• Published 26th Jun 2013
  • 23,077 Views, 470 Comments

New Life in Equestria - jkreader

A young human of age seven is sent through a portal machine by his parents in an attempt to save his life from the end of his world gets sent to Equestria.

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Bonus Chapter 1 - Flight to the Finish

Author's Note:

Here's the first bonus chapter! :pinkiehappy:

Bonus Chapter 1 - Flight to the Finish

*Joshua’s P.O.V.*

It was two days since my horn first appeared. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have been looking for those two days, but they haven’t found anything. I hope they do find something soon.

Nyx and I were in school again today. Miss Cheerilee was finishing up teaching the lesson for today.

“Alright everypony, before we are dismissed today, I have important news,” she said, “Today, we have two special guests with a very special announcement! Everypony, welcome the head of the Equestria Games, Ms. Harshwhinny!”

She pointed at the school door, and it opened. On the other side was a brown earth pony mare with a yellow mane and tail, light blue eyes, a trophy cutie mark, wore a purple suit, a pink scarf, and pink earrings. Miss Cheerilee backed up and Miss Harshwhinny walked to where Miss Cheerilee was standing.

“Thank you,” Miss Harshwhinny said, “Thank you. Now, I'm sure you all know about the Equestria Games, where ponies from all over the land compete for glory in various athletic pursuits. Well, now you littlest ones will have the chance to compete for a weighty responsibility of your very own.”

“Oh come on! Tell ‘em the fun part!” said a voice.

Rainbow Dash? I thought. I looked behind and saw her fly in through a window. She turned around in the air a few times before landing next to Miss Harshwhinny. We were all amazed at her tricks.

“That's right! All you gotta do is show Ms. Harshwhinny the coolest, most spectacular, most rocking routine and you're going to the Games! So who's going to be the lucky ponies?!” Rainbow asked us all.

“It’s gotta be me!” I heard Diamond Tiara say.

“Maybe it’s me!” a filly named Aura said.

“Maybe it’s us!” Scootaloo said looking at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“Maybe it’s us!” said two voices behind us. We all turned and saw Snips standing on his hind legs holding up Snails. Just then, they fell to the ground next to my desk. I leaned out worried that they hurt themselves. Other fillies and colts looked at them.

“Hey!” Snips said, “It could happen!”

After Snips and Snails got back in their seats, Rainbow Dash started talking again.

“So, the winning team gets to carry the Ponyville flag at the Equestria Games!” Rainbow said, “Oh, you are gonna love this!”

“Ms. Dash,” Miss Harshwhinny said looking angry at Rainbow, “will you please curb your over-enthusiastic outbursts?” She then stood back up and walked over to the chalkboard. “Now then, let me be clear on the rules. You ponies...” she paused when she saw me. I gave a short wave. “...and human, will form teams. Each team will create their own flag carrying routine. Everypony will be judged on grace, style and originality. There's a most complicated scoring system, which I will elaborate upon now. Firstly--“

“Aw, get to the nitty-gritty later,” Rainbow said interrupting her, “Tell 'em the important stuff! Like who's the coach!” She got down and stood back up with a cap on her head and a whistle around her neck. She then blew it loudly. “That’s right!” she said looking back at us, “Me! And you know why I'm qualified to coach you? Guess who carried the Cloudsdale flag in the Games when she was a little filly?” She started flying near the ceiling. “Me! I'll never forget it –- I burst into the stadium, spreading my wings, the flag flapping in the breeze. I did tricks with that flag the likes of which nopony saw before and nopony's seen since!”

She started waving a flag around, but then Miss Harshwhinny grabbed it and pulled her back down.

“Professionalism, Ms. Dash,” she said putting the flag down, “I must insist. If you want to keep your job as coach of these children, you must maintain a professional attitude and keep your emotions in check! Am I making myself absolutely, one hundred percent crystal clear?” she asked getting in Rainbow’s face.

“Yes, Ms. Harshwhinny,” Rainbow said, “Y'know, "professionalism" is my middle name. Rainbow Professionalism Dash.”

I thought she told me her middle name was “danger”? I thought.

“Hmph! Well, in three days’ time,” Miss Harshwhinny said, “Ms. Dash will accompany anypony competing to the Crystal Empire, where you will demonstrate your routines for me and the other judges, who will judge you very professionally.”

“Ahem,” Rainbow said clearing her throat, “Yes. Quite, quite correct.” She then started flapping again. “In the meantime, get ready to train, and train hard, because I know this opening ceremony is the single most important thing that will ever happen in your young lives! But, I know you're up for the challenge. And so am I! Wooho--”

She was about to backflip but saw Miss Harshwhinny looking at her. She then got back on all fours and cleared her throat again. “Ahem... Meet me after school tomorrow at 1500 hours. Sharp. And show me your flag carrying skills. I am outta here.” She was about to fly out fast, but stopped and walked out slowly. “Professionally. See how professionally?”

Miss Harshwhinny sighed and rolled her eyes. She then looked back at us. “Ponies, and human, the most important thing is this: Your routine needs to show what your town means to you. So, do Ponyville proud. Work hard, be bold, wow me.” She then walked out of the schoolhouse. “That is all!”

The school bell then rang. Nyx and I grabbed our bags and walked out of the schoolhouse.

“So, Josh,” Nyx said to me, “You wanna be a team with me?”

“Sure, Nyx,” I said, “I’d like that.”

“Great!” she said, “Let’s start thinking of a routine.”

“Wait Nyx, do you hear something?” I asked putting a hand to my ear. Nyx put a hoof to her ear and listened too. Was that... singing? We looked down the path and saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo marching and singing a song.

Nyx and I followed the three of them around town as they did many things and sang. I was amazed at their singing.

“Nyx,” I said turning to her, “Does that happen a lot?”

“Ponies breaking out into song?” she asked me. I nodded. “Yeah, it happens from time to time.”

Just then, there was slow clapping. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were in the air when they finished and they fell back down. Nyx and I saw who was clapping: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Uh oh, I thought. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stood up and started walking to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

“If that's the best you've got, we're going to win for sure,” Diamond Tiara said. The two of them began walking in circles around our friends.

“We already have the most divine routine planned,” Silver Spoon said.

“It's absolutely sure to crush everyone else – and I mean crush,” Diamond Tiara said hitting her forehooves together.

“But we're winners!” Scootaloo said, “And we have hearts...” She was about to sing again, but Silver Spoon interrupted her.

“Sure. But you know what you don't have?” she asked.

“Your cutie marks!” the two of them said pointing at Sweetie Belle’s flank. “Blank flanks, blank flanks, blank flanks!” What did that matter? Nyx and I stepped out from our hiding spot and walked over to them.

“What does not having a cutie mark have to do with flag carrying?” I asked them. The two of them turned their heads to me and Nyx. Diamond Tiara frowned at me.

“Who asked you, freak?” she said.

“Having cutie mark-less ponies represent Ponyville would be unthinkable,” Silver Spoon said.

“And we of course already have our cutie marks,” Diamond Tiara added as she and Silver Spoon showed off their cutie marks, “So we know who’s going to be in the winner’s circle.”

“Listen you two!” Scootaloo said getting in Diamond Tiara’s face, “Cutie marks or no cutie marks, you'll see! One of the Crusader groups are gonna carry that flag at the Games.” She pointed at herself, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle, then at me and Nyx as she said that. Then, the three of them high-hoofed.

“May the best ponies win!” Silver Spoon said.

“Game on!” Scootaloo replied.


The next day, we all met Rainbow Dash after school to show her our routines. Nyx and I worked hard on our routine last night before going to bed. Rainbow had liked the routine Nyx and I made, but said that it needed a little bit more work. After all the other teams did theirs, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were the last ones to go.

“Show me what you got, Cutie Mark Crusaders, and make it good!” Rainbow said as she waited.

“Don’t worry, we will!” Scootaloo said peeking out from behind the stage curtain.

“Now, this is just a little something we threw together,” Sweetie Belle said, “Its not perfect yet, not even close.”

“I’m kinda anxious to see their routine,” Nyx said as we sat behind Rainbow to watch.

“Me too,” I replied.

The curtains opened up, and Scootaloo started speaking.

“Since the dawn of recorded time, in one town of amazing amazingness, three types of ponies coexist!” she said. Apple Bloom then walked onto the stage, backwards.

“We are Earth ponies!” she said. Then Sweetie Belle hopped onto the stage.

“We are unicorns!” she said. Then Scootaloo appeared behind a cardboard cloud.

“We are pegasi!” she said. Then a big picture with a sun some trees and houses came down in front of them. “And the town where friendship reigns is our home. Now, welcome to the stadium, the flag of the place we love best...” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle held up a hoop with paper covering it and then Scootaloo jumped through the hoop with her scooter ripping a hole in the paper. She then jumped off and landed in the middle of the stage, and Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle got up on her forelegs.

“Ponyville forever! Yay!” the three of them said. Confetti and streamers popped up when they finished.

Nyx and I had our mouths open. That was amazing!

“It's kind of a work in progress,” Scootaloo said as the three of them came up to Rainbow Dash, “So? What did you think?”

“That was ama...!” she began but stopped, “To give a calm, clear analysis... Wait. You whipped that act together just yesterday?! That is...!” she stopped again, “Overall, it was... kinda, sorta... Overall, it was okay. Keep working hard. Who knows? You might have a shot. Gotta go!” she then left. I heard Nyx giggling.

“I think Rainbow trying to remain ‘professional’ for Miss Harshwhinny is a big challenge for her,” she said.

“I think so too,” I replied, “But did you see their performance? That was awesome! I think it’s better than ours.”

“You’re right,” she said with a smile, “If one Crusader wins, then all the Crusaders win.” Nyx and I began walking towards the three of them. We walked up onto the stage and stopped in front of them. “That was great, girls!” Nyx said.

“Yeah,” I replied, “I think you three are going to win this.”

“Thanks guys,” Scootaloo said, “Yours’ was pretty good too.” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle nodded.

“Thank you,” Nyx replied.

“Girls, we just wanted to say your act is quite impressive!” said a voice. We all turned and saw Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon stepping up onto the stage.

“Wait... What?” Sweetie Belle asked confused.

“Um... Thanks?” Apple Bloom said.

“Oh, but of course,” Silver Spoon said as they walked past Scootaloo, “As a matter of fact, we think you're very brave.”

“Brave?” Scootaloo asked, “Why?”

“Isn't it obvious?” Diamond Tiara asked as they looked back, “It is to us. In fact, it's obvious to everypony. You're showing all three types of Ponyville ponies, yet you have a pegasus pony...”

“...who can't even fly!” she and Silver Spoon said together. Ouch! I thought, That’s too mean.

“What in tarnation does that have to do with anything?” Apple Bloom asked.

“I'd say not even being able to fly has everything to do with everything. Doesn't it?” Silver Spoon asked.

“I mean, a pegasus pony at your age? You should've been flying long ago,” Diamond Tiara added.

“So what if my wings can't get me off the ground?” Scootaloo asked.

“Your career as a flag carrier isn't getting off the ground either,” Diamond Tiara answered.

“Miss Harshwhinny will never pick a pegasus pony who can't fly to represent Ponyville in front of all of Equestria,” Silver Spoon added.

“Miss Harshwhinny never said anything about that!” Nyx said. I nodded. She didn’t.

“I would've thought that was obvious,” Silver Spoon continued.

“Well, have fun practicing anyway, even if your routine will never... how shall I say... take off!” Diamond Tiara said as she and Silver Spoon walked away.

“Don't listen to them, Scootaloo,” Sweetie Belle said. We turned to look at Scootaloo and saw her looking at Rainbow Dash watching two pegasi fillies showing her a routine. I walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

“Scootaloo? You okay?” I asked.

“This routine isn't working how it is, girls,” she said looking at her wings, “We've gotta rethink my part in the whole thing.”

“What?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Why?” Apple Bloom asked.

“If we wanna win, I'm gonna have to fly!” Scootaloo answered.

“Is that even possible?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“And by tomorrow?” Apple Bloom added.

“Maybe I can win if I work twice as hard,” Scootaloo said. She then started flapping her wings really fast. She got herself off the ground. “See?” Just then she fell down. “Oof! Maybe... three times as hard.”

“Golly, I don't know, Scootaloo, I don't think that's the problem,” Apple Bloom said.

“Well, I know this for sure... flying is the only way we're gonna win, so it's back to practice!” Scootaloo said trying to fly again.

“Is this a good idea?” Sweetie Belle asked. Just then, we heard Scootaloo yelling. She then fell onto the ground.

“I'll just work four times as hard!” she said.

“Probably not,” Apple Bloom said answering Sweetie Belle’s question.

The three of them walked away. I was worried for Scootaloo, and I could see Nyx was too. I looked behind us and saw that Mommy was there watching us. I looked back at Nyx.

“Come on, Nyx,” I said, “Mommy’s here.”

“Okay,” she said, “Bye girls. See you tomorrow.”


The next day after school, we were all showing Rainbow Dash our routines again. She said that Nyx and I made good progress from last time. Now it was time for Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo’s routine. I hoped Scootaloo let go of what Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon said to her.

“Okay, Cutie Mark Crusaders, this is your final run before you show it at the stadium tomorrow,” Rainbow sad, “I know you're gonna absolutely, positively...” she started getting excited, but got “professional” again, “...have a lot of fun, heheh. Okay, go!” She then blew her whistle.

The curtains opened up. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle slowly came on stage, looking tired.

“What happened to them?” Nyx asked me.

“I don’t know,” I said while they went through their routine, “It looks like they didn’t get any sleep.”

“Ta-da!” Scootaloo said when the finished. I liked the first one better. “So, what’cha think?”

“That's... y'know... good and all, heheh... I just thought... maybe possibly you might wanna go back to, say, the first version of the act, which was, I dunno, what's the word, better?” Rainbow said, “Just do the routine as it was! Don't mess with success, right? Seriously. Now I need to...” She moved to a couple other fillies that were watching, “...go coach these other ponies! And don't forget, we've got to catch the early train for the Crystal Empire. See you in the morning!”

“What are we gonna do?!” Scootaloo asked, sounding worried, “We're competing tomorrow, and I still can't fly! Unless...”

“I’m just too tired,” Sweetie Belle said sitting down, “I can't keep going!”

“Me too!” Apple Bloom added, “Ah'm tired, Ah’m hungry, and now Ah hate this routine! It feels like it's all about you now!”

“She’s right, Scootaloo,” Nyx said as we walked up to them, “It’s like you don’t even need them anymore!”

“Of course I need them!” Scootaloo said back, “Without them, who's gonna hold up the hoop?”

“Ugh!” Apple Bloom groaned, “You don’t listen to yerself! Forget it. Ah'm goin' home to get some sleep.” She began walking away.

“So? Are you gonna leave me too?” Scootaloo asked Sweetie Belle.

“We've gotta catch the early train to the Crystal Empire,” Sweetie Belle said walking away, “I'd better get some rest. See you in the morning, Scootaloo.”

“Come on, Scootaloo,” Scootaloo said to herself, “Do it for Ponyville! Just got to try twenty times as hard!” She tried flying again but only got a little bit off the ground.

“I think Rainbow’s right,” I said, “I think the first one was better.”

Scootaloo didn’t hear me and kept trying to fly. Nyx sighed next to me.

“Come on, little brother,” she said, “Let’s go.”

She began walking over to where Mommy was waiting. I looked back at Scootaloo trying to fly one more time, and then walked over to Nyx and Mommy. Don’t let Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom down, Scootaloo, I said in my head.


The next morning, we were up bright and early at the train station. Our students were taking some luggage along. We wouldn’t be able to get back until tomorrow. Mommy wrote to Uncle Shining and Aunt Cadance about me and Nyx coming, so she and I would be staying with them after the routine competition.

“Crystal Empire! All aboard!” the conductor said.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were running around the platform looking for Scootaloo. She wasn’t here yet.

“Scootaloo?” Sweetie Belle called, “Where is she?”

“She'd better get here soon!” Apple Bloom said, “This here train is about to leave!”

“Here I am.”

We looked over and saw Scootaloo standing there, looking a little tired. The four of us walked up to her.

“We were scared you were gonna miss the train,” Apple Bloom said.

“I... I’m not going,” Scootaloo replied.

“What?!” the four of us exclaimed.

“I'm the weak link,” Scootaloo said sadly, “If I go, and fall, flop, or do anything but fly, I'm gonna blow it for you two.”

“I can’t believe you’re quitting on us!” Sweetie Belle said sounding upset.

“But you're better off without me!” Scootaloo replied.

“But that’s not true, Scootaloo!” Sweetie Belle said back.

“You know what, Sweetie Belle?” Apple Bloom said, “Forget it. If she's gonna quit, we don't want her, and we don't need her!”

She’s not serious, is she? I asked in my head.

“Fine!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Fine!” Apple Bloom shouted back.

“Fine...” Sweetie Belle sighed. Just then, the train whistle blew.

“All aboard!” the conductor called. Nyx, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and I walked to the train and got in. When I sat down, I looked out the window at Scootaloo sadly as the train began moving. Why, Scootaloo? I asked, Why?


We were a little way away from Ponyville now. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were looking out the window I was looking out of. We then stepped away from the window, and I sat down next to Nyx. She put a hoof around my shoulders and pulled me closer to her.

“How’s my favorite routine going today?” we heard Rainbow behind us, “Oh, I just can't keep it in! I want you to win so bad! Bom, bom, bom, bom... and then Scootaloo does that ‘Whoooosh!’ through the hoop!”

“Well, there ain’t gonna be a Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom said sadly.

“She's staying home,” Sweetie Belle added.

“What?!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“She got it in her head that the only way to represent Ponyville was by flyin' in our routine!” Apple Bloom explained, “When she couldn't do it, she told us that she was quittin'.”

“And then you tried to stop her from doing that, right?” Rainbow asked.

“Well,” Sweetie Belle said nervously, “Actually, we kinda told her...”

“...that we didn’t want a quitter,” Apple Bloom finished.

“Hang on!” Rainbow said, “Are you nuts?! You're a team, and a team never leaves a friend behind!” Nyx and I turned around and saw Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looking guilty. Rainbow then flew to a rope and pulled it. The train slowed down and stopped. Rainbow then flew out of the car. “Come on!” she said flying back to Ponyville. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle jumped out of the car. Nyx and I opened the window where our seat was and looked out. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were looking out of their window too.

“Sorry you can't make it!” Diamond Tiara said, “We'll take a picture for you from the winner's circle!” She and Silver Spoon began laughing as the train started moving again.

“I do not like them one bit,” Nyx said.


A few hours later, we arrived at the Crystal Empire. We all got off and were about to go to the stadium, but then we heard something coming our way. We looked to our right and saw something coming really fast.

It was Scootaloo! She was on her scooter pulling Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle behind her.

“They made it!” I said excited. The three of them stopped in front of the platform and walked up to us; Scootaloo was pushing her scooter up too. I ran up to the three of them and hugged Scootaloo. She put a foreleg around me and hugged me back.

“You were all right,” Scootaloo said, “It wasn’t flying that mattered in the routine; it’s friendship.”

“Well,” Nyx said, “Let’s get in that stadium and show them what we got!”

“Yeah!” the five of us said high-fiving each other.


All the teams did their performances, and Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo did theirs the way they did it the first time. Miss Harshwhinny walked up to a microphone and tapped it.

“In the Equestria Games,” she said, “The Ponyville flag will be carried by...” We all waited to hear what she would say. “...Cutie Mark Crusaders,” she said pointing to Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.

They did it! They won!

The three of them cheered happily when they heard that. I heard Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon sigh and then they walked away. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo joined Miss Harshwhinny and Rainbow Dash on the stage, and Miss Harshwhinny gave the three of them flower wreaths.

Rainbow then cleared her throat and flapped in the air in front of them.

“Look,” she said, “What you three did was... acceptable.”

“Acceptable? Acceptable?!” Miss Harshwhinny asked sounding excited, “Why, it was totally stupendously the single most amazing thing I've ever seen!” She began laughing.

“Contain your excitement, Ms. Harshwhinny,” Rainbow said with her hooves on her sides, “Remember... professionalism.”

“Ahem,” Miss Harshwhinny said clearing her throat and scratching the back of her neck, “Y-Yes, well, I...” she then ran off the stage. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Nyx, Rainbow, and I laughed at her.

“How’s that for irony?” Nyx asked giggling.

“You know what this means, right?” Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“What?” Apple Bloom asked.

“We are totally gonna get cutie marks in flag-carrying!” Scootaloo answered.

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle said agreeing. The three of them then began laughing as Rainbow left the stage. I was glad they won.

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