• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,796 Views, 1,601 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul


The train's brakes squealed as it came to a halt at Canterlot Station, piercing the silence of the night. The platform was illuminated by the soft glow of lampposts, casting long shadows across the empty space. Despite the late hour, the stoic figures of the Royal Guard stood at attention, a solemn presence amidst the quietude.

As the doors of the train slid open, weary travelers began to disembark, their faces etched with exhaustion and apprehension. Among them were Fluttershy and Rarity, their steps tentative as they stepped onto the platform. All around her and the other ponies that slipped from the doors of the train, The Royal Guard could be seen maintaining their vigil, their expressions unreadable beneath their helmets. In opposition to them were the doctors and attendants who had been asked to see to anypony in need of medical assistance or help any other way that they could. Family, friends, lovers, there were many there to see to the ponies in need.

Fluttershy's heart went out to those who appeared in need of help, their weary eyes reflecting a mix of relief and anxiety. She glanced over at Rarity, who seemed equally concerned but maintained an air of poise and grace. She had wanted to say something, anything, but bit her tongue as soon as she spotted Sora making his way off the train alongside Rainbow Dash and surprisingly Trixie of all ponies. The mare squeaked softly as she felt the need to turn and run away before the stallion could spot her. But to her inner horror it was too late, his gaze having fallen upon the butter-yellow mare's own almost as if life was mocking her trials. In seeing his eyes, she couldn’t help but feel herself flinch, hating herself for reacting in such a way. Even more so at the expression he made soon after her reaction to him

Her heart clenched as she saw the crestfallen face he made, his ears pinning to the back of his head. Guilt washed over her like a blanket, knowing that she was the cause of the rift between them now. She wished dearly to close the distance between the two of them. To talk to him. To pretend like nothing was wrong and...to feel the warmth of his smile on her once more.

But her deep-rooted fear held Fluttershy in its grip. A fear that whispered doubts and insecurities into both of her opened ears.

Still, despite herself, the young mare raised her head slowly before gently raising her hoof, offering the stallion a soft wave. An action that didn't go by unnoticed by the keyblade wielder, his eyes widening in surprise. He looked around himself at first before looking back at the mare, figuring that she was indeed motioning towards him. Giving the best smile he could muster on his own, he waved back.

Fluttershy's heart fluttered at the simple action. It was a small gesture, it was a small gesture, to be sure, but her heart couldn't help in equal parts swell and hurt before it all. Still, she offered him a small smile of her own before turning away, following after Rarity who had been waiting for her to catch up.

As soon as she did, the timid mare couldn’t help but see Rarity's smug smile softened into one of gentle amusement as she glanced at her friend.
"I...ah...w-what?" The shy mare asked, looking away from the white unicorn.

"Oh, nothing, darling.” Rarity mused with a soft shake of her head. “It's just lovely to see you taking steps forward, especially when it comes to matters of the heart."

Fluttershy's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she shifted nervously under Rarity's gaze. "I-I suppose so. I just...I mean I didn't want to hurt him any more then I have so..."

Rarity nodded. "I understand wholehearted, Darling." She offered a friend a gentle smile and a soft hug. "Come now. I'm sure our guard escort is waiting to take us to the Castle. A nice bath and a good night's rest will be good for all of us."

"I...um...Okay...but..." She looked behind herself towards Sora and the other two mares. "What about our friends?"

As they walked towards the Royal Guard, Rarity cast a glance back at Sora, Rainbow Dash, and Trixie who were engaged in a lively conversation. "I believe they will be just fine, darling," Rarity reassured Fluttershy. "Besides, your cousin, the Captain herself, said that she wanted to take him to the princess before he gets settled in."

“Oh…” The mare responded softly before asking. “Do…you know why?”

“I’m sure its nothing big dear.” The mare quickly dismissed. “More than likely to check up on things and hear a bit of his side of the story I am sure.”

"I understand," she murmured, glancing back at Sora and their friends once more before turning her attention back to Rarity. "I...um...hope it goes well for him...."

Rarity smiled warmly, her gaze filled with understanding. "I'm sure it will, dear. Now, let's focus on getting ourselves settled in. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

With Rarity's comforting presence by her side, Fluttershy felt a sense of calm settle over her. Together, they followed the Royal Guard escort, making their way through Canterlot Station and towards the awaiting carriage that would take them to the castle.


Sora turned his head towards the retreating forms of Fluttershy and Rarity once more, his gaze lowering ever so slightly as a pang of sadness tugged at his heart. He knew that it was a fleeting interaction at best. He still couldn't help but feel his chest tighten with a mix of disappointment and…Longing? A longing that he had never quite felt before.

"Hey...Sora? You okay?"

Sora snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Rainbow Dash's voice, turning to face her with a forced smile. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, though his tone lacked its usual enthusiasm.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, clearly not convinced by his response. "You sure about that? I mean you were staring at Fluttershy's flanks for quite a while you know." She teased.

The stallion’s cheeks flushed crimson at Rainbow Dash's teasing remark, his forced smile faltering for a moment before he recovered, replacing it with a hard pout. "What? No, I wasn't staring at her flanks!"

"Sure looked like it to me," The rainbow maned mare teased further, nudging him playfully with her hoof. "But hey, no judgment here. Fluttershy does have some pretty nice flanks, I'll give you that."

Sora's embarrassment only deepened at Rainbow Dash's teasing, and he averted his gaze, scratching the back of his head nervously. "Come on, Rainbow, cut it out," he muttered, feeling his cheeks still burning with embarrassment. “This isn’t funny, you know.”

"He is right rainbow mare. Sora doesn't look like the type to ogle a mare's behind anyway." Trixie mused as she squinted at the stallion. "And Trixie is usually a good judge of character. Though she could be wrong..He is a growing stallion after all.."

The keyblade wielder’s embarrassment reached new heights as the show mare joined in on the teasing, and he shifted uncomfortably under their gazes. "Seriously, Rainbow, Stop it. And It's not like that, Trixie" he insisted, his cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. "I was just lost in thought, that's all."

Rainbow chuckled as she gently pushed his shoulder. "Haha. Come on, Sora. You know I'm just teasing ya." She smirked. "Besides, if you wanna look at Fluttershy's flanks then by all means. I'm already rootin for you two overly sensitive idiots."

"Ugh…Thanks, Rainbow," he replied, his cheeks still flushed. "But for the last time, it's not like that between Fluttershy and me." He paused. "At least...I...I don't know. It's kinda complicated and everything."

"Fluttershy...she is the yellow quiet one is she not?" Trixie asked. "Trixie remembers seeing her back at Ponyville when she was there but didn't take note of her." She looked the stallion up and down. "So what is the problem? Trixie must agree with the loud-mouth that she is pleasing to the eyes. A bit thick in some areas, unlike Trixie but if you like a mare you like a mare."

Sora sighed, feeling slightly flustered by Trixie's straightforwardness. "It's not about her looks or anything like that, and it's not that I don't like her...it's just..." he sighed as he looked away, rubbing the back of his head. "We were getting along fine before all of...ya know...Trottingham. Then...She...When I was about to die she told me she loved me. Now that I'm saved and everything...I...Everything she was doing with me with me before. Talking to me...hanging out...I...It puts everything in a new light and...Its a lot to take in."

"Wait, You were about to die!?" The show mare exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock. "When did this happen?"

"It was when you were knocked out. Keep up horn head." Rainbow scoffed as she answered the blue pegasus, pushing herself in front of Sora and Trixie out of the way. "So what's the deal? I mean if you liked it before what's your hang up now? Don't tell me you're still overly thinking stuff cause dude you seem like the type to blow a fuse doing so."

"I...Like I said it's complicated okay." Sora frowned, ignoring the mare’s remark on his intelligence. "Besides, Rarity said I should really think about how I feel about it all. Fluttershy may ...she may like me but does my heart really feel the same for her, knowing how different the two of us are."

"Different?" Trixie asked. "Aren't you two pegasi?"

Sora squeaked before looking away. "I...well...it's a bit more than that-"

"Horseapples that's the reason!" Rainbow hissed, interrupting the stallion. "If you like somepony, you like them. And if they like you too then all the better. Doesn't matter what you are or were."

Sora looked away, rubbing the back of his head, clearly feeling uncomfortable discussing the matter further. "It's not just tha-" He paused before shaking his head. "Listen, Rainbow, It has nothing to do with that...at least...it's not just that it's..." he began, but before he could continue, he was interrupted by Captain Lightning, Fluttershy's cousin.

Lightning approached them, her gaze sweeping between Sora, Rainbow Dash, and Trixie before finally focusing on Sora. "Sora," she said in a firm yet gentle tone, "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have requested your presence at the castle. They wish to speak with you."

The stallion's eyes widened before nodding. "Right. Guessing she wants to know first hand what happened, right?"

"H-Hey. We're not done talking with Spikey yet." Rainbow huffed as she stepped forward. "Besides, isn't it late? You would think the Princess would want to let the Hero of the hour rest."

Captain Lightning turned her attention to towards the brash mare.. "I understand your concerns, Rainbow Dash," she replied, her voice carrying a tone of authority. "But the princesses' request is urgent, and they have specifically asked for Sora's presence in the matter. Rest assured, they are aware of the late hour, but they believe this matter cannot wait." The yellow pegasus's eyes shifted towards the stallion. “If you want I can tell them you are tired.”

Sora shook his head before, turning back to face Rainbow and Trixie. "I'll go. If The princess is asking to see me now then I don't mind."

"Hey! You're just trying to run away!" Rainbow hissed with a frown.

The stallion shook his head once again, his expression turning firm. "I’m not, Dash," he said earnestly. "I just... I need to know what they want. Maybe it's about what happened in Trottingham. Maybe it's something else. But whatever it is, something tells me I shouldn't keep them waiting." He smiled. “I promise, I'm not running away...We can finish this later, okay...I need time to think. About what you said...About everything."

The rainbow maned mare’s expression turned from anger to reluctance, coinciding the matter. "Alright, fine," she conceded, her voice softer now. "But I'm coming with you to the castle. No way I'll let you go by yourself now."

"Indeed. Trixie is quite curious as well." The show-mare mused. "She shall accompany you."

Rainbow Dash frowned at the show mare, giving her a hard stare. "What the hey...Who died and made you part of our group of friends."

"I'm not part of your group of friends." Trixie mused, correcting the mare. "I'm Sora's friend and as Sora's friend it is only natural for me to be worried about him."

Rainbow Dash reared back as if struck by Trixie's statement, her expression incredulous. "Wait, what? Who said you could just up and force Sora to be your friend?"

Trixie raised an eyebrow, unfazed by Rainbow's reaction. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is not forcing Sora into anything. Trixie merely stated a fact. Sora and Trixie are friends. Our camaraderie is much more dignified and sincere than you would ever understand, Rainbow Dash. The love of magic brings ponies together after all, and my magic," She smirked. "Is the best."

The blue pegasus’s wings fluttered in irritation. "Yeah, yeah, keep telling yourself that, Trixie. Just remember who Sora's real friends are though. And it's not some show-off like you."

Trixie's smirk widened at Rainbow Dash's retort. "Oh, don't worry your colorful little small brain, Rainbow Dash," she replied, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Trixie knows exactly where she stands with Sora. And it seems like you're the one who's more concerned about your position than anyone else."

Rainbow bristled at Trixie's words, her frustration evident in her expression. "Well, let me tell you something, you blue-"

"Girls!" Sora stood in front of them, interrupting their fight before it came to blows. "I have enough to worry about without you two at each other's throats." He turned to Trixie. "I'm happy to be friends with you Trixie, but that also means that Rainbow and the others are my friends as well. Understand?"

Trixie rolled her eyes and huffed. "Fine, fine. Trixie understands. But don't think for a second that Trixie cares what any of them think," she said, crossing her forelegs defiantly.

He nods before turning to Rainbow Dash. "I know you two have a bad history but she really helped me back at Trottingham and honestly she is a nice mare. Can I please ask you to play nice with her? Maybe you two have more in common than you think?"

Rainbow Dash's wings twitched in agitation once again, her eyes darting between Sora and Trixie before looking away. "Fine," she grumbled, relenting under Sora's pleading gaze. "But don't expect me to be all buddy-buddy with her, got it?"

The stallion sighed. He was sure that was the best he could do for now. "Got...just don't kill each other on the way to the castle." He turned to Lightning. "Sorry about keeping you waiting."

Captain Lightning nodded understandingly at Sora though the stallion couldn't help but see a pointed look on her countenance. "No need to apologize, Sora. Let's head to the castle. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are waiting."

With that, the group set off towards the castle, Sora walking between Rainbow Dash and Trixie, hoping that their tensions would simmer down before they make it to Celestia's castle.

"Do you have to walk so close to him? You're not his mother." The blue pegasus asked, glaring at the show mare.

"Oh, Rainbow Dash, jealousy doesn't look good on you," she teased, stepping even closer to Sora on purpose. "But don't worry. I know I’m not his mother. I'm just a loyal friend who happens to care about him a great deal. Wouldn't want him to tire out before we make it to the castle after all. He was the hero who saved us all after all"

Rainbow Dash's wings flared out in irritation as Trixie leaned in even closer to Sora, purposely aggravating the already strained situation. "Oh please," Rainbow retorted, rolling her eyes. "Like he needs you to hold his hoof. Sora can handle himself just fine." She paused before glaring at the other mare again. “And what do you know about it?! You were knocked out the whole time!”

The keyblade wielder sighed deeply.

It was going to be one of those nights.


It took little time for the small group to make their way within the grand halls of Canterlot castle, their hoofsteps muffled by the soft red carpet that was draped along its pristine marble floors. Trixie, with it being her first time within the palace, couldn't help but gawk at everything she saw. The intricately carved pillars, the shimmering tapestries adorning the walls, and the majestic architecture left her in awe.

"Goodness," Trixie exclaimed, her eyes wide with wonder as she took in the splendor of the castle. "Trixie had seen the outside of the palace from time to time when she was with her mother, but she never really had a chance to be within it and it's even more impressive then Trixie could have imagined."

“Tell me about it.” Sora mused as he chuckled softly at Trixie's response, gently nudging the mare with his hoof. "I've been here a few times, and it still takes my breath away.” He rubbed the back of his head and smiled. “Though I guess being an islander, any place I go to is kinda amazing…despite how many places I’ve traveled to sinc-." Their conversation was abruptly interrupted by a familiar voice calling out their names.

"Sora! Rainbow Dash!" came a voice, echoing down the grand hall of the castle. A voice quite familiar to all present, even Trixie.

The four turned down the nearby hall to see Twilight Sparkle rushing towards them with a worried expression on her face. She stopped only when she was close to the group, wrapping her hooves around Rainbow first and then Sora.

"You're okay...you both are okay..." Twilight's voice trembled with relief as she held onto her friends.

Sora, caught off guard by her sudden display of affection, patted Twilight on the back awkwardly. "Uh…Yeah, Twilight. We're fine," he reassured her, exchanging a confused glance with Rainbow Dash.

“What he said.” The rainbow maned mare added. “I mean a bit roughed up but…”

"You got hurt again, Sora," The lavender unicorn pused back, the ire evident in her voice causing all to be quite. "And all you can say is that you're fine?! I've been worried sick over you ever since I heard about what happened."

The stallion shuffled awkwardly under the mare’s anger. "It's not like..." Before he could finish, a purple hoof shot towards his mouth, stuffing it to silence him..

"Save it. I already know what happened so I can't blame you...totally." She pulled her hoof away looking up at him. "When a mare wants to vent you let her vent. Okay buster." She poked his chest roughly at the last part.

Sora nodded sheepishly, realizing that Twilight had a point. "Okay, okay, you're right, Twilight. I should have been more careful," he admitted, rubbing the back of his head. "But I promise, I'll be more cautious from now on."

Twilight rolled her eyes, sighing softly as she heard Sora's promise. "Sora, I appreciate the sentiment, but I can't accept a promise like that," she said with a knowing look. "I know the kind of pony you are, and you always throw yourself into danger without a second thought. Just...promise me you'll at least try to protect yourself better. I can't stand the thought of losing a friend like you."

"I... I'll do my best, Twilight. I promise," he said sincerely.

A cough from beside the two caused them both to look towards Trixie, the mare looking at the pair with a raised eyebrow.

"Trixie would say get a room but she was sure Sora's heart belonged to the quite yellow one." She looked towards Twilight. "Unless you are trying to steal him away from her, in which case Trixie must tell her best friend that he can do better than this purple show-off."

Twilight was taken aback by Trixie's sudden interjection, blinking in surprise at finally noticing the light blue showmare. "Trixie?! What are you doing here!? And how did you know about Fluttershy and Sora?!"

"Wait, hang on!" It was Sora's turn to be surprised. "How do you know about the Fluttershy thing?!"

Twilight squeaked and sheepishly looked away, rubbing her foreleg as she shifted uncomfortably. "Um, well, you see..." she began, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I found out about it from Applejack. She...mentioned that Fluttershy liked you, Sora."

Sora's eyes widened in further surprise. "Wait...hang on...What?!" he squeaked, feeling a mix of shock and confusion. "How did she...I...I'm so confused right now..."

Captain Lightning cleared her throat, drawing the attention of the group. "Um, sorry to interrupt this little drama show," she interjected, her voice cutting through the awkward silence. "But Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are indeed waiting for Sora. I would like to take him there as soon as possible."

Sora blinked, momentarily distracted from the discussion about Fluttershy. "Right, sorry. Let's not keep them waiting any longer," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of urgency.

Twilight nodded, regaining her composure. "The princess did say something about needing to talk to him as soon as she could. If that's the case then let’s-"

"I'm sorry Miss Sparkle." The captain interjected. "But she wants to see him only with the other Princesses."

The purple unicorn’s eyes widened in surprise at Captain Lightning's words. "Alone? But... but why?" she stammered, her mind struggling to comprehend the situation. Sora glanced at Twilight, a mixture of confusion and concern etched on his face.

"Of that, I'm not sure," Captain Lightning replied. "Princess Celestia specifically requested to see Sora alone. She said it was important to him and him only."

Rainbow Dash was about to speak up, a look of frustration on her face as she prepared to confront Captain Lightning about being left out of the meeting, but quickly faltered under the captain's hard gaze. The stern expression in Captain Lightning's eyes silenced any protest before it could escape Rainbow's lips.

Sora stepped in, placing a reassuring hoof on Rainbow's shoulder to catch the rainbow maned mare’s attention. "It's okay, Rainbow," he said softly, offering her a comforting smile. "If it's something I can say I’ll be sure to tell you and the rest of the girls. Promise."

She glanced up at Sora, her expression conflicted before she grumbled under her breath. Ultimately she nodded in reluctant agreement. "Yeah, fine," she muttered, crossing her forelegs in annoyance.

The stallion nodded before turning towards Lightning. "Lead the way cap."

Captain Lightning nodded and gestured for Sora to follow her. He glanced back at his friends, giving them a reassuring smile before he followed the captain down the grand hallways of the castle.

As Sora and Captain Lightning walked down the grand hallways of the castle, they were soon well out of sight of Twilight and the others. After a little while, he could see a pair of doors at the end of a lavish hallway adorned with pictures of Celestia’s sun. Just when Sora thought they were about to reach the princesses' chambers, he felt a sudden tug on his hoof, causing him to trip and stumble forward, flipping him over and forcing him to land on his back. Before he could react, Captain Lightning swiftly pinned him to the ground by his throat, catching him off guard.

Sora blinked in surprise, his eyes wide as he looked up at Captain Lightning, confusion evident in his expression. "Captain, what are you doing?" he asked, his voice tinged with bewilderment and muffled by the not too gentle force she applied.

Leaning down, she whispered into the stallion’s ear. "Listen, colt," she began, her tone serious. "I don't know what's going on between you and Fluttershy, and honestly, it's none of my business. But if she comes out of whatever it is you two have going on more hurt than you are right now, I won't hesitate to come for you. Got it? And no world you run to will be enough to stop me."

Sora's eyes widened in shock at Captain Lightning's words, her threat catching him completely off guard. Despite that however, he nodded slowly, swallowing hard as he processed her warning. "I... I understand," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

Lightning released him and stood back, her gaze unwavering as she watched him carefully. The stallion pushed himself up from the ground after a second, still processing the unexpected encounter and not taking his eyes off the yellow mare. She looked away with a soft scoff. "I don't hate you nearly as much as I hate Snow. So be proud of that, Keyblade Wielder."

"I...ah...Thanks?" Sora squeaked, not knowing who this Snow person was and not wanting to be him if this is how she treats people she likes.

Captain Lightning simply nodded, her expression firm yet somewhat sympathetic. Without another word, she gestured for Sora to continue following her, and they resumed their journey towards the princesses' chambers, the weight of Captain Lightning's warning lingering in the air between them.

Girls...really are hard to figure out...


The door to Princess Celestia's study was gently knocked upon, drawing the attention of the three princesses who had stayed behind when Twilight had ran to greet her friends at the castle entrance. The Princess of the Sun of the trio, upon hearing the gentle knock, looked towards the door with a gentle smile on her face.


At her command, the door opened, revealing Captain Lightning standing respectfully in the doorway. She bowed low before the princesses. "Your Highness Princess Celestia. Princess Luna and Princess Cadance too," she greeted, her voice respectful. "I have brought Sora as you requested."

Celestia nodded. "Thank you, Captain Lightning. You may leave us now." she said kindly. "Please see to the rest of my little ponies back at the train station, amd make sure they are well taken care of. After you do that, please take the rest of today and tomorrow off. I can't imagine how tired you are right now."

Captain Lightning nodded respectfully. "Thank you, Princess Celestia. While I will tell you I am still willing to do my part, I appreciate the offer and will take you up on it," she replied before turning to Princess Luna and Princess Cadance, bowing to them as well. "Princesses," she acknowledged.

With another bow to Princess Celestia, Captain Lightning turned to leave the room, closing the door behind her as she departed with a soft click.

In an instant, Celestia disappeared from her seat with a soft pop, reappearing right in front of Sora. Without hesitation, she wrapped her hooves around him in a tight, motherly hug, pulling him close to her chest.

"Sora, you stupid child," Celestia's voice was gentle and filled with warmth despite her admonishing him, and clearly oblivious to his embarrassment at such an act. "Thank all of creation you are safe."

Sora, taken aback by Celestia's sudden embrace and choice of words, blushed deeply, feeling a mix of surprise and embarrassment at being called a "stupid child" by the Princess of the Sun. However, he couldn't deny the warmth and sincerity in her voice, and he returned the hug, feeling a sense of comfort and reassurance wash over him.

"Princess Celestia," he managed to say, his voice slightly muffled from being pressed against her chest. "I... I'm sorry if I worried you. I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

She frowned as she pulled away, her cheeks puffing. "What did I tell you about calling me by my name and title?"

Sora chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry...ah...Tia," he corrected himself, a sheepish smile on his face. "Force of habit when I'm in trouble I guess."

"You're not in trouble, Sora." Cadance mused with a small smile at her auntie's antics. "We were just worried about you, as anyone would be."

"Indeed, young one, you are not in trouble at all," Luna reassured him. "We were merely concerned about your well-being, especially mine sister Tia here. She tends to be... overprotective at times as We are sure you are well aware."

Celestia rolled her eyes playfully at Luna's comment, though her cheeks retained a faint pink hue from the embarrassment of being caught in such a maternal moment. "I am not overprotective, Luna," she protested lightly, though her tone held a more mirthful flare then a defensive one.

Before the two sisters could dish it out between themselves, The princess of love would smile softly as she approached him. "All that aside. It really is good to see you again, Sora. Hale and whole whole less." Her gaze shifted softly towards his chest, her kind smile vanishing into a worried look. "Are you...okay?"

The stallion nodded in response to Cadence's question, offering her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, I'm okay now," he replied, his voice calm and confident. He gently pounded the spot on his chest where he had been stabbed, a gesture meant to reassure both himself and those around him. "It's all healed now, thanks to my magic returning."

Celestia's expression shifted slightly, a faint furrow forming between her brows as she processed Sora's words. Her gaze soon softened with concern as she lowered her head, her mane cascading around her like a shimmering veil.

"I was...afraid of that," Celestia murmured, her voice tinged with regret. She raised her head to look at Sora. "That boy...the one inside of you. Or…Your heart I mean. He was a Keyblade Wielder, wasn't he. And he was the one that unlocked your magic...right?"

"Yeah," he answered softly, meeting Celestia's gaze once more. "His name is Ventus. And you're right, he's the one who unlocked my magic and helped me regain most of the strength I lost."

“I…see…” She looked away, with a sigh. After a second, she motioned towards the nearby couch. "Sora...can I examine you?"

The stallion’s eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion at Celestia's request, but he nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Sure, Celestia," he replied, his voice tinged with curiosity. He followed her gesture and moved towards the nearby couch, taking a seat and waiting for her to begin her examination.

The Sun Princess approached Sora with a gentle yet determined expression, her horn glowing softly as she concentrated her magic and allowed the tip of it to touch his forehead. With careful precision she began, her magic feeling warm to the touch.

"Can I ask...what you're doing?" The stallion asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity as Celestia's magic enveloped him. He felt its soothing warmth spreading through the whole of body, like a comforting embrace from an old friend.

Everyone was quite within the room, Cadence frowning softly and Luna looking on in silent contemplation, almost as if she knew the answer to the question Sora posed.

After a while The princess pulled her magic away from him, her expression crestfallen. "I...See...So he had no other choice. I can not blame him...but…"

"Celestia? What's wrong?" Sora asked, his voice filled with genuine concern as he rose from the couch, his eyes searching hers for answers. "Is something wrong with me?"

"No! No...There isn't anything wrong with you." The mare quickly answered. "By all accounts, you are a perfectly healthy pony stallion."

Sora nodded slowly, relieved by Celestia's words, but still puzzled by her somber demeanor. "Okay...so...what's with the long face then?" he pressed, his curiosity piqued.

Before she could respond, Luna stepped forward, clicking her teeth in irritation. Not at Sora, per say, but at some unseen adversary in the distance. When she spoke, her tone of voice was…different. "The problem, dear Sora, is that you are a healthy, normal pegasus stallion,"

The stallion blinked in confusion, taken aback by Luna's repeat at what Celesita had just said. "I…I’m not getting it…," he admitted, furrowing his brow as he looked between Celestia and Luna now.

"Sora...I..." The princess of the sun shook her head. "What Ventus did, to save you...was unlock your magic. But in order to do so, he had to unlock something that should never have been unlocked."

Sora frowned deeper, having enough of this word play. "Okay...Not trying to sound mean and all but...can we not talk in riddles? You guys know I’m not the smartest, right?"

Celestia was taken aback by Sora's sudden straightforward request, but she couldn't help but agree with his sentiment. This was no time for riddles or words of play. "I apologize, Sora," she said, her tone sincere. "Let me explain it more clearly."

She took a deep breath before continuing. "What Ventus did to save you was unlock your magic. But in order to do so, he had to unlock something that should never have been unlocked, just like I said." Her voice carried a weight of sadness as she spoke."I was...afraid of it when I first heard about it in the letter that was sent from Captain Lightning. When Ventus's magic broke the seal, the letter said that you changed from your human form to that of your pony one with in your heart. Is that not right?"

“I was…knocked out so…I don’t know…” Sora tried to grasp the gravity of Celestia's words. "But even if that did happen...what does that mean for me?"

The sun princess took a moment to gather her thoughts before responding. "Because of what happened, there was a consequence I had not anticipated would happen," she began, her voice tinged with regret. "Remember how I told you I used my magic to turn you into a pony,” At Sora’s nod she continued. “ I also had to place a seal on part of your soul at the time. This seal was necessary to ensure that when the time came for you to return to your human form, there would be a blueprint, a guide for your transformation."

"The part of your soul that I sealed contained not only the blueprint for your transformation, but also your magic," Celestia continued, her tone heavy with sorrow. "You see Sora, Your magic, as I am sure all magic outside of Equestia, is different from that of a pony's magic. It operates with a flow that interfered with our own." She paused before looking away. "It needed time to adjust." She turned back to face him. "Between your time when you first came to the castle and fell off the balcony and your time at the Crystal Empire when you used your wings to glide from rooftop to rooftop...how did it feel to use your wings?"

Sora's curiosity piqued as he pondered Celestia's question about his experiences with using his wings. "Well," he began, recalling his past encounters, "Using my wings felt...good when I got to the Empire." He paused, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. “I remember using my wings to glide from rooftop to rooftop. And then, in Trottingham, I used my wings to change direction in mid-air to avoid attacks a few times from those Heartless…I…but…”

She nods. "That is because your magic was adjusting to that of ponies magic. In time you may have been able to use your spells outright as a pony...and keep the seal to your human self intact. That was the plan for my transformation magic I placed on you. As I had said before, back at the garden, I was going to bet my life to change you back…And…having that blueprint would have made it easier...but now..."

Celestia trailed off, her voice filled with regret. Sora's heart sank as he slowly realized the implications of her words. "But now, because of Ventus unlocking my magic, the seal was broken," he finished for her. "And...My human form is...gone?"

"Sora, I...I never expected that this could have happened," she admitted, her voice tinged with sorrow. "It was my stupidity that caused this, and it was my stupidity that never anticipated the consequences if something like this would have happened...I should have...I...."

Sora's heart ached as he gazed at Celestia, sensing the genuine remorse in her words. Despite his own sadness and confusion, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the princess before him. "Celestia, it's okay," he reassured her softly, reaching out to gently touch her hoof. "I know you were only trying to help me. None of this is your fault."

"Stop it..."

The stallion gave the mare in front of him a hesitant pause. "I...huh?"

"I said stop it!" Celestia near yelled at him, causing him to rear back. "You should be furious with me! Angry with me!"

Sora was taken aback by Celestia's sudden outburst, his eyes widening in surprise at her unexpected change in demeanor. He recoiled slightly, feeling a mix of confusion and concern as he tried to process her words.

"Celestia, I...I don't understand," he stammered, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "Why would I be angry with you? You were only trying to help me, right."

The princess of the sun shook her head, her expression filled with frustration and self-blame. "Because I failed you, Sora!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. "I failed to protect you, to keep you safe. And now, because of my actions, you've lost something precious to you. Your human form, your identity...gone because of my foolishness. It's just like with Sunset all over again...and..."

"Celestia, please," he said gently, reaching out to comfort her. "You're not the one to blame here. None of us knew that would happen."

"Sora's right auntie." Cadence pipped up, making her way to the princess of the sun and wrapping a hoof around her.

"Yeah...it sucks...a lot... And I don't know how I'll live down Riku's and Kairi's teasing...mom might be surprised too...but..." He lowered his head. "I...I can't blame you...or anyone else for that matter. Besides…if anyone is to blame it’s m-."

"SILENCE! BOTH OF YOU!" Luna interjected with a louder than normal voice he was not quite used to hearing from the mare of the moon. She stepped between them before looking at the two ponies. "Both of you, do not dare to cast blame upon yourselfs," She turned to Sora, frowning. "You are not of feeble spirit, and this plight does not rest upon your shoulders any more than it does upon Celestia's. None among us could have foreseen such a turn of events, and you must not harbor shame for the essence of your being."

Sora and Celestia both fell silent, taken aback by Luna's sudden and forceful intervention. Her words echoed in the room, carrying a weight that demanded attention and respect.

Luna turned towards her sister next, her expression softening slightly. "And as for you, dear sister, you must not bear the burden of guilt alone," Luna continued, her voice gentler now. "You acted with the best intentions, as we all did. None of us could have predicted this outcome."

Cadence lowered the magical shield she had placed between them all to keep Luna's voice in check lest she wake the whole of Canterlot. Placing a hoof over her heart she smiled as she looked between all ponies present. "Auntie Luna is right," she said, her voice warm and comforting. "Blaming ourselves won't change anything. For now we should focus on the hear and now. but..." She looks between them all. "I think everypony that isn't a night owl needs a bit of rest." She turned to Sora. "And so, as Princess of Love and newly appointed Princess of the Crystal Kingdom, I suggest we all turn in for the night."

Sora opened his mouth, as if to protest, but the stern looks from Luna and Cadence quickly silenced him. He swallowed his words, realizing the futility of arguing further. With a nod, he acquiesced to the suggestion of rest.

"Yeah, you're right," Sora replied softly, his voice filled with a sense of resignation. "Rest sounds...good. I could use some sleep."

Cadence nodded content with Sora's response. "Glad we are in agreement. A guard will show you to your room," she said, her tone reassuring. "And don't worry about the girls. I'll take care of them and make sure they head off to bed as well. There will be no questions from them that you have to answer, at least for tonight. Everypony needs some rest to clear their minds after all."

"Right...Okay." The stallion sighed before turning towards Celestia, the older mare showing a bit of her long life she had lived the moment he saw her. He opened his mouth to speak before closing it again. He waited a second before smiling at her. "Tia. I meant what I said...So..."

"I…Understand, Sora," she replied softly, her voice carrying a hint of melancholy. "Thank you...for everything. For protecting my little ponies...for forgiving an old silly mare like me."

Sora offered her a warm smile, understanding the depth of her feelings. "You're welcome, Tia," he said softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "Night."

As he disappeared from view with a guard in armor, Celestia let out a heavy sigh before closeing the door to her study, feeling the weight of the day's events pressing down upon her. She turned to Luna and Cadence, her expression softening as she addressed them.

"I...Thank you. Both of you for being here." She said softly. "I...I would have been able to handle his anger...but...his kindness...He's worse than the Element of KindnessI must admit...Hehe...I guess that is why she is drawn to him in such a way..."

"It's no problem auntie." Cadence answered with a smile.

"Indeed, sister," Luna said gently. "We're here for you, just as you've always been there for us. And as for Sora...his kindness is a testament to the goodness of his heart. He sees beyond our mistakes and forgives us, even when we struggle to forgive ourselves." She clicked her teeth. "Though I do wish he would not burn himself so much for mistakes that were no ponies fault least of all his. Reminds me of a certain big sister of mine."

Celestia chuckled softly at Luna's remark. "I...wonder what big sister you are talking about."

"Oh, just an old silly mare who may or may not have a tendency to be a bit hard on herself at times," she replied with a playful grin, purposefully avoiding naming Celestia directly. "But let's not dwell on the past. You have been up for a while yourself have you not, mine sister? Off to bed with you too."

Celestia smiled at Luna's teasing response, appreciating her sister's attempt to lighten the mood. "Yes, perhaps you're right," she conceded with a soft chuckle. "I could use some rest myself."

Turning to Cadence, she added, "Thank you again, Cadence, for your support and for looking after Sora's friends. I trust they're in good hooves with you."

Cadence nodded reassuringly. "Of course, auntie. I'll make sure they're settled in for the night."

With that, Celestia left, leaving Cadence and Luna alone. The princess of love turned to the older mare, smiling. "You really have your hooves full with the two of them, huh?"

Luna chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, it seems we do. But they are worth every bit of effort, aren't they?"

Cadence grinned, a playful glint in her eyes. "It has been quite some time since I saw Auntie take a shine to a pony like she does with Sora. Last time it was with a little filly I used to babysit. I saw the times she doted on her like she was her very own mother."

Luna chuckled softly at Cadence's observation. "It seems Celestia has a soft spot for those who bring out the nurturing side of her. I would love to hear more about young Twilight's time in mine sister's tutelage sometime."

"Oh the stories I could tell you." She smirked. "Enough to embarrass both of them of course."

Luna smirked. "I dearly look forward to it, young niece."

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