• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 23,129 Views, 471 Comments

New Life in Equestria - jkreader

A young human of age seven is sent through a portal machine by his parents in an attempt to save his life from the end of his world gets sent to Equestria.

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Bonus Chapter 2 - Three's A Crowd

Bonus Chapter 2 - Three's A Crowd

*Joshua's P.O.V.*

Mommy was looking really worried today. She's been waiting for a letter from Aunt Cadance asking if she would come visit for the weekend. After Spike went out to check the mail, he came back in with a few letters in his claws.

"Mail's here!" he said. Just then, the mail in his claws were wrapped up in Mommy's magic and pulled out of his hand, making Spike fall forward. I walked over to help him back up while Mommy looked through the mail.

"Please be a yes, please be a yes, please be a yes," Mommy said going through the letters. She stopped at a light brown envelope with a red seal on it. She opened it, read the letter inside and her face lit up. "Yes! She can make it, she can make it!" She lifted Spike up in her magic and began flying in a circle around me.

"Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing that Princess Cadance said she can come this weekend!" Spike said. The two of them stopped floating and flying around me and landed on the floor.

"I'm finally gonna get to spend some quality time with my sister-in-law!" Mommy said happily folding her wings, "This is the best news ever!"

Just then, there was a quiet knocking at the door. It opened up and we saw Fluttershy peeking in.

"Um, so sorry for barging in like this..." Fluttershy said quietly, "but I'm so excited, I just couldn't wait to tell somepony!" She lifted her hooves a few times real quickly, dug her face into her mane and pulled out a piece of paper with her mouth. I took it from her and looked at it. "The Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures have given me permission to observe the rarest, tiniest, most adorable magical creatures in all of Equestria – the Breezies!"

"Wow, Fluttershy," Mommy said amazed, "That's fantastic!"

"Oh, it's not just fantastic," Fluttershy said hovering in the room, "it just might be the best news ever!"


I jumped from the loud noise and looked behind to see Pinkie Pie had broken down the library door on top of Spike and jumped at Fluttershy. I helped move the door off of him while listening to Pinkie.

"I just got the most incredible mail anypony's ever received in all of recorded pony postal history!" she said happily, "It's a flyer about a one-day sale on used patio furniture!" Looking over at her, I saw she had lifted a poster with her tail. "Aah! Could this day get any better? Woo-hoo!"

The four of us all looked at each other and shook our heads. Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie again, I thought to myself.


Later that day, Mommy, Fluttershy, and Pinkie left for the train station to see Fluttershy go on her Breezie watching and to see Aunt Cadance come in. Mommy was planning on spending a lot of time with her since most of the time, Equestria was in danger or they were having trouble with something else.

She was planning on taking Aunt Cadance to a Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum. She also told me that she would bring her over to see me again. I was looking forward to seeing her.


"Hey Josh, could you get that?" Spike called from upstairs, "I'm busy helping Nyx with her science project."

"Sure, Spike," I called back. I walked over to the door and opened it up. I was surprised to see Mommy and Aunt Cadance standing there. "Mommy?" I asked confused, "I thought you and Aunt Cadance wouldn't be back until later."

"Well," Mommy began with an annoyed look, "that was the plan, until something interrupted us."


I saw something wet coming right at me. I put my arms up in front of my face to block it, but something else blocked it: a light blue bubble. I looked behind Mommy and Aunt Cadance and saw......

"Discord?" I asked confused, "Why are you all blue?"

"He caught the 'blue flu'," Mommy said, "And he was planning to go see Fluttershy about it, but with her being gone, and with him accidentally giving it to Applejack and Rarity, he had to turn to me."

"What was that bubble that blocked his sneeze from me?" I asked again.

"A magic health bubble," Aunt Cadance replied, "Are Spike and Nyx around? I want to put it on them so they don't catch it either."

"They're upstairs working on a science project Nyx has to do for school," I said. Aunt Cadance walked past me and up the stairs while Mommy walked in and stood next to me. Together we saw a very blue Discord move like a worm into the library.

"Sorry you had to see me like this, Joshua," Discord said as he passed me, "By the way, I heard about what had happened with the whole 'turning into a pony' thing. I would really hate to see something like that happening again."

How did he know about it? I asked myself, Did he see us in the throne room doing the spell to turn me back?


Mommy and Aunt Cadance both got a bed ready for Discord to lay in while he was sick. Nyx, Spike, and I were watching from the doorway. After putting a blanket over him, Mommy spoke up.

"Need anything else?" she asked.

"Just knowing that I have a good friend like you to take care of me has made me feel better already," Discord said looking through Mommy's nightstand drawer, "I'll be fine here on my own." Mommy and Aunt Cadance turned away to walk out of the room, but Discord stopped them before they got too far. "Oh, just before you go, just a little small request," he said with pleading eyes. Mommy sighed and looked down at the floor, but Aunt Cadance put a hoof to her shoulder.

"It's going to be fine," she whispered, "We'll just get him what he wants and be back to the exhibit in no time." The two of them then looked back over at Discord. "What was it that you needed?"

After Discord had finished singing, the whole room was wet. I was wet too; so were Nyx, Spike, Mommy, and Aunt Cadance as she lifted a small glass of water for Discord, who was all dry. Discord took it in his eagle claw, but it slipped out of his hand and spilled on the floor.

"Oops!" he said, "Sorry."

He then sneezed again on Mommy and Aunt Cadance, who still had their magic health bubble around them, turned into bubbles, and floated up to the ceiling.

"Alright, this is ridiculous!" Mommy said walking away from the bed.

"How did you even catch this flu?" Aunt Cadance asked.

"Inadequate hoof and claw washing?" Discord said wiping a cloth over her health bubble.

"There must be some way to just cure you!" Mommy said looking in some of her sickness books, "There has to be a spell or remedy in one of my books!"

"There is one way," Discord said as Mommy dropped her books from her levitation.

"And you didn't think to mention it earlier?" Cadance asked looking annoyed.

"Slipped my mind," Discord said making a small smoke cloud with his finger that showed what he said, "On a hill at the very edge of Equestria, there grows an exquisite magic flower. Pick the flower as it drops its petals at sunset. Then you can make a magical soothing elixir to cure the blue flu."

"I suppose you have a good reason you didn't bother to get this flower as soon as you realized you were sick?" Mommy asked.

"Well, I couldn't travel that far in my condition," Discord said wrapping the blanket around himself, "By the time I got there, I'd be too weak to even attempt to retrieve the flower."

"So where exactly are Cadance and I headed?" Mommy asked.

"Well," Discord began clearing his throat and holding a map, "you'll want to head north, turn left, th— Oh... You know, it'd be much easier if I took you there myself."

"I thought you said you were in no condition to travel," I said.

"I'm not," Discord said suddenly appearing in front of me and noogying my head. He then teleported back over to Aunt Cadance and Mommy and put his arms around them. "We'll just have to make some arrangements."


"He... was... FAKING?!" Nyx shouted when Mommy and Aunt Cadance got back.

"I couldn't believe it myself either," Mommy said, "I knew there was something odd about him besides being all blue."

"Uh, Twilight," Spike said, "Discord is odd; in more ways than one."

"Yeah," Mommy replied, "But he said he wanted to be sure that he and I really were friends, so that's why he had Cadance and me go get that big flower, but he certainly didn't anticipate that Tatzlwurm. In the end, that beast ended up giving Discord a real sickness."

"At least Fluttershy's back now," Aunt Cadance said, "She can take care of him."

"Good," Nyx said, "I really don't want him asking for another glass of water in this library."

Author's Note:

One more bonus chapter coming up before getting back to the main storyline. And this time, it's one of the "Friendship Keys" episodes! :pinkiehappy:

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