• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Bequeathed Inheritance

Pegalysium. Nimbus Archipelago. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

The Nimbus Archipelago. A collection of smaller floating islands linked together, which housed possibly the most number of clouds in Pegalysium. The archipelago is considered a romantic destination and a favourite spot for Pegasi riders to take moonlit flights.

The largest island in the Nimbus Archipelago is Cerulean Isle, which serves as the central hub. It features a sprawling, garden with flora that emit soft, blue light, creating a serene atmosphere. It also came with those singing flowers. The island is a popular gathering place for celebrations and events, with floating platforms serving as dance floors.

Right now, it was a part of the Pokemon Festival and opening the gateway to this part of Pegalysium was Lucas. He had arrived, along with Ash, Twilight and Nate. They were here for Windflash and her family, planning to give the Breezeseal to them.

"Is this the place?" Ash asked upon arriving.

"Windflash said her family sometimes appear around here. I don't think anypony else knew that they were Windkiss's descendants this whole time." Twilight Sparkle said. "Once we get the Breezeseal to them, we'll see what happens next."

As Ash and his companions approached Cerulean Isle, the air around them became filled with the enchanting melodies of the singing flowers. The azure glow from the flora cast a surreal radiance across the floating gardens, creating a nice ambience.

Ash, Lucas, Twilight, and Nate were drawn toward the heart of the island, where the celebration was at its peak. The floating platforms served as makeshift dance floors, where trainers and their Pokemon gracefully moved to the rhythm of the magical music.

As they navigated through the lively crowd, they soon spotted Windflash and her siblings, isolated from the rest and sitting next to an area known as Sapphire Shores. A dazzling seaside that possessed crystalline sand.

"Aha! There she is!" Twilight hollered. At last, they had found Windflash as she was with six of her siblings right now.

"Hm? Twilight?" Windflash noticed them approaching. "My time at the Pokemon School isn't today. Is it?"

"No. We're just here for a different reason. You and your family get around a lot, don't you? Even though you live away from most of civilization up here." Twilight pointed out.

"Everywhere in the wild is our home." Windflash giggled. "I don't think we'll ever get used to being inside of a school or any building. It might take a long time, honestly."

"Glad we found you all. I've been waiting to bring this over." The moment of truth. Digging into his bag, Ash was about to pull the Breezeseal. A mystical object that was rightfully meant to go towards Windkiss's descendants.

Windflash and her siblings gathered eagerly as Ash carefully revealed the Breezeseal. The moment it caught the moonlight, the enchanted item emitted a soft, soothing hum. The Pegasi siblings gazed at it with a mix of curiosity and reverence, their eyes reflecting the glow of the mystical object.

And since they were the rightful owners, they could actually perceive its true form. As Windflash and her siblings gazed upon the Breezeseal, a transformation occurred that was imperceptible to the onlookers. The once complex and enigmatic shape of the mystical item unravelled its intricacies before the eyes of the Pegasi descendants. To them, the true form of the Breezeseal became apparent – a radiant, multi-faced masterpiece.

The crystal-like facets of the Breezeseal shifted and danced, revealing patterns that transcended the understanding of ordinary observers. The alternate-dimensional nature of the artefact unfolded before the eyes of Windflash and her siblings, a sight that resonated with the very essence of their Pegasus lineage.

Windflash, with the Breezeseal cradled in her hooves, marvelled at its beauty. "Wow...What is this thing? it's like a living story," she exclaimed, her voice filled with awe."

Her siblings nodded in agreement, each one connecting with the unique facets of the Breezeseal that spoke to their individual strengths and affinities. The complexity of the artefact resonated with the multifaceted nature of their Pegasus abilities.

"This baby apparently has the power to seal someone inside of the wind. Windkiss made it all all those years ago to deal with the Indigo Union but since no one else in her family took it in all those years ago, it's kinda been stuck in a cave for so long." "Ash explained.

"Descendants of Windkiss. It is an honour to meet you." As the ponies within the Breezeseal spoke to Windflash and her siblings, a chorus of voices echoed in their minds.

"Ooo..." Windflash couldn't help but express her amazement. The magical showcase unfolding before them was unlike anything they had experienced in the wild. The singing flowers, the crystalline sand, and now the sentient voices within the Breezeseal – it was a convergence of magic that left the Pegasi descendants in awe.

"We have been waiting centuries for this moment and now the rightful owners of our creator's work can be passed down at last." The voices were very much pleased. "The purpose of the Breezeseal can be fulfilled now."

Twilight, always eager to share knowledge, chimed in, "Your family's connection to this kind of magic has always been a bit out of this world, and now, with the Breezeseal, you have a bridge to the magical legacy of Windkiss. You never used the Clock Door, but maybe you can use this. Easier to carry too."

"Mmm..." Windflash and her siblings gazed at the Breezeseal pondering for a moment.

"We know that the Indigo Union has been dealt with mostly and there are other threats out there. The Breezeseal can go past our original purpose and be used on all threats in the world."

"Thank you. But I don't think we'll be using it." Windkiss gave her answer and it was the one Ash and Twilight expected for the most part.

"W-What?!" The voices in the Breezeseal were flabbergasted. Ash and Twilight already told them about this a few days ago, but now they saw that it was true. Straight from the mouth of Windflash herself.

The voices within the Breezeseal fell into an astonished silence, their ethereal tones reflecting a mix of surprise and disappointment. The Pegasi descendants, despite being the rightful heirs to this magical legacy, seemed hesitant to fully embrace the mystical artefacts that linked them to their ancestor, Windkiss.

"Sorry. It's like we said. We never looked into our ancestor's legacy all that much. Everything she's created, we've never went for or looked into them all."

"What Ash Ketchum and Twilight Sparkle said were true..." one of the voices murmured in disbelief.

Twilight exchanged a glance with Ash, both understanding that the Pegasi siblings were deeply connected to the untamed world and, for reasons known only to them, were reluctant to delve into the magical legacies left behind by Windkiss.

"Sorry." Windkiss approached the Breezeseal in Ash's hand. "But...That doesn't mean we won't take it. It'll be a nice memento of our ancestor."

"Y-You'll take it?!" The voices stuttered once more. There was hope after all.

"Mhm. Why not?" As Windflash spoke, she approached the Breezeseal, her gaze softening with a mixture of gratitude and reverence. With a gentle hoof, she accepted the artefact from Ash's hands and cradled it against her chest. The magical energies within the Breezeseal responded, casting a subtle glow around Windflash. "We didn't say we wouldn't take it. We might not use it since we don't get involved in a lot of things."

"Aah...Had us worried." The voices within let out a collective sigh.

"Thank you. Twilight. Ash." Windflash said, her voice carrying a tone of appreciation. "We might not use it, but having the Breezeseal as a memento of our ancestor is something we'll cherish. Maybe it'll come in handy someday."

Her siblings gathered around, nodding in agreement. The voices within the Breezeseal, though initially surprised, now resonated with understanding and acceptance. The magical artefact, once created by Windkiss to face a formidable threat, had found a new purpose as a cherished relic within the Pegasi family.

It was a promise fulfilled. Ash's promise was finished and he was done here. Well, not for the rest of Pegalysium. He wasn't leaving the nation in the sky so soon.

The rest of the day would go by normally without anything else serious coming up. It seemed that the Breezeseal and Windflash brought some finale to everything that's happened so far during the 4th Pokemon Festival.

Ash and his friends found themselves partaking in all the wonders from the Nimbus Archipelago. One area on the archipelago known as Lavender Lagoon was renowned for its sweet lavender-infused treats, ranging from pastries to beverages. Visitors can savour these delicacies while enjoying the serene ambience of the lagoon.

Some of this was previously found back at Ponyville when Pegalysium's residents came by to share their food and it was just as good up here. Nate, in particular, seemed captivated by the lavender-infused delicacies, his face displaying a mix of surprise and pleasure with each bite.

"Oh yeah! Sky food is the best!" Nate bellowed. The culinary delights of Pegalysium continued to impress, no matter if someone comes from another universe.

They visited a shop named Mystic Mirage Mews which offers illusionary artefacts, such as enchanted mirrors and trinkets that create temporary illusions. Ash used one of the artefacts to immediately appear as a Dragon. So did Lucas and Nate as the three of them appeared as Dragons that Twilight has never seen before. Pikachu and Eseon did the same, giving themselves ancient and futuristic looks. Pikachu appeared as a primal version of himself while Espeon resembled an anroid. A little bit like Iron Valiant as well.

"Mmm..." Twilight, when observing what else the archipelago had to offer, she saw something that caught her attention. The Moonlit Rendevouz. The poster of this area stated this. Couples often venture to Lavender Lagoon for moonlit flights and romantic evenings. The lagoon's pools reflect the celestial hues, amplifying the sense of magic and intimacy. It's a favourite spot for marriage proposals and cloudy weddings. The jackpot for Twilight. She wanted to go there immediately. "Hey, Ash. How about we-"

"Yeah, great stuff, Pikachu!" But Ash was too busy fixated on what he was up to with Nate and Lucas. At this moment, Lucas and Nate had sent out their Pikachus which were each Ash's Pikachu wearing hats from Sinnoh and Unova. The three Pikachus were undergoing a contest.

A Shock Off to be exact. Both Pikachus were measuring their electricity, seeing who could generate enough lightning to knock out their Trainers first. The lightning bolts were all unleashed on the three Trainers who were willing to be shocked just to test the numbers out.

Twilight lowered her eyes at this, barely surprised that they'd be willing to hurt themselves for this. Ash was expected but she wasn't all that surprised when Nate and Lucas started doing the same thing. The similarities were showing themselves more and more.

But, unlike in the past, Twilight was more willing to get involved herself. She would approach the group and their strange contest but perhaps excluding herself from any electrical action. Minutes would pass. Those minutes would end up as hours as the beautiful Sun in the sky would move at its gradual place, entering the late afternoon.


Right now, it was a Twilight. An Edge between Sunrise and Nightfall. The beautiful colours of the Twilight peered through the grand skies.

The sky itself undergoes a breathtaking transformation during Pegalysium's Twilight. The once vibrant blue canvas begins to blend into a canvas of rich purples, pinks, and oranges. Wispy clouds catch the last rays of sunlight, turning into a canvas of pastel shades. The transition from day to night is a gradual process, allowing the inhabitants of Aetheria to witness a slow, serene metamorphosis.

As the sun disappears completely, Pegalysium's Twilighth unveils a celestial panorama. The stars emerge like diamonds scattered across the velvety sky. Luminescent plants and crystals embedded in the floating islands respond to the absence of daylight by emitting a soft, otherworldly glow, creating a gentle and calming ambience.

"I can see what all the hype was about." Nate said while walking along Pegalysium's beautiful fields. "You've got yourself one heck of a world."

"It was worth putting it all together. There's still some stuff we gotta work on though," said Ash. Currently, all three Pikachu were walking alongside each other, conversing with each other and reminiscing about the past. Ash's Pikachu was even spoiling things for his past selves about the rest of his adventures.

Suddenly, a distant rumble echoed through the sky, resonating like the deep bass notes of celestial music. The ground beneath their feet seemed to tremble faintly, and the air pulsated with energy. A sense of awe and anticipation filled the adventurers as they exchanged wide-eyed glances.

"Woah! What is that?!" Lucas gasped. In the distance, he saw them for the first time. Against the fading hues of the twilight, colossal silhouettes emerged, majestic forms with outstretched wings that seemed to span the entire sky. The shadows, shrouded in mist, danced gracefully on the distant horizons. The Pegalysium Giants, the titans that they were, were soaring through the heavens, their presence felt more profoundly than seen.

The Pegalysium Giants. Their forms were obscured by distance, clouds, and mist, appearing as colossal silhouettes that move gracefully through the skies.

"Oh check it out! I think those are the Pegalysium Giants in the background!" Ash squinted, recognizing those towering figures in the distance. "Man, I still haven't seen them up close!"


"Well, you're not gonna start now!" Twilight exclaimed, closing her eyes as she felt the strong wind pressure. "I'm already counting on Windflash to teach me about it back at the Pokemon School and the same goes for the students. We'll wait for that and then we can head over and-"

The rhythmic beat of colossal wings echoed through the air, creating a melodic symphony of celestial flight. Twilight was interrupted as the adventurers could feel the gentle vibrations beneath their feet, as if the very skies acknowledged the presence of these mountain-sized beings. The Celestial Titans moved with deliberate elegance, their forms occasionally revealed in the shimmering moonlight that broke through the clouds.

At that moment, while Nate was smiling at this pleasing sight, the cosmic cloak that he was given would start fizzling. Or rather, the plasma that was around him would move past the cloak. Nate noticed this as the cloak was beginning to fail but his true form was still visible to Ash and Lucas.

"Uh! Twilight!" Nate pointed out. Upon calling her name, Twilight turned around to immediately saw Nate appearing as her brother this time instead of her father.

"It's running out?!" Twilight screeche. So much for permanent protection. It wasn't as perfect as she wanted it to be. "No need to worry! We can just head back to my place and sort this out! I can restart the cloak!"

Thankfully, Twilight could just start over thanks to the Cauldron of Rift Magic back home. Getting Nate back would mean keeping him away from everyone's eyes since they would see him as someone important. However, Nate would still keep the cloak on him, covering his face with it. Ash and Lucas, who could safely touch Nate, would pull him away, deciding to leave Pegalysium behind.

Unbeknownst to them, one of the Pegalysium Giants was actually watching them. The crimson eyes in the distance locked onto Ash and his group, lingering there for a moment. And afterwards, the Giant Pegasus would fly off, bringing no further interaction.

But right behind it, there seemed to be another giant figure in the distance that resembled a Pidgeot, joining the pegasi wherever they went.

Equestria. Ponyville. Twilight's Castle. Nightfall.

It was back to Ponyville and Nate had to be quite stealthy in this scenario. Having the cloak over his head, his face was hidden but the lower part of his body was still revealed. And depending on who sees him, they'll all view a different lower body part, recognizing it immediately.

"Are we there yet...all I keep seeing are stars with this cloak." Nate asked while moving blindly, only having Ash and Lucas to guide him.

"Just a bit more, Nate. After that, you'll get a good look at Ponyville." Twilight replied, navigating her head and eyes to view everypony else and their reactions. They were certainly eyes on Nate, who would all see someone different.

"Twilight. Why are you covering my Wooper?" Derpy questioned, seeing her Wooper instead of Nate. Despite the two of them being of differeing sizes, the size of this fake Wooper was the same as Nate. Quite the large Wooper and even still, Derpy knew it was hers. "Did he hit a growth spurt too?"

"Wooper?" However, the real Wooper was standing right next to Derpy, asking the same thing. But he mainly saw Derpy, who was the same size as a human.

"How can you even tell it's your Wooper?" Twilight wondered before shaking her head. "Nevermind. Just a bit of otherworldly shenanigans going on."

"Oh my gosh! Is that Rhtythm Rumble with you?!" Some ponies saw celebrities who do have a lot of admirers without a doubt. In the eyes of these girls, they saw a celebrity by the name of Rhythm Rumble.

"Yes, yes, it's time. He's busy at the moment." Twilight babbled, trying to play it off. Nate was at least protected by his friends who would make sure he wouldn't be swarmed. "I should've expected the celebrity part.

"It wouldn't be so bad if either of those celebrities were Pokemon Trainers. I'd give them a good name." Nate chuckled right afterwards. "So, are you gonna make me a new cloak?"

"I might have to refresh this one but it looks like it has a time limit and it's not perfect. Until we figure out how to remove the plasma from you, you'll be stuck wearing that cloak."

"Aww...but no one will get to see how cool I look," Nate grumbled.

"Hey! I personally decided to give it a cosmic appearance." Twilight puffed her cheeks while narrowing her eyes. "I think it looks wonderful on anyone who wears it."

"After the Pokemon Festival's over, you're probably gonna be stuck here, Nate." said Lucas. "You can't go anywhere for too long without being seen as someone else. But I do. I get to go wherever I want by opening up a bunch of gateways."

"Then, what about Red and everyone else?" Nate asked.

"Who knows? I haven't seen anything from them at all. Plus, who knows what they've been doing this whole time? One thing's for sure, we're not leaving this universe any time soon."

"I would hope so." Twilight would suddenly come to a halt. "Until we get this Prisma issue sorted out, you're all staying here. We can't have Moonlight or anyone from the Institute come after you in your own universe while you're separated."

"You mean..." Nate uttered before Lucas and him spoke at the same time. "We have to continue sticking together?"

"That's right. That way, we can better understand the whole Prisma thing and keep you away from any alternate universe shenanigans."

"Hm." For a moment, Ash would ponder. "Does that mean we'll have to find Red and the others and bring them here?"

"Probably. But I don't want them to be too limited. It's not like I'm going to keep you from exploring the world. Just... keeping our eyes out." But Twilight wanted to make herself clear with her intentions. It wasn't to shelter them, because she knows they can all take care of themselves.

"Well, we only have uh..." Lucas held his hand out, counting how many counterparts there were left and the ones that were present in this universe.

Ash, Red, Ethan, Brendan, Lucas, Hilbert and Nate. That was 7 Counterparts in total. Only 3 remain which wasn't all that. Even the Four Twilights have managed to meet up with each other at the same time.

"Hm. Just three. That isn't so bad. All that's left is for Calem, Elio and Victor to show up. And that'll be it." Lucas named the remaining three. "Won't be too hard to reach them. I can open up gateways now after all."

"About that. Princess Celestia will need you for one more thing. You haven't forgotten the Universal Alliance, right?" Twilight brought up a greater collection of worlds past the ones they've already learned about during this festival.

"Nope. You can leave it to me, Twilight. And maybe, I'll eventually get the hang of this stuff." Lucas held his hands up, generating the spatial power from within.

"Twilight...Why are you covering and pulling my dad?" A young filly asked, seeing her father as Nate. Realizing how bad this looked, Twilight would squee, deciding to stay behind and explain it all while Ash and Lucas pushed Nate away, rushing to the castle.

"Sticking together isn't so bad. Red was already doing it, and he doesn't stick around others all that much." Nate was on board with Twilight's plan. "We're not gonna do that whole Boys in Red and Blue thing Hilbert came up with, are we?"

"We probably are. It's gonna be a long string of weeks from now on." Lucas snickered along with Ash. Both of them knew what was coming and it was rather exciting. While they aren't cut from the same cloth, their connection to Prisma made them bond at great speeds.

With the Moon appearing over Equestria, another day in the Pokemon Festival was coming to an end. And it seems that peace, for the most part, was making a return with all current attacks coming to an end. And yet, that ominous feeling was still in the air.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 389 End.

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