• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Dawn of a New Pokemon School

Author's Note:

It's Season 8 Time. Which also means the main focus of all of this is going to be the Gen 7 Legendaries

Equestria. Ponyville. Day.

It was a new day here at Equestria. And at this moment, Twilight Sparkle was gearing up to head to the Pokemon School today. The only Pokemon School that exists in Equestria with the teachers constantly being in and out, having other jobs. To learn about the endless world of Pokemon was a dream come true for her. Her pool of knowledge could expand with no limit in sight.

She leapt out of her home with a huge grin on her face as the first pony she saw ended up being her good friend Fluttershy, alongside her partner Audino. "Fluttershy! Off to the Pokemon School today?"

"Oh, well. Not today, Twilight." The pegasi shook her head, skipping out on today. "No one's really going to be there at all."

"Oh, there'll be some students flocking in for sure. Some still want to learn more about Pokemon, especially the young ones." Twilight added. "There might be some teachers there as well."

"Not right now. The Pokemon School hasn't been that populated recently. All the teachers are off doing what they normally do." Fluttershy explained in further detail.

"Huh. So...it's practically devoid of life." Twilight pouted, thinking about how the Pokemon School would be with barely anyone in it.

"I'm sure you'll find somepony there. I just came to give you a heads-up, Twilight. But I know you'll go anyway. You always look like you have something to learn after all."

"That's true. But it's always fun when it's with someone else. Back then, I always used to study on my own but studying and learning with others is much better. I guess I have Eve and the others on my side." Twilight would then pet the Sun Pokemon on the head, always appreciating her company. "What about Rainbow Dash and the others? Will they be there?"

"They're doing their own things. But have fun at the Pokemon School anyway. I'm sure you can teach yourself. We've seen a lot after all, haven't we?"

"Done a lot too. Thanks to everything that's happened, we can make new history books. It's not every day that you ever see new history books show up. And honestly, I'd love to be the first to write all about it!" Twilight's eyes lit up. The thought of writing about the new history of this Grander World was thrilling.

She pictured herself now. Her prized possession was that special book which detailed every event that involved the Pokemon World. From the day the two worlds met to when they merged as one and beyond. She would cover every major event possible, no matter how rough it was, making sure that the true history was known to everyone. Her magnum opus. Twilight just couldn't wait as she could get started at any time.

"I can see it now!" She squeed. "The Memory Book I made will be a good baseline for it. And I know for a fact Roxanne will be there since she loves learning just as much as me!"

Canterlot. The Pokemon School.

Just as Fluttershy said, it was very much absent of many students. The Princess of Friendship stood at the entrance of the Pokemon School as its doors were open. But the amount of sound coming from it might as well be non-existent. Only the sound of the wind passed through.

The Pokemon School has been rather empty recently with students coming in less and less over time, with the student count reaching a very low amount a few weeks ago. The absence of many involved the Teachers doing their normal jobs in their respective regions, cities and towns plus the students being busy with other things. Twilight had plenty of time and chose to spend it here at the Pokemon School, but it felt off without many being present.

Twilight went into each classroom, seeing if she could find someone. However, the classrooms were also devoid of life, having their lights turned off and the objects completely untouched. Twilight remembered how active this school was with many of the students regularly causing a stir. After all, a majority of them have already gone to normal school prior to the two worlds meeting. They may have matured but that was only outside of school.

But eventually, she came across a teacher here and it ended up being Roxanne, as she expected. The library was the most active place here at the moment. Well, as active as it can be, having a few ponies here.

"Twilight. I knew you'd show up." Roxanne said to the Princess of Friendship. Just like how Twilight knew Roxanne would be, Roxanne expected Twilight to be here.

"Roxanne. It's pretty empty today, isn't it?" Twilight uttered.

"It's been empty for the past few days and weeks. Not many have been coming over. But that's to be expected." Roxanne already saw the reasons as to why this place was empty. "It's not that they don't like it but because they've already had a head start. You and many across Equestria have had your run-in with Pokemon and learned a lot about them in the beginning, right?"

"That's true. It's thanks to Ash that I got to learn plenty about them. Plus, the Pokedex is a big help as well, telling me a lot about a Pokemon in just a few seconds."

"Perhaps if the Pokemon School was built earlier, it'd be more lively." Roxanne shrugged. "Maybe. You've already learned a lot, Twilight. There are still things about the Pokemon World you can learn here but...it looks like everyone prefers to learn more about Pokemon in a more active sense than studying."

"I guess." Twilight sighed, shifting her eyes to the side. "It is more fun to know more about Pokemon in that way. Getting out there, exploring the many regions and what kind of history they leave behind. Plus, the Legendary Pokemon are better to learn about in person."

"Exactly. Truth be told, before our worlds met, our Pokemon Schools always started with us at a young age. But for your world, even the children get first-hand experience of Pokemon. I can't really say there's much I can teach you that you can find out there in the world, Twilight. That's why half of the teachers rarely show up here despite being chosen for the job. I don't think I've seen Jasmine here once."

"Yeah...Its a shame. But I do prefer the first-hand experience." Twilight would take a seat, plopping her head on the table. "I could just head out there with my friends and see the rest of the world. And it was way easier with the gateways being so frequent."

"If it makes you feel better, you can always wait for the next generation of students so that they can learn about Pokemon." Roxanne sat down with her. "After all, Cynthia entrusted you with a position here at the Pokemon School, didn't she?"

"She did. And I was excited when I heard about it." Twilight smiled, thinking back to what Cynthia said to her. She was essentially passing down the torch, seeing potential in what Twilight could teach with how fast she learns and how dedicated she was to knowledge. It was at this moment that something was sparking in Twilight Sparkle's mind. "And about that... the world is filled with so many different creatures who know nothing about Pokemon. It's been 4 years and things will feel new even to this day."


"We still have a lot to learn. Other creatures might not feel too comfortable with Pokemon just yet. But if they were to come to the Pokemon School...they could really be caught up to speed." Twilight made a prolonged gasp, realizing what she could do. "Oh, that's it! Do you think I could speak to Cynthia at the moment?!"

"Good luck with that. She's probably elsewhere away from Sinnoh right now." Roxanne shrugged. "But I'm guessing you want to grab that torch she passed down onto you now."

"More than ever. I can really make this school expand beyond just having ponies as students. This school's already EEA approved and it's in good condition despite all the attacks that have happened in the past weeks."

"Hm. It has avoided a lot, hasn't it?" Roxanne looked around the school, noticing how it lacked very few repairs at all. "If you're going to be taking over now, that means you won't be just a teacher. Me and the others spoke to you about how we won't be here for too long and we'd mainly show up from time to time. You'll need new teachers."

"Right, new teachers. Uh..." Twilight grit her teeth, trying to think of some. "I could just wait for Starswirl to finish solving a way to make new gateways but that's taking a while, obviously. You did say how we could teach since we're learning so much so quickly."

"It looks like you're figuring things out on your own. I can leave the rest to you. You can find new teachers for the school and new students when it comes to knowing about Pokemon, I'm sure of it."

"Right!" Twilight sat up as her eyes were still sparkling with excitement. Something like this got her giddy like a little foal. "I'd better get started then. And I know just how to get the word out!"

Twilight Sparkle would take the helm. She would be in charge of the Pokemon School which was rather aimless at the moment. But very soon it wouldn't be. The new students who will show up here will be from all over Equestria as always but it will not be limited to ponies like before. This time, it would expand to the rest of the creatures out there. Changelings, Dragons, Griffons, Hippogriffs and potentially even more. The Pokemon School would be the best place in Equestria to go to for knowledge on these Strange and Wonderful Creatures, which seemed endless.

The school already had a layout but something larger needed to be made for it. After all, various creatures will be showing up here so the size had to be increased to occupy many of them and the ones later down the road to come.


"Oh, so you're gonna be in charge now?" Ash was told about this, showing up to Ponyville today. The first thing that Twilight said to him was about the Pokemon School.

"That's right. But I need all the help I can get. New teachers to fill in those needed spots. I'm already planning to invite as many creatures across Equestria thanks to the bonds we've shared. Pinkie Pie can talk to the Yaks for me, no doubt. The Changelings might be up for it if either one of us speaks to them."

"Wait, you're not gonna make me a teacher too, are you?!" Ash pulled back as he wasn't really suited for the role of a teacher.

"Don't be silly. With you, you'd probably take the students out too many times for them to be inside. I mean, they'd get things done either way but still. I have a new Pokemon School in mind. I'll completely change its image and it really make it impact the world! Or at least, Equestria. The other regions have their own schools after all. As for teachers...I really don't know who I can choose. Roxanne and the others will be too busy in their own home regions plus I'm looking for teachers that reside here in Equestria. Makes it easier for them to travel."

"I'm sure you'll find someone. Not sure who though." Ash scratched his hair. "I can chime in and help you find someone."

"That's great, Ash! It's time to scout some new teachers!" Twilight rubbed her hooves, eager to find new teachers who can fill those roles. Of course, Ponyville was the first place they would start. If there was one place that was exposed to Pokemon early on, it was Ponyville. Aside from Canterlot, this was the one place in Equestria that had a massive pool of Pokemon Knowledge in just 4 years, all thanks to Ash and his friends coming over.

Ash and Twilight would go around Ponyville, asking whoever they could fill in. Twilight would already have a poster, requesting new Teaching Roles that were available and the vision of a new, revamped Pokemon School. But already, in the first few minutes, offers were turned down by ponies who were too busy already.

The duo would go around the town, asking how anyone would feel being a teacher for the Pokemon School since some of them used to be students. Obviously, they rarely show up there anymore since they've learned so much already so anything standard wouldn't really add to much. But as a teacher, they could use that knowledge to share it to others who are still trying to get used to the existence of Pokemon.

Even then, those potential candidates still had other jobs on their table, so they had to turn it down. But Ash and Twilight wouldn't give up there. They zipped across Ponyville, asking as many ponies as possible, hoping to find someone who would be willing to take the roles. But as they covered each part of Ponyville, no one took the offer.

On the bright side, it showed that Ponyville had a nice employment rate, but it also limited the potential number of teachers that could be at the Pokemon School. And then there were their closest friends who they went to as soon as possible.

"Ah, sorry. I can't fill in for that." Rainbow Dash was soon asked by her friends, only for her to turn down as well. "I'm looking forward to the Battle Frontier and when the Equestria League starts. My career as a Pokemon Trainer's my main goal."

"Eh, pass." Applejack also passed on it. "I think I'm good right now by staying here and working with my family."

"I have all these Pokemon and animals to take care of. I'd love to teach others but I can't leave them be for too long." Even Fluttershy was not up for it. The combination of Animals and Pokemon put a lot on her plate as she had to take care of all of them.

"Mmm...Sorry. I have two jobs to worry about." Rarity soon declined. She had to work at Carousel Boutique while also having a job at PokeStar Studios. She just couldn't be a Pokemon Teacher. "But if you're ever thinking about uniforms, I'd be glad to help with that."

"Me? A teacher? Hmm..." Pinkie Pie was soon asked next. And when asked, she sat there pondering, having her hoof on her chin as that question made her think. Should she or should she not become a teacher? Pinkie Pie genuinely had to think about it, being rather unresponsive for a while. At least she was the only one really thinking deeply about it.

"This is getting nowhere so far." Twilight sighed at the lack of offers being taken. Everyone just had something to do with too much on their plate. "This is just Ponyville. There are other places to choose from."

"Hmm..." Ash also went into a deep state of thought, doing what he could to assist Twilight. "It just has to be someone who knows a lot about Pokemon."

"The closest we had to someone here at Ponyville knowing a lot about Pokemon was...Emerald." Twilight said with a low tone, remembering Emerald Aura. Since she was a Rift Pony, her knowledge of the Pokemon World was vast. "Cold Colt couldn't accept it either. And I guess he's too young and already learning under me to really become a teacher."

"What about Jade then? She's a Rift Pony too, right?" Ash brought up Jade Skies.

"She is but she doesn't seem to have that same knowledge as the others. She didn't even know she was a Rift Pony for a long time." Even Jade Skies was a tough one to decide on. The only other Rift Pony out there that could help them was Obsidian, but he was in another universe at this point. "Alright. We might have to go beyond Ponyville then since we're having this much trouble."

"Hold on! I got it!" Before Twilight could leave, Ash hammered his fist into his hand, having one option in his mind. And that option involved him touching his chest. "What do you say, Sombra?"

"Sombra?!" Twilight's jaw dropped as her voice pierced the inside of SugarCube Corner. But it wasn't enough to break Pinkie Pie from her concentration. Just hearing Sombra being mentioned as a potential teacher made her shudder. Her trust in Sombra was still a bit shaky since he gave off such a menacing disposition. Compared to the others who have reformed, Sombra still carried that air of darkness with him. "A-Are you sure?"

"Me? A Teacher of Pokemon?" Sombra spoke through Ash.

"Yeah. I think you merged with me one or two years ago?" You know a lot since you've been journeying with me for a while, so I know you've got a lot of knowledge in there." Ash trusted Sombra, considering him a friend. He trusted him enough to have him be a teacher.

"You are correct on that. As if I'd ever ignore the existence of these powerful creatures." Sombra let out an intimidating chuckle before appearing out of Ash's body. A smoke left Ash's chest, revealing the Former King of the Crystal Empire. "I'd gladly take that offer. Really, you should have asked me first."

"Awesome! We got our first offer!" Ash cheered.


"R-Right." Twilight stuttered before thinking to herself. "Why did it have to be him before anyone else? He still gives me the creeps and worries me."

"But! I would also like to make some demands. If you can meet them, that is." Sombra wanted something in return. Twilight shuddered at what he could possibly want from all of this.

"And now I've got someone else in mind!" Ash was quick to think of someone else. His brain was accelerating after choosing Sombra with some options coming up. "She's over at Canterlot and she's got a lot of free time on her hooves!"

"Who?" Twilight asked as Ash would soon leave SugarCube Corner, heading to Canterlot. Apparently, there was someone else there who could become a teacher. All the while, Pinkie Pie was still in a deep state of thought, thinking about it. She didn't even notice her friends leaving SugarCube Corner to find another teacher.

Canterlot. Canterlot Castle.

"Hm. You want me to fill in for that position?" The next pony they asked was at Canterlot and it was none other than the Alter-ego of Princess Luna who now had her own physical form and life. Nightmare Moon. Usually, she only appears in the shadows at night, being the most active. But in the day and afternoon, Nightmare Moon just hangs around. She is technically the Princess with the most free time on her hands despite being a part of Luna.

"Yeah, yeah. How does it sound?" Ash asked.


"You know a lot about Pokemon too, right? You're still Luna after all. You and her share the same memories no matter what and when the Pokemon showed up in our world, you were still within Luna even after we defeated you. N-No offence." Twilight squeed, hoping she didn't agitate Nightmare Moon with that.

"It's fine. And yes. Our memories are shared. But it is clear she is the expert when it comes to these creatures. Not that I'm lacking anyway. I'll take your offer and use it to expand my knowledge as well." Nightmare Moon would soon take that offer as well, making her the second pick.

"This is going great right now!" Ash and Twilight would high-five/hoof each other after finding another teacher for this new Pokemon School.

"But! I would like to make some demands as well." Nightmare Moon smiled as she also had something in mind, just like Sombra. "I hope you can meet it."

"Uh, sure," Twilight replied with a slow nod. "Whatever it is...Now I just need some more teachers."

"How many do you need?" Celestia would suddenly appear, opening the doors to where Nightmare Moon was residing. That would be Luna's room which was also Nightmare Moon's by default.

"How many? Uh...I'm not sure actually." Twilight grumbled, unsure of how many teachers she would need. She wasn't sure if it would be the same as the Human Teachers or less. Or even more.

"There's a lot to cover when it comes to Pokemon. You will need a teacher for each possible subject that involves Battling, Breeding, History and more and two more teachers to fill in for either different days, weeks or just as substitutes." Celestia informed as she has her own school after all. Her School for Gifted Unicorns. It was easy to count on Celestia for help when it comes to schools.

"Right! And you'll be a lot of help, Princess Celestia! Do you know anyone else who'd be willing to join?"

"Oh, I do. I know lots of ponies who'd love to be teachers. Maybe not as a Pokemon Teachers but..." Celestia added as someone like her would have plenty of connections. "But it will take some time to get them involved and on board with this. You should make do with who you have and who else you have in mind until they can show up. Unless you already know about them."

"Um..." Ash wasn't sure who Celestia was referring to, unfortunately. "Nah. No clue."


"Alright then. Perhaps you can find some help up in the skies." Celestia looked up, referring to the nation that resides in the air. Pegalysium.

"Wait, Pegalysium?! Are you sure?!"

"Positive. King Paramount, Queen Luminary and I have been speaking for the past weeks about making it easier for Pegalysium and Equestrian Residents to meet with each other. For the most part, we have to travel as high as possible to reach it but we've come up with a solution to help us both."

"A quicker way to get to Pegalysium?! Oh, I gotta see this!" An eager Ash said, wanting to see this new path to Pegalysium.

"Would there be anyone over at Pegalysium who knows enough about Pokemon? I can't think of any..." Twilight pondered about that. "But it would not hurt to try. Pegalysium would be the next destination. And on top of that, potentially, residents from Pegalysium could show up.

Ash and Twilight left Canterlot Castle as Celestia would be the one to guide them to this pathway to the Nation in the Sky. And at the same time, Nightmare Moon spoke to herself, wondering about a few things.

"If only we had access to those gateways. Perhaps counterparts would be willing to join. And speaking of counterparts..." One counterpart came to mind for Nightmare Moon. And it was someone who was a lot like her. The alter-ego of Princess Celestia. Daybreaker. "No. I shouldn't be thinking about her at all. She cannot reach us in this universe thanks to Jirachi. So there is absolutely nothing to fear."

The search for more teachers would continue with the assistance of Princess Celestia being added. Before this new Pokemon School can really get going, preparations had to be made. The building may be ready and already built but it would also need some changes as the student count was about to elevate, involving other creatures from across Equestria. And potentially, beyond as the journey continues.

Chapter 215 End.

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