• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 23,131 Views, 471 Comments

New Life in Equestria - jkreader

A young human of age seven is sent through a portal machine by his parents in an attempt to save his life from the end of his world gets sent to Equestria.

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Chapter 2 - Sweet Apple Acres (Rewritten)

Chapter 2 - Sweet Apple Acres

*Twilight’s P.O.V.*

A human.

An actual human!

I couldn’t believe it! A human finally comes to Equestria after all these years! He certainly does look young, though.

“Twilight?” Celestia said interrupting my thoughts, “Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?”

“Oh! Right,” I said snapping out of my trance. I then tucked my limbs underneath me and looked at Joshua. “Hello, Joshua. My name is Twilight Sparkle. It’s very nice to meet you.”

Joshua walked up to me and bowed.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Princess Twilight,” he said.

I smiled and placed a foreleg on his shoulder.

“No need to bow,” I told him, “I’m not entirely used to the whole princess title yet. If I may ask, what brings you here?”

I noticed a small tear fall from his eye after I asked. I looked to Celestia for an answer. She lowered her head and closed her eyes.

“Twilight,” she said, “Joshua is the last human from the world he came from. His parents managed to save him by somehow creating a device that allowed him to enter the Realm, the place where you became an alicorn. But sadly, they were unable to join him.”

“Oh dear,” I said. I turned back to Joshua and rubbed his shoulder. “I’m awfully sorry to hear that.”

Joshua wiped the tear away from his cheek and looked back up at me. I noticed Nyx come up behind Joshua and placed a hoof on his shoulder. Joshua turned around and Nyx wrapped him up in a hug. I stood up and looked to Celestia.

“You said you needed me to do something for you? Is it something that concerns Joshua?” I asked her.

“Yes, Twilight,” she replied, “He needs someone to look after him. Luna and I would do it, but we have our duties as the high princesses to deal with, so I turn to you. Will you look after him?”

I paused a moment to consider this. Celestia was right when she and Luna had royal duties to take care of, so they couldn’t look after him, even if they wanted to. I didn’t have that much as far as royal duties was concerned, so that was a plus. It would probably be a little tougher with an extra mouth to feed, but at the same time, I couldn’t turn down someone in need, and it’s a princess’s job to help others.

“I will, Celestia,” I said giving a nod. I just then felt a small bump on my left foreleg. I looked down and saw Joshua hugging it. He must’ve heard me.

“Thank you,” he said looking up at me.

I smiled and placed my right foreleg on his shoulder.

“I need to go now,” Celestia said. She then looked down at Joshua and gave his cheek a nuzzle, “I’ll see you again soon, Joshua.”

“Goodbye, Princess Celestia,” he said, “Thank you for helping me, and tell Luna I said thank you too, please?”

“I will,” she said standing up, “Farewell for now.”

And with that, Princess Celestia walked out of the library and flew off towards Canterlot. I felt Joshua let go of my foreleg as he walked over to the door and waved to Princess Celestia flying. I walked over to him.

Hey, Joshua,” I said. He turned and looked at me, “How would you like to come and meet my friends?”

“Okay,” he said, “That sounds nice.”

“Alright,” I replied, “Climb on my back, okay?”

I lowered down to allow him to climb onto my back easily. He did so and wrapped his arms around my neck to make sure he didn’t fall off my back. I looked back at Spike.

“Keep an eye on the library while we’re gone, okay Spike?” I said to him.

“Sure, Twilight,” Spike replied.

“Can I come too, Twilight?” Nyx asked me.

“Sure, Nyx,” I said.

Nyx trotted up to my side as we exited the library. I decided to head to Sweet Apple Acres first. We soon entered the streets of Ponyville. Joshua looked all around taking in the sights of the town. Just then, I saw Pinkie Pie trotting in our direction with a small bounce in her step.

“Hey Pinkie,” I greeted.

Pinkie looked at us and smiled.

“Hi Twilight! Hi Nyxie!” she said. She then noticed Joshua on my back and froze up mid-trot. I looked back to see Joshua looking at Pinkie. He waved at her.

“Hello,” he said.

Just then, Pinkie jumped up, gasped overdramatically, and rushed off in a pink blur. Joshua looked a little worried after seeing Pinkie rush off.

“Did I scare her?” he asked.

“Don’t worry,” I assured him, “That was Pinkie Pie. She’s very random at times, is friends with everypony in Ponyville, and does something special for newcomers.”

“Is she going to do something for me?” he asked.

“Most likely,” Nyx replied.

We kept walking for a little bit, then Joshua spoke up.

“Where are we going first?” he asked.

“Well Joshua,” I said, “First, I’m going to introduce you to Applejack. She lives at an apple farm called Sweet Apple Acres.”

We soon arrived at the apple farm and saw Apple Bloom running towards us. Nyx ran towards Apple Bloom, and the two of them met in a hug.

Howdy, Nyx!” she greeted.

“Hey, Apple Bloom,” Nyx said, “How’s it going?”

“It’s goin’ pretty good,” Apple Bloom replied. She then looked over at me. “Hey, Twilight!”

“Hello, Apple Bloom,” I said, “Is Applejack around?”

“Yeah, she’s workin’ in the north orchard,” Apple Bloom answered. She then noticed Joshua’s arms around my neck. She raised an eye brow. “What’s that around yer neck, Twi?”

“Apple Bloom,” I said turning my head towards Joshua on my back, “This is Joshua. He’s a human. Joshua, this is Apple Bloom, Applejack’s little sister.”

Joshua peeked out from behind my neck and slowly climbed down from my back. Apple Bloom stepped closer to Joshua and looked at him for a little bit. She then held out a hoof towards him.

“Hi there,” she said, “It’s nice ta meet ya.”

Joshua wrapped his fingers around Apple Bloom’s hoof, and they shook.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Apple Bloom,” he replied.

“Hey Apple Bloom, what’s goin’ on?” came Applejack’s voice. We all looked down the road and saw Applejack coming up the road. She smiled upon spotting me and Nyx. “Howdy Twi! Hey Nyx! What brings you two ‘round here?”

“Good morning, Applejack,” I greeted, “Nyx and I are showing a new friend around Ponyville.” I then moved closer to Joshua and placed a hoof on his shoulder. “Applejack, this is Joshua, a human. Joshua, this is Applejack, one of my best friends.”

Applejack walked up to Joshua and smiled down at him.

“Hey there, Joshua,” she said, “It’s nice ta meet ya.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Applejack,” Joshua replied.

“So, what brings ya here?” Applejack asked.

“Uh, Applejack?” I said, “Could I speak to you for a moment, please?”

I took Applejack off to the side and explained Joshua’s situation to her.

“Land sakes,” Applejack said surprised, “He lost his family and his home world?”

“I’m afraid so,” I answered, “He’s the only human left from his world.”

“Poor feller,” Applejack said casting a sad glance at Joshua, “Ah know how he feels losin’ his parents.”

“When I asked him, he was hesitant to talk about it,” I explained.

“Ah understand,” Applejack said.

Applejack and I then rejoined the kids. We noticed that the three of them were discussing something.

“So what d’ya say?” Apple Bloom said to Joshua, “Wanna join us?”

“Join what, sis?” Applejack asked.

“Ah’m askin’ Josh if he wants ta join the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Apple Bloom explained. She then looked back at Joshua. “Ya don’t mind if Ah call ya ‘Josh,’ do ya?”

“Both Joshua and Josh are okay with me,” Joshua said.

“And Ah think that Josh joinin’ your club is a great idea,” Applejack replied, “What do you think, Twi?”

“I think so too,” I answered, “What about you, Joshua?”

“It does sound fun,” he replied, “Okay, I’ll join.”

“Great!” Apple Bloom said enthusiastically.

“So Josh,” Applejack spoke up, “How’s about Ah take ya on a tour of the farm?”

“I’d like that Applejack,” Joshua replied.

For the next half-hour or so, Applejack showed Joshua around Sweet Apple Acres and what she and her family normally did. Joshua asked her various questions about the farm work done, like how they picked the apples from

the tree. She gave him a good demonstration of applebucking. Along the way, Applejack and Apple Bloom did their usual chores together. He found it entertaining watching them make a game of it.

Midway through watching, Winona, Applejack’s dog came over, curious about Joshua.

“Oh,” Joshua said upon seeing her, “Hi there.”

Winona began sniffing around Joshua’s legs for a minute. Joshua looked over at Applejack and called out to her.

“Hey, Applejack?” he called, “Who’s this?”

“That’s the family’s dog,” Applejack replied, “Her name’s Winona.”

Winona then sat down, looked at Joshua, and wagged her tail.

“Nice to meet you, Winona,” Joshua said patting her head. Winona barked twice and leaned into Joshua’s touch.

A few minutes later, it was about time for us to leave.

“Well, thanks fer stoppin’ by, y’all,” Applejack said, “And it was nice meetin’ ya, Josh,” she added looking at Joshua tipping her hat at him. Joshua waved goodbye to Applejack as he climbed onto my back.

“It was nice meeting you too, Applejack,” he said, “And thanks for showing me your farm.”

“No problem, sugarcube,” Applejack said, “Y’all come back now, y’hear?”

“I will,” Joshua said.

“Ah’ll see ya later today at our clubhouse, Josh!” Apple Bloom said.

“Clubhouse?” Joshua asked.

“Nyx’ll show ya where it is,” Apple Bloom added.

“Okay,” he said, “Goodbye.”

Nyx and I said our goodbyes as well as we walked away from the farm. We then continued to show Joshua around Ponyville.


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