• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 23,130 Views, 471 Comments

New Life in Equestria - jkreader

A young human of age seven is sent through a portal machine by his parents in an attempt to save his life from the end of his world gets sent to Equestria.

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Chapter 7 - A Day with Spike (Rewritten)

Author's Note:

At this point in time, Twilight and the rest of the Mane Six are on their Daring Don't adventure. Other than that, nothing much has changed for this chapter.

Chapter 7 - A Day with Spike

*Joshua’s P.O.V.*

It had been about two days since I came to Equestria. Yesterday Pinkie Pie put another party on at the library. I think she called it a “National Random Holiday Party.” All of Twilight’s friends were there, but Rainbow was excited for a new book from something called Daring Do. It sounded interesting, and Rainbow said that I would enjoy it.

She said the new book was a few months away from being finished, but Twilight said the writer pushed it back two months. Rainbow got upset at that, so she got an idea to go to the writer to help her out. Twilight left with her friends after that and they’ve been gone all day.

Spike, Nyx, and I went to sleep that night, but we were worried about Twilight. She hadn’t come back.




I felt somepony shaking my shoulder to wake me up. I opened my eyes and saw Nyx standing there looking at me.

“Good morning, Josh,” she said.

“Good morning, Nyx,” I said, “Is Twilight back yet?”

“No, not yet,” she replied, “I’m starting to get worried. She didn’t say when she would be back.”

“Oh,” I said, “I hope she comes back soon.”

“Me too,” Nyx said, “Come on, Spike made some breakfast.”

I climbed out of bed and gave Nyx a good morning hug. She then went downstairs while I went to the bathroom to change clothes. After I did that, I walked downstairs and was about to go to the kitchen when I felt something touch my head. I was starting to get nervous.

“Uh, Nyx?” I called out.

I saw Nyx walk out of the kitchen and looked at me. She then smiled and giggled.

“Oh Owlowiscious,” she said, “What are you doing on Joshua’s head?”

“Huh?” I asked.

I heard some flapping and something brown flew over to Nyx and landed on her back. It was a brown owl. It turned its head around and looked at me.

“An owl?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Nyx replied, “His name is Owlowiscious. He’s Twilight’s pet and nighttime assistant.”

“Oh,” I said, “It’s nice to meet you Owlowiscious.”


“You,” I replied, “It’s nice to meet you.”


“Stop while you’re ahead, Josh,” Nyx said, “He doesn’t say anything else. Anyway, Spike made pancakes.”

“I love pancakes!” I said happily.

Nyx turned around and walked into the kitchen with Owlowiscious still on her back, and I followed her. While the three of us were eating, Nyx started talking again.

“Hey Josh,” she said, “Sweetie Belle said she wanted my help with something today, so you’ll be with Spike today, alright?”

“Okay,” I said.

After we finished up breakfast, Nyx left to go see Sweetie Belle, leaving Spike and me alone in the library.

“Hey Joshua,” Spike called.

“Yes?” I said walking over to him. I saw him pulling a wagon that had a shovel and bucket in it.

“Hop in,” he told me, “I’ve got something fun for us to do.”

“What is it?” I asked climbing in the wagon.

“We’re going gem hunting,” he told me.

“That sounds fun,” I said. He first put a piece of paper in case Twilight came back to let her know where we all were. Spike then pulled the wagon out of the library, and we started going through Ponyville. We then left the town and were in a place where there was no grass. I then noticed a big castle farther away. “What’s that castle over there Spike?” I asked pointing at it.

“Oh, that’s where Nyx ruled Equestria when she was Nightmare Moon,” Spike said, “The town is still unsure of what to do with it. Well this is the best spot to find gems.” The wagon stopped and I climbed out. Spike then gave me the shovel and bucket. “I brought these along for you to dig with. I dig with my claws when searching for gems. Whatever gems we find, we’ll split them evenly, okay?”

“Okay Spike,” I said. I began digging where I was standing. When I turned around, I saw Spike digging with his claws like a dog would. I didn’t find anything where I was digging first, so I moved to a new spot. A few minutes later, Spike called out to me.

“Find anything yet, Joshua?” he said. I was about to say no when I felt the shovel hit something hard.

“I think I got something!” I called back. Spike ran over to me as I began digging more. Spike came up next to me and we saw a small pile of colorful gems.

“Nice work buddy!” he said patting my back. We then pulled the gems out of the hole and put them in the wagon. They looked pretty. We then went back to digging.

After more digging and finding more gems, I heard something in the bushes behind me. “Spike? I think I heard something in the bushes,” I said. Spike looked over to me.

“Probably just the wind,” he said. I was about to dig some more, but I heard something else. It was a voice that wasn’t Spike’s.

“Shhh,” it said, “Do you want them to hear us?!”

Spike, I heard someone in the bushes,” I said backing up from them.

“Uh oh,” Spike said, “Get behind me Joshua!” I did what he said.

“I’m scared Spike,” I said shaking. Then three big dogs jumped out from the bushes in front of me and Spike.

“You mutts again,” Spike said.

“Who are they?” I asked.

“We are the Diamond Dogs, and you two have something we want,” said one of them.

“Forget it dogs!” Spike said, “These gems are ours. You may as well back off.”

“You will give us those gems, or else we’ll take your friend for ransom,” said another one. I then felt something grab me and lift me off the ground.

“Hey! Let me go!!!” I yelled. Spike ran up and kicked the dog in the knee. The dog dropped me on the ground. My tummy hurt when I fell.

“You mutts leave us alone!” Spike said to the dogs as he stretched an arm over me. I started crying again because I was scared. I stood up and placed my hands on his arm. “Don’t worry Joshua, I got this,” he said to me. He then took a deep breath and blew green fire at the dogs. The dogs yelped and jumped away. They then started walking closer to us again, but Spike blew out a bigger green fire. This time it burned the dogs’ legs. They started hopping on one leg because it was hurting them.

“RETREAT!!!” the lead dog said. The three of them ran away from us as fast as they could.

“Yeah you better run you mongrels!!” Spike yelled at them, “And if you show your faces around me again, you’ll get worse than that!!” He then turned around to face me. “You okay buddy?” he asked. I got up and quickly hugged him crying again.

“Thank you Spike,” I said, “That was so scary.”

“It’s okay buddy,” he told me patting my back, “It’s all over now.” After we finished
the hug, I stopped crying. “Let’s head back to town. I think we’ve done enough gem hunting.”

“Okay,” I said. Then my stomach growled. “Can we have lunch too?”

“Sure. Hop in the wagon and I’ll pull you back.”

I did as he said, and we were heading back to Ponyville. We stopped by the library and left the wagon and gems we found there. I then followed Spike to a gingerbread looking house. We walked in and I saw Pinkie Pie behind a counter.

“Hey Spike! Hey Joshie!” she said waving at us.

“Pinkie!” I said, “You’re back!”

“Yep, we all got back a little while ago,” she said, “So what were you two up to?”

“I took Joshua gem hunting today,” Spike said.

“Ooh! Sounds fun!” she answered, “So, what can I get for you two?”

“Can I have a chocolate chip muffin?” I asked her.

“Sure!” she said handing me one, “How about you Spike? Something with gems?”

“If you have anything with them,” he said.

“You eat gems Spike?” I asked.

“Yep,” he said, “You didn’t know that?” I shook my head taking a bite of the muffin.

“Here ya go Spike!” Pinkie said giving him a cupcake with gems in it. Spike took the cupcake and gave her some gold coins to pay for our treats. We then went over to a table to sit down and eat them. “Hey Joshie,” Pinkie said coming up, “Would you like to meet the Cakes?”

“The Cakes?” I asked.

“Yep! The owners of Sugarcube Corner!”

“Is that what this place is called?”

“Yeppy-deppy!” she said.

“Okay,” I said answering her question. She then bounced over to a pair of swinging doors and went through them. I then heard the front door open up and saw Derpy coming in.

“Hey Joshua! Hey Spike!” she said waving a hoof.

“Hi again Derpy,” I said.

“Hey there,” Spike said, “How’s it going?”

“Not bad,” she said, “Got finished with the mail run.” She then noticed what I was eating. “Hey, you like muffins too?”

“Yeah, chocolate chip muffins are my favorite kind,” I said, “Hey Derpy, how’s Dinky?”

“She’s doing good,” she said, “She and Sparkler are out buying groceries.” She then walked up to the counter and waited for someone to help her. Pinkie then came back in the room with four new ponies. Two were earth pony adults, one was a baby pegasus, and the other was a baby unicorn.

“Here he is everypony!” Pinkie said, “Cakes, this is Joshua! Joshua, this is Mr. Carrot Cake, Mrs. Cup Cake, Pound Cake, and Pumpkin Cake!”

Mr. Cake was yellow with an orange mane and his cutie mark were three pieces of cake with white frosting. Mrs. Cake was blue with a red and pink mane and her cutie mark were three pink frosted cup cakes. Pound was the pegasus. He was light yellow with a brown mane. Pumpkin was the unicorn. She was yellow with and orange mane that had a blue bow in it. The babies didn’t have cutie marks.

“Hi there,” I said, “It’s nice to meet you all.” Pound and Pumpkin looked up at me curiously. I then remembered something my mommy used to do with me when I was a baby. I hid my face behind my hands and asked the babies, “Where’s Joshua?” After waiting a few seconds, I pulled my hands away from my face quickly and said, “Peek-a-boo!” The two of them started giggling at my game.

“Hey!” Pinkie said, “That’s a lot like something I do with them! It’s their favoritest game in the whole wide world!”

“It’s very nice to meet you Joshua,” Mrs. Cake said as she gave me a hug.

“It’s nice to meet you two, Mrs. Cake,” I said giving her a hug back. I then looked over at Mr. Cake. “You too, Mr. Cake.”

“Same here,” he said, “Pinkie Pie has told us a lot about you.”

Just then, I heard Spike making some funny noises. I turned around to look at him and saw him holding his belly.

“Are you okay, Spike?” I asked him.

He then burped. Some green fire came out of his mouth. I then saw the smoke from the fire turn into a rolled up piece of paper and it dropped onto the floor. He picked it up, unrolled it, and read it. After he finished reading it, he rolled it back up and looked at me.

“We need to pick up Nyx now, Josh,” he said, “Twilight’s probably back at the library by now.”

“Okay,” I said, “Bye Pinkie. Bye Cakes.”

“Come back soon, Joshua,” Mrs. Cake said.

Spike and I left Sugarcube Corner and went to find Nyx and Sweetie Belle.


Peaceful Hearts - Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Koopa Village Theme - Paper Mario N64

Suspense - Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney

It's About Time AcousticBrony! -_- - AcousticBrony

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