• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 23,129 Views, 471 Comments

New Life in Equestria - jkreader

A young human of age seven is sent through a portal machine by his parents in an attempt to save his life from the end of his world gets sent to Equestria.

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Chapter 45 - Reunion (Final) (Not Rewritten)

Chapter 45 (Final) - Reunion

*Joshua’s P.O.V.*

The rainbow started pushing down on Sombra’s magic, and then it hit him and broke his horn to pieces.

“NOOO!!!” he yelled, “THIS CAN’T BE!!!”


“CURSE YOU!!!” Sombra yelled. His body started turning white as he yelled out more. He then disappeared in white sparks. Mommy and her friends landed on the ground with their eyes back to normal. The crystal walls around me disappeared in white sparks too. Tears started pouring out of my eyes, but they were of happiness, as I ran over to Mommy.

“Mommy!!!” I cried. I jumped up to her as she opened her hooves out to me, and I wrapped my arms around her neck. She wrapped her hooves around my back and started rubbing it.

“Oh Joshua!” she said as she rubbed her cheek against mine, “Thank goodness your okay!” I felt tears coming out of Mommy’s eyes too as we hugged each other. We stayed hugging each other for a long time.

“Are ya feeling better sugarcube?” I heard Applejack ask me. I looked at her and nodded.

“I am now that Mommy’s here,” I said sniffling. I then felt Mommy put her lips on my cheek as she kissed me.

“Are you sure?” Mommy asked, “Sombra didn’t hurt you at all?”

“No Mommy,” I said, “He didn’t. Can we go back home? I want to see Nyx and Spike and the others.”

“Of course we can,” Mommy said. She stood up and kept her foreleg around me, and we started going out of the cave. After a while, we saw Trixie at the entrance.

“Trixie!” I said. Mommy put me down and I ran over and hugged Trixie. “Thank you! You helped Mommy and her friends save me!”

“You’re very welcome,” she said putting her foreleg on my shoulder, “I owed Twilight Sparkle this much after what happened before.”

“Trixie,” Mommy said, “This is much more than I could’ve asked for you. You helped us save Joshua. If there’s anything I can do...”

“There is one thing,” Trixie said, “Could you perhaps teach Trixie some of your magic tricks?”

“Of course Trixie,” Mom said nodding, “I’d be glad to.”

“Trixie thanks you Twilight Sparkle.”

“C’mon y’all,” Applejack said, “Shining and Cadance are probably waitin’ fer us.”

Mommy put me on her back and the eight of us went to the Crystal Empire. On the way there, Trixie told Mommy and her friends how she found me in the cave Sombra had me trapped inside. A few minutes later, we saw Aunt Cadance, Uncle Shining, and Cousin Guard waiting for near the castle.

“Joshua!” Aunt Cadance said running up to us. She picked me up off of Mom’s back and hugged me in her hooves and wings. “Thank goodness you’re alright!” After a little bit more hugging from her, Uncle Shining came up and hugged me too.

“You’re not hurt or anything buddy?” he asked.

“Sombra didn’t hit me or anything,” I said hugging him back.

“Thank goodness,” he said letting go. I then saw Guard crawling over to me with a big smile on his face.

“Hey Guard,” I said picking him up. He then wrapped his little hooves around my neck and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him too and hugged him back. Just then I heard my stomach growl.

“Why don’t you all join us for lunch?” Cadance asked us. We all nodded our heads. I was really hungry.

“Cadance,” Mommy said, “Can you send a message to Spike and have him bring Nyx and her friends over?”

“Sure Twilight,” Aunt Cadance said, “I’ll let the guards know to be on the lookout for them.”

*Nyx’s P.O.V.*

It was almost noon and Twilight and the others still hadn’t come back. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Twist, Dinky, Sparkler, and Derpy were at the library with me and Spike waiting. I was starting to get worried. What if Sombra had hurt Joshua? What if he hurt Twilight and her friends?! What if he already took Equestria for himself?!

My thoughts were interrupted from a gagging sound from Spike. He suddenly belched out a letter. He quickly opened it up and started to read it. As he did, his eyes grew wider and wider. After he finished, he rolled it back up and suddenly jumped up and cheered.

“YES!!!” he exclaimed.

“What is it Spike?!” Sweetie Belle asked.

“THEY SAVED HIM!!!” he said, “JOSHUA’S SAVED!!!”

We all started jumping around the library in happiness and relief! My little brother was okay! Dinky was no doubt the happiest of us all. She was crying tears of joy as she hugged Derpy and Sparkler.

“Come on everypony!” Spike said, “Cadance invited us all to the Crystal Empire to see him!”

“Let’s go then!” Apple Bloom said running out the door with us following her.

*Twilight’s P.O.V*

Cadance sent a letter to both Spike and Princess Celestia, telling her that Joshua was safe and Sombra was banished to Tartarus, no longer able to use magic. We were all in the dining hall having lunch. Joshua was glad to finally get some food in his stomach. He hadn’t eaten since lunch at school yesterday. Soon a guard came up to Cadance and whispered into her ear.

“Well, what are you waiting for?” she said, “Show them in!”

“Yes your majesty,” the guard said. He then left the dining hall.

“Show who in?” Joshua asked.

“Spike, Nyx, and your friends, sweetie,” she replied. Joshua smiled brightly at hearing that. A few moments later, the doors burst open.

“JOSHUA!!!” a chorus of voices called. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Nyx, Spike, Dinky, and Twist came running in straight towards Joshua. Derpy and Sparkler were slowly walking in behind them.

“GUYS!” Joshua climbed out of his chair and ran towards them. They all met halfway in a big group hug with Joshua in the middle of it all. “I’m so glad to see you all again!” he said.

“And we’re glad you’re okay little brother!” Nyx said. The whole group broke apart, but Dinky moved closer to Joshua and put a hoof on his shoulder.

“I was worried that I’d never see you again Joshie,” she said with tears in her eyes.

“Me too Dinks,” Joshua said. The two of them hugged each other again. They stayed that way for a while. Just then, a flash of light emerged from the room and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna were standing there.

“Hello everypony,” Princess Celestia said, “I trust you all are doing well?”

“We are now Princess,” I said to her.

“Wonderful,” she replied. She then looked at Joshua. “Are you alright Joshua?” she asked.

“Yes Princess Celestia,” he said nodding, “It was very scary, but I’m okay now.”

“We are very glad to hear that,” Luna said.

We spent the rest of the day talking with each other. Celestia and Luna offered Trixie a great deal of thanks to her for leading me and my friends to Joshua. Cadance was glad to let us all stay in the Crystal Castle for the night. Joshua introduced Guard to the rest of his friends and spent the day playing together. That night after dinner, and after Celestia and Luna went back to Canterlot, we all went to bed.

In the middle of the night however, I woke up to the sound of some shuffling in my bed. Joshua was climbing out and walking over to the balcony where I told him I would adopt him many months ago. I got up and walked over to him.

“You okay Joshua?”

“I had a bad dream,” he said sniffling, “I dreamt that I was still Sombra’s prisoner. Before you found me, he said that you wouldn’t have let him take me if you loved me.”

“I do love you Joshua,” I said draping a wing over his back, “You shouldn’t let those words get to you. I loved you when I said I would adopt you, and I’ve always loved you since then. Sombra’s gone for good now and will never bother Equestria again.” We sat there in silence a bit more. A thought then came to mind as I looked at Joshua with his arm around my foreleg. “Hey Joshua,” I said to him. He looked up at me. “Would you like me to sing you to sleep?”

“Yes please,” he said.

I pulled him closer in and started singing.

(You’ll Be In My Heart by Phil Collins)

I heard a light snoring after I finished singing and looked down to see Joshua with his head resting against my foreleg with a smile on his face. I carefully lifted him up and flapped back over to the bed, where I lay him down gently.

“Goodnight Joshua,” I said draping a foreleg over him, “I love you.”

I felt Joshua snuggle closer to me.

“I love you too, Mommy,” he said smiling.


Author's Note:

Well, this is the end of this story. Be on the lookout for a one-shot featuring Joshua and Dinky! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 58 )

i loved the final chapter and yay a one short and jmkrebs30 are you going to focus more on your another story that is not complete

awww its over?
and the feels, so much!
hope theirs a sequel.

Awww :') Such a nice story.

You know I think I put this off long enough.

What were you expecting Sombra? A single child hostage for an entire country even when it's the adopted son of a Princess? You truly underestimated your foes and paid the price accordingly. Besides even if the royals surrendered the common people would have rallied against you, if the United States couldn't bomb Vietnam into submission with more ordinance than was dropped in the entirety of WWII you'd have no chance of truly holding Equestria.

In any case good to see the crisis averted.

hope you have a sequel


aw man I can't wait for the sequel to this story

Yes we need a sequel.

THAT WAS SO AWSOMEEEEE YOU MY FRIEND ARE SO COOL PLEASE A SEQUEL PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

that was rather anticlimactic really but when you take into account raged Twilight what else could you honestly expect? nice last chapter

Beautiful, heartwarming ending to an awesome story my friend. :fluttercry: tears of joy and warmth here.:pinkiehappy::heart: And having "You'll Be In My Heart" at the end is perfect. :pinkiehappy: And I'm glad Spike was included at the end in the dinner. :twilightblush:

3515966 Uh hello, I also said "The birth of Jesus Christ."

The hugs and kisses are strong In this story!

3523472 Well, this takes place a little bit after the season 3 finale.

3525557 Because I don't play Mario that much!

My...God. 0_0 This story... is right up there in the feels with My Little Dashie and that song at the end... wait I think hearts...... *dead* X(

I read the whole story. I will start with that thinks I like because it is the shorter of the two lists.

That story was well written.
I like all the references to fan stories and the show.

Joshua doesn’t act like a 7 y/o boy from a loving family. Children his age are resilient. They can get over anything quickly. As long as they allowed to tell what happened. He cried the whole story over everything that happened. I stopped caring about this wimp after like three Chapters.
The whole bestiality under tone took away from the story.
Rainbow dash acted out of character. She would be the first to tell him to toughen up and stop crying because he is a guy.
In this story the main 6 acted like they don’t care about Joshua’s feeling by reopening his wounds by talking openly about that happen to him in front of him.
The whole story was written to try to make you feel sorry for Joshua but made me want to tell to toughen up.
There was a wonderful chance at the end to redeem Joshua for a whole story of being a crybaby and being a poor character, but the writer doesn’t act upon it. Why? I don’t know.

I know someone will “ask How is he a poor Character?”. He a Vanilla character. Nothing that stand out about him. You can’t hate him or like him in his merits. He is like a wounded animal. You want to help him because he is hurt, not for the fact you like him. So he a good base character to add to and make a character you can hate or like. Nyx is wonderful because she have so many layers to her Character. She started as a vanilla Character, and her Character was built through Past Sins layer by layer.

That's it :pinkiesad2: awww. Oh well, this was a very sweet story.

3654989 In the Past Sins universe he still does.

3676979 Merry Christmas to you too! :pinkiehappy:

3677302 Will you help me make cover art for my stories.

Description a 5 or 6 year old boy, with brown hair covering his left eye, wearing a Chevrolet shirt, blue jeans, tennis shoes, and a pair of bat wings on his back not too big, but just the perfect size for him.

3692450 I'm not the one who made the cover art for this story. Sorry.

3692665 Well can you point whoever did?

god dammit that song always gets me in the feels :flutterrage::flutterrage::pinkiesad2::pinkiesad2: still love this story:pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

3693659 I saw that in the previous chapter you highlighted "BOOM" as a link to a kingdom hearts link, how do I highlight a word to make it connect to a youtube link?

3804913 The chain button in the text editing tools. Click it, copy the URL you want to paste into the URL space, then type in the words you want in the link text space.

Hopefully that's helpful.

3805991 How do I find the URL for the link and images?

4296633 That sounds something from Superman, but aside from that the fic was awesome. :heart:

4383377 Spike's baby Phoenix.

4383559 They also can't have a crush on anything that isn't humanoid. It would be a sin.

ah the feels man the feels this was a great story

4570761 This was before the Equestria Games episode.

4574530 It'll be Joshua in the episode Flight to the Finish.

4574600 Is he also going to be in Twilight Time and The Equestria Games, cause if he's in those, I'm wondering if he'll cringe at Spike's poor anthem singing, and be shocked to see that ice cloud nearly crush them, probably have the American flag hanging with the other flags too.

4576282 He'll most definitely be in those episodes.

5086526 I haven't rewritten this chapter yet.

5089332 Typical baby curiosity is what I was going for.

I loved this story I must ask for a sequel for this main story I plan to read all your one shots involving Joshua. But I hope you make a sequel to this main story you are still only in the middle of the forth season since you are using this arc I would love to see a story that leads to the season four finale with Joshua in it.:twilightsmile: Even if you could make it that he get a Cutie Mark after all he can use magic why not give him a Cutie Mark:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Kichi deleted Oct 14th, 2014

"This takes place after Season 3 and is set in the Past Sins universe."

OH, GOD DAMN IT!! :flutterrage:

5186350 Actually, when I set for Doctor Whooves to make a cameo, I didn't know he was an Earth pony at the time. I'll be fixing that when I rewrite the chapter.

this story is like a mix of past sins and a new home which are two of my favorite stories

stay classy:moustache:

not a bad story. sequeel?

I have to say even after the third time I'm not sick of reading this story. I actually like this even more than A New Home! One of the bigger reasons is because the characters seem to act more like themselves here than ANH and also just the fact that unlike Toby, Joshua actually talks like a real person! I said that because I literally can't imagine someone who has a squeaky clean record of never using apostrophes but Toby has that record, he NEVER says things like "I'd" and insists on always saying things like "I would".

When I read the summary I was instantly reminded of Superman.

not bad. though im curious do u plan on making a sidestory/sequel where josh gets teleported to the equestria girls world? i would love to see the interactions he would have with sunset shimmers,the humane 5,the dazzlings,the shadowbolts, and most importantly human twilight.

6944249 Pen Stroke does it a whole lot better than me in his stories with him, though.

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