• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Passion at the Waterpark

The Human World. Rainbow Falls Waterpark. Afternoon.

"Woohoo!" During the search for the 5 Alpha Pokemon, Ash and his friends arrived at the Waterpark known as Rainbow Falls, very different to its Equestrian counterpart.

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Waterpark, Pinkie Pie and Sonata were having the time of their lives. They were riding the waves at an attraction known as Tidal Wave Bay, a massive wave pool that simulates the exhilarating experience of swimming in the ocean.

Pinkie Pie and Sonata rode the crest of a towering wave, their laughter blending with the sounds of rushing water and delighted screams from other park visitors. With each rise and fall of the wave, they whooped and cheered, their spirits buoyed by the thrill of the moment.

Despite their enthusiasm and joy, Pinkie Pie and Sonata's attempts at surfing the waves were less than graceful. They bounced and wobbled atop the water, their balance precarious as they struggled to maintain their footing. With each wave, they flailed their arms in a desperate attempt to stay upright, their laughter mixing with the occasional yelp as they tumbled into the water.

Determined to make an impression on Red, Adagio squared her shoulders and struck a confident pose, hoping to catch his attention. With a toss of her hair and a coy smile, she approached him with all the poise and charm she could muster.

"Hey there, Red," she greeted, her voice dripping with subtle allure. "How goes that search?"

But once more, Red showed no major reaction and was casual about it. Adagio's eye twitched as Red was tougher than she expected. Not just when it came to Pokemon Battles.

"Oh, this guy...!" Undeterred by Red's lack of reaction, Adagio maintained her composure, refusing to let his stoicism get the better of her. She decided to take a different approach, trying to engage him in conversation.

"So, Red, what do you think of this place?" she asked, flashing him a playful grin. "Pretty exciting, huh?" But before her plan could take full effect, the fun that Sonata and Pinkie Pie were having reached Adagio, splashing water on her.

Adagio recoiled as the splash of water hit her, causing her to take a step back with a surprised expression. She stood there with her playful hair wet, grumbling and growling. Her body started shaking, feeling cold from the water as she spoke, "Those two...!"

"..." Red said nothing. Only giving her a smile and placing a towel on her as assistance.

"Hmph. T-Thanks." Adagio said before walking off to feel warm. But she would definitely try again eventually.

Meanwhile, with Ash, he had sent his Lucario, Gengar, Sirfetch'd Dragonite and Dracovish out to enjoy the Waterpark and to obviously help with the search of the Alpha Pokemon.

Dragonite and Dracovish were already in their natural habitat, especially Dracovish. Dragonite could be seen sitting in the pool, feeling relaxed. But this obviously put a ton of eyes on her as many people were seeing Dragonite for the first time.

Dragonite, with her majestic presence, drew the attention of many park-goers, who marveled at her impressive size and graceful demeanor. Some approached cautiously, eager to take pictures and interact with such a rare and powerful Pokemon.

"Come on...They're way bigger than the rest of their species. Where are they?" Ash wondered when searching for the Alpha Pokemon.

With Twilight, she was beginning to approach Ash, who was seen searching for any Alpha Pokemon. Twilight was finally confident enough to approach him. The moment when she asked him to go somewhere else was due to the swimsuit she was given.

Clearing her throat, Twilight shimmied her way towards Ash, moving at a Slugma's pace. With each step, her head was shaking aggressively, her nervousness being raised with each passing moment. But her confidence was slowly catching up.

"Maybe he'll like this...Uh, Ash." But right as Twilight was about to speak with Ash, hoping for his opinion, that's when it happened.

The crowd that had gathered around Ash was buzzing with excitement and admiration, eager to meet the renowned Pokemon Trainer who had recently made waves with his battle against Bea. That video didn't just reach Canterlot High after all. Sci-Twi was immediately overshadowed by them all as they just had to speak with Ash who was getting popular even in this world too.

"You're the guy from the video, aren't you?!" A young boy asked as Ash was bombarded with questions.

"You look taller up close!" A young girl at the front of the crowd shouted this question, her eyes wide with wonder as she looked up at Ash.

"Are those scars on your face?"

"How many Pokémon do you have?" A boy pushed his way through the crowd to ask this burning question.

"Ash! Ash! Look at me!" Twilight tried getting his attention, only to be intercepted by a louder question from someone else.

"Uh..." Ash wasn't able to answer them all since these questions were flying in at lightning speeds.

Disheartened by the overwhelming excitement of the crowd and Ash's inability to respond to her amidst the chaos of questions, Twilight sighed in resignation. It seemed that her chance to approach him and strike up a conversation had been thwarted by the fervent enthusiasm of his new fans.

Turning away from the bustling scene, Twilight walked away from the crowd, her shoulders slumped in disappointment. She found somewhere to sit, having a slumped frown on her face.

"Geez..." Twilight lowered her head. "What a waste..." But in response to this, the Fairy Matter that was lurking somewhere in the water would bubble up once again.

Seemingly in response to Sci-Twi's emotion.

Back with Adagio, she was trying another approach to getting Red's attention. This time while Red was going for a drink even during his search for the Alpha Pokemon. Feeling thirsty, he targeted some of the sodas here.

"Perfect! This'll have to work!" Determined not to let her previous failures dampen her spirits, Adagio resolved to try a different approach to catching Red's attention. As he headed towards a refreshment stand, she seized the opportunity to intercept him, hoping to engage him in conversation.

"Hey there," Adagio greeted Red with a charming smile as she sidled up to him at the refreshment stand. "Mind if I join you for a drink?"

Red glanced at her briefly before nodding in acquiescence, gesturing for her to proceed. He didn't seem particularly surprised or intrigued by her presence.

"Try this one. I had it once and it was pretty good." Adagio would get the drink for Red. This drink had a silver-like appearance to it, glistening under the Sun.

"Strangely, it reminds me of home." Adagio continued. "I remember when I was young, there used to be something deep in the ocean that was so delicious that we-"

As Adagio returned with a drink for Red, her smile remained charming and inviting. She presented the beverage to him, its silver-like appearance catching the sunlight as it glistened enticingly. Without hesitation, Red accepted the drink, taking a quick sip.

However, the moment the liquid touched his tongue, Red's eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly withdrew the drink, setting it down with a puzzled expression. There was something unexpected about the taste or sensation that had caught him off guard, prompting him to react swiftly.

He noticed how his mouth was starting to shake, prompting Red to bolt off immediately. This went south in just a matter of seconds. What was delicious to Adagio wasn't so delicious to Red it seemed.

"Ah! Wait!" Adagio's cry echoed, but Red was already moving away swiftly, leaving her standing there with a mixture of frustration and disappointment. She had yet again failed to elicit any significant response from him, despite her efforts to charm and engage him.

"It tasted good to me..."

"Gee. Someone's struggling." Taking notice of this was Sunset Shimmer, who would snicker at Adagio. Sunset Shimmer's snicker caught Adagio off guard, and she shot her a sharp glare.

"What's so funny?" Adagio retorted, her tone laced with annoyance.

"Just watching you try to impress Red," Sunset replied casually, a mischievous grin playing on her lips. "You're not having much luck, are you?"

"Hmph. Just some inconveniences that's all." Adagio crossed her arms. "How was I supposed to know he wouldn't like the taste?"

"Really now? Or maybe your looks aren't as effective as you hope they were. At least, not to Red." Sunset grinned.

Adagio's jaw clenched at Sunset's comment, feeling a surge of irritation rising within her. "Oh, please. As if I need to prove anything to you," she retorted sharply. "If you're so positive about that...Why don't you try and charm him?" Adagio questioned.

"Me?!" Sunset pulled back, caught off guard by the question.

Adagio smirked, enjoying the opportunity to turn the tables. "Yes, you. You seem to have a knack for winning people over, don't you? Or are you only good at it when it suits you?" she teased, raising an eyebrow. "Scared?"

"I'm not scared! I haven't tried it or anything and it hasn't come up once." She shifted her eyes.

"Prove it then." Adagio chuckled, clearly enjoying the playful banter. "Well then, go ahead. Show me how it's done," She challenged.

Sunset took a deep breath, trying to muster up some confidence as she approached Red. She made sure to walk with purpose, her posture straight and her expression friendly yet determined. As she drew closer, she noticed Red washing the taste out of his mouth, a slight grimace on his face indicating that whatever he had just ingested wasn't to his liking.

"Hey, Red," she greeted, her voice warm but casual. "Finding any luck in your search for the Alpha Pokemon?" She hoped to engage him in conversation first, wanting to ease into whatever approach she was about to take.

"..." Red took a deep breath after getting the taste out of his mouth before looking at Sunset Shimmer.

Sunset waited patiently for Red's response, observing his demeanor carefully. She could sense that he was a man of few words, and she didn't want to overwhelm him with too much conversation all at once. Instead, she offered a friendly smile, hoping to put him at ease despite the awkwardness of the situation.

"You know, after we finish finding these Alpha Pokemon, Red, mind helping me catch another Pokemon of my own? It's been a while since I have and it'd be nice if we could do more than just battle together." Sunset requested and she immediately hit the jackpot. She went straight for the things that interested Red.

Red regarded Sunset with a nod, appreciating her straightforward approach. He appreciated her understanding of his quiet nature and her willingness to engage with him on topics that mattered to him. While he didn't express much outward enthusiasm, the slight tilt of his head indicated his interest in helping Sunset catch a new Pokémon after their current task was completed.

"..." Red's silence spoke volumes as he acknowledged Sunset's request, silently agreeing to lend her his assistance once their current mission was accomplished.

Sunset then let out a sly smirk in Adagio's general direction, causing her to flinch and grimace with her teeth grinding. "No way!" Adagio bellowed. "That's a cheap shot...Involving Pokemon!"

Sunset Shimmer then placed her arms around Red's own arm, deciding to go with him while searching for the Alpha Pokemon. Red just looked confused as to why Sunset was hugging his arm.

"Two can play at that game..." Adagio snarled. Adagio's reaction didn't go unnoticed by Sunset, who simply flashed her a mischievous grin in response. She understood that Adagio was trying to compete for Red's attention, but Sunset wasn't about to back down from a challenge.

As Sunset wrapped her arms around Red's arm, she felt his confusion but ignored it, determined to play along with her own strategy. She kept her grip firm, subtly signalling her intent to stay close to Red as they continued their search for the Alpha Pokémon.

Anything to grind Adagio's gears was acceptable in Sunset's mind. That rivalry between the two of them had never went away ever since then and it was only being fanned while they were competing over the biggest flame.

And from this, a competition between the two began.

Sunset focused on engaging Red in conversation, finding common interests as they searched for the Alpha Pokémon together. She made sure to stay close to him, keeping up her cheerful and friendly attitude to draw him in. Since she knew Ash way more than Adagio and Red was Ash's counterpart, she attributed everything from Ash to Red for an easy victory.

On the other hand, Adagio adopted a more direct approach, using her natural charisma and allure to catch Red's eye whenever she could. She flaunted herself, making bold moves to capture his attention and leave a lasting impression.

And as a bonus, involving Pokemon. Red loves Pokemon, so why not try that and Sunset Shimmer did not take too kindly to that. This involved bringing up Pokemon Red hasn't seen yet or even certain challenges back at Equestria that might pique his fancy.

But so far, Red wasn't captured by any of them.

Meanwhile, the people in the Waterpark were suddenly starting to feel a bit cold. Not because of the water, but due to something else.

"Hmm...Getting cold all of a sudden. Isn't it close to Summer by now?" A man said, feeling the chill.

As the chill spread through the Waterpark, whispers of confusion and concern rippled among the visitors. Some wrapped towels tighter around themselves, while others exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of the sudden change in temperature.

"I thought it was supposed to be warm today," remarked a woman, rubbing her arms to fend off the cold. "This isn't normal."

A group of children playing in the shallow end of the pool shivered and huddled together, their teeth chattering as they felt the unexpected chill in the air. "Why is it so cold, Mommy?" one of them asked, casting a worried glance at her parent.

"Oh geez..." Rainbow Dash, when trying to enjoy some of the attractions, felt cold all of a sudden, along with Rarity and Applejack. "What gives?"

The trio exchanged puzzled glances as the chill crept over them, interrupting their enjoyment of the Waterpark's attractions. They huddled together, seeking warmth and reassurance as they tried to make sense of the sudden change in temperature.

"Is it just me, or did it just get really cold all of a sudden?" Rainbow Dash shivered, wrapping her arms around herself in a futile attempt to ward off the chill.

"It's not just you, Rainbow. I'm freezing too," Rarity replied, her teeth chattering slightly as she glanced around at the other visitors who were also affected by the cold.

Their attention was then drawn to Adagio and Sunset who were fiercely competing for Red's affection, even if it was just a game. They took it to the point where the two of them were now physically butting heads.

"You're stealing my game plan here!" Sunset growled at her. "I was suppossed to go with the Pokemon Approach! Stick to your looks! Unless that's all you're good for~"

"Hah! You wish!" Adagio barked back at her. "I've got more than looks to offer, if you must know!"

"Come on, Red! Let's have a quick battle. Maybe that'll force the Alpha Pokemon out and it'll be fun." Sunset grabbed his left arm.

"Forget that. You already battled her in the morning. Have some time with me." Adagio would grab his left arm. The two rivals looked at each other with intense gazes, fighting to take Red.

Caught between Sunset and Adagio, Red found himself in an unexpected predicament. Each girl was vying for his attention, their competitive spirits driving them to increasingly desperate measures. As Sunset and Adagio both grabbed onto his arms, their intense gazes locked in a silent battle of their own, Red couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

"...!" Poor Red grimaced at all of this.

"Let go of him!" Sunset insisted, her grip on Red's arm tightening.

"No way! He's mine!" Adagio countered, refusing to back down.

Just then, in response to Adagio and Sunset's argument, the pink energy inside of the water would become even more visible. It was the Fairy Matter as it would let out a bright pulse. This pulse would then correlate with the chill in the atmosphere as the hands of some of the people here were starting to freeze with ice being overlayed over them.

The sudden escalation of the situation caught everyone off guard, including Red, Sunset, and Adagio. As the pink energy pulsed and the chill in the air intensified, Red narrowed his eyes. He glanced around, noticing the ice forming on the hands of some of the people nearby.

"What's happening?!" Sunset exclaimed, releasing her grip on Red's arm as she turned her attention to the unusual phenomenon unfolding around them.

Before anyone could react further, the pink energy surged once more, sending out another pulse that rippled through the Waterpark. This time, the ice spread more rapidly, encasing not only the hands of those nearby but also starting to creep along the edges of the attractions and pools.

"That's...Fairy Matter!" Sunset Shimmer gasped as the Fairy Matter finally showed itself. But not only did it show itself, the Pokemon responsible for it would emerge.

The pool in this Waterpark would shake for a moment as arising from it, levitating with a Psychic energy was none other than Alpha Kirlia.

"Kirlia...!" As always, bigger than its natural species.

"The Alpha Pokemon!" Sunset and Adagio collectively said. As the imposing figure of Alpha Kirlia emerged from the pool, Red, Sunset, Adagio, and the rest of the group watched in awe and apprehension. The Fairy Matter it emitted seemed to intensify with its presence, causing the freezing effects to spread even further throughout the Waterpark.

"Lia!" With a cute smile on her face, Alpha Kirlia put her hands together, causing the people here to freeze a bit faster. But most notably, Sunset Shimmer's arms were also beginning to freeze as she was feeling the chill.

Feeling the chilling effects of Alpha Kirlia's Fairy Matter, Sunset Shimmer gritted her teeth as she struggled against the encroaching frost. Her arms began to stiffen, the cold creeping through her veins and numbing her movements. "What's going on...?!"

As the icy grip of Alpha Kirlia's Fairy Matter spread, panic rippled through the crowd as more and more people found themselves trapped in frozen prisons. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack stood frozen in blocks of ice, their expressions frozen in shock as the cold enveloped them. Other park-goers suffered a similar fate, their bodies encased in ice as they struggled against the numbing chill.

"It feels like I'm cold-blooded for some reason!" Sunset shivered.

"This is my chance! My chance to catch a Kirlia!" Adagio's eyes flashed. This was the closest she was going to get to having a Gardevoir on her team. By catching Kirlia, she would eventually be able to evolve into a Gardevoir. But because she was wearing a swimsuit, her Poke Balls were back in her clothes. "Ah!"

Not everyone was given an icy prison but it was quite a lot. After trapping some of them in ice blocks, Kirlia then turned her attention to Red, Adagio and Sunset. Specifically those three. But her eyes would also look in the distance thanks to her being airborne, gazing directly at Twilight Sparkle.

Earlier, the Fairy Matter reacted to Sci-Twi based on her emotions and after what Sunset and Adagio did, the Fairy Matter was fully available. And when seeing her, Kirlia manipulated the energy, sending it straight for Ash. It travelled through the atmosphere, breaking through the cold and targeting the Alola Champion.

Immediately intercepting this was Gengar, who phased through the surfaces of the Waterpark, travelling as fast as he could. "Gen...Gar!" By using Dazzling Gleam, Gengar illuminated his body in a beautiful rainbow light. This light intercepted the flowing Fairy Matter, blocking its advances. But not only that, the two forces of Fairy Energy meeting created a reaction that caused them both to fizzle out.

"Kirlia...!" Kirlia grumbled before descending into the water she came from. But now, her location has been compromised. Due to her sudden action, she made herself aware of everyone else here, especially Ash's group.

Once she left, the chill would drop. Sunset Shimmer's body would stop freezing along with those who were in the middle of being frozen. With Kirlia's retreat, the icy prisons surrounding the trapped individuals began to dissipate, melting away as quickly as they had formed.

Red's Charizard helped with the melting process, using his own flames on these ice blocks. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and the other frozen park-goers were freed from their icy confines, their bodies gradually returning to their normal state as warmth flooded back into the area.

Sunset Shimmer let out a relieved sigh as the freezing sensation faded, grateful for the sudden change in temperature. "That was close," she remarked, shaking off the remnants of the cold.

"What was that all about?" Ash asked. "Kirlia was underwater the whole time? Are all the Alpha Pokemon underwater?"


"I didn't think a Kirlia could breathe underwater," Twilight replied. "They'd all have to have been down there as soon as the park opened because we didn't see them for minutes until recently."

"Kirlia can't normally breathe underwater though..." Ash pondered.

"That chill." Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer was still thinking about the chill she felt within. So were Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Applejack. "Just what was that?"

"It felt like my blood was cold." Rarity uttered.

"Same here." Rainbow Dash could confirm that. To the three of them plus Sunset Shimmer, they pointed out how it was mainly their blood that was cold.

The group exchanged puzzled glances, contemplating the mysterious chill that had swept through the Waterpark. It seemed to have affected them on a deeper level than just surface discomfort, penetrating to the very core of their bodies.

"It's like the cold went straight to our blood," Sunset mused.

"Your blood? Hold on..." Sci-Twi thought for a moment. "Kirlia was the one who emerged from the water, right?"

"I think so." Sunset Shimmer confirmed. "That's all we saw. None of the other Alpha Pokemon showed up."

"So Sliggoo didn't show up either." In Twilight's mind, she was starting to piece it together. "That means the Dragon Matter probably didn't show up either. But based on what I'm hearing, it sounds like you four were going through the same thing Dragons go through."

"What?! Are you saying we're cold-blooded?!" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Well, I wouldn't say you are, but maybe that's what was happening to you. Dragons, reptiles and liazrds are usually cold-blooded so anything cold is pretty dangerous to them. Somehow, Kirlia must've been injecting some of that in you with the Fairy Matter."

"But wouldn't that make sense with Dragon Matter or something like that?" Sonata questioned. That sounded like something the Dragon Matter would do instead."

"Well, I'm not 100% sure, but there's only one way to find out. Did any of you see where Kirlia went?"

"Gengar!" Gengar certainly did. He knew exactly where to go and that was underwater.

"Looks like we'll have to head down there." Ash translated for them.

"Underwater...? For a long time?" Rainbow Dash gulped.

"Looks like it," Ash confirmed, though his own expression betrayed a hint of uncertainty. "Maybe the other Alpha Pokemon are down there and this is the only way we're gonna find out."

"We can't hold our breath for that long though." Rarity pointed out. "I mean, I assume we'll be staying down there for a while."

"No problem." Ash grinned before facing the Dazzlings. "Can you three cast the spell on us."

"Sure, sure," Adagio said nonchalantly. Together, her sisters would twirl their fingers in unison, tapping into the magic within. From their fingertips, sparkles of magic, representing their respective colours would fly. Ash and the others were surrounded in this dazzling magic, specifically around their heads.

This was obviously the Underwater Breathing Spell, made to give them the ability to breathe underwater for 20 minutes in total. No more than that.

"Don't you three need that spell too?"

"We're Sirens. We don't need the spell." Adagio replied. Even if they were in their Human Forms, their biology was still there, giving them that advantage.

With all of them set, they approached the spot, following Gengar's lead. There, they stood over the area Kirlia was previously over. Adagio was already thinking about catching Kirlia, and since she was a Siren, she could stay underwater for as long as she wants, not needing to worry about a time limit.

"Here goes." Ash said. Taking a deep breath to steel themselves for what lay ahead, the group plunged into the water, their bodies enveloped by the cool embrace of the underwater spot, originally meant for entertainment.

One by one, they all started dropping inside, passing by what was originally just normal waters. But the deeper they went, they saw something ahead. Right ahead appeared to a flash of light, almost like an entrance. The light grew brighter as they approached, casting dancing reflections on the marble structure of the Waterpark. It beckoned them forward, seeming rather inviting.

The light got brighter and brighter the close they went as they could feel its energy. The energy of this light felt rather familiar, specifically to Ash, Red and Twilight as they squinted their eyes. The three of them were the first to pass through, seeing nothing white right afterwards.

They emerged from the light, finding themselves in a completely different area. There was definitely something beyond the Waterpark. Ash and his friends immediately found themselves in a sprawling underwater garden, where every surface is adorned with an explosion of colours reminiscent of a rainbow. The walls are draped with curtains of swaying seaweed in every shade imaginable, while the sea floor is carpeted with anemones, each one a brilliant burst of colour.

"Wow...It's a Garden!" Fluttershy gushed at the sight before her. Towering above the swaying seaweed were clusters of coral reefs with brilliantly hued coral formations in shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet, creating a stunning backdrop.

"So this is the Real Rainbow Falls." Sunset Shimmer gasped. Now it was all accurate. While not a waterfall much like its Equestrian Counterpart, the appearance of this area was very much just as magical.

This was where Kirlia went. And potentially, by extension, the other Alpha Pokemon. When standing in this Underwater Garden, Ash, Twilight and Red were zoning out for a bit. It happened again. That familiar sensation within their minds. This felt familiar to them and by now, they've begun to figure out that whenever they get that feeling, that can only mean one thing.

It was connected to Prisma and Twilight Luminaria in some way.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 441 End.

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