• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Forcing him out

Illusion of the Unown. Unlight. Unilight Stadium. Day.

The massive land of Unilight. Created by the Unown and appearing as an illusion, Ash, Sci-Twi and Bertha were brought into this Lost Universe. While Ash and Sci-Twi managed to reunite with Ash wearing the same clothes as Prisma and Twilight rocking a regal dress that relates to Twilight Luminaria, all that was left was Bertha, who was at this stadium's field.

Ash, who was being called Prisma by all the citizens of this illusion, would make his way to the arena where Bertha was waiting. The second he stepped out, the most booming cheers came through. It was a full house as they were all elated to see Prisma'sa arrival. This was bigger than any Pokemon League Ash has been to or seen. The numbers were tremendous and were greatly elevated thanks to the various species that can be found. Indeed, Bertha was there, still in her usual getup as nothing had changed about her. Bertha was still herself.

"Bertha!" Ash cried out after entering the stadium. Once he showed up, a thunderous applause and cheer followed as they believed he was Prisma.

"There you are. I was wondering when you'd show up." Bertha wasn't bothered at all. Perhaps it was her age that helped her power through this. As Ash approached, the cheers grew louder, the audience thrilled to witness what they believed was Prisma's arrival. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, but Bertha's tranquillity juxtaposed the fervour surrounding them.

"Are you alright, Bertha?" Ash asked, concerned about how she was handling the situation. "You don't seem that bothered."

"I've seen a fair share in my time, Ash," Bertha reassured him. "This illusion may be perplexing, but it takes more than a mere trick to rattle me."

The stadium's energy surged as the illusionary world continued to weave its narrative, projecting an image of grandeur and fame onto Ash, who wore Prisma's attire. The cheers and adoration from the audience intensified, their belief in his legendary status unwavering.

Despite the confusion of being perceived as someone he wasn't, Ash remained determined to break free from this illusion and reunite with his friends in reality.

"Ooh." As for Sci-Twi, since she was seen as Twilight Luminaria, she received a special seat that would bring her to the arena. Much like how the commentators get their own space, Twilight found herself sitting on a moving chair that was carried up the stadium interior.

Afterwards, the seat would stop at a high place, allowing Sci-Twi to view the arena without anything blocking her way. Twilight was getting a taste of what it felt like to be a Princess, similar to her Equestrian Counterpart. She cleared her throat, putting on a smile as she quite enjoyed it.

"Are you alright, princess?" One of the employees of this stadium asked. Sci-Twi glanced at the employee, her expression maintaining the regal grace that befitted the illusionary persona she had been assigned in this world.

"Oh! Uh, yes, I'm fine. Thank you," She replied with a polite nod, adjusting to the unexpected turn of events. The stadium employee seemed satisfied with her response and continued with his duties, leaving Twilight to take in the view from her elevated seat.

The atmosphere in the stadium crackled with excitement, the cheers for "Prisma" intensifying as Ash approached Bertha. While the illusionary world projected an image of grandeur onto Ash, and bestowed Twilight with an elevated view akin to royalty, Bertha remained an anchor of calmness amidst the illusionary storm.

"Man...Is this what it was like?" Ash said while hearing the cheers of Prisma's name. "It'd be cool to check the whole place out but...We should get going. I don't know why the Indigo Union wanted to bring us here." Ash put his hands together, already knowing of a way to break free.

"Not so fast." But it wasn't like Second Wind was going to sit back and watch. Even though that is what she's been doing. The Unown of her Troops would descend a bit, hovering over the stadium's arena while projecting Second Wind's booming voice. "I should've known you'd be completely fine even after being sent here."

"Second Wind!" Ash cried out after hearing her voice and spotting the Unown. Sci-Twi would soon look up, holding onto her Arceus Pendant.

"You just couldn't stay at the lower lands for your Festival. Of course you would show up at Pegalysium. And you would be immune to Windkiss's Breezeseal."

"Breezeseal?" He finally learned the name of the item he was holding.

"I expected you to be safe by the end of it. After all, I was hoping that the Breezeseal would've made you a part of the winds itself."

"She's right." The voices within uttered. "Our greatest power is being able to seal others and make them a part of the winds themselves. Removing their physical bodies as they merge with nature. Windkiss built us for that very reason."

"It's fine. If anything, this has only fueled my drive to exact vengeance upon you. Even though it's Celestia that I hate the most. Bringing you here to this illusion of Prisma's Lost Universe might be one of my greatest decisions, even if it doesn't look like it."

"Why would you bring us here? What are you planning?" Bertha questioned, knowing fully well that this illusion could be broken out of. It wasn't permanent at all.

"To unlock Prisma, of course. Once he makes his appearance, the Breezeseal will do what is necessary." Second Wind could be heard making a light chuckle. "After all, it seals who it deems an absolute threat. And you, Ash Ketchum, are the biggest one here."

"Me?" Ash said before listening to the sound of the crowd. It seemed like they weren't aware of the Unown at all. They were still cheering Prisma's name. Sci-Twi got off her seat, leaning over and witnessing how the crowd wasn't reacting to this at all. Not even the bodyguards or employees were doing anything. Not too long ago, they were completely interacting with them but now, they were acting as if Second Wind and the Unown weren't here.

"They're not doing anything? Why?" She wondered before glancing at the Unown themselves. "Unless..."

At that moment, one of the Unown rose from the ground, concealing itself before making its move. Bertha gasped as it was right behind her. The effects of the Unown's Hidden Power would kick in, leaving Bertha stunned as the red light would stay there, pouring every once in.

"Oh, no! Bertha!" Ash cried out before turning to face Bertha. The energy emitting from the Hidden Power seemed extra potent, creating a strong pressure.

"How will you feel after one of your friends receives an unsatisfactory effect?" Second Wind spoke before having the other Unown attack. Right before Ash could do anything, the other Unown unleashed their Hidden Power. As soon as he went for Bertha, the red rays of Hidden Power brought another effect.

Ash found the space around him slowing down as the Unown created a bubble that messed with time. It was enough to slow Ash down and continue to affect Bertha.

"Pikachu! Makeshift Volt Tackle!" Ash growled within the bubble, managing to get an attack name out.

"Chu...!" By combining Quick Attack with Thunderbolt, Pikachu was able to mimic Volt Tackle while in the bubble. The electricity would crackle violently as the Mouse Pokemon broke through it, moving at high speeds. He zoomed through the air, tackling the Unown.

The Unown cried out as a mighty shockwave sent it flying. But it was too late. The effect had already reached Bertha. Bertha kneeled on the arena floor, having a crackle of red lightning pulsate out of her body. Thanks to Pikachu's attack, he freed Ash by breaking the bubble.

"This will do nicely. That Professor mentioned something about rage. Let's see if it works." Second Wind uttered. The plan was to trigger Prisma's awakening and to Second Wind, the best way to do that was by targeting Ash's friends. Bertha was among that friend group.

Bertha could be seen transforming into something else. Red tendrils snaked their way out, writhing like living entities, piercing through her flesh. The vines emerged violently, tearing through her clothes and burrowing into the earth below, anchoring her in a macabre display of transformation.

Her once-ordinary eyes became pools of scarlet, the pupils pulsating with an otherworldly light that sent shivers down Sci-Twi's spines. They seemed to bore into the very soul of anyone who dared to meet her gaze. Bertha's visage was now an unsettling enigma, bathed in an unnatural crimson glow that cast eerie shadows across her contorted features.

The sinewy vines continued their relentless ascent, entwining around her form in intricate patterns reminiscent of arcane symbols or circuitry. They coiled around her limbs, encasing her in an ethereal web of crimson lines that pulsed with an unsettling rhythm. Each vine throbbed with a faint red luminescence, casting an eerie illumination upon her body as if infusing her with an unearthly energy.

Throughout the transformation, Bertha remained eerily still, a statue within the intricate web of pulsating vines. The transformation seemed both a fusion and a perversion of nature itself, as if something ancient and alien had awakened within her, reshaping her into a being that defied comprehension.

"Excellent! It feels just like when I made those Zombie Ponies." Second Wind boasted. "Well, almost like it. It's one thing to turn her mindless and ruin her body, but to trap her in an illusionary world? A staggering bonus. And I heard this is only possible in Prisma's Universe."

"Guhh..." Bertha let out a raspy groan and gasp. Her body essentially became one with the ground itself, all the while the smiles of the crowd were still present, only adding to the eeriness of this all. Ash growled, shifting his eyes to face the Unown and by extension, facing Second Wind. That look in Ash's eyes pleased Second Wind greatly.

"I like that look in your eyes, Ketchum." Second Wind's tone changed into an excited one. The Grand Queen of Pinnaculum Pegalysium believed that this might be enough to awaken Prisma. "How does this make you feel~?"

"Bertha! Hang on!" But Ash was strong-willed, not faltering for even a moment. He was focused on saving Bertha.

"You're serious? How?" But Second Wind didn't understand it. She was sure that Ash would lose it and allow Prisma to take control somehow, but alas, that did not happen. Sure, Ash was upset, but not to the point where Prisma's soul might awaken. Sci-Twi was horrified by what she was seeing. Another one of her teachers underwent a horrific transformation that plastered her to the ground.

"Hmph. If that won't work, then perhaps there's another way to force him out of you. Confront your own friend and I can only hope there is one way to save her." Second Wind essentially ordered Bertha to attack Ash and Pikachu, trying whatever she could to free Prisma. At last, a battle was about to take place in this arena, but it was not the usual kind or anything to be excited about.

The battlefield crackled with anticipation as Ash and his trusty Pikachu stood on one side, while Bertha, with her red vines pulsating, loomed confidently on the other. Ash's Pikachu, cheeks sparking with electricity, faced off against the transformed Bertha. The air buzzed with energy, a charged atmosphere signalling the impending clash.

"I don't wanna hurt you, Bertha. But I've gotta free you somehow. Get ready, Pikachu! Use Quick Attack!"

"Pikachu!" With a lightning-quick burst, Pikachu lunged forward, a streak of yellow and black aiming straight for Vinelith. But before the Electric Mouse could reach its target, Bertha's vines flickered into action. With an elegant swish, they intercepted Pikachu's Quick Attack, halting his advance mid-charge. "P-Pi!" The ground shivered slightly as Bertha's defensive manoeuvre held firm.

"Use Thunderbolt!"

"Pika...!" Pikachu bounced back, shaking off the surprise. With a defiant chirp, he gathered electricity, crackling sparks dancing along his cheeks. Once he regained his balance, A burst of energy exploded from Pikachu's cheeks as he unleashed a dazzling Thunderbolt, a sizzling surge of electric power hurtling towards Bertha.

But the transformed Bertha wasn't unprepared. With a resonating hum, the earth beneath her stirred, as if answering her call. A shimmering barrier, woven from the surrounding terrain, materialized, blunting the Thunderbolt's intensity as it crashed against the protective shield.

Ash raised one arm due to the potent impact that caused the dust to aggressively flow and rocks to fly.

"Ash! Don't hurt her too badly, please!" Sci-Twi yelled from afar, her voice reaching Ash thanks to the intensity.

"I know!" Ash bellowed back. "I really don't wanna do this to my friends..."

At that moment, the vines around Bertha would summon something from below. Appearing to assist her were Red Vine creatures that didn't resemble Bertha at all. This was just a side-effect of the transformation. Ash gasped as Bertha received support, even if she didn't wish to do this. But thanks to that single Unown using the advantage of this universe, Bertha had no choice.

"I need your help! Gliscor! Heracross! Talonflame!" Throwing three Poke Balls into the air, Ash summoned three Pokemon who could take flight. When observing this battle, Ash noticed that Bertha was still focused on using the ground to her advantage even when undergoing a transformation.


"Scatter! Get in close to Bertha and hold her steady!" Ash had a new approach. Perhaps holding Bertha in place would do. Once he has her still, he can try his best to break this transformation.

The summoned Red Vine creatures, their vines pulsating with energy, took the initiative. With a synchronized motion, they extended their red tendrils, aiming to ensnare the trio of Pokémon in a coordinated assault. Gliscor reacted swiftly, soaring into the air with a powerful flap of its wings, evading the incoming vines. "Gli!"

"Heracross, use Megahorn! Talonflame, Brave Bird!"

"Hera!" Heracross lowered his horn, charging headfirst into the fray, using his immense strength to break through the encroaching vines. Talonflame executed a skilful aerial manoeuvre, dodging the vines and swooping in to aid its teammates. It then used Brave Bird to accelerate through the air at high speeds which caused Talonflame to break through the vines.

The creatures, undeterred, intensified their assault, red vines lashing out like whips, attempting to corner the Pokémon. Gliscor, airborne and agile, utilized its aerial advantage, diving down in a calculated swoop. Its tail stinger glinted as it launched a barrage of Poison Jabs, aiming to weaken the creatures' defences.

"Here we come, Bertha! Go, Pikachu!"

"Pika!" Pikachu leapt the highest into the air, even more than the Pokemon that can actually fly. With the Sun shining down on his body, the Mouse Pokemon approached Bertha with a Quick Attack, planning to close the distance. The ground below would tremble, summoning pillars of Earth to try and intercept him. The Electric-Type would successfully land on one of the pillars, swiftly running down them to gain some more movement.

He leapt onto the next, running on it as well. But there were some more pillars rising from different angles that Pikachu could run on, otherwise they would slow him down. They were aggressively erupting from below, trying their best to keep the Mouse Pokemon away.

"Gliscor, use Stone Edge!"

"Scor!" Gliscor would slam his tail onto the ground, assisting Pikachu. Intercepting these pillars were large crystals that matched their length. The crystals would pierce through the pillars that almost touched Pikachu, giving him all the time he needed to get in close.

"Now, use Electroweb!"

"Pika! Pikachu!" Close enough, Pikachu summoned an orb from his tail, flinging it forward. The orb then transformed into a web, made to catch Bertha. Even though it would harm her since it was still electricity, it was at least a way to restrain her. Right as she tried to block it with her red vines, the orb landed down on time, trapping the transformed Elite 4 Member.

"Yes!" Sci-Twi cheered at this effort. "Keep at it, Ash!" But unbeknownst to her, there was another Unown behind her. Second Wind didn't leave Sci-Twi out of the equation, knowing how close she was to Ash. While Ash took care of Bertha's transformation, another Unown would use Hidden Power from afar without needing to worry about the bodyguards.

After all, they weren't reacting in the way they should. Spike, Hisuian Zorua and Alpha Pikachu were cheering Ash on as well, but only two of them could detect the danger. Zorua and Alpha Pikachu turned their heads to see a red ray flying their way. Sci-Twi heard the sound of the ray getting close, turning her head to see a crimson light as her eyes widened.

With Bertha pinned down, the vines she controlled would slow down as well. This was Ash's chance to free her from this transformation. "Alright! I'll try and-" Before that could even happen, the shriek of Twilight froze him. It wasn't Bertha in peril.


"Pika?!" Ash and his Pokemon turned to see Sci-Twi restrained by the Unown as well. The Unown's red rays struck Sci-Twi, their Hidden Power taking effect as the crimson energy surrounded her, trapping her within a glowing aura. The Unown's power coursed through her, rendering her motionless as she struggled against the unseen force, her Arceus Pendant pulsating faintly amidst the red radiance.

"No way! Twilight!" Ash cried out, his voice tinged with urgency and concern. He instinctively moved closer, attempting to reach her, but the issue was Bertha was still prominent, separating him from Sci-Twi. But it wasn't just her. Alpha Pikachu, Hisuian Zorua and Spike were caught as well, entangled in this otherworldy barrier.

"Hahaha!" Second Wind thoroughly enjoyed this instance. "Did you think I forgot about her?" The Unown, under her command, seemed to have seized Sci-Twi and the Pokémon, intending to use their connection to Ash to provoke a reaction, possibly triggering Prisma's awakening.

"Ah, the little princess," Second Wind taunted from above, her voice resonating throughout the stadium. "It's fascinating how fragile your connections are. But let's test their strength, shall we? Without a doubt, I can unleash Prisma this way by putting both of their lives on their line. If only I had enough Unown to wipe them out of existence."

The Unown's power intensified, encasing Sci-Twi and the Pokémon in a tighter grip, exerting pressure on their forms. Sci-Twi's Arceus Pendant emitted a faint glow, its energy struggling against the crimson aura ensnaring her. Ash clenched his fists, his resolve hardening. He couldn't allow Second Wind to manipulate his friends, but he wasn't sure who to tackle first. Gliscor, Heracross and Talonflame then noticed the vine creatures slowly growing in size, managing to move on their own without Bertha's own power.

"Go on. Let him free. Based on what we know, Prisma is superior. You might need his help~" She hummed with a cruel tone while the sounds of cheering kept going off.

"..." Ash stood there, in between his friends who were in rough spots. Second Wind, while not here, was most definitely smiling through this. The crowd kept cheering for Prisma, not because they wanted him to win, but because they knew he was going to win. But at the moment, it didn't look like Ash, who was the stand-in for Prisma. was about to achieve victory. Not with these circumstances.

Pinnaculum Pegalysium. Second Wind's Throne Room.

Back in the real world. Second Wind was enjoying the view from her throne room, even taking the time to bring some food over, just for her amusement. Second Wind cackled and giggles at Ash's current predicament, finding this to be the best form of revenge.

"I was going to have your grandmother become my hostage, just so I could force you out. But instead, I'll just deal with you first." She thought to herself. "Makes me wonder what would happen if I took her out of the equation? Would you cease to exist? That would be wonderful."

Second Wind was still looking for Lena Ketchum, wanting to completely crush the Ketchum family and everyone surrounding them. Second Wind was also thinking about where this would put her in the alliance. She could see it now. Above Ghetsis, above Empress Twilight and above Daybreaker. She would be praised for accomplishment, defeating the one person they couldn't.

The jubilation was immense for the Grand Queen. It might end up making her the leader of the alliance since she was the only one who succeeded in this.

Illusion of Unilight.

"Well? What's taking you so long?!" Second Wind barked after seeing Ash just standing there, waiting for him to do something. "Perhaps it's sinking in right now. Yes, that's it."

The voices within the Breezeseal would notice this themselves. They wondered why Ash wasn't making a move as Second Wind was hoping that the item would automatically seal Ash away. Pikachu looked at Ash with a worried look on his face. He feared that this silence was a sign of Prisma appearing.

Ash felt the weight of the situation bearing down on him. The echoes of Second Wind's taunts reverberated in the arena, mingling with the cheers that surrounded him. His determination remained steadfast, but he grappled with a decision, knowing the potential consequences of any action he might take.

Pikachu's worried gaze mirrored Ash's concerns, the unspoken fear of Prisma's awakening casting a shadow over their attempts to free Sci-Twi and companions. Seconds felt like eternities as Ash stood amidst the turmoil, his mind racing through possibilities. He couldn't afford to let Prisma's essence take control, but he also couldn't stand idly by while his friends were in danger.

The voices within the Breezeseal resonated with Ash's internal struggle, sensing the delicate balance between his resolve and the looming threat of Prisma's emergence. The Breezeseal, with its mystical power, managed to detect something within Ash.

But it was not Prisma.

"You don't have all my friends where you want them." said Ash, finally speaking. A smile graced his face as his thoughts weren't fixated on Prisma. They were fixated on someone else.

"Of course I do. What are you talking about? The other Pokemon at your disposal? Send them out and I'll just make things worse for them, if that wasn't clear enough." A pompous Second Wind scoffed. "This is excellent payback for you ruining so much that I built."

"Not all of them." Ash grinned. There was one other friend he was referring to and it was not a Pokemon. However, Second Wind wasn't following at all. It wasn't just Prisma's soul that was within him. Creeping up behind the Unown by blending in with the shadows another individual who was pulled into this illusion.

The Unown that held Sci-Twi and the others was unaware of what was emerging behind it. It was a shadow. But not just any shadow. The Shadow of Sombra. His eyes shimmered in the darkness.

The Shadow of Sombra emerged from the darkness, his presence unnoticed by the Unown as he navigated the shadows, his eyes glinting ominously. His aura exuded a dark energy, cloaked in an otherworldly darkness that contrasted sharply with the arena's illumination.

The voices within the Breezeseal hummed in recognition, sensing the arrival of the shadowy figure. They understood the complexity of Ash's strategy, recognizing the potential impact of Sombra's presence in this illusionary realm.

Before the Unown could react, this time, it was the one who received a sneak attack. It couldn't even make a sound as its body was enveloped in darkness. No one heard anything except for Sci-Twi's side.

Meanwhile, Second Wind, oblivious to the impending threat lurking behind her, continued her gloating. "You think you have some kind of leverage? I have no interest in your petty games, Ash. I know for a fact that I'm close to unleashing Prisma in some capacity. Now hurry up and break already!"

But Ash kept that smile on his face. It soon turned into a grin which caught Second Wind off guard. But as she continued her tirade, the Shadow of Sombra moved with deliberate intent. He remained silent, his eyes focused on the Unown, his presence an enigma in the midst of the chaos.

Ash was not bluffing and Second Wind soon realized this. "Unless...!" Finally realizing that Ash did have some sort of advantage, the Grand Queen used the Unown to view the rest of the stadium. And once she switched her view back to Sci-Twi, she saw that her group was free. "What?!"

Not only that, but Sombra was gone, leaving the Unown on the ground, soaked in its worst possible fears. Second Wind realized that someone had attacked her Unown without her even noticing. And before she could use the other Unown to view it, they were hit with a sneak attack as well.

Sombra moved swiftly as a shadow, covering the next Unown, which in turn, cloaked Second Wind's vision as she couldn't see who was behind it. Only darkness from this point of view.

"Who is it?!"

"Guess you don't know everything about me!" Ash grinned as it seemed as if Second Queen wasn't aware of Sombra a part of Ash. "Hang on, Bertha!" Ash took advantage of this scenario, rushing to Bertha while she was still trapped.

"No you don't! Stop him!" Second Wind bellowed. But before the other Unown could do anything, the Shadow of Sombra cloaked another one's vision, engulfing it. Only a few red rays were unleashed from above, making this interception rather weak. Weak enough for Ash's Pokemon to easily block.

"Hera!" Heracross would slice the ray apart with his horn while Gliscor used his claws to crush them. Talonflame would even fly directly at one of the Unown, avoiding the rays and delivering a powerful Brave Bird.

Ash finally reached Bertha, placing his hands on her face, taking the pain of the electricity with ease. Ash would soon tap into the power of Aura, using it as a means to free Bertha of this horrific transformation, his hands glowing with a vibrant energy. Channelling his inner strength, Ash focused his Aura towards Bertha, seeking to dispel the malevolent transformation plaguing her.

Bertha, caught in the throes of the dark transformation, trembled as Ash's Aura infused her, his determination and compassion guiding the energy. The dark tendrils writhing around her body recoiled against the incoming Aura, resisting the purifying force attempting to free her.

With unwavering resolve, Ash continued to channel his Aura, pushing against the darkness that entwined Bertha, determined to break the sinister hold and restore her to her true form. And he had all the time he needed thanks to his Pokemon and Sombra.

One of the Unown managed to withstand Sombra's sneak attack, gathering the strength it needed to stay in this. And by doing so, it would focus on Ash while he was wide open, making sure not to waste this next Hidden Power as the crimson energy could be seen charging up.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Sci-Twi would intercept this next Hidden Power by having her own Pikachu join in.

"Pikachuuu!" Alpha Pikachu backed up the best friend of his descendant, sending a blistering Thunderbolt that would shock one of the Unown who managed to withstand Sombra's darkness.

As Ash's Aura surged forth, pulsating with unwavering determination, it clashed against the malevolent energies ensnaring Bertha. The dark tendrils that had entwined her began to recoil, pushed back by the sheer force and resolve of Ash's Aura.

Bertha, caught in the grips of the sinister transformation, shuddered as Ash's powerful Aura infused her being. His determination and unwavering commitment to freeing her were palpable in the radiant energy that enveloped her.

And with that, Ash dispelled the power of the Unown with his Aura, freeing Bertha. The red energy would fly out of her body, dispersing into the air as it was joined by a beautiful azure blue light.

"Oooh..." Bertha sighed as her pupils returned to normal. The vines would crumble into nothing. Bertha exhaled deeply, her eyes returning to their normal state as the last remnants of the transformation vanished. She looked up at Ash, gratitude and relief shining in her gaze.

The tendrils that had ensnared her body crumbled away, dissolving into nothingness, as if the malevolent hold over her was shattered by the brilliance of Ash's Aura and the Pikachu's intervention.

"Thank you, Ash...Rather quick, wouldn't you say?" Bertha said, her voice filled with appreciation for Ash's unwavering determination and the aid of Sci-Twi and the others.

"Are you kidding me?!" Naturally, Second Wind was fuming. "You were supposed to-" Second Wind's frustration echoed through the Unown's attempts to maintain their hold over the situation, yet their powers were weakened by the disruption caused by Sombra who was showing them all of their fears.

"You don't have to keep watching." Sombra interrupted Second Wind before she could spot anything else. The one Unown she was using to view this encounter was suddenly met with the Shadow of Sombra. Second Wind gasped as the only view of the illusion that she had was cut off once Sombra enveloped the last Unown in darkness.

And finally, the crowd reacted to this. Everything else but this was ignored. If anything, it was actually the right time to finally respond since Ash's group was victorious.

"Bertha!" Sci-Twi rushed to join them by leaving the special space, a mixture of relief and concern etched on her face. "Are you alright, Bertha?!"

"Yes, dear, I'm perfectly fine now. That was on me. So much for my observations when I was caught off guard." Bertha reassured, placing a comforting hand on Sci-Twi's shoulder.

"Amazing work. All of your." Even the Breezeseal had to give it compliments and praise. "You had us worried there, Ash Ketchum. We honestly thought something dark would've erupted from you."

"Well, there's something dark in me, alright. I could always count on Sombra, no matter what. No one ever sees him coming. And I'm not gonna let Prisma take over, that's for sure." Ash confidently said, pointing at himself. "But I don't think we're done yet. Once we break out of this illusion, we're gonna get out of that cave as fast as possible."

Ash knew that Second Wind wouldn't let this end peacefully. Not when there were the rest of the Indigo Union was still waiting outside. They weren't out of the woods yet, or in this case, Flock Falls. And neither was the potential return of Prisma, as the journey continues.

Chapter 373 End.

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