• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 23,077 Views, 470 Comments

New Life in Equestria - jkreader

A young human of age seven is sent through a portal machine by his parents in an attempt to save his life from the end of his world gets sent to Equestria.

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Chapter 39 - Confronting Diamond Tiara (Not Rewritten)

Chapter 39 - Confronting Diamond Tiara

*Joshua’s P.O.V.*

“Why do you want to go talk to her?!” Nyx asked me.

“I want to see what’s wrong with her,” I said, “Please show me where she lives Silver Spoon.”

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Joshua,” Silver Spoon said, “She might start teasing you again if she sees you.”

“I just want to talk with her and see what’s wrong,” I said.

“I’ll come too,” Nyx said squeezing my shoulders a little.

“Okay,” I said, “But when we get there, I want to talk to her by myself.”

Nyx and Silver Spoon looked at me worried, but nodded. Silver Spoon then told us to follow her. I climbed back on to Nyx’s back and we followed Silver Spoon to Diamond Tiara’s house.

Diamond Tiara’s house was a big red house with a blue roof. It had white windows too. Silver Spoon walked up to the door and knocked. A door opened up and a white unicorn stallion stepped out.

“Ah, Miss Spoon,” the stallion said, “What brings you here?”

“Is Diamond Tiara in?” Silver Spoon asked.

“Yes she is, but she’s been keeping herself shut in her room for a while. She only comes out to use the restroom or eat or go to school. Master Rich is getting worried.”

“I am worried,” said a new voice. A brown Earth pony stallion came up. He had a black mane and tail, a white and blue collar, a red tie, blue eyes, and three money bags for a cutie mark. “She won’t talk to me or anypony else about what’s bothering her. She’s been like this for at least a month.”

“Is it okay if I talk to her?” I asked.

“Are you the human child under Princess Twilight’s care?” he asked.

“I am,” I said climbing off Nyx’s back, “My name’s Joshua. Are you Diamond Tiara’s daddy?”

“Yes,” he said, “Filthy Rich is my name. I suppose you can try, but I don’t know if she’ll let you in.”

“I think she’ll talk to me,” I said, “I last saw her a few weeks before Nightmare Night.”

“I’ll show you to her room then,” Mr. Rich said, “Miss Nyx, Miss Spoon, you two can wait in the living room until he’s done.”

“Good luck Joshua,” Silver Spoon said to me. Mr. Rich led me to the top of the stairs and we stopped at a pink door with Diamond Tiara’s cutie mark on it.

“Don’t be surprised if she doesn’t let you in,” Mr. Rich whispered into my ear. He then left me in front of the door.

Here goes nothing, I thought to myself. I made a fist with my hand and knocked three times.

“Leave me alone!” Diamond Tiara’s voice said behind the door.

“Diamond Tiara?” I said, “It’s Joshua. Can we talk?” It stayed quiet for a little bit, but soon her voice came again.

“It’s open,” she said. I reached for the door knob and turned it. I pushed the door open and walked in. I saw Diamond Tiara on her bed lying on her belly with her head up looking at her pillow and away from me. “Close the door behind you,” she said. I did what she said and made sure it was shut all the way. When it clicked closed, I heard her hooves hit the floor. I turned around and saw her staring at me. “Why are you here?”

“I wanted to talk to you,” I said, “You haven’t been...”

“Why would you want to talk to me?!” she said starting to walk to me, “You’re the reason I’m acting like this!” She got in my face pressing her nose on mine. She was starting to scare me, I made my hand into a fist again, made it glow white, and she was in the same glow too. I then moved her away from my face. Her angry face was gone and was surprised now. “How did you do that?”

“I’ll tell you if you tell me,” I said.

“Tell you what?”

“Why you’re so mean to everypony and why you haven’t been yourself.”

Diamond Tiara looked at me for a little bit more, then she sat back down onto her bed. She then patted next to her with her hoof. “Get comfortable,” she said, “This might take a while.” I walked over to her bed, and climbed up. I felt nervous sitting next to her, but her face was sad.

“It started before I got my cutie mark,” she said, “Back then there were these big colts that were picking on me for being a blank flank. I didn’t tell anypony about it because that would only make them meaner. By the time I did get my cutie mark, the colts did stop, but they didn’t apologize for it. That made me really mad, but sad too. That’s when I wanted everypony else to know how I felt and started being a bully.

“A little before Nightmare Night, when Silver Spoon stopped being my friend, I felt like an outsider, everypony stopped paying attention to me and my teasing, and I felt alone. That’s why I’ve been avoiding everypony and stayed in my room.

“Well,” she said looking at me, “You’ve heard my story. Let’s hear yours.”

I wanted to see if she was telling the truth, so I looked in her eyes for a little bit. I could see she was. I sighed and told her about everything that had happened to me, starting off with how my world was destroyed and how I was turned into a unicorn for a little bit. After I was done, I looked at her again. Her mouth was open in surprise.

“Oh my...” she said, “I...I...I had no idea. I couldn’t stand the thought of losing my parents.” She looked away from me for a little bit. Then, I saw a tear fall from her face.

“Diamond Tiara?” I said. Just then, she turned back around and wrapped her forelegs around me tightly and started crying into my shoulder.

“I’m so sorry!” she said, “I’m sorry for everything! For making fun of you for being different, for calling you a freak, and for telling you you’d never fit in with us! I’m so sorry!”

I was surprised at her. She was feeling sorry for what she did and saying it too. I then brought my arms around her and started rubbing her back.

“It’s okay Diamond Tiara,” I said, “I forgive you.”

“You...you do?” she said looking at me and sniffling.

“Yes, I do,” I said smiling at her, “My mom from back home said that sometimes, people need second chances. You need a second chance Diamond Tiara.” Diamond Tiara looked at me for a little bit more and then smiled. It wasn’t the mean smile she used to give. It was a happy and sad smile.

“Thank you,” she said and hugged me again. I hugged her back too. “Does this mean we’re friends?” she asked me.

“I will be your friend Diamond Tiara, but you need to apologize to everypony else first,” I said.

“Will you help me?” she asked.

“Nyx, Silver Spoon, and I can get everypony from our school in the park, and you can apologize to them there,” I said.

“Thanks,” she said, “And I promise...no, I Pinkie Promise that I’ll try and be a good pony from now on. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.”

I looked at her eyes again and saw she was telling the truth.

“Okay Diamond Tiara,” I said letting go of her, “Nyx, Silver Spoon, and I will get our class over in the park. You’ll see us there right?”

“I will,” she said. I got off her bed and walked to the door. “Hey Joshua?” I turned around to face her.


“Thank you,” she said smiling again.

“You’re welcome,” I said walking out of her room.

Author's Note:

Well, looks like things are looking up now. :pinkiehappy:

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