goat glanced up from his papers, his dark yellow eyes gleaming with a sinister intelligence. Gently he chuckled, his voice rumbled through the chamber, sending shivers down Sunset's spine. "Fear not, my dear Sunset Shimmer," he said, his voice dripping with dark authority. "The theft of some research, while hindering, is of no concern. The Keyblade Wielder will soon realize that he cannot escape his fate, that none of them can."

The yellow unicorn couldn't shake the frustration that churned within her at his words. "If that is the case…master…” She stepped forward. "Would have been better to destroy all of them from the get go while they were weak and helpless. Why leave them alive when we could crush them and secure our dominance?"

"That is true..." He turned to face the mare. "But...If you have forgotten, He asked me to keep the boy alive. He still has plans for him after all. Of course, since I always pay back my debts, I will do what I can to follow his orders..." Grogar rose from his seat, towering over Sunset with an imposing presence. The chamber seemed to darken further as he spoke, his words dripping with a malevolent undertone.

“Him again…” Sunset spat, looking away. “Why is that old creature so obsessed with that dull hero?”

"The Keyblade Wielder's destiny is intertwined with forces beyond our comprehension. He serves a purpose that goes beyond the mere conquest of this realm. It is not for us to question the designs of those who pull the strings from the shadows."

The mare, though still frustrated, nodded, acknowledging the dark wisdom in Grogar's words. "But what of the Elements of Harmony? Why spare them as well? They've proven to be a persistent thorn in our side just as much as the Keyblade Wielder."

Grogar's eyes glinted, his gaze piercing through Sunset's defiant exterior. "They are more of a special case." he turned, getting up before making his way to a nearby bookshelf. Stopping, he pulled out a book. "There is much I do not know about them. Where they came from. Why they were made." He smiled. "Even you, as Princess Celestia's former student, never knew about them."

Sunset's eyes narrowedShe took a step closer to Grogar, eyeing the ancient tome he held. "The Elements of Harmony have always been a mystery, but surely, with the power we possess, we can find a way to control or eliminate them. They stand in the way of our goals."

"Tell me Sunset...What would happen if we killed one of the Elements?" The ram asked suddenly.

The mare hesitated, eyes wide as she contemplated the question. It was a short while before she spoke "If we were to eliminate one of the Elements, it would disrupt the balance of their power. The Elements derive their strength from each other, working together in harmony. Removing one could weaken the collective force, making it easier for us to overcome them individually.

Grogar nodded, "That is one way of looking at it...or..." He frowned. "The element will find a new user to replace the one who once held it, and the balance will be restored. Changing nothing at all."

Sunset frowned, absorbing Grogar's words. The realization that eliminating one of the Elements might not lead to the desired disruption unsettled her. "So, even if we manage to remove an Element, it would merely find a new host. The balance would be restored, and we'd be back to square one."

Grogar continued, "Indeed. Before the current bearers, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were the living embodiments of the Elements of Harmony. The essence of the Elements has a way of seeking out new hosts when the need arises. They are not bound solely to individuals; rather, they are tethered to the qualities they represent."

Sunset's eyes widened with realization. "So, if we want to disrupt the balance, we must target the very essence of the Elements, not just the bearers themselves." She knew the reason was sound. Sound enough for her at least.

Deciding questioning him further would get her nowhere the mare relented...for now. She took a slow bow as she placed the paperwork on a nearby table. "I'm sorry for questioning your methods master. I spoke out of line."

Grogar acknowledged Sunset's gesture with a nod, his gaze unwavering. "Questioning is the mark of an inquisitive mind. It shows you are not blindly following but seeking understanding. I can never fault you for wanting to learn more after all."

Sunset straightened, giving the old ram a nod. "Thank you, Master. I shall take my leave now. To check and prepare our new guest for your experiments. "

"Of course. I shall be there shortly. I'm sure Celestia already made her own plans so we can't fall behind in ours."

With that, Sunset Shimmer turned and exited the dimly lit chamber, her thoughts racing with the implications of Grogar's words. She knew it would take time to fully comprehend the complexities of the Elements of Harmony and their essence. He was only being careful in that regard. Still...What she said wasn't wrong either. What was it that he was waiting for?

The mare shrugged. For now she would bide her time. There were more important things to worry about after all.


Applejack trotted briskly through the cozy halls of Sweet Apple Acres, her hooves echoing against the wooden floors. The scent of freshly baked apple pies wafted through the air, a testament to the busy morning preparations for the Apple Family Reunion.

Checking the area they will be dining for the day, which was mostly outside, the busy farm mare ensured the tables were set with a bounty of delicious apple treats. Moving towards the kitchen, she found that Granny Smith was busy overseeing the kitchen, directing the few apples who made it early in their culinary tasks. Satisfied with the progress within, Applejack continued her rounds, making her way to the barn where her brother Big Macintosh was hard at work helping with setting up a few games for the little foals to play.

"Hey there, Big Mac," she called out with a warm smile as she entered the barn. The sound of hay rustling and hooves shuffling filled the air as Big Mac looked up from his work.

"Eeyup," The large stallion responded with his usual stoic expression, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. He adjusted the straw hat on his head and wiped a bit of sweat from his brow with a hoof.

"Need a hoof with anything?" Applejack asked, surveying the assortment of games being set up. Colorful banners adorned the rustic wooden walls, and the air was filled with the excited chatter of the approaching reunion.

"Nnnnnope." He looked off to the side of himself, his head pointing towards a familiar pink party pony. "Things would have taken a bit longer without Pinkie Pie to help us out."

She followed Big Mac's gaze and saw Pinkie Pie in her element, bouncing around the barn with boundless energy. She was hanging streamers from the rafters, her pink mane swaying with each hop. The sight of her contagious joy brought a smile to Applejack's face.

"Sure can't deny that," Applejack chuckled, watching as Pinkie Pie twirled around, giggling to herself. "She sure knows how to bring the party wherever she goes."

The large stallion nodded, a subtle grin crossing his face. "Eeyup, reckon she's got a knack for it. Maybe she should make it a regular thing…throwing parties I mean."

The orange farm mare raised an eyebrow at her older brother. "Did I just hear you tell a joke?"

Big Macintosh's stoic expression softened, and he chuckled softly. "Well, it ain't every day I crack a joke, but I reckon a little humor won't hurt." He gave his little sister a playful nudge with his hoof. "Guess Pinkie's contagious energy is rubbin' off on me if I’m thinking like that."

"Haha. Not that I'm complaining..." The farm mare sighed softly. "With how crazy things are with everything...ya know...the Heartless and what not...having a bit o' fun is a good thing I reckon."

Big Mac nodded in agreement, his gaze wandering towards the horizon. "I still hate the fact you go off and fight those...monsters, AJ. Not knowing if you will get hurt or not."

His sister’s smile faded slightly. "I know it's tough for you, Big Mac. But I can't just sit idly by while Equestria is in danger. A normal pony can fight them off but they only come back. So if the Elements of Harmony can do something about them like Sora's keyblade can then all the more reason for me to fight when I can."

The large stallion sighed. "I get that, AJ, I do. It's just hard seeing my little sister go off into danger. Promise me you'll at least be careful out there the next time you go off and fight heart stealing monsters."

"I promise to the best of my abilities, Big Mac," The farm marereplied, sincerity in her voice. "I won’t take unnecessary risks. Besides, we've got the Elements of Harmony and friends like Sora watching our backs. We'll handle those Heartless without a hitch."

Big Macintosh nodded, his worry still evident in his eyes. "Alright, AJ. Just remember that we're here for you too. Your family I mean. Don’t shoulder all of this on just you and the girls, ya hear?"

The orange earthpony smiled, wrapping a hoof around her older brother. "I know, Big Mac. And I appreciate that more than you'll ever know."


Both farmers jumped as the orange one's name was called. She turned just in time to see Pinkie Pie bounding over to them, her eyes wide with excitement as she focused in on the far mare. "Hey, Applejack! Come to check on the decorations?! Everything's shaping up to be super-duper amazing, just like a party should be!"

Applejack chuckled at her pink friend’s enthusiasm. "You've done wonders, Pinkie. We're mighty grateful for your help. I knew asking you was the right call."

Pinkie Pie beamed. "Of course! It's what I do best. Parties are like, my thing!"

The freckled mare gave her bouncy pink one a playful nudge. "Well, you sure do know how to turn a regular ol' gathering into a full-blown hoedown. Thanks for bringing some extra cheer to the reunion, Pinkie."

Pinkie Pie saluted with a hoof. "No problemo! Making ponies happy is my super-duper specialty!" She looked around. "Speaking of ponies to make happy, is your little sister awake yet?"

"Hmm...good question Pinkie." the female farm mare responded. "Reckon I should go check and make sure she's okay." She turned towards her brother. "You got everything taken care of here?"

"Eeyup," Big Macintosh replied with a nod. "We're all set on this end. Go on ahead and check on Apple Bloom. We'll be right behind you."

“Much obliged.” AJ tilted her head. “I’ll be back faster than two shakes of a lamb's tail.”

Making her way out of the barn and back inside the family home, she trotted upstairs, unable to stop herself from a small smile at the memories embedded in the creaky wooden steps, thoughts of her time as a filly during this same time of year. The family reunion was an annual tradition that held a special place in her heart, bringing together relatives from far and wide. This year, however, Applejack was determined to make it the best one yet.

Approaching her room, she gently pushed the door open. The warm sunlight streamed through the window, casting a golden glow on the simple, rustic decor. Her eyes softened at the sight of her little sister, Apple Bloom, curled up in her bed, still lost in the realm of dreams.

"Geeze...what am I gonna do with you?" Applejack whispered to herself, a fond smile playing on her lips. She carefully moved closer, sitting herself upon the bed gently. She almost didn't want to wake her with how cute she looked sleeping. After everything she had gone through back at the Crystal Empire, she deserves a bit of peace like this. Still, she knew her younger sister would hate her forever if she even thought about letting her sleep though the reunion.

Applejack reached out and gently shook Apple Bloom's shoulder. "Wake up, Apple Bloom. It's time to get ready for the reunion."

The yellow filly stirred, blinking her sleepy eyes open. "AJ? Is it morning already?"

"Mhmm," Applejack nodded. "Sun's up, and we've got a lot to do before the rest of our family arrives."

Apple Bloom yawned and stretched, her small hooves reaching out as she slowly woke up. All at once her mood went from sleepy to perky, remembering just what today was. "Oh, right! The reunion! I almost forgot." She looked around the room before falling to the sunny sky outside AJ’s window. "Wow, I really slept in, huh?"

The little filly’s older sister chuckled. "You sure did, sugarcube. But that's alright. We've got plenty of time to get everything ready. Now, get yourself washed up and made presentable like. Granny Smith and Big Mac are already downstairs helping out."

Apple Bloom jumped out of bed before making her way to the hall, stopping just short of it to turn to her older sister. She opened her mouth to speak, only to stop short before lowering her head. "I...well...Don't mean to be...ya know...but...did ya hear anything from Sora?"

Applejack smiled gently as she made her way towards the little filly, carefully tilting her chin so that she could look her in the eye. "No need to worry, Apple Bloom. I haven't heard anything from Sora yet, but sometimes no news is good news, right? Sides, he's a tough one, and I reckon he's out there doing his best to keep Equestria safe." She smiled. "Sides, Rarity, Rainbow and Flutters is with em. If anypony can keep that dork out of trouble it's them three, Sugarcube."

Apple Bloom nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yeah, you're right, AJ. I'm sure he’s just fine and is already on his way back from beating the badguys."

"That's the spirit, Apple Bloom," Applejack said, ruffling her sister's mane affectionately. "Now, let's get ready for the reunion. We've got a lot to do, and I'm counting on my best helper to make it a day to remember for everypony!"

Apple Bloom grinned, her energy quickly returning as she hopped off the bed, quickly making her way towards the washroom. Seeing her little sister perk up made the mare just a little bit happier. Looking out a nearby window, she couldn't stop the smile that played across her face.

As Apple Bloom headed to the washroom to get ready, Applejack took a moment to look out the window, the golden hues of the rising sun casting a warm glow over Sweet Apple Acres. The farmstead, bustling with activity, felt like the heart of their close-knit family.

She didn't want to say it in front of her little sister, but she, too, was worried for all of her friends who had leapt into danger. "Hope they are all doing okay...if nothing else...for Apple Bloom's sake..."

With a deep breath, Applejack shook off any lingering worries. She turned away from the window and joined the lively preparations downstairs, where the farmhouse echoed with the sounds of laughter, chatter, and the occasional clatter of utensils.

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