• Published 2nd Jan 2023
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My Little Pokémon: Grander World - Amarvax

Join Ash, Twilight and all their friends as the journey continues in a unified world

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Can you taste victory?

The Universe.

At this moment, in the vast expanse, the creation of two forms of Matter would be formed. The universe bows before the creation of Dragon Matter and Fairy Matter, which could only exist by adjusting themselves to this Grander World. There, they appeared in their rawest arcane forms. The entire universe had to shift its very nature, force and everything around it to allow room for these newfound matters to exist.

Never before has something like this happened and never before have energies such as these been a concept. Until now. Thanks to an absolute accident, the universe gave way to the two forms of Matter, which would exist from now and forever. Something similar to a Big Bang went off, resulting in an Admiral blue and Pink Energy flashing in the darkness.

This phenomenon even created a new zone of space with its own appearance to complement these two forms of matter.

It was a wonderful creation zone of Dragon and Fairy Matter, appearing as a celestial realm floating amidst the stars, with swirling clouds of colourful cosmic dust stretching as far as the eye can see. A celestial melody resembling that of a Fairy's cry and Magic resonated through the air, composed, followed by the crackling and fierce power of a Dragon. Sparkling orbs of pure magic dance around the nebula, illuminating the space with their ethereal glow.

Observing the creation of this wonderful phenomenon, all the way from the Ambrosial Plane was none other than Strident Heart. She managed to see every particle and piece of this phenomenon take place by viewing it from a cloud. This cosmic cloud acted as a sort of window or crystal ball, showing Strident Heart what has occurred.

"Mmm...!" Naturally, the strident Angel was bothered by this. While most would be happy to see the creation of something new, mainly forged by the bond between a Trainer and a Pokemon, Strident Heart thought otherwise. To her, the fact that the beings on Earth managed to create new forms of matter that had to reshape the universe was already reminding her of the Jirachi situation.

Strident Heart didn't immediately see it as positive. "Those mortals...Dragon and Fairy Matter? Something like that shouldn't exist. Not only that...but the dangers they could bring. If Dark Matter and Anti Matter are anything to go by..."

Unlike her fellow angels, Strident Heart has become increasingly irritated and bothered by what the mortals have created in the midst of this Grander World. Slowly but surely, Strident was starting to see their creations as a blight upon the purity of the world even if it was by accident. As beautiful as the Dragon and Fairy Matter was, she sensed the danger that could come from it.

Equestria. Manehattan. Battle Carnival. Battle Frontier. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

Finishing up the second stage, Rainbow Dash entered the third stage of the Battle Restaurant. Eating the healing food here at the restaurant, her Pokemon were back to full strength, but now she was down to just four. And the previous two battles have made her lose Altaria and Castform. If she loses another Pokemon here, she would be at a bit of a disadvantage. But one thing was for sure. Rainbow Dash was adamant in making sure she doesn't drop out of the Battle Restaurant for a moment.

"Cozy Glow, are you alright? You haven't exactly been all that gleeful recently." Potion Nova noticed Cozy Glow's expression. She was still bitter about how her plan inadvertently allowed Rainbow Dash and Altaria to unlock two new types of matter, ruining everything for her.

"Hm?" She snapped out of it after Potion Nova called her name. "Oh, sorry, miss. I'm a little out of it. This battle's great and all but..."

"If you want, you can head home if you're feeling tired or unwell." Worried about Cozy Glow, Potion Nova was thinking about the best for her. But Cozy Glow didn't need to head home. Technically speaking, she doesn't have a home.

"Afternoon, my little pony!" Standing there was an eccentric character who was already pulling off poses the second she saw Rainbow Dash. The last trainer was dressed with style which complimented the appearance of the Battle Restaurant.

"And you are...?"

"Who am I? Well, you'll be pleased to know that I am Lady Sharon's soon-to-be fiance! Maxime's the name!" He pulled off another pose.

"This is the one I was talking about." Hector opened the door to this room, getting a few words in before he left. "That right there is the odd one, but he means well."

"But of course I do. You've reached the final stage and I am the obstacle for Lady Sharon. Naturally, victory is already decided for me since the love I have for Lady Sharon gives me power. Her love is there, but you'd best believe it fuels me as well."

"It means he's been turned down by Lady Sharon. Multiple times." Hector translated.

"Mmm!" Maxime flinched, keeping a smile which turned crooked for a moment. Judging by that reaction, it was very much true.

"That so?" Rainbow Dash squinted her eyes, giving Maxime a slightly judgemental look. "That's rough buddy. Can't speak on it though."

"It's inevitable, alright? We've been friends since childhood." Maxime cleared his throat. "But never mind that. You won't reach Lady Sharon at all. I even wore my best outfit for this! Behold, the outfit of a Victini!"

"That's supposed to be Victini?" Rainbow Dash observed the outfit, seeing how it was just a suit with shoulder pads, a cloak and some really high boots. Nothing about it was creaming Victini.

"It's the colour scheme of one, obviously. It signifies my victory. What better way to do so than to replicate the colours of the Victory Pokemon itself? " Maxime smirked.

"If you say so. Now hurry up and send out your partner. I'm winning this. The last two battles really awakened something in me and I'm feeling more confident than ever." The pegasus whipped out her Poke Ball.

"Very well then! Show yourself! Greninja!"

"Greninja!" Entering the stage was the Ninja Pokemon Greninja.

"Let's go! Mienshao!" For Rainbow Dash, it was back to Mienshao, who was refreshed after consuming some healing food. She was able to battle once more at full strength.

"But first!" Maxime clapped his hands, prompting the walls of the stage to open up. There, the table of food would show itself this early even before the battle can begin. "Why don't we get a head start? By feasting on the food I prepared. Looking at the food, there was clearly something unique about them. The four dishes that were seen spelt the word love, obviously the work of Maxime.

"Uhh..." Rainbow Dash grimaced when looking at them and so did Mienshao. "She could already imagine the type of effects that could come from eating either of these. Rainbow Dash was also starting to believe that this would be the food that greatly affected her at last.

"Eat this and an effect so beautiful will appear and grace this stage. It won't bring any downsides to your Pokemon at all! Trust me!" Maxime let out a bright grin that would blind Rainbow Dash and Mienshao.

"How romantic!" Rarity thought otherwise, being on the same page as Maxime.

"No thanks. I'm good." But Rainbow Dash would skip out on this.

"Grenin." Even Greninja refused to eat this, turning his head away.

"You too, Greninja?!" Maxime was gutted to hear that. The three of them weren't going to bother with it. Mienshao wouldn't do it just to prove how strong she was. "Hmph. Fine then. I'll have to change up the scenery for myself since Lady Sharon is watching!" The only one to eat the food would be Maxime. He zipped over the table, only doing this because Sharon was observing this battle.

And obviously possessing strong feelings for her, he wanted to impress Sharon at all costs, just so that the chances of him getting together with her would skyrocket. And apparently, eating the food contributed to that. Once he scared down one of the dishes, the effect kicked in.

His eyes would glow, unleashing a bright light that illuminated the stage. Rainbow Dash squinted at the sight of this light which would decorate the stage with hearts. Maxime laughed as all the hearts flew across the room for everyone to see. A pattern of flames would also appear on the walls while also flying outside the centre of each heart.

"Behold! This is meant to represent the fires of my love for Lady Sharon!" Maxime exclaimed. "There was supposed to be more to really sell the appearance but this will have to do!"

"Good to know...! And this is just one food?" Rainbow Dash groaned. She was glad she and Mienshao didn't partake in the rest of the food, otherwise, this would truly be hard to look at. Sharon was watching this and immediately, she groaned and facepalmed. This isn't the first time something like this has happened and it certainly won't be the last.

"Maxime..." Sharon could only groan his name and watch how this battle would play out. While she doesn't want to play favourites, she was hoping that Rainbow Dash would silence him as soon as possible.

"Battle start!"

"Alright, Mienshao! Aura Sphere! Go!"

"Mien!" Mienshao would start off strong, putting her arms together to form a sphere of concentrated Aura. One shot of this Aura Sphere was bound to unleash super-effective damage.

"Go Greninja! Slice it with Water Shuriken!"

"Ninja!" From his hands, Greninja conjured up a shuriken of water that would soon be launched, ready to meet with the Aura Sphere. The two blue-coloured attacks met with each other, entering a momentary clash. Water Shuriken tried slicing through while Aura Sphere attempted to consume the shuriken. Neither happened and both attacks had to blow up in front of each other.

"Move in swiftly with Aerial Ace!"

"Ninja!" In a flash, Greninja was gone, ready to strike at confounding speeds.

"Mienshao, use Acrobatics!"

"Mienshao!" But Mienshao also had a swift move in her arsenal. The two Flying-Type moves would be used against each other as Mienshao and Greninja would zip through the air, clashing their arms against each other. The two Pokemon locked eyes before entering a swift aerial exchange.

Sparks of their exchange could be seen as their strikes were both swift and hard. Mienshao managed to land a blow on Greninja's face, only to be pushed back by a speedy blow to the chest from the Ninja Pokemon. Both Pokemon pushed each other away with only one of them dealing a super-effective blow. Both Mienshao and Greninja slid on the floor when recovering.

"Close Combat!"

"Shao!" Mienshao would move back in, ready for a super-effective blow of her own.

"Hm-hm! Mat Block!"

"Nin!" By slapping the floor, the second Mienshao got close enough, a mat was spawned, acting as a shield for the Water-Dark-Type. Mienshao's paws struck the mat, failing to reach Greninja. The Fighting-Type gasped as the force of the mat would launch her back.


"Now for a spread of Water Shurikens! Shape them to resemble hearts, Greninja!" Maxime exclaimed, wanting the Water Shuriken to appear in the form of hearts. That would be his way of spreading his love some more.

"Nin..." Greninja looked back at Maxime with lowered eyelids as he was certainly not doing that. Plus, he couldn't pull it off regardless.

"Or not..." Maxime cleared his throat. So much for that idea.

"Greninja!" Greninja would use Water Shuriken either way. In his hands, not one, not two, not three but four shurikens were created. Holding them, Greninja would launch them into the air as they would soon duplicate themselves. Mienshao gasped upon seeing multiple shurikens in the air, all targeting her.

"Close Combat! Destroy them all!"

"Mien!" With her eyes flashing, Mienshao was prepared to take out every single one of these shurikens. They all homed in on her, prompting the Martial Arts Pokemon to precisely target each of the individual shurikens.

Her arms moved with a blur, destroying the shurikens as they dispersed into water. She was careful to cover every shuriken that came her way, not missing a single one since they were all locked onto her as if they were heat-seeking.

"Wide open~Aerial Ace!"

"Ninja!" But this was all part of Maxime's approach. With Mienshao focused on all of the shurikens, this left her wide open to Greninja's next attack which was Aerial Ace.

"Shao?!" Mienshao gasped, realizing that Greninja was coming her way. She immediately tried switching her next strike towards the Ninja Pokemon, only for Greninja to juke her out. He created an afterimage, avoiding Mienshao's attack. In reality, he was right behind her, delivering a swift kick to her back. At the same time, the remaining shurikens would land on Mienshao, dealing more damage. Mienshao went slidng on the floor, lying there for a moment.

"Now to keep you steady! Water Shuriken once more!"

"Greninja!" Greninja would form two more shurikens, leaping into the air. And this time, it was to pin Mienshao down. The shurikens targeted the long fur on her arms.

"M-Mien!" Mienshao growled as the part of her body that was attacked didn't bring immense pain. But it still hurt since it dug through just to stab into the floor.

"Not good! Break out, Mienshao!"

"Mien...! Mienshao!" Mienshao snarled, trying to pull her arms up. Alas, that didn't work, surprisingly. She couldn't just blow the shurikens away by leaning forward. She couldn't lean forward at all.

"No way those are strong enough?!" Rainbow Dash leaned back. The shurikens didn't look that strong considering their size but they were actually restraining Mienshao from doing anything at the moment.

"They're just water. How can they hold Mienshao in place like that." There was some things about Water Shuriken that

"But they are!" Maxime shouted. "Greninja doesn't want to admit it, but because of the love I have for Lady Sharon, even the weakest-looking attack can bring great weight!"

"I don't think that's it...But that water's still impressive keeping Mienshao down like that. It's gotta be something else."

"Disagree. That Harmony Phenomenon of yours already proves it. However, my power transcends harmony. It's love, obviously, which is basically an extension of Harmony anyway. If only..." Maxime's mouth would tremble as he slowly balled his fist. "If only Lady Sharon could see that potential harmony..."

"Dude. You've been trying since childhood? And you haven't given up at all?" Rainbow Dash uttered.

"Gutted? Yes. Give up? No!" Maxime wagged her finger. "It's more than just our childhood memories, my friend. It was a vow. You see, I am a servant, but I didn't start out as one. I was a friend of hers from the start. But tragically, I wasn't allowed to spend all that time around Lady Sharon due to my status. We were practically from different worlds."

"So...you just decided to become her servant just to get closer? Is that it?"

"Eh! She asked me to be her designer. My family specializes in tailoring, if you must know. That was the only way I could spend time with Lady Sharon. And over time, we grew a strong bond that soon transformed into a vow. Lady Sharon had dreams of her own future and she stated that she'd like to see me in that future. How wonderful is that?!"

"Mmm..." Sharon grumbled when listening to this conversation, closing her eyes out of embarrassment. "He's partially right." Surprisingly, Maxime wasn't far off, even if there were some things that weren't true.

"Well...I can't say much on that." Rainbow Dash shrugged.

"That's how it is, Rainbow Dash. Surely, you feel the same way, don't you? Isn't there someone in your life you love to start a new life with?"

"No way!" Rainbow Dash bellowed, pulling back from such a notion. She got a bit flustered by Maxime's words. "As if that's a thing for me. At least...I don't think so."

"Your reaction says otherwise. And I believe that's what will help me win this battle. My love is far greater than yours and it'll be cemented with the defeat of your Mienshao! Aerial Ace from above!"

"Greninja!" Greninja would come crashing down from the skies, preparing a divekick. Mienshao growled, trying her best to push through the Water Shurikens. But try as she might, she was unable to do so, even the entire time when Maxime was going off about his past Sharon, she couldn't do it.

"Try kicking up, Mienshao!"

"Shao!" Mienshao had one approach she could try. While her arms were restrained, her legs were completely free. She quickly raised them to try and intercept Greninja's attack. The Martial Arts Pokemon barely pulled it off, blocking the dive kick with both her legs. The impact was strong, making her legs tremble since she was on the receiving end. She pushed Greninja off her, managing to save herself from a super-effective blow.

"Impressive. But what about the second one?" With a smirk, Maxime knew that Mienshao would have a harder time with a second Aerial Ace from above, especially when it was coming in so swiftly as seen by Greninja performing yet another dive kick. Mienshao's legs were still trembling as she tried getting them back up for another counter, but it was too late. She was moving too slow for that to work.

Right on Mienshao's chest, Greninja performed a mighty dive kick. Mienshao gasped and coughed as a smoke cloud emerged thanks to the impact. With her body trapped, Mienshao was hit the most devastating blow in this entire Frontier Facility. The shurikens around her arm could be seen dispersing as the smoke would clear, revealing the outcome.

"Mienshao..." Mienshao had fainted.

"Mienshao is unable to battle! Greninja wins!" Mienshao was out of the Battle Restaurant, which left Rainbow Dash with only three Pokemon. Braviary, Whirlipede and Luxray, to be exact.

"Thanks for everything, Mienshao. You did your best. Get some rest, alright?" She thanked Mienshao for the hard-fought battle, returning the Martial Arts Pokemon to her Poke Ball.

"And that's that. One more left and we can call it a day." Maxime chuckled. "Convinced now, Rainbow Dash?"

"Well, one thing's for sure. Love powers our Pokemon." Rainbow Dash smiled, admitting to that part.

"Precisely. Perhaps my love surpasses yours. That's why I snatched victory from your Mienshao and I'll do the same with your next Pokemon. I know for a fact she was watching that." Maxime grinned, thinking about what Sharon thought about this victory. But in reality, she was not pleased, hoping that Mienshao won that exchange against Greninja.

However, Rainbow Dash had a bit more to say to Maxime. "But I've got a different kind of love that powers me." She held out her next Poke Ball. "I'll show you what it is! Go! Luxray!"

"Luxray!" Appearing on the stage was her third Pokemon. Luxray.

"Let's make this quick, Luxray." A glimmer appeared in Rainbow Dash's eyes, signifying how serious she was going to get. And the same went for Luxray, who also had a glimmer in his eyes.

"Greninja! Go ahead and use Night Slash!"

"Greninja!" Creating blades of darkness in his hands, along came Greninja.

"Luxray! Discharge!"

"Lux...! Luxray clenched his teeth as a powerful burst of lightning would first flare around his body before emerging, creating a wide radius. A radius wide enough to reach Greninja which made the Ninja Pokemon see that he couldn't simply approach Luxray.

"N-Ninja!" Greninja was electrocuted by the Discharge, taking a super-effective blow as his dark blades would fizzle out.

"Now's our chance! Head in with Wild Charge!"

"Ray!" Following up from Discharge, Luxray used Wild Charge, surrounding himself in even more electricity. After Greninja hit the ground, the Gleam Eyes Pokemon threw himself forward, becoming a bolt of lightning.

"Eek!" Maxime was actually worried about this due to his reaction. His eyes almost popped out of his face, prompting him to make a quick action. "Get out of there, Greninja!"

"Grenin!" Greninja had the method of recovering thanks to his agile body. He would flip up from the floor before then leaping to the side, narrowly avoiding the Wild Charge. Luxray missed, but he wasn't done just yet.

"Chase him down!"

"Ray!" Sliding on the floor, Luxray made a quick turn, turning just like a bolt of lightning just to make sure this Wild Charge landed on Greninja.

"Greninja?!" Greninja's eyes would also bulge once he saw Luxray going in for another attack. All Greninja could do at this moment was continue fleeing. He ran as fast as he could, fleeing from the incoming Luxray. Greninja was certainly faster than Luxray when it came to running on foot, but thanks to Wild Charge, Luxray could keep up, tailing Greninja.

"Mat Block!"

"Ninja!" Greninja would have to put up a shield instead of running forever. He came to a stop, quickly slapping the floor. Once more, he created a mat out of thin air, causing it to emerge from below. Right in the nick of time as Wild Charge connected with the mat. Luxray couldn't properly land the attack as he was pushed back by the mat. Not only that, he also suffered recoil damage in the process.


"Close one! Now, use Aerial Ace!"

"Ja!" Once the mat dropped, Greninja would move in, lighting his feet with a white glow. Luxray shook his head after the recoil and smashing into the mat, opening them to see Greninja's foot. Right in his face, he received a powerful kick that could be heard by everyone else. Luxray growled as Greninja drove his foot further into Luxray's face. "Ninja?"

Greninja expected to send Luxray flying, but the Gleam Eyes Pokemon would stand his ground, refusing to be launched back. It took a lot of willpower and muscle power to make this happen as seen by how much he was straining his face and body.

"Use Discharge!"

"Ray!" But that wasn't going to stop Luxray from unleashing an attack. By standing strong on the floor, he managed to unleash a burst of lightning from his body this close to Greninja.

"G-Grenin!" Greninja cried out as he was the one who was pushed back. The Ninja Pokemon would tumble and roll on the ground, not performing a swift recovery like before. That Discharge was super-effective, especially that close.

"Hehe! Keep at it!" Rainbow Dash put on a rather devious smile. "Crunch!"

"Lux!" Switching up his element, Luxray embedded his fangs in a dark energy, leaping into the air, ready to bite at Greninja while he was currently on the ground.

"Quick, Greninja! Water Shuriken!"

"G-Grenin!" Greninja only had time to create a small Water Shuriken in his hand, quickly throwing it into the air. He managed to land it, throwing Luxray off balance in the air.

"L-Lux?!" Luxray received a shuriken to the face, interrupting his Crunch and causing him to fall. But if he was going to fall, it was by taking Greninja down.

"Wild Charge!"

"Lux...Ray!" While falling, Luxray would use Wild Charge, sending himself down at a faster pace. Greninja gasped as he was then hit by an incoming Luxray missile. Luxray ended up giving Greninja the same treatment he gave to Mienshao, avenging her.

And it was rather cathartic. While Luxray suffered recoil damage, jumping out of the smoke, he was still standing. But as for Greninja, out of the smoke came aggressive crackles of electricity followed by a downed Ninja Pokemon.

"Greninja..." Greninja had fainted.

"Greninja is unable to battle! Luxray Wins!"

"See that?! That's what I was talking about, Maxime!" Rainbow Dash pumped her hooves. "It's something me, Luxray and all my friends have!"


"Oh, goodness..." Maxime shook his head, rather perturbed by this while recalling his Greninja. At that moment, he got on his knees, holding his head and screaming to the sky. "That must've been awful!"

"Huh?" Rainbow Dash blinked out of confusion.

"Lady Sharon certainly saw Karma take its place...Greninja lost the same way he defeated Mienshao...How can it get more embarrassing than that?!"

"I don't think it's that big of a deal..."

"Aww. I feel him." Silverstrem thought otherwise and so did Rarity. The two of them were invested in Maxime and everything surrounding him. "That must be embarrassing."

In reality, Sharon was pleased by this, having a visible smile on her face. The contrast between how Sharon and Maxime felt was Night and Day indeed. "But, it's fine!" Maxime stood back up in a heartbeat. "Victory is still within my sights, Rainbow Dash and I don't intend to let it slip away from me! Especially since this is my first go at the Battle Frontier, so I really have to make an impression for Lady Sharon."

"Bring it on then. Luxray and I are ready!"

"In that case...Go! Escavalier!"

"Escavalier!" Making an appearance was the Cavalry Pokemon Escavalier. His final Pokemon and the final obstacle for Rainbow Dash to overcome if she wanted to reach Sharon.

"It's just Escavalier now. It's a Steel-Type so its defence is top-notch. Plus, it's a hard-hitting Pokemon too..." Rainbow Dash said to herself. "Luxray already took some recoil thanks to Wild Charge. This is gonna be a rough one. Unless..."

Just as Rainbow Dash predicted, another serving of the food would appear. Emerging from the walls was another table, ready to bring a random effect to the battle. Rainbow Dash was actually planning to use the food to try and turn things around for her.

"Well? What say you, Rainbow Dash?" Maxime wiggled his eyebrows, wondering if Rainbow Dash would partake in the food this time.

"...We'll take it." She would take the risk this late into the battle. Her friends and the students gulped when hearing that. The duo approached the table, ready to indulge in the delicious yet chaotic food.

"Rainbow Dash! If Luxray eats the wrong one, it could all be over!" Pinkie Pie screeched. "I'm not one to turn down good food but...turn it down!"

"Nah. We're eating." Rainbow Dash grinned, rubbing her hooves together. In reality, there was another reason why she was taking the risk. Truth be told, she didn't see a risk at all. Not when she had the answer to avoid the worst possible outcome.

"Wait a minute..." Maxime was starting to see what Rainbow Dash eluding to. Based on the look on her face long with Luxray's, there was one obvious answer to all of this. The duo started snacking on the food, wasting time. "You aren't!"

"That's right! Luxray can sniff out which is good and which is bad!" Rainbow Dash laughed while her mouth was full. She had used Luxray's X-Ray Vision to detect which food was safe to eat. And after doing so, Luxray went for the one that benefitted him.

"I-Is she allowed to do that!" Flabbergasted, Maxime had to know if this was legal. In his eyes, this just seemed like cheating.

"It's allowed." Instantly, the referee confirmed that it was eligible. Nothing was stopping the Pokemon from using the best of their abilities to their advantage except for maybe some exceptions here and there. But this was not the exception. Luxray was the perfect Pokemon for this Frontier Facility.

"We're gonna need that chance. So get ready, Luxray."

"Lux...RAY!" Luxray roared as the food he consumed replenished him. A strong flare of lightning left his body, frying the rest of the food and the entire table.

"W-We need to end this now, Escavalier." Maxime stuttered, worried about what was coming next. "As soon as possible!"


"Alright!" Rainbow Dash hopped over the fried table along with Luxray. "Let's finish this, Luxray! Together!"


"Alright then..." The referee looked at both sides, seeing that Rainbow Dash and Luxray were back in action, not needing any more time to snack on the dishes. Not that there was much left thanks to the table and the rest of the food being absolutely fried. "Continue!"

"Head in, Escavalier! Drill Run!"

"Cavalier!" By enveloping its lance in an orange energy, Escavalier would approach Luxray, having a super-effective move to put an end to this at once.

"I don't think so! Ice Fang!"

"Luxray!" Luxray would encounter the Drill Run at a close range. And since Escavalier wasn't exactly the fastest Pokemon, this allowed Luxray to prepare himself with enough time. Once Escavalier got close enough, Ice Fang and Drill Run connected with Luxray biting into the attack.

Clamping his teeth onto the drill, Luxray sent a chilling aura that ran through Escavalier's lance. The Cavalry Pokemon gasped as its lance was being frozen over. But at the same time, the lance was moving so fast that it was still managing to harm Luxray's teeth, rapidly hitting it and still counting as super-effective damage.

Both Pokemon moved back with Luxray's teeth shaking and Escavalier's lance almost frozen. Both Pokemon glared at each other with intensity before hearing the words of their trainers in unison.


"Iron Head!"

"Lux!" Luxray would unleash his Discharge while Escavalier covered its lance in even more iron. As if it wasn't hard enough. Right as Luxray unleashed the blast of lightning, Escavalier used its own light to draw it in. It managed to protect itself by makign its lance a lightning rod, nullifying and avoiding any damage done to it. Now, Escavalier was in possession of a lightning lance.

"Haha! Now for a stunning reversal! Your own electricity against you! Strike, Escavalier!"

"Cavalier!" Along came Escavalier with an Iron Head that was mixed in with the electricity of Discharge. However, Rainbow Dash was not impressed. She was the one who used Steel Wing with Electric-Types moves a lot of the time after all and this wasn't any different.

"Wild Charge!"

"Ray!" Luxray would meet with Escavalier once more, setting his body ablaze with lightning. Becoming a lightning bolt, he crashed into the lance, creating a powerful shockwave. Both Pokemon slid back before moving in for another attack. It was a clash between Iron Head and Wild Charge as Luxray and Escavalier were going back and forth, causing plenty of sparks to appear.

"Cavalier!" Right as Escavalier went for a powerful thrust, Luxray would leap over the lance, getting some airtime. And at that moment, Luxray would crash into Escavalier, going for that same aerial tactic. But unlike before, Escavalier wasn't instantly taken out. Instead, it just pushed the Bug-Steel-Type back.

"Can't risk another recoil, so let's finish this! Discharge!"

"Lux...!" Luxray raised his front legs, building up a great surge of lightning that he was going to make sure would finish things off for good.

"Use Megahorn, Escavalier!"

"Esca!" Escavalier was prepared to pierce through Luxray's Discharge, thrusting its lance as hard as it could while advancing. It was a direct hit to Luxray's chest once he stood up, preparing to unleash Discharge. A strong strike that everyone felt was done to his chest, making the Gleam Eyes Pokemon grimace in pain.

But that wasn't enough to put him down. Luxray roared as loud as he could, unleashing his attack either way. He once again kept his feet on one spot, not moving for a moment. Escavalier's eyes widened as it was blasted by a mighty surge of lightning. The result was the lightning causing a strong silence after it fizzled out, followed up by the lance leaving Luxrya's chest.

"Escavalier..." Unable to take such a blow, Escavalier would fall on its back, fainting.

"Escavalier is unable to battle! Luxray wins! Thus, the winner of the final stage is Rainbow Dash!"

"Yes! All three done!" Three consecutive battles have been challenged and completed. All thanks to the efforts of Rainbow Dash's team. She beat the three stages, making her eligible to take on Sharon. A thunderous applause was given to the pegasus which she greatly enjoyed. She also ended up enjoying the incoming hug from Luxray, who quickly ran over to pounce on his trainer. "Ow! Luxray!"


"Hah...Tragic..." Maxime sighed while approaching Escavalier. "I lost with Lady Sharon watching. But...this isn't so bad I suppose. Great work, Rainbow Dash. I suppose my love wasn't strong enough."

"Aw, I don't know about that. I'm not at expert at love, but I guess I could feel it based on how hard you were battling." The pegasus spoke back. "Thanks for the battle, Maxime." Meanwhile, Sharon was pleased to hear that. Pleased to see Rainbow Dash win and for Maxime to tone it down a bit. But she certainly didn't expect what was coming next.

"Yes...My love wasn't strong enough...Which means I have to love even harder!" Maxime took something away from this and it wasn't what Sharon wanted to hear. "That's it! If I do so, then I'll get stronger and stronger and become truly unbeatable! Then, the vow Lady Sharon and I made in the past will truly come to pass!"

"Uh, sure..." Rainbow Dash would let him do his own thing. "Speaking of Sharon, I gotta go and take her on. After some healing, obviously, so..."

"Yes, yes. But you should also know this in advance. You still have your Luxray with you. Which means, even though it will still be a 2 on 2, you're allowed to let Luxray battle, making it a 3 on 2."

"Seriously? Nice!" Music to her ears. This would give Rainbow Dash an even greater advantage having a third Pokemon to back her up against Sharon's two Pokemon. "Sharon, here I come!"

"Well, it's my turn then." Sharon got up, knowing what was coming next. So far, all three battles have been difficult, but Rainbow Dash has managed to overcome them. The last one would be the hardest without a doubt. It was time to see if she could defeat another Frontier Brain.

As for the students, they found themselves having the best time, seeing a Frontier Battle at its fullest and it was now reaching the very end. If only Cozy Glow could find the same enjoyment as her fellow children. But the only enjoyment she wanted was stripped away in exchange for Dragon Matter and Fairy Matter. As the journey continues.

Chapter 356 End.

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